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V+ Module

Reference Manual

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or other-
wise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover,
because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained
in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation
of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is
any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publica-

Company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.

Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

This manual is OMRON's original instructions describing the use of V+ Modules.
These modules can only be used when the ACE server is running or a connection to ACE is present.
Please read this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the sys-
tem before attempting to use these modules.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during programming and con-

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1


2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

Sections in this Manual

Sections in this Manual


1 V+ AceServer Module

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module


3 V+ End-effector Module

4 V+ Process Manager Module

5 V+ Remote Library Module

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

Sections in this Manual ........................................................................................... 3

Terms and Conditions Agreement.......................................................................... 8

Warranty and Limitations of Liability ................................................................................................................8
Application Considerations ..............................................................................................................................8
Disclaimers ......................................................................................................................................................9

Section 1 V+ AceServer Module

1-1 sv.create_msg ........................................................................................................................1-3
1-2 sv.read_adouble.....................................................................................................................1-4
1-3 sv.read_ashort........................................................................................................................1-5
1-4 sv.read_asingle ......................................................................................................................1-6
1-5 sv.read_astring.......................................................................................................................1-7
1-6 sv.read_bool ...........................................................................................................................1-8
1-7 sv.read_byte .........................................................................................................................1-10
1-8 sv.read_double.....................................................................................................................1-12
1-9 sv.read_short........................................................................................................................1-14
1-10 sv.read_single ......................................................................................................................1-16
1-11 sv.read_string.......................................................................................................................1-18
1-12 sv.read_trans........................................................................................................................1-20
1-13 sv.sig.is.equal.......................................................................................................................1-22
1-14 sv.stop_collect .....................................................................................................................1-24
1-15 sv.write..................................................................................................................................1-25
1-16 sv.write_abyte ......................................................................................................................1-26
1-17 sv.write_adoubl ....................................................................................................................1-27
1-18 sv.write_ashort.....................................................................................................................1-28
1-19 sv.write_asingl .....................................................................................................................1-29
1-20 sv.write_astrin ......................................................................................................................1-30
1-21 sv.write_bool ........................................................................................................................1-31
1-22 sv.write_byte ........................................................................................................................1-33
1-23 sv.write_hdr ..........................................................................................................................1-35
1-24 sv.write_short.......................................................................................................................1-36
1-25 sv.write_single .....................................................................................................................1-38
1-26 sv.write_string......................................................................................................................1-40
1-27 sv.write_trans .......................................................................................................................1-42

Section 2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-1 as.save.image.........................................................................................................................2-2

4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)


2-2 check_tracking.......................................................................................................................2-3
2-3 clear_queue ............................................................................................................................2-4
2-4 getinstance .............................................................................................................................2-5
2-5 reset_seq ................................................................................................................................2-6
2-6 set_as_exec_mod ..................................................................................................................2-7

Section 3 V+ End-effector Module

3-1 ee.chk.er .................................................................................................................................3-2
3-2 ee.chk.oc.................................................................................................................................3-3
3-3 ee.clroff ...................................................................................................................................3-4
3-4 ee.gr.settle ..............................................................................................................................3-5
3-5 ee.gr.tip.er...............................................................................................................................3-6
3-6 ee.presence ............................................................................................................................3-7
3-7 ee.release................................................................................................................................3-8
3-8 ee.select..................................................................................................................................3-9
3-9 ee.select.ck........................................................................................................................... 3-11
3-10 ee.setoff ................................................................................................................................3-12
3-11 ee.state..................................................................................................................................3-14
3-12 ee.tip.erdw ............................................................................................................................3-16
3-13 ee.tip.oc ................................................................................................................................3-17
3-14 ee.unselect ...........................................................................................................................3-18
3-15 Error Codes ..........................................................................................................................3-19

Section 4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-1 pm.ace.blt.cam .......................................................................................................................4-3
4-2 pm.ace.blt.ltch........................................................................................................................4-4
4-3 pm.ace.blt.pos........................................................................................................................4-5
4-4 pm.ace.blt.sp ..........................................................................................................................4-6
4-5 pm.ace.pkstate .......................................................................................................................4-7
4-6 pm.ace.ref ...............................................................................................................................4-8
4-7 pm.ace.ref.wt ..........................................................................................................................4-9
4-8 pm.blt.convert ......................................................................................................................4-10
4-9 pm.blt.travel.......................................................................................................................... 4-11
4-10 pm.chk.run............................................................................................................................4-12
4-11 pm.chk.stat ...........................................................................................................................4-13
4-12 pm.chk.tskerr .......................................................................................................................4-15
4-13 pm.def.btn.txt .......................................................................................................................4-17
4-14 pm.def.err.txt ........................................................................................................................4-18
4-15 pm.fdr.state...........................................................................................................................4-19
4-16 pm.get.free.tsk .....................................................................................................................4-20

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5


4-17 pm.get.type...........................................................................................................................4-21
4-18 pm.gr.clroff ...........................................................................................................................4-22
4-19 pm.gr.release........................................................................................................................4-23
4-20 pm.gr.select ..........................................................................................................................4-24
4-21 pm.gr.select.ck .....................................................................................................................4-26
4-22 pm.gr.setoff ..........................................................................................................................4-27
4-23 pm.gr.settle...........................................................................................................................4-29
4-24 pm.gr.state............................................................................................................................4-30
4-25 pm.gr.trans ...........................................................................................................................4-32
4-26 pm.gr.unselect......................................................................................................................4-34
4-27 pm.log ...................................................................................................................................4-35
4-28 pm.mv ...................................................................................................................................4-36
4-29 pm.mv.attach ........................................................................................................................4-38
4-30 pm.mv.chkbrk.......................................................................................................................4-40
4-31 pm.mv.dest ...........................................................................................................................4-41
4-32 pm.mv.idle ............................................................................................................................4-43
4-33 pm.proc.enable ....................................................................................................................4-45
4-34 pm.prt.avail...........................................................................................................................4-46
4-35 pm.prt.done ..........................................................................................................................4-47
4-36 pm.prt.get .............................................................................................................................4-48
4-37 pm.prt.get.idx .......................................................................................................................4-50
4-38 pm.prt.getloc ........................................................................................................................4-51
4-39 pm.prt.move.ptr....................................................................................................................4-53
4-40 pm.ps.error ...........................................................................................................................4-55
4-41 pm.ps.map.idx......................................................................................................................4-56
4-42 pm.ps.power.........................................................................................................................4-58
4-43 pm.rob.chkidle .....................................................................................................................4-59
4-44 pm.rob.clear .........................................................................................................................4-60
4-45 pm.rob.gettag .......................................................................................................................4-62
4-46 pm.rob.idlemd ......................................................................................................................4-63
4-47 pm.rob.init ............................................................................................................................4-65
4-48 pm.rob.monque....................................................................................................................4-67
4-49 pm.rob.pick...........................................................................................................................4-68
4-50 pm.rob.place.........................................................................................................................4-70
4-51 pm.rob.process ....................................................................................................................4-72
4-52 pm.rob.refine ........................................................................................................................4-74
4-53 pm.rob.settag .......................................................................................................................4-75
4-54 pm.sig.check ........................................................................................................................4-76
4-55 pm.sig.clear ..........................................................................................................................4-77
4-56 pm.src.clear..........................................................................................................................4-78
4-57 pm.src.clearall......................................................................................................................4-79
4-58 pm.trg.avail...........................................................................................................................4-80

6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)


4-59 pm.trg.done ..........................................................................................................................4-81

4-60 pm.trg.get .............................................................................................................................4-82
4-61 pm.trg.get.idx .......................................................................................................................4-84
4-62 pm.trg.getloc ........................................................................................................................4-85
4-63 pm.trg.move.ptr....................................................................................................................4-87

Section 5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-1 Error Codes ............................................................................................................................5-3
5-2 rm.app.event...........................................................................................................................5-4
5-3 rm.chk.server .........................................................................................................................5-5
5-4 rm.execute ..............................................................................................................................5-6
5-5 rm.execute3 ............................................................................................................................5-8
5-6 rm.find_ip..............................................................................................................................5-10
5-7 rm.pc.fapp............................................................................................................................. 5-11
5-8 rm.pc.fapps...........................................................................................................................5-13
5-9 rm.pc.fapps2.........................................................................................................................5-15
5-10 rm.pc.fcopy...........................................................................................................................5-17
5-11 rm.pc.fdel..............................................................................................................................5-19
5-12 rm.pc.fdir ..............................................................................................................................5-21
5-13 rm.pc.log...............................................................................................................................5-23
5-14 rm.read.anums .....................................................................................................................5-24
5-15 rm.read.num .........................................................................................................................5-26
5-16 rm.read.nums .......................................................................................................................5-28
5-17 rm.read.str ............................................................................................................................5-30
5-18 rm.read.strs ..........................................................................................................................5-32
5-19 rm.read.trns ..........................................................................................................................5-33
5-20 rm.read.trnss ........................................................................................................................5-35
5-21 rm.save .................................................................................................................................5-36
5-22 rm.write.anums ....................................................................................................................5-37
5-23 rm.write.num ........................................................................................................................5-39
5-24 rm.write.nums ......................................................................................................................5-41
5-25 rm.write.str ...........................................................................................................................5-43
5-26 rm.write.strs .........................................................................................................................5-45
5-27 rm.write.trns .........................................................................................................................5-46
5-28 rm.write.trnss .......................................................................................................................5-48

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 7

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty and Limitations of Liability

• Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed
in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied.
• Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
• Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com-
plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be re-
sponsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products un-
less Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and main-
tained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any
Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall
not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination
with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or
substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing,
are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See http://www.omron.com/global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.

Limitations of Liability
WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Com-
panies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.

Application Considerations

8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Suitability for Use

Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buy-
er’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and
limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete
determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or
other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the par-
ticular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application re-
sponsibility in all cases.

Programmable Products
• Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product,
or any consequence thereof.
• Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the operation of the user accessible operating sys-
tem (e.g. Windows, Linux), or any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual per-
formance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.

Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and oth-
er reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed,
or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may
be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or estab-
lish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any
time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.

Errors and Omissions

Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how-
ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 9

Terms and Conditions Agreement

10 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 1

V+ AceServer Module
The information in this section documents the V+ programs that a user might use in
the process of customizing an application leveraging ACE.

1-1 sv.create_msg................................................................................................. 1-3

1-2 sv.read_adouble ............................................................................................. 1-4
1-3 sv.read_ashort ................................................................................................ 1-5
1-4 sv.read_asingle............................................................................................... 1-6
1-5 sv.read_astring ............................................................................................... 1-7
1-6 sv.read_bool ................................................................................................... 1-8
1-7 sv.read_byte.................................................................................................. 1-10
1-8 sv.read_double ............................................................................................. 1-12
1-9 sv.read_short ................................................................................................ 1-14
1-10 sv.read_single............................................................................................... 1-16
1-11 sv.read_string ............................................................................................... 1-18
1-12 sv.read_trans ................................................................................................ 1-20
1-13 sv.sig.is.equal ............................................................................................... 1-22
1-14 sv.stop_collect.............................................................................................. 1-24
1-15 sv.write .......................................................................................................... 1-25
1-16 sv.write_abyte............................................................................................... 1-26
1-17 sv.write_adoubl ............................................................................................ 1-27
1-18 sv.write_ashort ............................................................................................. 1-28
1-19 sv.write_asingl.............................................................................................. 1-29
1-20 sv.write_astrin .............................................................................................. 1-30
1-21 sv.write_bool................................................................................................. 1-31
1-22 sv.write_byte................................................................................................. 1-33
1-23 sv.write_hdr .................................................................................................. 1-35
1-24 sv.write_short ............................................................................................... 1-36
1-25 sv.write_single.............................................................................................. 1-38

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-1

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-26 sv.write_string .............................................................................................. 1-40

1-27 sv.write_trans ............................................................................................... 1-42

1-2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-1 sv.create_msg

1-1 sv.create_msg
Creates a new message, initializing the header for writing.

sv.create_msg(msg_num, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
msg_num Message number to create

Outputs Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Handle to new message
ptr Pointer into the new message

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-3

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-2 sv.read_adouble
Read an array of double-precision floats from the message buffer. The message pointer is increment-
ed after the read.

sv.read_adouble(handle, ptr, offset, value[], n_items)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at
offset Offset into output array for first item. 0 is default

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value[] Array filled with data read
n_items Number of items read

1-4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-3 sv.read_ashort

1-3 sv.read_ashort
Read an array of 16-bit integers from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after
the read.

Syntax 1
sv.read_ashort(handle, ptr, offset, value[], n_items)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at
offset Offset into output array for first item. 0 is default

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value[] Array filled with data read
n_items Number of items read

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-5

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-4 sv.read_asingle
Read an array of single-precision float variables from the message buffer. The message pointer is in-
cremented after the read.

sv.read_asingle(handle, ptr, offset, value[], n_items)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at
offset Offset into output array for first item. 0 is default

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value[] Array filled with data read
n_items Number of items read

1-6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-5 sv.read_astring

1-5 sv.read_astring
Read an array of strings from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read

sv.read_astring(handle, ptr, offset, $value[], n_items)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at
offset Offset into output array for first item. 0 is default

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
$value[] Array filled with data read
n_items Number of items read

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-7

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-6 sv.read_bool
Read a boolean from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read.

sv.read_bool(handle, ptr, value)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-6 sv.read_bool
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-9

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-7 sv.read_byte
Reads a byte from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read.

sv.read_byte(handle, ptr, value)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-10 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-7 sv.read_byte
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-11

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-8 sv.read_double
Read a double-precision float from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the

sv.read_double(handle, ptr, value)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)

1-12 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-8 sv.read_double
CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

; Read the data that was written

CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val) 1
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val)
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-13

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-9 sv.read_short
Read a 16-bit integer from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read.

sv.read_short(handle, ptr, value)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-14 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-9 sv.read_short
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-15

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-10 sv.read_single
Read a single-precision float from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the

sv.read_single(handle, ptr, value)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)

1-16 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-10 sv.read_single
CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

; Read the data that was written

CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val) 1
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val)
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-17

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-11 sv.read_string
Read a string from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read.

sv.read_string(handle, ptr, $string)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
$string Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-18 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-11 sv.read_string
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-19

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-12 sv.read_trans
Read a transform from the message buffer. The message pointer is incremented after the read.

sv.read_trans(handle, ptr, trans)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to read from
ptr Position in the message buffer to read at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message
value Value of the parameter read from the message stream

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-20 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-12 sv.read_trans
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-21

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-13 sv.sig.is.equal
Compares a signal to an expected value. This method is employed when a program checks if a signal
is at the expected state. It encapsulates the comparison process but it also manages whether a pro-
gram is running on an emulator or not. In the case of an emulator, reading inputs can be a problem as
in emulator mode an external system generating the input signals is not available. In emulator mode,
this method will always consider the signal to be at the expected state and then always return true.

sv.sig.is.equal(sig.num, expected.val, is.equal.res)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
sig.num The signal number we want to check.
expected.val The expected signal value.

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
is.equal.res The result value, indicating if signal is at the expected

.PROGRAM ex1()
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate comparing a signal to an expected value
AUTO REAL my.signal1 = 1001
AUTO REAL my.signal2 = 1002
AUTO REAL is.off, is.on
; Check a signal is not at an incorrect value. This is checking an error case
; In emulator mode, is.off will always be true and program will not generate errors
CALL sv.sig.is.equal(my.signal1, FALSE, is.off)
IF NOT is.off THEN
TYPE "input is not at the correct state : it is on and should be off."
; wait a signal is at the expected value. If emulation mode is active, true will be
returned and program can continue.
; In normal mode, the signal is read periodically and is compared to expected value

1-22 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.sig.is.equal(my.signal2, TRUE, is.on)

1-13 sv.sig.is.equal
UNTIL is.on

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-23

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-14 sv.stop_collect
Stop the data collection operations on the specified robot.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
robot.num The robot number to stop data collection on.

Output Parameters

1-24 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-15 sv.write

1-15 sv.write
Write a message to the client.

sv.write(handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at
offset Offset into output array for first item. 0 is default

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-25

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-16 sv.write_abyte
Write an array of bytes to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_abyte($string[], offset, count, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$string Array of strings to write
offset 1-based starting byte offset in thestring array
count Number of bytes to transfer
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

1-26 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-17 sv.write_adoubl

1-17 sv.write_adoubl
Write an array of doubles to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_adoubl(first_index, value[], n_items, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
first_index First index in the array to write
value[] Array of data values to write
n_items Number of items in value[] to write into the buffer
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-27

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-18 sv.write_ashort
Write an array of shorts to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_ashort(first_index, value[], n_items, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
first_index First index in the array to write
value[] Array of data values to write
n_items Number of items in value[] to write into the buffer
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

1-28 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-19 sv.write_asingl

1-19 sv.write_asingl
Write an array of floats to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_asingl(first_index, value[], n_items, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
first_index First index in the array to write
value[] Array of data values to write
n_items Number of items in value[] to write into the buffer
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-29

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-20 sv.write_astrin
Write an array of strings to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_astrin(first_index, $value[], n_items, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
first_index First index in the array to write
$value[] Array of data values to write
n_items Number of items in value[] to write into the buffer
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

1-30 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-21 sv.write_bool

1-21 sv.write_bool
Write a boolean to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_bool(value, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
value Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-31

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

; Read the data that was written

CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val)
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

1-32 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-22 sv.write_byte

1-22 sv.write_byte
Write a byte to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_byte(value, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
value Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-33

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

; Read the data that was written

CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val)
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

1-34 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-23 sv.write_hdr

1-23 sv.write_hdr
Write the header for an output message.

sv.write_hdr(handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-35

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-24 sv.write_short
Write a 16-bit integer to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_short(value, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
value Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-36 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-24 sv.write_short
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-37

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-25 sv.write_single
Write a float to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_single(value, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
value Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-38 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-25 sv.write_single
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-39

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-26 sv.write_string
Write a string to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_string($string, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$string Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-40 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-26 sv.write_string
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-41

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-27 sv.write_trans
Write a transform to the output message at the specified offset.

sv.write_trans(trans, handle, ptr)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
trans Value to write
handle Index of the message to write to
ptr Position in the message buffer to write at

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr Index pointing to the next data item in the message

.PROGRAM ex1.msg(handle, ptr)
; ABSTRACT: Demonstrate writing then reading to a message buffer
INPUTS: handle: Index of the message to write into
; ptr: Position in the message buffer

AUTO REAL saved.ptr

AUTO REAL bool.val, byte.val, double.val, short.val
AUTO REAL single.val
AUTO $string.val
AUTO LOC trans.val

; Save the original position of the pointer

saved.ptr = ptr

; Write some data

CALL sv.write_bool(TRUE, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_byte(8, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_double(100.1, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_short(2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_single(121.2, handle, ptr)
CALL sv.write_string("Text", handle, ptr)

1-42 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

1 V+ AceServer Module

CALL sv.write_trans(NULL, handle, ptr)

1-27 sv.write_trans
; Read the data that was written
CALL sv.read_bool(handle, saved.ptr, bool.val)
CALL sv.read_byte(handle, saved.ptr, byte.val)
CALL sv.read_double(handle, saved.ptr, double.val)
CALL sv.read_short(handle, saved.ptr, short.val)
CALL sv.read_single(handle, saved.ptr, single.val) 1
CALL sv.read_string(handle, saved.ptr, $string.val)
CALL sv.read_trans(handle, saved.ptr, trans.val)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 1-43

1 V+ AceServer Module

1-44 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

V+ Robot Vision Manager Module
The information in this section documents the V+ programs that can be used to inter-
act with the Robot Vision Manager.

