Group 15

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Group 15

22 June 2023 14:16


p block elements general electronic configuration: (except )

1. Why the first member of each group shows anomalous behaviour from rest of members of same group?

The presence of all the three types of elements; metals, metalloids and non-metals bring diversification in chemistry of these

Group 15

General electronic configuration:

Common name: Pnictogens

Group Members:

Nitrogen (N)

• N2- 78% by Volume of atmosphere

• In earth's crust, it occurs as sodium nitrate, NaNO3 (called Chile saltpetre) and potassium nitrate (Indian saltpetre).
• In the form of proteins in plants and animals.
Phosphorus (P)

• It occurs in minerals of apatite family, Ca9(PO4)6 . CaX2 (X = F, Cl or OH) (e.g., fluorapatite Ca9(PO4)6 . CaF2) which are the main
components of phosphate rocks.
• Present in bones as well as in living cells
• Phosphoproteins are present in milk and eggs

Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb) and Bismuth (Bi) - occurs as sulphide ores

Moscovium (Mc) - Synthetic Radioactive element

Trends of Atomic, Physical and Chemical Properties:

Atomic and Ionic Radii

Ionisation Enthalpy


Physical Properties :
Nitrogen - diatomic gas
Remaining elements polyatomic solids

Metallic Character:

Boiling Point:

Melting Point:
Melting Point:


Allotropes of Phosphorus

White Phosphorus

• Discrete tetrahedral unit

• Translucent white waxy solid
• Poisonous
• Insoluble in H2O but soluble in CS2
• Shows chemiluminescence
• Reaction with NaOH:

• Less stable, more reactive (Reason: Angular Strain)

• Readily catches fire in air

Red phosphorus


White Phosphorus -------------------------> Red Phosphorus

• Iron grey lustre

• Odourless, non-poisonous
• Insoluble in water as well as in CS2
• Less reactive
• Does not glow in dark
• Polymeric

Black Phosphorus
• Two forms α-black phosphorus and β-black phosphorus
Chemical Properties
Oxidation states
Anomalous properties of nitrogen

Nitrogen differs from the rest of the members of this group due to:

Reactivity towards hydrogen:

Reactivity towards oxygen:

Reactivity towards halogen:

Reactivity towards metal:

Compounds of Nitrogen


• Colourless, odourless, tasteless and non-toxic gas
• Two stable isotopes:
• Very low solubility in water
• Low freezing and boiling points
• Inert at room temperature (Reason:




• colourless gas with a pungent odour
• freezing and boiling points are 198.4 and 239.7 K
Reason for higher melting and boiling point

• highly soluble in water

Oxoacids of Nitrogen

Hyponitrous acid

Nitrous acid

Nitric acid


• colourless liquid (f.p. 231.4 K and b.p. 355.6 K)
Brown Ring Test


• manufacture of ammonium nitrate for fertilisers and other nitrates for use in explosives and pyrotechnics
• preparation of nitro-glycerine, trinitrotoluene and other organic nitro compounds

• pickling of stainless steel, etching of metals and as an oxidiser in rocket fuels.

• manufacture of ammonium nitrate for fertilisers and other nitrates for use in explosives and pyrotechnics
• preparation of nitro-glycerine, trinitrotoluene and other organic nitro compounds

• pickling of stainless steel, etching of metals and as an oxidiser in rocket fuels.

Compounds of Phosphorus



colourless gas with rotten fish smell
colourless gas with rotten fish smell
highly poisonous
explodes in contact with traces of oxidising agents like HNO3 , Cl2 and Br2 vapours

slightly soluble in water

solution of PH3 in water decomposes in presence of light giving red phosphorus and H2

• Holme's Signal x
• Smoke screens

Phosphorus Halides


Oxides of Phosphorus
Oxoacids of Phosphorus

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