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The Order to Cash flow is the complete process of entering an order into the system
(Sales Order), delivery the good(s) (Shipping), and then producing the Invoice for the

To do O2C cycle the following Responsibilities are required

 System administrator
 Inventory, vision operations (USA)
 Order Management, vision operations (USA)
 Receivables, vision operations (USA)
 General Ledger, vision operations (USA)

(Assign those Responsibilities to your user before starting to do if it is not assigned previously)

Go to Inventory, vision operations (USA) Responsibility

Navigation Items Master Items

when you double click master items below screen will popup choose V1 there and click ok
when you double click V1 below screen will popup

Enter the following details in the appropriate fields

 Item -- Enter your desired item name

 Description -- Enter your desired description
Now you need to assign the template for your item

click on tools from the menu

Tools -- copy from

when you double click copy from below screen will popup choose finished good here
click on apply & Done
Then press Save button

Now one table is affected in the backend


Select * from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B where segment1 = ' your item name';

(Note out the Inventory_item_id and also note that query will show only one row )
from menu

click on Tools -- organization assignments

when you double click organization assignments below screen will popup

choose -- m1 seattle manufacturing here (click on check box)

click on save

now if you check the back end table it will show 2 rows

Select * from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B where segment1 = ' your item name';

(Note the query will show two rows with same Inventory_item_id )
now you need to change the organization to m1
now you need to add the quantity in your item

Go to Transactions Miscellaneous Transactions

when you double click Miscellaneous Transactions below screen will popup

Choose type as Miscellaneous Receipt

click ok

now click on Transactions Lines button

when you click Transactions Lines button below screen will popup

Enter the following

Item -- your Item Name

Subinventory -- choose stores from the list

Quantity -- how much you need

Account -- choose any one from the list

click on save

Now one table is affected MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES_DETAIL


where Inventory_item_id = ( inventory item id you noted previously)

To check the onhand quantity in the front end

go to On Hand, Availability On Hand Quantity

when you double click On Hand Quantity below screen will popup

In Item/Revision field -- enter your item name

and press ctrl+f11

press availability and check out the quantity in the popup screen
Item creation and increasing the quantity is done

Now we need sale the order (item)

Go to Order Management, vision operations (USA) Responsibility

(To navigate through Responsibility you use the HAT symbol in the screen)
Navigation Orders, Returns Sales Orders

when you double click Sales Orders below screen will popup
Choose the desired Customer from the list ( note - when you choose customer few fields automatically

Now choose order type as Mixed ( also learn what are the order types from blogspots)

Here note that order number is still not auto generated

Now click on line items tab

when you click line items tab below screen will popup
Note the moment above screen is popped up Order Number is Auto Generated

Note down that order number


Ordered Item -- Choose the item you created (Item you want to sale or item which is ordered)

Qty --- no. of. Quantity you want sale (amount of quantity ordered)

the moment entered those two fields two tables are affected


select * from OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL where order_number =

note down the HEADER_ID here and go through important columns

( note the FLOW_STATUS_CODE of your order number is ENTERED because still you didn't book the

note down the HEADER_ID here

select * from OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL where HEADER_ID =

Note status is Entered

now click the book order button

click ok

Now the status will be changed from Entered to Booked

check the status in both front end and backend

when order is booked two tables will be affected


select * WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS from where source_header_id = (header_id from ooha table)

note down the delivery_detail_id

(also note the Released_status is R (Ready to release here))

select * WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS from where delivery_detail_id =

(note deliver_id id null here)

Booking the order is completed

Now we need to pick release , pick conform and ship the order

To pick release the order

Navigation -- shipping Release sales orders Release sales orders

when you double click Release sales orders below screen will popup


Based on Rule – Standard

Order number – your order number

(Check the shipping tab and inventory tab once no need enter any field)

Press the Concurrent button

Note down the request Number and click ok

At this moment three concurrent program will run automatically

To check those

Navigation view Request

Click find
1. Pick Selection List Generator
2. Pick Slip Report
3. Shipping Executions Report

Find the move order number in the pick slip report

At this moment two tables are affected


Just check the above two tables for learning and go through

And check the released status from WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS TABLE it will show Y

(y = pick conform)

And also note that delivery_id in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS is auto generated

Note down the delivery_id

Pick release and pick conform is over

Now one table is affected WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES

SELECT * FROM WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES where delivery_id =

(delivery_id you noted from WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS )

Now we need to ship the order

Navigation -- Shipping Transactions

when you double click Transactions below screen will popup


From order number -- your order number

Then click find

Check the path by trip and path by stop tab once

Now go the delivery tab

Press the ship confirm button

Now one screen will popup

Cick ok

If the ship conform button is not enabled or throw error means

(may be ship confirm is not granted for user to rectify)

Close all the form go back to the back to navigation form and press CTRL+L

In then pop up screen search for shipping grants

Press ok

In the pop screen enter

User -- enter your user name

Role – upgrade role

Click on save

Now go to the previous deliver tab press ship confirm button and click ok
Once ship conform Five concurrent program will kickout

Go to view Request click on find button

1. Bill of lading
2. Packing slip Report
3. Commercial Invoice
4. Vehicle Load Sheet Details
5. Interface Trip Stop

Once the above Interface Trip Stop program is completed normally then only your on hand quantity
will reduce

You can check in both the front end and back end

Also check the released status in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS is C (c = closed)

Order is Delivered successfully and closed

Now we need to create the Invoice

Invoice can be created Automatically and Manually

To create the automatically

View Request

Click on submit a request button

(check the radio button is in single and click ok in the popup)

When you click ok one screen will popup in that screen enter

Name – Workflow Back Ground Process

Click ok

Anther screen will popup

Enter the fields

Item type -- OM Order line

Process deferred -- yes

Process Timeout -- yes and click ok

And click on submit

Note the request id and click on no

Click on find

Note three concurrent program is running once all the three is completed invoice number is auto

To check the invoice number in front end


Below screen will poup

Enter your order number and click on find

When a new screen is popup with your order number

Click on action button and choose additional order information

click ok

Click ok

Go to invoice tab in the popup screen

Note your invoice number

To check the invoice in back end

Select * from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL where trx_number = (your invoice number)

if your invoice is generated automatically no need to go for manual method

once you click on Invoice Details button in the above screen below screen will popup

You can also check the above screen in Receivables, vision operations (USA) Responsibility

Change the responsibility to Receivables, vision operations (USA) Responsibility

Navigation Transactions Transactions

Below screen will popup

Press F11


Reference - your order number

Date -- invoice creation date (when you created)

Press ctrl+f11

You can see the above same screen

If your work flow background is error out then your auto invoice is not created

Or if you didn’t create the invoice automatically then only go for manual creation of invoice
To create the invoice manually

Change the responsibility to Receivables, vision operations (USA) Responsibility

Navigation Transactions Transactions

Below screen will popup


Source -- manual

Reference -- your order number

Calss – inoice

Type -- invoice

Bill to – customer name ( address will auto generate)

Click on save

Note down the auto generated invoice number

Still invoice is not generated

Click on freight button on the same screen

Enter the amount first and then only choose carrier and close
Just click on distribution button

Check once and close

Click on complete

Your invoice is generated now

To check the invoice in back end

Select * from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL where trx_number = (your invoice number)

if your invoice is generated automatically no need to go for manual method

Now we need to create the accounting for and post it in GL

Be in the same form (or)

Navigation Transactions Transactions

Query your order number

Now click Tools create accounting

Below screen will popup
Click ok

Click ok

Three concurrent program will kick out at this time

Check those

2. Journal import
3. Posting single ledger - if this one complete with warning no problem
Now click Tools view accounting

Below screen will popup

click on view journal entry

From posting single ledger concurrent program output note down the BATCH NAME
Now switch the Responsibility to General Ledger, vision operations (USA)

Navigation Journals Enter

Enter the batch name in the popup window

Click on find
Click on review journals

Click on post

concurrent request id will popup

clcik on ok

your inovice ammount is posted in GL

Now cahnge the receviables to Receivables, vision operations (USA)

Navigation Receipts Receipts

In the new pop sacreen


Rec eipt method - Manual

Receipt number - enter own number(as you wish)

Trans Number - invoice number you noted previously

Then click on search Apply

Enter the Correct amount at receipt amount field in new popup screen

Click on apply

Once a new popup window opens click the save Button

Now click Tools create accounting

Click ok
Three concurrent program will kick out at this time

Check those

2. Journal import
3. Posting single ledger - if this one complete with warning no problem

Tools view Accounting

Click on view journal entery

From posting single ledger concurrent program output note down the BATCH NAME
Now switch the Responsibility to General Ledger, vision operations (USA)

Navigation Journals Enter

Enter the batch name in the popup window

Click on find
Click on review journal
Click on post

When you click on post one dialogue box will popup with concurrent request id note that id and click ok

Check the result if it is completed with warning no problem

O2C Cycle is completed

Additional information on o2c





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