2-1 as.save.image ................................................................................................. 2-2

2-2 check_tracking ............................................................................................... 2-3
2-3 clear_queue .................................................................................................... 2-4
2-4 getinstance ..................................................................................................... 2-5
2-5 reset_seq ........................................................................................................ 2-6
2-6 set_as_exec_mod .......................................................................................... 2-7

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 2-1

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-1 as.save.image
Save the image associated with the vision tool into a file.

as.save.image($filename, $ip, seq.idx, tool.idx, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$filename The name of the file to save into
$ip The IP address of the PC
seq.idx The index of the sequence
tool.idx The index of the virtual camera ; or other image tool

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation. 0 = Success

2-2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-2 check_tracking
This function is used to check if the robot is successfully tracking the belt

2-2 check_tracking

Input Parameters

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
tracking_ok If true, the robot is tracking the belt successfully; other-
wise an error occured while tracking the belt

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 2-3

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-3 clear_queue
Clears a Robot Vision Manager queue.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
queue_index The index of the queue to clear

Output Parameters

2-4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-4 getinstance
This function is the main function called to retrieve the instance.

2-4 getinstance
getinstance(queue_index, flags, location, model, encoder, visionx, visiony, visionrot)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
queue_index This is the queue index in which we want to retrieve
the instance
flags Flag bits to control operation of the routine:
• Bit 1: If set, routine waits for queue element to be
defined; otherwise, "fail" if the element is not de-
• Bit 2: If set, do not remove the instance from the
queue; otherwise, remove the instance from the
• Bit 3: If set, we are sure there is an instance in the
queue. When using this bit, the calling program is
responsible for checking if an instance is ready in
the queue; otherwise, getinstance will check if there
is an instance before retrieving it from the queue.

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
location Location of the part found by the Robot Vision Manag-
er. The location can be relative to the belt reference
frame or the robot reference frame depending on the
option selected in the communication tool on the Ro-
bot Vision Manager side.model.
model Model Index (-1 if there was an error)
encoder Contains the encoder value when the instance was
visionx Countains the part X position in the vision coordinates
reference frame
visiony Countains the part Y position in the vision coordinates
reference frame
visionrot Countains the part Rotation in the vision coordinates
reference frame

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 2-5

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-5 reset_seq
Reset a Robot Vision Manager sequence.

reset_seq($myip, seq_id)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$myip String containing the IP Address of the Robot Vision
Manager vision server
seq_id Index of the sequence to reset

Output Parameters

2-6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-6 set_as_exec_mod

2-6 set_as_exec_mod
Set the Robot Vision Manager execution mode for a given sequence.

set_as_exec_mod($myip, seq_id, mode)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$myip String containing the IP Address of the Robot Vision
Manager vision server
seq_id Index of the sequence to reset
mode Desired Robot Vision Manager execution.
0 = Single execution mode; otherwise: Continuous ex-
ecution mode

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 2-7

2 V+ Robot Vision Manager Module

2-8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

V+ End-effector Module
The information in this section documents the V+ programs that can be used to inter-
act with the end-effector. These programs are a subset of the AceServer module.

3-1 ee.chk.er.......................................................................................................... 3-2

3-2 ee.chk.oc ......................................................................................................... 3-3
3-3 ee.clroff ........................................................................................................... 3-4
3-4 ee.gr.settle ...................................................................................................... 3-5
3-5 ee.gr.tip.er ....................................................................................................... 3-6
3-6 ee.presence .................................................................................................... 3-7
3-7 ee.release ........................................................................................................ 3-8
3-8 ee.select .......................................................................................................... 3-9
3-9 ee.select.ck ................................................................................................... 3-11
3-10 ee.setoff ........................................................................................................ 3-12
3-11 ee.state .......................................................................................................... 3-14
3-12 ee.tip.erdw .................................................................................................... 3-16
3-13 ee.tip.oc......................................................................................................... 3-17
3-14 ee.unselect.................................................................................................... 3-18
3-15 Error Codes .................................................................................................. 3-19

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-1

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-1 ee.chk.er
Checks the status of the end-effector for extend or release input signals. The gripper waits until the
end-effector reaches the desired state before moving.

ee.chk.er(ee.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

3-2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-2 ee.chk.oc
Checks the status of the gripper for an open or close input signal. The robot waits until the gripper
reaches the desired state.


3-2 ee.chk.oc
ee.chk.oc(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description 3
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-3

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-3 ee.clroff
Clears all refinement offsets associated with the end-effector.

ee.clroff(ee.idx, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

3-4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-4 ee.gr.settle
Waits for the required settling time for the end-effector.


3-4 ee.gr.settle
ee.gr.settle(ee.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-5

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-5 ee.gr.tip.er
Changes the extend or retract state of the gripper tip for the specified robot.

ee.gr.tip.er(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters

3-6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-6 ee.presence
Check if the part presence sensor is in the desired state. The robot waits until the gripper reaches the
desired state.


3-6 ee.presence
ee.presence(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description 3
tsk.idx Index of the end-task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state Desired state of the part presence sensors

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-7

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-7 ee.release
Turns the release signals on the end-effector on or off.

ee.release(ee.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access:

-1 All tips

0...N The tip to operate with

state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

3-8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-8 ee.select
Performs a tip selection, extending or retracting tips as needed. It also checks to see if a tip selection
programis associated with the current robot end-effector. If one is specified it is executed.


3-8 ee.select
ee.select(ee.idx, tip.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description 3
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access:

-1 All tips

0...N The tip to operate with

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-9

3 V+ End-effector Module

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


3-10 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-9 ee.select.ck
Checks for any end-effector selection errors.


3-9 ee.select.ck
ee.select.ck(ee.idx, tip.idx, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-11

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-10 ee.setoff
Associates an offset with a specific end-effector tip.

ee.setoff(ee.idx, tip.idx, tool.trans, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
tool.trans Gripper tip transform

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

3-12 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


3-10 ee.setoff

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-13

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-11 ee.state
Changes the state of the end-effector tip.

ee.state(ee.idx, tip.idx, state, check.inputs, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper
check.inputs Check to see if the end-effector is waiting for an input

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

3-14 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


3-11 ee.state

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-15

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-12 ee.tip.erdw
Performs the required extend or retract dwell of the end-effector tip.

ee.tip.erdw(ee.idx, tip.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access

Output Parameters

3-16 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-13 ee.tip.oc
Changes the open and closed state of the end-effector tip.

ee.tip.oc(ee.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

3-13 ee.tip.oc
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-17

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-14 ee.unselect
Retracts all of the end-effector tips.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ee.idx Index of the end-effector

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


3-18 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-15 Error Codes

If a problem is encountered when executing an end-effector library method, the following error codes
can be returned.
• -20003: The end-effector will not close.
• -20004: The end-effector will not open.

3-15 Error Codes

• -20010: Invalid end-effector referenced.
• -20026: The end-effector will not extend.
• -20027: The end-effector will not retract.
• -20030: A part is detected in the end-effector.
• -20031: No part detected in the end-effector.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 3-19

3 V+ End-effector Module

3-20 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

V+ Process Manager Module
The information in this section documents the V+ programs that a user might use in
the process of customizing a Process Manager application.

4-1 pm.ace.blt.cam ............................................................................................... 4-3

4-2 pm.ace.blt.ltch ................................................................................................ 4-4
4-3 pm.ace.blt.pos ................................................................................................ 4-5
4-4 pm.ace.blt.sp .................................................................................................. 4-6
4-5 pm.ace.pkstate ............................................................................................... 4-7
4-6 pm.ace.ref ....................................................................................................... 4-8
4-7 pm.ace.ref.wt .................................................................................................. 4-9
4-8 pm.blt.convert .............................................................................................. 4-10
4-9 pm.blt.travel .................................................................................................. 4-11
4-10 pm.chk.run .................................................................................................... 4-12
4-11 pm.chk.stat ................................................................................................... 4-13
4-12 pm.chk.tskerr................................................................................................ 4-15
4-13 pm.def.btn.txt................................................................................................ 4-17
4-14 pm.def.err.txt ................................................................................................ 4-18
4-15 pm.fdr.state ................................................................................................... 4-19
4-16 pm.get.free.tsk.............................................................................................. 4-20
4-17 pm.get.type ................................................................................................... 4-21
4-18 pm.gr.clroff ................................................................................................... 4-22
4-19 pm.gr.release ................................................................................................ 4-23
4-20 pm.gr.select .................................................................................................. 4-24
4-21 pm.gr.select.ck ............................................................................................. 4-26
4-22 pm.gr.setoff................................................................................................... 4-27
4-23 pm.gr.settle ................................................................................................... 4-29
4-24 pm.gr.state .................................................................................................... 4-30
4-25 pm.gr.trans.................................................................................................... 4-32

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-1

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-26 pm.gr.unselect .............................................................................................. 4-34

4-27 pm.log............................................................................................................ 4-35
4-28 pm.mv............................................................................................................ 4-36
4-29 pm.mv.attach ................................................................................................ 4-38
4-30 pm.mv.chkbrk ............................................................................................... 4-40
4-31 pm.mv.dest.................................................................................................... 4-41
4-32 pm.mv.idle..................................................................................................... 4-43
4-33 pm.proc.enable............................................................................................. 4-45
4-34 pm.prt.avail ................................................................................................... 4-46
4-35 pm.prt.done................................................................................................... 4-47
4-36 pm.prt.get...................................................................................................... 4-48
4-37 pm.prt.get.idx................................................................................................ 4-50
4-38 pm.prt.getloc................................................................................................. 4-51
4-39 pm.prt.move.ptr ............................................................................................ 4-53
4-40 pm.ps.error ................................................................................................... 4-55
4-41 pm.ps.map.idx .............................................................................................. 4-56
4-42 pm.ps.power ................................................................................................. 4-58
4-43 pm.rob.chkidle.............................................................................................. 4-59
4-44 pm.rob.clear.................................................................................................. 4-60
4-45 pm.rob.gettag ............................................................................................... 4-62
4-46 pm.rob.idlemd............................................................................................... 4-63
4-47 pm.rob.init..................................................................................................... 4-65
4-48 pm.rob.monque ............................................................................................ 4-67
4-49 pm.rob.pick ................................................................................................... 4-68
4-50 pm.rob.place ................................................................................................. 4-70
4-51 pm.rob.process ............................................................................................ 4-72
4-52 pm.rob.refine ................................................................................................ 4-74
4-53 pm.rob.settag ............................................................................................... 4-75
4-54 pm.sig.check ................................................................................................ 4-76
4-55 pm.sig.clear .................................................................................................. 4-77
4-56 pm.src.clear .................................................................................................. 4-78
4-57 pm.src.clearall .............................................................................................. 4-79
4-58 pm.trg.avail ................................................................................................... 4-80
4-59 pm.trg.done................................................................................................... 4-81
4-60 pm.trg.get...................................................................................................... 4-82
4-61 pm.trg.get.idx................................................................................................ 4-84
4-62 pm.trg.getloc................................................................................................. 4-85
4-63 pm.trg.move.ptr ............................................................................................ 4-87

