Science Class X_1309837891
Science Class X_1309837891
Science Class X_1309837891
Two Mark Questions
1. Name the unit of (a) electrical resistance (b) resistivity
2. Define One Ohm
3. Define Resistivity
4. Determine the direction of conventional current?
5. What is electrical power? Write its unit.
Three Mark Questions
6. You take two resistors of resistance 2R and 3R and connect
them in parallel in an electric circuit. Calculate the ratio of the
electrical power consumed by 2R and 3R?
7. A small bulb has a resistance of 2Ω when cold. It takes up a
current of 0.4 A from a source of 4V and then starts glowing.
Calculate (i) the resistance of the bulb when it is glowing and (ii)
Elaborate on the reason for the difference in resistance?
8. Define resistance and resistivity and also give the relation
between them. Explain the dependence of resistance on
9. A bulb is rated at 330V- 110W. What do you think is its
resistance? Three such bulbs burn for 5hrs at a stretch. What is
the energy consumed? Calculate the cost in rupees if the rate is
70 paise per unit?
10. Calculate the resistance of 2 km long copper wire of radius 2
mm. (Resistivity of copper = 1.72 x 1 0-8)
11. What connection is used in domestic appliances and why?
12. A 250 watt electric bulb is lighted for 5 hours daily and four 6
watt bulbs are lighted for 4.5 hours daily. Calculate the energy
consumed (in kWh) in the month of February.
13. A torch bulb is rated at 3V and 600mA. Calculate it’s (a) Power
b) Resistance c) Energy consumed if it is lighted for 4 Hrs.
14. State and derive joule’s law. An electric iron consumes energy
at rate of 420w when heating is at maximum rate and 180 w when
heating is at minimum. The voltage is 220V .What is the current
and resistant in each case?
15. A piece of wire having a resistance R is cut into five equal
parts. (i) How will the resistance of each part of the wire compare
with the original resistance?
(ii) If the five parts of the wire are placed in parallel, how will the
resistance of the combination compare with the resistance of the
original wire? What will be ratio of resistance in series to that of
Magnetic effect of electric current.
1. What does an electric current carrying wire behaves like?
2. How to define field lines?
3. What do you meant by solenoid?
4. What do you understand by electromagnet?
5. Draw the magnetic field lines due to current through circular
6. State the properties of magnetic field lines?
7. State the similarity between solenoid and bar magnet. Also
a difference between solenoid and coil?
8. Explain Fleming’s left hand rule.
9. State Fleming’s Right hand rule.
10- Which rule helps to determine magnetic field. State it also.
1. What is the magnification of a plane mirror
2. What is the radius of curvature of plane mirror?
3. Why paper catches fire when a convex lens is used to ficus
4. What is silvering of mirror?
5. What is refractive mirror?
6. State the formula, lens formula and power of lens
7. The refractive index of water is 1.33 and kerosene is 1.44.
Calculate refractive index of the kerosene with respect to water.
8. What kind of mirrors are used in big shopping stores to watch
activities of customers?
9. Give mirror image of word AMBULANCE
10. The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1. What
does it mean?
The Human eye and the colourful world.
1-Why does ray of light splits when passed from prism?
2-Why doesnt planet appear to be twinkling?
3- How is rainbow formed?
4- Why do stars twinkle?
5- why are danger signal red in colour?
6-Draw the diagram to show incident ray, refracted ray,emergent
ray,angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence
and angle of prism.
7- why does the sun appear reddish in the morning as well as in
the evening?
8- why colour in the spectrum deviate the least and which colour
the most?