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Ref. No./JU/2019-20/DCoE/Summer Semester Exam/ Date 12.05.2020

Summer Semester Schedule-2020
Summer Semester for detained subjects shall commence from 20th June 2020.
Schedule for Classes, Lab and Exam will be issued by concerned HoD.

School of Engineering
Course Theory Practical
B.Tech. Rs.7500 Rs.5000
MCA/BCA Rs.5000 Rs.5000
School of Management
Course Theory Practical
MBA Rs.7500 Rs.5000
B.Com./BBA Rs.5000 Rs.5000
HM Rs.5000 Rs.5000
JMC Rs.5000 Rs.5000
School of Science
Course Theory Practical
B.Sc./M.Sc. Rs.5000 Rs.5000
School of Law
Integrated Course Theory Practical
BBA/BA/B.Com./B.Sc. Rs.5000 Rs.5000
School of Design
Course Theory Practical
ID/JDM/GD Rs.5000 Rs.5000
School of Agriculture
Course Theory Practical
B.Sc. (Agriculture) Rs.5000 Rs.5000

Hostel fee
The students residing in University hostels during the Summer
Semester will be charged Rs.20000/- extra.
A student detained in various subjects shall not be permitted to register for more
than 18 credits in summer semester. Teaching load per subject in summer
semester will bedouble of the load mentioned in the Study Scheme. If a student
has been detained only in practical upto 4 credits, the classes for such practical
subject shall be held only in the first week before the theory class starts.

Students are advised to submit their registration application for detained

subjects accordingly. Registration forms will be available on 16th May 2020 on
E-Notice online payment and after payment form will be sent to the
departmental coordinator online on the given link.

University reserves the right not to offer any subject during summer semester
due to contingent reasons. In any such case, fee deposited by a student shall
either be adjusted against future dues or refunded.

Last date of submission of Registration Form and depositing the requisite fee
shall be 25th May 2020. Registration form shall be accepted upto next five
working days with late fee of Rs.500/- per theory/lab paper and thereafter upto
next five working days with a late fee of Rs.1000/- per theory/lab paper.

No application shall be accepted thereafter for any reason thereof.

JECRC University, Jaipur
Copy to:-
1. All Notice Boards
2. E-Notice
3. All Directors / Deans
4. All HoD’s
5. Controller of Examination
6. Account Section
Cc to: - The President
The Registrar

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