4-2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-1 pm.ace.blt.cam
Indicate to ACE that a camera needs to be triggered.

pm.ace.blt.cam(tsk.idx, $camera, remote, encoder)

4-1 pm.ace.blt.cam
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
$camera Name of the camera that needs to be triggered
remote Is the camera remote or local?
encoder Encoder reference 4

Output Parameters

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-3

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-2 pm.ace.blt.ltch
Send a command to the PC that a latch has been detected.

pm.ace.blt.ltch(blt.idx, enc, latch, value, $tag)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
$camera Name of the camera that needs to be triggered
remote Is the camera remote or local?
encoder Encoder reference

Output Parameters

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use or refer to the Process Manager documentation under the Belt Monitoring sec-
Note that if the user passes in a $tag, all instances created relative to that latch event will be assigned
the specified tag.

4-4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-3 pm.ace.blt.pos
Send the current belt position to the PC.

pm.ace.blt.pos(blt.idx, encoder, encoder.value, encoder.vel)

4-3 pm.ace.blt.pos
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task that owns the belt being updated
encoder Index of the encoder being updated
encoder.value The encoder position
encoder.vel The encoder velocity 4

Output Parameters

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-5

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-4 pm.ace.blt.sp
Indicate to ACE that a part/target belt spacing event has occurred.

pm.ace.blt.sp(blt.idx, $spacing, value, $tag)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
blt.idx Index of the task that owns the belt being updated
$spacing Name of the part/target to which the spacing is relative
value Encoder value defining the location
$tag Tag to associate with instances created

Output Parameters

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use or refer to the Process Manager documentation under the Belt Monitoring sec-
Note that if the user passes in a $tag, all instances created relative to that spacing event will be as-
signed the specified tag.

4-6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-5 pm.ace.pkstate
Change the run state of a process manager. This program is called by the startup program to start/
stop a process manager application.

pm.ace.pkstate($manager, state, time.out, sts)

4-5 pm.ace.pkstate
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$manager Process manager name
state The desired state where True = Start False = Stop
time.out Time (in s) which rm.execute is allowed to run 4

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-7

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-6 pm.ace.ref
Sends a refinement request to the PC.

pm.ace.ref(tsk.idx, $ref.name, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task requiring refinement
$ref.name Name of the refinement operation

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a refinement program. Create a custom refinement pro-
gram to see an example.

4-8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-7 pm.ace.ref.wt
Wait for the refinement operation to complete.

pm.ace.ref.wt(tsk.idx, time.out, loc, sts)

4-7 pm.ace.ref.wt
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
time.out Maximum amount of time to wait for the operation

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a refinement program. Create a custom refinement pro-
gram to see an example.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-9

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-8 pm.blt.convert
Convert a real world reference location to an encoder value in range between min/max.
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
encoder The encoder reference to convert

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
encoder The converted position

4-10 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-9 pm.blt.travel
Determine the distance the belt has traveled between 2 encoder values.

pm.blt.travel(point.1, point.2, distance)

4-9 pm.blt.travel
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
point.1 The first encoder position
point.2 The second encoder position

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
distance The distance between the 2 positions

Typical Use
This program is always used in the context of a belt monitoring program. Create a custom belt pro-
gram to see this in use.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-11

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-10 pm.chk.run
Check to see if a process application is running.


Input Parameters

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
run Checks to see if a process manager application is run-
True - ACE and a process manager application are
False - ACE and/or the process manager application
are not running.

4-12 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-11 pm.chk.stat
Determine if both the process manager application is running and the ACE server is running. Process
manager tasks uses this method to check if they should continue running.


4-11 pm.chk.stat
Input Parameters

Output Parameters 4
Parameter Description
run True - ACE and a process manager application are
False - ACE and/or the process manager application
are not running

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-13

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-14 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-12 pm.chk.tskerr
Check for error conditions and display an error if one exists on the specified task.

pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, resp.mask, code, resp)

4-12 pm.chk.tskerr
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
resp.mask Possible responses to the error

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
code Detected error code, or 0 if no error detected
resp Response to the error

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-15

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-16 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-13 pm.def.btn.txt
Define the text associated with a response button for the next error reported on a given task. This
method must be called before calling pm.error.

pm.def.btn.txt(tsk.idx, button, $text)

4-13 pm.def.btn.txt
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
button Response code associated with the button
$text Text associated with the button. "" will clear the text. 4

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-17

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-14 pm.def.err.txt
Define a custom text message associated with an error for the next error reported on the specified
task index. This method must be called before calling pm.error.

pm.def.err.txt(tsk.idx, $text)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
$text Text associated with the error. "" will clear the text.

Output Parameters

4-18 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-15 pm.fdr.state
Updates the state of a feeder on the PC.

pm.fdr.state($name, state)

4-15 pm.fdr.state
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$name Name of the feeder part or target
state State of the feeder:
pm.fst.avail Is available
pm.fst.busy Is not available 4
pm.fst.cycle Is cycling
pm.fst.hshk Waiting for handshake

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-19

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-16 pm.get.free.tsk
Selects an available task that can be used. Tasks from first.tsk to last.tsk are scanned and the first
available one is returned

pm.get.free.tsk(first.tsk, last.tsk, tsk.num)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
first.task The task number at which to start scanning
last.task The task number at which we want to stop scanning

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
task.num The task number. If value is -1, no available task was

4-20 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-17 pm.get.type
Gets the friendly name for a given part / target type name

pm.get.type(rob.idx, $type, $f.name)

4-17 pm.get.type
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
$type The name of the type

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$f.name The friendly name of the type

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-21

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-18 pm.gr.clroff
Clears all refinement offsets associated with the gripper.

pm.gr.clroff(tsk.idx, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

4-22 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-19 pm.gr.release
Turn on/off the gripper release signals.

pm.gr.release(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

4-19 pm.gr.release
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
-1 = All tips
0...N = The tip to operate with 4
state State of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the task

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-23

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-20 pm.gr.select
Perform a tip selection, extending or retracting tips as needed. It also checks if a tip selection program
is associated with the current robot gripper. If one is specified it will be executed.

pm.gr.select(tsk.idx, tip.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
-1 = All tips
0...N = The tip to operate with

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

4-24 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


4-20 pm.gr.select

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-25

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-21 pm.gr.select.ck
Check for any gripper selection errors.

pm.gr.select.ck(tsk.idx, tip.idx, resp)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
resp User response to an error

4-26 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-22 pm.gr.setoff
Associates an offset with a specific gripper tip.

pm.gr.setoff(tsk.idx, tip.idx, tool.trans, sts)

4-22 pm.gr.setoff
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
tool.trans Gripper tip transform

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-27

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


4-28 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-23 pm.gr.settle
Wait for the required settling time for the gripper.

pm.gr.settle(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state, sts)

4-23 pm.gr.settle
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state Desired state of the gripper

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-29

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-24 pm.gr.state
Change the state of the gripper tip for the specified robot.

pm.gr.state(tsk.idx, tip.idx, state, check.inputs, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access
state Desired state of the gripper
check.inputs Do we wait for inputs?

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

4-30 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


4-24 pm.gr.state

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-31

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-25 pm.gr.trans
Associates an offset with a specific gripper tip.

pm.gr.trans(tsk.idx, tip.idx, tool.trans, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
tip.idx Zero-based index of the tip to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
tool.trans The gripper tip transformation
sts Status of the operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

4-32 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


4-25 pm.gr.trans

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-33

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-26 pm.gr.unselect
Retract all the tips.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM a.ex2.gripper(ee.idx)
AUTO LOC tool.trans

; Select the first tip

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, 0)

; Select all tips

CALL ee.select(ee.idx, -1)

; Unselect all tips

CALL ee.unselect(ee.idx)

; Extend tip #1 and #2

CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 0, TRUE, TRUE, sts)
CALL ee.state(ee.idx, 1, TRUE, TRUE, sts)

; Set the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.setoff(ee.idx, 1, NULL, sts)

; Get the offset associated with tip #2

CALL ee.trans(ee.idx, 1, tool.trans, sts)


4-34 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-27 pm.log
Send text associated with the current task to the AceServer log file.


Input Parameters

4-27 pm.log
Parameter Description
$text The text to append to the AceServer log on the PC

Output Parameters 4

Additional Notes
The pm.log method should only be called on a process manager task. The program will check to see
if logging is enabled before sending the log string to the PC. The variable pm.log will enable logging
on all V+ process manager tasks. If you want to enable logging for an individual V+ task, the variable
pm.tsk.log [TASK()] can be set to TRUE.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-35

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-28 pm.mv
Perform a move to the location using the specified motion parameters.

pm.mv(blt.idx, position, offset, pars[])

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
blt.idx Belt number to move relative to.
• 0 = Non-belt relative move
• > 0 = Belt relative move
position Position to move to
offset Starting index in the motion parameters array
pars[] Motion parameters array

Output Parameters

Additional Notes
The pars[] parameter uses the following offset values when applying the motion parameters:

Variable Usage
pm.fv.spd The speed percentage
pm.fmv.spdmd The Speed Mode
pm.fmv.accel The accelaration percentage
pm.fmv.decel The deceleration percentage
pm.fmv.dur The move duration
pm.fmv.scv The S-curve profile
pm.fmv.straigh Is straight line motion requested?
pm.fmv.motend Motioin end parameter
pm.fmv.stlpct The settle percentage
pm.fmv.break Should it wait until motion is done?
pm.fmv.single Single/multiple mode
pm.fmv.righty Right/Lefty mode
pm.fmv.above Above/below mode
pm.fmv.flip Flip/No-flip

For a standard motion sequence, the following values are used for the offset parameter.

