Each lesson aims to help the students see the importance of the lesson on their academic
endeavors, field of specialization, and/ or future career. It paves the way for the grounding of the
fundamental concepts of the lessons in the psyche of the students. It presents activities or
questions that will help students remember the fundamental concepts learned in each lesson.
This module includes reflecting at the concluding part which helps the students imbibe not only
the theories but also the values they need to learn from each lesson.
At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
Communication is made for numerous purposes. The way messages are crafted
depends highly on the intention of the sender.
In a supermarket, a sales agent makes sure that the way a product is promoted gets
consumers buying. A news anchor delivers information in such a way that all the facts are
clearly stated doing away with words that may cause confusion. On the other hand, a criminal
lawyer must design his arguments supported by facts to convince the judge and the jury.
information, you must learn to use and deliver information in a comprehensive and easy-to-
understand fashion to achieve your purpose.
Informative Communication involves giving than asking. It is merely to explain and
inform. As an informative communicator, you want your receivers to pay attention and
understand, but not to change their behavior. By sharing information, ignorance is reduced, or
better yet, eliminated. The informative value of a message is measured by how novel and
relevant the information is or the kind of understanding it provides the receivers.
Osborn (2009) purports that informative communication arises out of three deep
a. We seek to expand our awareness of the world around us.
c. We have an abiding curiosity about how things work and how they are made.
When preparing for an informative exchange, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Is my topic noteworthy to be considered informative?
g. appeals to feelings.
Further explanations:
In the first part of the lesson, you focused on understanding the nature, and impulses of
informative communication and some points for consideration in an informative exchange.
This time, you will learn one of the best ways to disseminate information—through
persuasion. Though many references clearly delineate informative from persuasive
communication, it is undeniable that persuasion is present in all forms of communication as
you always have the purpose to make your audience accept and believe the information that
you share.
The best subjects for persuasion are those that matter most to us personally—what we
strongly believe in, what arouses strong feelings in us, what we would like to see changed,
what enriches our lives. Health is one such topic. To be persuasive, it is imperative that you
must understand the elements of rhetorical appeals. An effective persuasion demands
formulating arguments along the three types of appeals, also called Rhetorical Triangle (see
the illustration below). Each point on the triangle corresponds to one of the three kinds of
persuasive appeals that ancient rhetoricians named logos (logical appeal), pathos
(emotional appeal), and ethos (appeal to credibility of the person conveying the message).
As a communicator and an advocate, you must know how to use these rhetorical
appeals to good use in order to convince or persuade your target audience. How? Refer to
the table below.
school, at work, and in the community. People from all walks of life and in all kinds of work—
teachers, engineers, medical practitioners, technicians, mechanics, salesmen, lawyers,
journalists, politicians, businessmen and many others—know the importance of being able to
persuade and argue convincingly.
One cannot just argue without possessing the skills in persuasion and argumentation.
First, you must know what you are arguing about. Second, you must have sound and logical
arguments and counter-arguments. Third, your arguments must be backed-up by evidence.
Finally, you must present your arguments in effective language and style. This brings us to
what argument is all about: assertions, reasoning and proof.
Refer to the example prepared in the table below. Read closely and observe how the
argument was constructed.
Assertion Reasoning Evidence
What is Why do you What proof/s do you have?
your take this
position? position
Example: Example: Example:
Smoking is (Because) Across the globe, there are 1.1 billion smokers, and if
a deadly Ten Filipinos current trends continue, the number will reach
habit. die every hour 1.6 billion by year 2025. In the Philippines, 28 percent, or
due to 17.3 million Filipino adults aged 15 years
smoking. and older, are current tobacco smokers, according to 2009
data by the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). On the
other hand, the 2011 Global Youth Tobacco Survey report
said that 13% of youth aged 13 to 15 years old use tobacco
products, 18.8% of which are males, while the remaining
9.3% are females.
According to acclaimed public speakers Dale Carnegie and Joseph Berg Esenwein
(2007), "Public speaking is public utterance, public issuance, of the man himself; therefore,
the first thing both in time and importance is that the man should be and think and feel things
that are worthy of being given forth.”