Variable Usage
pm.ms.aoffset Approach motion segment
pm.ms.poffset Move motion segment

4-36 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

pm.ms.doffset Depart motion segment

For a standard vision refinement sequence, the following values are used for the offset parameter.

Variable Usage
pm.vrf.aoffset Approch motion segment
pm.vrf.poffset Move motion segment
pm.vrf.doffset Depart motion segment

4-28 pm.mv

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-37

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-29 pm.mv.attach
Attach the robot to the current task.

pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, rob.num)

Output Parameters

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
rob.num Robot number to attach

Additional Notes
For a robot task, the global variable pm.tsk.robnum[] saves the robot number associated with the

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

4-38 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

4-29 pm.mv.attach
; Move to the current destination to ensure
; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time

; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying
CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-39

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-30 pm.mv.chkbrk
Check for a break in motion using the specified motion parameters.

pm.mv.chkbrk(offset, pars[])

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
offset Starting index in the motion parameters array
pars[] Motion parameters array

Output Parameters

4-40 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-31 pm.mv.dest
Move to the current destination. Used to stop robot from tracking a part.


4-31 pm.mv.dest
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot

Output Parameters 4

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-41

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-42 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-32 pm.mv.idle
Move a robot to the idle location. The robot first retracts the Z axis (maintaining the current XY posi-
tion) to the level of the idle position. Once retracted it moves to idle.


4-32 pm.mv.idle
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-43

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-44 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-33 pm.proc.enable
Enable or disable a process based on the process index.

pm.proc.enable($manager, proc.idx, state, sts)

4-33 pm.proc.enable
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$manager Name of the process manager
proc.idx Index of the process
state State of the process
• TRUE = Enable the process 4
• FALSE = Disable the process

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of the operation:
• 0 = successs
• <0 = error

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-45

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-34 pm.prt.avail
Gets the number of available parts for the robot.

pm.prt.avail(rob.idx, part.idx, count)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
part.idx Part index to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
count Number of items available in the queue

.PROGRAM a.ex2.qlookup()

AUTO REAL rob.idx, part.idx, target.idx, count

AUTO $part, $target

; Identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Look up the queue number for a part in the workspace

$part = "/Process/Part - Spacing 2"
CALL pm.prt.get.idx(rob.idx, $part, part.idx)

Get the number of parts available

CALL pm.prt.avail(rob.idx, part.idx, count)

; Look up the queue number for a target in the workspace

$target = "/Process/Target 2 - Static"
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(rob.idx, $target, target.idx)

; Get the number of targets available

CALL pm.trg.avail(rob.idx, target.idx, count)

4-46 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-35 pm.prt.done
Indicate a part has been processed.

pm.prt.done(rob.idx, part.idx, obj.idx, sts)

4-35 pm.prt.done
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot
part.idx Part index to access
obj.idx Index of the instance/object to mark as done
sts Was the part processed by the robot: 4
• TRUE = part was processed
• FALSE = part was not processed

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-47

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-36 pm.prt.get
Gets a part from the buffer.

pm.prt.get(rob.idx, part.idx, obj.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot
part.idx Part index to access
obj.idx Index of the object/instance to extract

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$id Unique identifier of the part
position Position of the part
reference Reference position of the part
pal.idx Pallet index associated with the instance

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

4-48 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

4-36 pm.prt.get

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i] 4

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-49

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-37 pm.prt.get.idx
Get the index of the part buffer for a given robot task.

pm.prt.get.idx(rob.idx, $part, part.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot
$part Part name to search for

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
part.idx Part index in the robot part buffer. -1 = No matching
part was found

.PROGRAM a.ex2.qlookup()

AUTO REAL rob.idx, part.idx, target.idx, count

AUTO $part, $target

; Identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Look up the queue number for a part in the workspace

$part = "/Process/Part - Spacing 2"
CALL pm.prt.get.idx(rob.idx, $part, part.idx)

Get the number of parts available

CALL pm.prt.avail(rob.idx, part.idx, count)

; Look up the queue number for a target in the workspace

$target = "/Process/Target 2 - Static"
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(rob.idx, $target, target.idx)

; Get the number of targets available

CALL pm.trg.avail(rob.idx, target.idx, count)

4-50 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-38 pm.prt.getloc
Get the location of a given part in the belt window.

pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, part.idx, obj.idx, pct)

4-38 pm.prt.getloc
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
part.idx Part index to access
obj.idx Index of the object/instance to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
pct Percentage of travel along the belt

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-51

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Status = ", sts

TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i]

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


4-52 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-39 pm.prt.move.ptr
Increment the pointer to the next slot in the buffer.


4-39 pm.prt.move.ptr
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr The pointer to increment

Output Parameters 4
Parameter Description
ptr The incremented pointer

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-53

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Source = ", $source

TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i]

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


4-54 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-40 pm.ps.error
Report an error and wait for a response.

pm.ps.error(tsk.idx, code, resp.mask, resp)

4-40 pm.ps.error
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the task
code Error code/status of the operation
resp.mask Mask of available response options

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
resp The user response to the error

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-55

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-41 pm.ps.map.idx
Converts a process index from the PC to a robot-relative index.

pm.ps.map.idx(proc.idx, map.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
proc.idx Process index from the PC

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
map.idx Robot relative index for the process

.PROGRAM cu.robot2()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL task.idx, i, sts

AUTO REAL proc.idx.1, proc.idx.2

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE)

; Get the index associated with the first two processes in the process manager
CALL pm.ps.map.idx(0, proc.idx.1)
CALL pm.ps.map.idx(1, proc.idx.2)

; Control loop

; Execute the first process 3 time

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL pm.rob.process(tsk.idx, proc.idx.1, sts)

4-56 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Execute the second process

CALL pm.rob.process(tsk.idx, proc.idx.2, sts)

; Check process status

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE


4-41 pm.ps.map.idx

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-57

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-42 pm.ps.power
Change the power status of the system. If power is enabled, issue a calibration request, if needed. If
power cannot be enabled, it will report an error. Because of this, this method is not intended to be
used from within a custom error program. It may lead to a recursive call and a stack overflow.

pm.ps.power(tsk.idx, enable)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx The task index for error reporting
enable Enable the power.

Output Parameters

4-58 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-43 pm.rob.chkidle
Check the status when the robot is idle, including checking for the robot cycle stop condition.

pm.rob.chkidle(rob.idx, part.type, grip.idx, excl[], is.reset, sts)

4-43 pm.rob.chkidle
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the robot task
start.time The reference time when the robot entered idle mode
in.idle Is the robot in idle mode
at.wait Is the robot at the waiting position 4

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
in.idle Is the robot in idle mode
at.wait Is the robot at the waiting position

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-59

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-44 pm.rob.clear
Move the robot to the idle position and clear the robot gripper.


Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

4-60 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


4-44 pm.rob.clear
; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying
CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])
; Indicate we are leaving idle mode
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-61

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-45 pm.rob.gettag
Returns the tag associated with the part or target instance currently being operated on by the robot.
Typically, this would be called from within a custom motion sequence program to access information
that was associated with a VisionTransform Tag associated with a custom vision tool or the Tag asso-
ciated with a LocatedInstance set by a custom allocation script.

pm.rob.gettag(rob.idx, $tag)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the robot

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$tag Tag associated with the instance being processed

.PROGRAM cu.mv.sequence(tsk.idx, $type, blt.idx, reference, pal.idx, grip.idx, grip
.state, pos, vals[], sts)

AUTO REAL at.wait, belt.win.idx, code, distance, offset

AUTO REAL resp, rob.num
AUTO $cust.program, $tag
AUTO LOC appro.pos, depart.pos, grip.trans, position

sts = pm.tsk.success

CALL pm.rob.gettag(tsk.idx, $tag)

TYPE "Tag = "+$tag

; Calculate the position, factoring in the gripper transformations

; Initiate the gripper selection

CALL pm.gr.select(tsk.idx, grip.idx)

; Get the gripper transformation

CALL pm.gr.trans(tsk.idx, grip.idx, grip.trans, sts)

4-62 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-46 pm.rob.idlemd
Change the idle status of the robot. This program sets the status in global memory. It expects the proc-
ess strategy background program to perform the sending of the status to the PC.

pm.rob.idlemd(rob.tsk, in.idle, code, $info)

4-46 pm.rob.idlemd
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.tsk Index of the robot
in.idle Is the robot in idle mode?
• True = Robot is idle 4
• False = Robot is running
code Error code associated with the idle mode state. If non-
zero, an error will be reported
$info Additional information to send with the error code. This
is used by 'pm.err.no.inst' to send the name of the part
or target the robot is waiting for.

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-63

4 V+ Process Manager Module

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-64 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-47 pm.rob.init
Initialize the robot by attaching the robot, clearing the TOOL, moving to the idle position, and turning
off all gripper signals.


4-47 pm.rob.init
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-65

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


4-66 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-48 pm.rob.monque
Process the active part and targets queues and mark any out-of-range instances as done. This meth-
od should only be called on a robot task when the robot is waiting for some operation to complete.
This ensures any instances that go out of range of the robot are properly released and sent back to
the PC.
If the robot is currently processing a part or target, the index of the associated queue should be
passed as a parameter to the method.

4-48 pm.rob.monque
pm.rob.monque(rob.tsk, part.idx, trg.idx)

Input Parameters 4
Parameter Description
rob.tsk Index of the robot
part.idx Index of a part queue to not check. -1 indicates all
queues will be checked
trg.idx Index of a target queue to not check. -1 indicates all
queues will be checked

Output Parameters

.CALL pm.rob.monque(robtsk, -1 -1)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-67

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-49 pm.rob.pick
Perform a single pick operation with the robot in the current task.

pm.rob.pick(rob.idx, part.type, grip.idx, excl[], is.reset, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.tsk Index of the robot
part.idx Type of part to pick
grip.idx The index of the gripper tip to use -1 = All tips
ms.type The move segment type:
• pm.ms.mv.norm - Normal Move
• pm.ms.mv.iad - Pick / place motion with intra ap-
proach and intra depart
• pm.ms.mv.iand - Pick / place with intra approach
and normal depart
• pm.ms.mv.naid - Pick / place with normal approach
and intra depart
excl[] The exclusions used when picking

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
is.reset Was the queue reset during the operation
sts Status code:
• pm.tsk.success = Successful operation
• pm.tsk.abort = Abort the operation

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)

4-68 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

4-49 pm.rob.pick
; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "") 4

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-69

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-50 pm.rob.place
Perform a single place operation with the robot in the current task.

pm.rob.place(rob.idx, target.type, part.type, grip.idx, ms.type, excl[], is.reset, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.tsk Index of the robot
target.type Type of target to place
part.type The type of part being placed
grip.idx The index of the gripper tip to use -1 = All tips
ms.type The move segment type:
• pm.ms.mv.norm - Normal Move
• pm.ms.mv.iad - Pick / place motion with intra ap-
proach and intra depart
• pm.ms.mv.iand - Pick / place with intra approach
and normal depart
• pm.ms.mv.naid - Pick / place with normal approach
and intra depart
excl[] The exclusions used when picking

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
is.reset Was the queue reset during the operation
sts Status code:
• pm.tsk.success = Successful operation
• pm.tsk.abort = Abort the operation

.PROGRAM cu.robot()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL tsk.idx, is.reset, , is.running, sts

AUTO REAL part.idx, target.idx

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

4-70 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Get the part and target indexes

CALL pm.prt.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Part - Spacing 2", part.idx)
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(tsk.idx, "/Process/Target 2 - Static", target.idx)

; Control loop

4-50 pm.rob.place
; Perform a pick
CALL pm.rob.pick(tsk.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Perform a place
CALL pm.rob.place(tsk.idx, target.idx, part.idx, -1, , is.reset, sts)

; Indicate we are entering idle mode 4

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE, 0, "")

; Move to the current destination to ensure

; we are no longer tracking a belt.
CALL pm.mv.dest(tsk.idx)

; Wait for a period of time


; Check to see if any errors occured while we were delaying

CALL pm.chk.tskerr(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.retry, , sts)
IF (sts <> pm.tsk.success) THEN
CALL pm.mv.attach(tsk.idx, pm.tsk.robnum[tsk.idx])

; Indicate we are leaving idle mode

CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, FALSE, 0, "")

; Check to see if the process manager is still running

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

UNTIL is.running == FALSE

CALL pm.rob.clear(tsk.idx, sts)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-71

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-51 pm.rob.process
Converts a process index from the PC to a robot-relative index.

pm.rob.process(rob.idx, proc.idx, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot to drive
proc.idx Process to operate with

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status code:
• pm.tsk.success = Successful operation
• pm.tsk.skip = Skip the operation
• pm.tsk.abort = Abort the operation

.PROGRAM cu.robot2()
; ABSTRACT: Custom robot program for the Process Manager
; Process Strategy.

AUTO REAL task.idx, i, sts

AUTO REAL proc.idx.1, proc.idx.2

tsk.idx = TASK()

; Initialize the robot

CALL pm.rob.init(tsk.idx)
CALL pm.rob.idlemd(tsk.idx, TRUE)

; Get the index associated with the first two processes in the process manager
CALL pm.ps.map.idx(0, proc.idx.1)
CALL pm.ps.map.idx(1, proc.idx.2)

; Control loop

; Execute the first process 3 time

4-72 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL pm.rob.process(tsk.idx, proc.idx.1, sts)

; Execute the second process

CALL pm.rob.process(tsk.idx, proc.idx.2, sts)

; Check process status

CALL pm.chk.stat(is.running)

4-51 pm.rob.process
UNTIL is.running == FALSE


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-73

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-52 pm.rob.refine
Refine the part in the robot gripper using vision.

pm.rob.refine(rob.idx, refine.idx, grip.idx, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.tsk Index of the robot
refine.idx Index of the refinement station
grip.idx The index of the gripper tip to use. -1 = All tips
excl[] The exclusions used when picking

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status code:
• pm.tsk.success = Successful operation
• pm.tsk.retry = Retry the operation
• pm.tsk.abort = Abort the operation

4-74 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-53 pm.rob.settag
Sets the tag associated with the part or target instance currently being operated on by the robot. Typi-
cally, this would be called from within a custom motion sequence program to set a string for the Tag
associated with a LocatedInstance set by a custom allocation script.


4-53 pm.rob.settag
pm.rob.settag(tsk.idx, $tag)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
tsk.idx Index of the robot
$tag Tag associated with the instance 4

Output Parameters

.PROGRAM cu.mv.sequence(tsk.idx, $type, blt.idx, reference, pal.idx, grip.idx, grip
.state, pos, vals[], sts)

AUTO REAL at.wait, belt.win.idx, code, distance, offset

AUTO REAL resp, rob.num
AUTO $cust.program, $tag
AUTO LOC appro.pos, depart.pos, grip.trans, position

sts = pm.tsk.success

CALL pm.rob.gettag(tsk.idx, $tag)

TYPE "Tag = "+$tag

; Calculate the position, factoring in the gripper transformations

; Initiate the gripper selection

CALL pm.gr.select(tsk.idx, grip.idx)

; Get the gripper transformation

CALL pm.gr.trans(tsk.idx, grip.idx, grip.trans, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-75

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-54 pm.sig.check
Checks for the status of a digital signal ensuring the state is valid for the specified amount of time.
This method does not block execution.

pm.sig.check(sig, time, is.valid)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
sig Signal to be checked
time Amount of time the signal is expected to be in the

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
is.valid Is the signal in the specified state

.PROGRAM a.ex2.debounce()
AUTO REAL sig, is.on, debounce.time
; Define the signal and the amount of time we want the signal
; to remain on before we recognize it is on
sig = 2100
debounce.time = 2.5
is.on = FALSE
; Clear the tracking structures for the signal
CALL pm.sig.clear(sig)
; Trun the signal on
; Wait until the signal has been on for the required amount of time
WHILE (is.on == FALSE) DO
CALL pm.sig.check(sig, debounce.time, is.on)

4-76 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-55 pm.sig.clear
Clears the variables used to track the status of a signal.


4-55 pm.sig.clear
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
sig Signal to clear

Output Parameters 4

.PROGRAM a.ex2.debounce()
AUTO REAL sig, is.on, debounce.time
; Define the signal and the amount of time we want the signal
; to remain on before we recognize it is on
sig = 2100
debounce.time = 2.5
is.on = FALSE
; Clear the tracking structures for the signal
CALL pm.sig.clear(sig)
; Trun the signal on
; Wait until the signal has been on for the required amount of time
WHILE (is.on == FALSE) DO
CALL pm.sig.check(sig, debounce.time, is.on)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-77

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-56 pm.src.clear
Clear the specified source

pm.src.clear($manager, $source, sts)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$manager Name of the process manager
$source The name of the source to clear

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.srcclr()

AUTO $manager

$manager = "/Process/Process Manager"

$source = "Belt Handler: /Process/Belt"

; Clear the source with the specified name

CALL pm.src.clear($manager, $source, sts)

; Clear all source

CALL pm.src.clearall($manager, sts)

4-78 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-57 pm.src.clearall
Clears all sources for the specified process manager

pm.src.clearall($manager, sts)

4-57 pm.src.clearall
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$source The name of the source to clear

Output Parameters 4
Parameter Description
sts Status of operation

.PROGRAM a.ex2.srcclr()

AUTO $manager

$manager = "/Process/Process Manager"

$source = "Belt Handler: /Process/Belt"

; Clear the source with the specified name

CALL pm.src.clear($manager, $source, sts)

; Clear all source

CALL pm.src.clearall($manager, sts)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-79

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-58 pm.trg.avail
Gets the number of available targets for the robot.

pm.trg.avail(rob.idx, trg.idx, count)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
trg.idx Target index to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
count Number of items available in the queue

.PROGRAM a.ex2.qlookup()

AUTO REAL rob.idx, part.idx, target.idx, count

AUTO $part, $target

; Identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Look up the queue number for a part in the workspace

$part = "/Process/Part - Spacing 2"
CALL pm.prt.get.idx(rob.idx, $part, part.idx)

Get the number of parts available

CALL pm.prt.avail(rob.idx, part.idx, count)

; Look up the queue number for a target in the workspace

$target = "/Process/Target 2 - Static"
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(rob.idx, $target, target.idx)

; Get the number of targets available

CALL pm.trg.avail(rob.idx, target.idx, count)

4-80 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-59 pm.trg.done
Indicate a target has been processed.

pm.trg.done(rob.idx, trg.idx, obj.idx, sts)

4-59 pm.trg.done
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
trg.idx Target index to access
obj.idx Index of the instance/object to mark as done
sts Was the instance processed by the robot: 4
• TRUE = part was processed
• FALSE = part was not processed

Output Parameters

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-81

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-60 pm.trg.get
Gets a target from the buffer.

pm.trg.get(rob.idx, trg.idx, obj.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
trg.idx Target index to access
obj.idx Index of the object/instance to extract

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$id Unique identifier of the instance
position Position of the instance
reference Reference position of the instance
pal.idx Pallet index associated with the instance

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

4-82 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

4-60 pm.trg.get

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i] 4

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-83

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-61 pm.trg.get.idx
Get the index of the target buffer for a given robot task.

pm.trg.get.idx(rob.idx, $target, target.idx)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
$target Target name to search for

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
target.idx Target index in the robot target buffer. -1 = No match-
ing target was found

.PROGRAM a.ex2.qlookup()

AUTO REAL rob.idx, part.idx, target.idx, count

AUTO $part, $target

; Identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Look up the queue number for a part in the workspace

$part = "/Process/Part - Spacing 2"
CALL pm.prt.get.idx(rob.idx, $part, part.idx)

Get the number of parts available

CALL pm.prt.avail(rob.idx, part.idx, count)

; Look up the queue number for a target in the workspace

$target = "/Process/Target 2 - Static"
CALL pm.trg.get.idx(rob.idx, $target, target.idx)

; Get the number of targets available

CALL pm.trg.avail(rob.idx, target.idx, count)

4-84 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-62 pm.trg.getloc
Get the location of a given target in the belt window.

pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, trg.idx, obj.idx, pct)

4-62 pm.trg.getloc
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
rob.idx Index of the robot task
trg.idx Target index to access
obj.idx Index of the object/instance to access

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
pct Percentage of travel along the belt

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-85

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Status = ", sts

TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i]

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


4-86 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

4 V+ Process Manager Module

4-63 pm.trg.move.ptr
Increment the pointer to the next slot in the buffer.