There are many public speaking traditions around the world. We will discuss a few of
these traditions, from the more well-known public speaking traditions of the Greeks and
Romans, and the public speaking traditions that are found in the Philippines.
The most well-known public speaking traditions come from the West, specifically from
the Greco-Roman tradition. The Greeks studied the art of rhetoric on the island of Sicily, and it
began with a practical need. Their government had been overthrown, a new democracy was
formed, and the Greek courts were filled with clashing property claims. The Greek teacher of
rhetoric, Corax, and his student, Tisias, proceeded to help citizens when it came to speaking
persuasively in courts of law, and this led to the expansion of the teaching of rhetoric to
mainland Greece. According to Corax,a basic speech has three parts, the introduction,
evidence, and conclusion, and this simple organization of speeches has endured throughout
the ages (Morreale, 2010).
Other famous Greek teachers were Protagoras, the father of debate, who made his
students argue for and against issues of the day, to sharpen their reasoning skills and
appreciate different sides of an issue. And there was the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle,
also known as the father of modern communication. Aristotle wrote a treatise entitled
"Rhetoric," where he discussed the use of logos (logical argument), pathos (emotional
argument), and ethos (the speaker's character and credibility), in the use of persuasive
speaking (Morreale, 2010).
On the other hand, the most famous Roman orator was Cicero, whose eloquence was
described as a "resistless torrent" (Kleiser, 2009). Cicero was a statesman who argued that
the teaching of rhetoric should be considered an art form, and that this could be useful in "all
practical and public affairs." Cicero believed that in order to prepare a speech, one should first
think of one's listeners and their interests, and to use certain strategies, such as using humor,
questions, etc., to engage the audience (Morreale, 2010).
The Roman lawyer and educator, Quintilian, also forwarded the idea that public
speakers should be ethical. According to Morreale (2010), the ideal speaker was "a good man
speaking well... a good speaker is ethical and of high character, and speaking well-meant
being well-informed and presenting the speech effectively."
It is interesting to note that during these times, women were not allowed to speak
publicly in these countries, and that for a long time, this was true for women in other areas of
the world. However, during pre-colonial times, the Philippines was one of the few places that
allowed women to speak in public for the purpose of presiding over religious rituals. These
women were known as the babaylan, priestesses of the community, and along with the
warriors of the community, the mandirigma, they were the leaders of pre-colonial Philippines
(Mallari, 2013). Although most of the babaylan were women, babaylan priests also existed,
wearing feminine clothing and adopting a feminized role in Philippine society.
The Philippines actually has its own tradition of public speaking. It is called different
words in different regions in the Philippines. According to Montemayor (n.d.), among the
Tagalogs, the Karagatan is said to be a game wherein young men and women duel with each
other using words when it comes to talking about love, while the "Huwego de Prenda... is a
chanter 2: Public Speaking and Reports in the Information Age 31 game used to entertain
guests and the bereaved family during wakes." During the American period, the more widely
known Balagtasan was also staged, on order to honor Francisco Balagtas, a well-known
Filipino poet. The Balagtasan is like an ordinary debate, except that one has to reason and
argue in verse. Two master poets are assigned to defend the pros and cons of an issue, and
a board of judges sits to determine the winner." At first, this whole enterprise was scripted and
staged, but thereafter, they were made in a more impromptu manner.
When the Americans brought public education in the Philippines. They also brought
their public speaking traditions along with them. The Americans wanted to distinguish
themselves from the Spanish colonizers by emphasizing public education, and did so on a
massive scale. They did this using the medium of the English language, which has its own
peculiarities and forms, foremost among them is the dictum to be straightforward. It is
anchored on the public speaking tradition founded on Western Civilization, which is based on
the Greek and the Roman traditions.
In this manner, the Filipino public speaking tradition brings with it the flamboyant,
poetic manner that flourished under Spanish colonization, and the simpler, methodical public
speaking traditions of the West.
Further explanations:
Public speaking is an important life skill, yet few people master it. In fact, many people
are afraid of speaking in public. However, the significance of public speaking has only gotten
stronger in contemporary times. Public speaking platforms, such as TED Talks and YouTube,
have captured and disseminated public speech to an unprecedented scale, and what one
says at the spur of the moment can live forever on the Internet. Great speeches have created
hope in perilous situations, and have made people change their minds about the world and
their places in it.