4-63 pm.trg.move.ptr
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
ptr The pointer to increment

Output Parameters 4
Parameter Description
ptr The incremented pointer

.PROGRAM a.ex2.queues()
AUTO REAL i, rob.idx, inst.idx
AUTO REAL reference, pal.idx, sts, time, pct
AUTO LOC position
AUTO.$id, $source

; identify the first robot task

rob.idx = 3

; Go through all part queues

inst.idx = pm.prt.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.prt.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.prt.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.prt.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.prt.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 4-87

4 V+ Process Manager Module

TYPE " Source = ", $source

TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.prt.move.ptr(inst.idx)

; Go through all target queues

FOR i = 0 TO pm.trg.count[rob.idx]-1

TYPE "Target Queue Name: ", $pm.trg.type[rob.idx,i]

; Go through all instances in the queue

inst.idx = pm.trg.rob.idx[rob.idx,i]
WHILE (inst.idx <> pm.trg.pc.idx[rob.idx,i]) DO

CALL pm.trg.get(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, $id, position, reference, pal.idx)

CALL pm.trg.get.stat(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, sts, time, $source)
CALL pm.trg.getloc(rob.idx, i, inst.idx, pct)

TYPE " ID = ", $id

TYPE " Position = ", DX(position), ", ", DY(position), ", ", DZ(position)
TYPE " Reference = ", reference
TYPE " Pallet Index = ", pal.idx
TYPE " Status = ", sts
TYPE " Time = ", time
TYPE " Source = ", $source
TYPE " Location % = ", pct
TYPE " "

CALL pm.trg.move.ptr(inst.idx)


4-88 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

V+ Remote Library Module
The information in this section documents the V+ programs that can be used to ac-
cess functionality on the PC. These programs are a subset of the AceServer module.

5-1 Error Codes .................................................................................................... 5-3 5

5-2 rm.app.event ................................................................................................... 5-4
5-3 rm.chk.server.................................................................................................. 5-5
5-4 rm.execute ...................................................................................................... 5-6
5-5 rm.execute3 .................................................................................................... 5-8
5-6 rm.find_ip ...................................................................................................... 5-10
5-7 rm.pc.fapp ..................................................................................................... 5-11
5-8 rm.pc.fapps ................................................................................................... 5-13
5-9 rm.pc.fapps2 ................................................................................................. 5-15
5-10 rm.pc.fcopy ................................................................................................... 5-17
5-11 rm.pc.fdel ...................................................................................................... 5-19
5-12 rm.pc.fdir....................................................................................................... 5-21
5-13 rm.pc.log ....................................................................................................... 5-23
5-14 rm.read.anums ............................................................................................. 5-24
5-15 rm.read.num ................................................................................................. 5-26
5-16 rm.read.nums ............................................................................................... 5-28
5-17 rm.read.str .................................................................................................... 5-30
5-18 rm.read.strs .................................................................................................. 5-32
5-19 rm.read.trns .................................................................................................. 5-33
5-20 rm.read.trnss ................................................................................................ 5-35
5-21 rm.save.......................................................................................................... 5-36
5-22 rm.write.anums............................................................................................. 5-37
5-23 rm.write.num................................................................................................. 5-39
5-24 rm.write.nums............................................................................................... 5-41
5-25 rm.write.str.................................................................................................... 5-43

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-1

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-26 rm.write.strs.................................................................................................. 5-45

5-27 rm.write.trns ................................................................................................. 5-46
5-28 rm.write.trnss ............................................................................................... 5-48

5-2 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-1 Error Codes

If a problem is encountered when executing a remote library method, the following error codes can be
• -1000: Unable to find the AceObject referenced in the remote command.
• -1001: A general error has occurred while processing the remote command. See the AceServer
event log for specific details.
• -1002: The method referenced in a remote library execute command could not be found.
• -1003: A general error has occurred while processing a remote execute invocation or property ac-
cess. See the AceServer event log for specific details.
• 10000: Server has stopped executing and the connection to the remote PC has been lost.
• 10001: The request has timed out.
• 10002: The referenced object does not exist.

5-1 Error Codes

• 10003: The field referenced in the remote object does not exist.
• 10004" The type of the referenced field is not compatible with the requested operation.

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-3

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-2 rm.app.event
Generates an application event on the PC associated with this controller.

rm.app.event(value, wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
value Numeric code representing the event.
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.appevt()
AUTO REAL status
CALL rm.app.event(101, 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Send Event Code: ", status

5-4 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-3 rm.chk.server
Check to see if the ACE server is running


Input Parameters

5-3 rm.chk.server
Output Parameters
Parameter Description
is.alive Is the server alive

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.ex()

AUTO REAL is.alive

AUTO REAL args[0], status
AUTO $object, $method

; Check to see if communications with the PC is active

CALL rm.chk.server(is.alive)
IF (is.alive == FALSE) THEN
TYPE "Not Communicating"

; Execute a script on the server and wait for 3 seconds for it to complete
$object = "/C# Program"
$method = "Execute"
CALL rm.execute($object, $method, 0, $args[], 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Problem executing script: ", status


V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-5

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-4 rm.execute
Execute a method on the PC and optionally wait until it has completed. The number of arguments
must match the arguments defined by the method signature of the specified method. Additionally, the
arguments must be convertable to the type expected in the method signature using a standard Type-
Converter on the PC.

rm.execute($object, $method, num.args, $args[], wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$method The name of the method to execute
num.args The number of arguments to send
$args[] The arguments to pass
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the execution to com-
plete. Units are in seconds. A value less than or equal
to 0 indicates no waiting.

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.ex()

AUTO REAL is.alive

AUTO REAL args[0], status
AUTO $object, $method

; Check to see if communications with the PC is active

CALL rm.chk.server(is.alive)
IF (is.alive == FALSE) THEN
TYPE "Not Communicating"

; Execute a script on the server and wait for 3 seconds for it to complete

5-6 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$object = "/C# Program"

$method = "Execute"
CALL rm.execute($object, $method, 0, $args[], 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Problem executing script: ", status


5-4 rm.execute

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-7

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-5 rm.execute3
Execute a method on the PC and optionally wait until it has completed. The number of arguments
must match the arguments defined by the method signature of the specified method. Additionally, the
arguments must be convertable to the type expected in the method signature using a standard Type-
Converter on the PC.

rm.execute3($ip, $object, $method, num.args, $args[], wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$ip The IP address of the PC to send the request to
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$method The name of the method to execute
num.args The number of arguments to send
$args[] The arguments to pass
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the execution to com-
plete. Units are in seconds. A value less than or equal
to 0 indicates no waiting.

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.ex()

AUTO REAL is.alive

AUTO REAL args[0], status
AUTO $object, $method

; Check to see if communications with the PC is active

CALL rm.chk.server(is.alive)
IF (is.alive == FALSE) THEN
TYPE "Not Communicating"

5-8 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

; Execute a script on the server and wait for 3 seconds for it to complete
$object = "/C# Program"
$method = "Execute"
CALL rm.execute($object, $method, 0, $args[], 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Problem executing script: ", status


5-5 rm.execute3

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-9

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-6 rm.find_ip
Finds the client_handle associated with a specific IP address

rm.find_ip($ip, client_handle)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$ip The IP address to find

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
client_handle The client handle associated with the IP address or -1
if not found

5-10 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-7 rm.pc.fapp
Append a single line to a file on the PC

rm.pc.fapp($file, $line, wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$file The name of the file to append to on the PC

5-7 rm.pc.fapp
$line The line to append to the file
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters 5
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

$lines[0] = "Line 1"
$lines[1] = "Line 2"

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-11

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$lines[2] = "Line 3"

$lines[3] = "Line 4"
CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-12 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-8 rm.pc.fapps
Append an array of lines to a file on the PC

rm.pc.fapps($file, num.lines, $lines[], wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$file The name of the file to append to on the PC

5-8 rm.pc.fapps
num.lines The number of lines in the array to copy
$lines[] The lines to append to the file, starting at index 0
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

$lines[0] = "Line 1"

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-13

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$lines[1] = "Line 2"

$lines[2] = "Line 3"
$lines[3] = "Line 4"
CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-14 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-9 rm.pc.fapps2
Append an array of lines to a file on the PC

rm.pc.fapps2($file, start.idx, num.lines, $lines[], wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description

5-9 rm.pc.fapps2
$file The name of the file to append to on the PC
start.idx The starting index in the array
num.lines The number of lines in the array to copy
$lines[] The lines to append to the file, starting at the start.in-
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-15