Items 1, 2 and 4, 5 determine your public speaking anxiety. If you answered items 1
and 2 with a yes, you probably have a low anxiety. If you answered items 4 and 5 with a yes,
you must probably have a high public speaking anxiety. Items 3 and 6 determine your attitude
toward public speaking. If you answered item 3 with a yes, you have a growth mindset. If you
answered item 6 with a yes, you have a closed mindset.
Do you agree or disagree?
1. “Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your
success in your business and in your life.” – Brian Tracy
2. “Ninety percent of how well the talk will go is determined before the speaker
steps on the platform.” – Somers White
- Mark Twain
Your awareness of your fear of public speaking is a good starting point. With your
awareness, you acknowledge that you need to take actions to overcome that fear.
You might also need a strong person to overcome that fear. While it is true that not all
professions require public speaking skills, you must consider the fact that public speaking is
an essential skill in your academic life. Also, in many professions such as those in business,
education, mass media etc., public speaking skills are requirement. In some other
professions, public speaking skills are an advantage. Most importantly, public speaking has
long been the tool for activism that paved way for social and political changes.
By this time, you must have decided that public speaking is highly relevant to your
academic, professional life.
Public Speaking is a process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner to inform,
influence or entertain an audience.
Speech is the term to use to refer to the body spoken expressions of information and ideas.
A speech may be delivered in any of the following modes: read from a manuscript,
memorized and delivered extemporaneous or impromptu. The choice of the mode of
speech delivery is determined by factors such as length of preparation, complexity of
message, purpose, and occasion.
Reading from a Manuscript is appropriate when the speech is long when details are
complicated and essential such as they need to be given completely. Reading is also
appropriate when one is asked to deliver a prepared speech on behalf of another
speaker. Reading may pose the least challenge in public speaking but the speaker
may be tricked into thinking that no preparation is needed. When a message is
delivered through reading, the force, naturalness, and eye contact may be diminished
because the eyes have to travel from page to the audience and vice versa.
Extemporaneous speaking may have a short or long preparation. The speaker may use
an outline to guide him through his speech to achieve better organization and to avoid
leaving out details. But unlike reading, extemporaneous speaking necessitates the
speaker to formulate his sentences while he is speaking. Extemporaneous is a
method that most lecturers and teachers use. A good extemporaneous speaker must
be spontaneous.
Impromptu means speaking at the spur of the moment. Since there is a very minimal or no
time for preparation given for impromptu, the content and organization may suffer.
Impromptu may not deliver the best thought in the best way but it brings out the most
natural thing to say at the moment.
You probably texted or called people to obtain information you needed several times
already. Did you get the information you needed? Did you use the same language and tone in
all your queries through phone calls and text messages?
You might have also received queries via text messages, conversations, and phone
calls. Were there times when you felt the language or the tone of the caller or message
sender was inappropriate? Were you able to provide the information sought satisfactorily?
Both obtaining and giving information are a part of our daily activities. Information
provide individuals basis for actions, plans, and decisions. An individual’s skill in finding
information helps him save time and make well-informed decisions, and actions. Likewise,
giving information effectively is of great help to others.
An inquiry letter is written when a person needs more information about products,
services, internships, scholarships, or job vacancies offered by companies, associations, or
individuals. Often, inquiry letters are sent when a person has specific questions that are not
addressed by the general information available provided by brochures, websites,
advertisements, classified ads, etc.
An inquiry may also be in the form of telephone or personal interview. Depending on
the immediacy and specificity of the need, one of these modes may prove more responsive to
your need.
Both interview and letter require correct and appropriate language use. Both require
correctness, conciseness, clarity of language, and courtesy. While letters require correctness
of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations, indentions, margins, etc., interviews require clarity of
words, correct pronunciation, intonation and pauses, spontaneity, pleasing personality, and
B. Inside address
C. Salutation
First Paragraph: It provides a background of your inquiry such as how, where and when
you first learned of the information. State your purpose in one or two sentences.
Middle Paragraph: This section should specify the information you are seeking.
Final Paragraph: Express your expectation from your addressee and thank him in
F. Signature
The format of an inquiry letter follows any of the following most commonly used
formats: pure block, semi-block or modified block.
The format below illustrates the basic business letter content using the pure block
Further explanations:
In this modern age of technology in this digital world, information are not obtained solely
by means of letters or business correspondences. Inquiries can be done through various
forms Examples are by emails and interviews whether personal interview or online interview.
More frequently used now in inquiry are emails. Emails gained popularity because of
speed and convenience.
Generally, email messages are less formal than letters, although there are still
expectations for appropriate and effective email communication. The formality is determined
by the sender’s familiarity and relationship to the receiver, the classification and objective of
the message to be sent, and other factors that shape the context of communication. In
academic emails, for example, it is more appropriate to sound format and professional. The
use of “ wanna, gonna ”, and abbreviations such as “tnx” and gbu, and emoticons is
inappropriate. In other informal contexts, however, abbreviations and other qualities that apply
to business letters should be observed.
For more effective email communication (and also letters), remember the following:
1. Be courteous, Courtesy does not only mean greeting, thanking, or using police
expressions. It also means considering the feelings of the receiver, thus, the writer
needs to use the appropriate or positive tone.
4. Provide a short but descriptive subject line. The subject line will help the receiver
readily identify the content type and the urgency of the message.
5. Although some parts of the email are optional, it is enabling to know all the other
Below is the list of all the parts of an email. The style may vary depending on the
system you use.
From: Jonathan J. Jose
Sent: 26, May, 9:10AM
To: Aaron C. Jacinto
CC: Maggy J. Jaime
Bcc: Luz D. Cruz
Subject: Scholarship availability inquiry
Attachment: Form 137
Salutation: Dear Mr. Jose
Body of the letter
Closing: Sincerely yours,
Name (email signature)
The parts of the emails are explained below:
From: Name of the person sending the email
Sent: Date and Time
To: Name of the person receiving the email
CC: Other person receiving the message
Bcc: Another person receiving the email without the other recipient knowing
A. Book/Printed Resource
Africa, A.C., (2018). Purposive Communication In the Now(1st Edition).
Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Assertion Reasoning Evidence/s
4. When an interviewer shifts his tone from very formal to informal, or from English to Filipino,
should the interviewee shift also?
____________1. This type of business letter is written to make a request for more
information about a product of service.
____________2. It contains the message of a letter.
____________3. He is known as the father of debate and he is one of the famous Greek
Philosophers and teachers who made his students argue for and against issues of the day to
sharpen their reasoning skills and appreciate different sides of an issue.
____________4. It is an art of gaining fair and favorable considerations for our point of view.
____________5. It relies heavily on a sound proof and reasoning.
____________6. It is a process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner to inform,
influence or entertain an audience.
____________7. The term used to refer to the body spoken expressions of information and
____________8. It means speaking at the spur of the moment since there is no time for
____________10. A kind of speech that may have a short or long preparation and speaker
may use an outline or guide.
____________11. It is a special type of purposive conversation.
____________12. A part of an interview that includes the initial contact of the interviewer and
the interviewee.
____________13. Part of the interview which includes several questions to achieve your
specific objectives.
____________14. Part of the interview expressing gratitude and hope of meeting the
interview again in the future.
____________15. It is more frequently used now in inquiry because of speed and
____________16. He is the father of modern communication and a famous Greek
philosopher who wrote a treatise entitled “Rhetoric” which discussed logos, pathos, and ethos
in persuasive communication.
____________17. This rhetorical appeal refers primarily to the internal consistency and
clarity of the message and to the logic of its reasons and support.
____________18. This rhetorical appeal pertains to the way you establish trust in your
audience—how you portray yourself as an authority and expert on the subject matter and
convey your reputation for honesty and expertise.
____________19. This is one of the rhetorical appeals which is often associated with
“empathy,” that is, how you can vicariously make your audience feel the way you feel.
____________20. This is appropriate when the speech is long and details are complicated
and essential such as they need to be given completely and when one is asked to deliver a
prepared speech on behalf of another speaker.
Prepared by
Approved by