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$lines[0] = "Line 1"

$lines[1] = "Line 2"
$lines[2] = "Line 3"
$lines[3] = "Line 4"
CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-16 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-10 rm.pc.fcopy
Copy a file between the controller and the PC.
When specifying the file, one of the files must start with the prefix of 'DISK>'. This is used to determine
the direction of the file copy. If neither of the files starts with 'DISK', then it is considered a file copy
from 1 PC file to another entirely on the PC.

rm.pc.fcopy($from.file, $to.file, wait.time, status)

5-10 rm.pc.fcopy
Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$from.file The file to copy from
$to.file The file to copy to
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-17

5 V+ Remote Library Module

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

$lines[0] = "Line 1"
$lines[1] = "Line 2"
$lines[2] = "Line 3"
$lines[3] = "Line 4"
CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-18 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-11 rm.pc.fdel
Delete a file on the PC

rm.pc.fdel($file, wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$file The name of the file to delete on the PC

5-11 rm.pc.fdel
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

$lines[0] = "Line 1"
$lines[1] = "Line 2"
$lines[2] = "Line 3"

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-19

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$lines[3] = "Line 4"

CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-20 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-12 rm.pc.fdir
Perform a file and directory listing on the PC

rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, wait.time, num.items, $items[], types[], status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$file.spec The file specification to match

5-12 rm.pc.fdir
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
num.items The number of items returned
$items[] The listing of files and directories found
types[] The types of the items found: 0 = File, 1 = Directory
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.pc()

AUTO REAL i, num.items, status

AUTO $file, $to.file, $lines[3]
AUTO $file.spec
LOCAL REAL types[]
LOCAL $items[]

$file = "C:\log.txt"

; Write 3 lines in a file on the PC

FOR i = 1 TO 3
CALL rm.pc.fapp($file, $TIME(), 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call to the same file

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-21

5 V+ Remote Library Module

$lines[0] = "Line 1"

$lines[1] = "Line 2"
$lines[2] = "Line 3"
$lines[3] = "Line 4"
CALL rm.pc.fapps($file, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Append multiple lines in 1 call specifying the start index

CALL rm.pc.fapps2($file, 0, 4, $lines[], 1, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append line on file: ", status

; Copy the file from the PC to the controller

$to.file = "DISK>D:\log.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fcopy($file, $to.file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to copy the file to the controller: ", status

; List all files on the PC

$file.spec = "C:\*.txt"
CALL rm.pc.fdir($file.spec, 3, num.items, $items[], types[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

FOR i = 1 TO num.items

TYPE $items[i-1]

IF (types[i-1] == 0) THEN
TYPE " Is a file"
TYPE " Is a directory"

; Delete the file on the PC

CALL rm.pc.fdel($file, 3, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable to delete the file from the PC: ", status

5-22 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-13 rm.pc.log
Append text to the AceServer log on the PC

rm.pc.log($source, $text[], length, wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$source The source generating the log message

5-13 rm.pc.log
$text The text to append to the log
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters 5
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.log()

AUTO REAL status

CALL rm.pc.log("Robot 1", "Message To Log", 1, status)

IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Failure to append to AceServer log: ", status

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-23

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-14 rm.read.anums
Read a list of numeric property variables associated with multiple objects on the PC. The variable ref-
erenced must all be numeric types

rm.read.anums($objects[], $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$objects[] The name of the remote objects to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The name of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
values[] The values of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.ns()

AUTO $object, $objects[1], $variables[1]

AUTO REAL values[1], status

; Read multiple values from multiple properties of the same object

$object = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "Current Value"
$variables[1] = "IsBoolean"
CALL rm.read.nums($object, $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Read Value: ", status

TYPE $variables[0], " = ", values[0]

TYPE $variables[1], " = ", values[1]

5-24 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

; Read multiple values from multiple objects

$objects[0] = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "Current Value"
$objects[1] = "/Numeric Variable 2"
$variables[1] = "Current Value"
CALL rm.read.anums($objects[], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Read Value: ", status

TYPE $objects[0], ".", $variables[0], " = ", values[0]

TYPE $objects[0], ".", $variables[1], " = ", values[1]

5-14 rm.read.anums

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-25

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-15 rm.read.num
Read a numeric property variable associated with an object on the PC. The variable referenced must
be a numeric type

rm.read.num($object, $variable, wait.time, value, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
value The value of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.n()

AUTO $object, $variable

AUTO REAL value, status

; Write a value of 10 to the numeric variable in the workspace

$object = "/Numeric Variable"
$variable = "CurrentValue"
value = 10
CALL rm.write.num($object, $variable, 1, value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.num($object, $variable, 1, value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN

5-26 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status


IF (value <> 10) THEN

TYPE "The update did not succeed"

5-15 rm.read.num

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-27

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-16 rm.read.nums
Read a list of numeric property variables associated with an object on the PC. The variable referenced
must all be numeric types

rm.read.nums($object, $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The name of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
values[] The values of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.ns()

AUTO $object, $objects[1], $variables[1]

AUTO REAL values[1], status

; Read multiple values from multiple properties of the same object

$object = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "Current Value"
$variables[1] = "IsBoolean"
CALL rm.read.nums($object, $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Read Value: ", status

TYPE $variables[0], " = ", values[0]

TYPE $variables[1], " = ", values[1]

5-28 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

; Read multiple values from multiple objects

$objects[0] = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "Current Value"
$objects[1] = "/Numeric Variable 2"
$variables[1] = "Current Value"
CALL rm.read.anums($objects[], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Read Value: ", status

TYPE $objects[0], ".", $variables[0], " = ", values[0]

TYPE $objects[0], ".", $variables[1], " = ", values[1]

5-16 rm.read.nums

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-29

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-17 rm.read.str
Read a string property variable associated with an object on the PC. The variable referenced must be
a string type

rm.read.str($object, $variable, wait.time, $value, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$values The value of the variable
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.s()

AUTO $object, $variable, $value

AUTO REAL status

; Write a value of "Text" to the string variable in the workspace

$object = "/String Variable"
$variable = "CurrentValue"
$value = "Text"
CALL rm.write.str($object, $variable, 1, $value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.str($object, $variable, 1, $value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN

5-30 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status


IF $value <> "Text" THEN

TYPE "The update did not succeed"

5-17 rm.read.str

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-31

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-18 rm.read.strs
Read a list of string property variables associated with an object on the PC. The variable referenced
must all be string types

rm.read.strs($object, $variables[], wait.time, $values[], status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The names of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
$values[] The values of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

5-32 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-19 rm.read.trns
Read a transform property variable associated with an object on the PC. The variable referenced must
be a Transform3D type

rm.read.trns($object, $variable, wait.time, value, status)

Input Parameters

5-19 rm.read.trns
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
value The value of the variable
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.t()

AUTO $object, $variable

AUTO REAL status
AUTO LOC t.value

; Write a value of 10 to the transform variable in the workspace

$object = "/Box"
$variable = "OffsetFromParent"
SET t.value = TRANS(10,10,10,0,0,180)
CALL rm.write.trns($object, $variable, 1, t.value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.trns($object, $variable, 1, t.value, status)

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-33

5 V+ Remote Library Module

IF (status < 0) THEN

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status

5-34 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-20 rm.read.trnss
Read a list of transform property variables associated with an object on the PC. The variable refer-
enced must all be Transform3D types

rm.read.trnss($object, $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters

5-20 rm.read.trnss
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The names of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
values[] The values of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-35

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-21 rm.save
Saves the workspace file on the PC

rm.save(wait.time, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$file Name of the file on the PC to save. If empty, save to
the current file
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.save()
AUTO REAL status
AUTO $file

$file = "C:\workspace.awp"
CALL rm.save($file, 10, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Save Workspace: ", status

5-36 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-22 rm.write.anums
Set the values of an array of numeric properties associated with a collection of objects on the PC. The
property variables referenced must all be of a numeric type

rm.write.anums($objects[], $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters

5-22 rm.write.anums
Parameter Description
$objects[] The name of the remote objects to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The name of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5
values[] The values of the variables

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.nws()

AUTO $objects[0], $variables[0]

AUTO REAL values[0], status
; Write multiple values from multiple properties of the same object
$objects[0] = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "CurrentValue"
values[0] = 110
CALL rm.write.nums($objects[0], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Values: ", status

; Perform a multiple object write

CALL rm.write.anums($objects[], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Values: ", status

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-37

5 V+ Remote Library Module


5-38 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-23 rm.write.num
Set the value of a numeric property associated with an object on the PC. The property variable refer-
enced must be of a numeric type

rm.write.num($object, $variable, wait.time, value, status)

Input Parameters

5-23 rm.write.num
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5
value The value of the variable

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.n()

AUTO $object, $variable

AUTO REAL value, status

; Write a value of 10 to the numeric variable in the workspace

$object = "/Numeric Variable"
$variable = "CurrentValue"
value = 10
CALL rm.write.num($object, $variable, 1, value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.num($object, $variable, 1, value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-39

5 V+ Remote Library Module

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status


IF (value <> 10) THEN

TYPE "The update did not succeed"

5-40 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-24 rm.write.nums
Set the values of an array of numeric properties associated with an object on the PC. The property
variables referenced must all be of a numeric type.

rm.write.nums($object, $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters

5-24 rm.write.nums
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The name of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5
values[] The values of the variables

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.nws()

AUTO $objects[0], $variables[0]

AUTO REAL values[0], status
; Write multiple values from multiple properties of the same object
$objects[0] = "/Numeric Variable"
$variables[0] = "CurrentValue"
values[0] = 110
CALL rm.write.nums($objects[0], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Values: ", status

; Perform a multiple object write

CALL rm.write.anums($objects[], $variables[], 1, values[], status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Values: ", status

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-41

5 V+ Remote Library Module


5-42 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-25 rm.write.str
Set the value of a string property associated with an object on the PC. The property variable refer-
enced must be of a string type

rm.write.str($object, $variable, wait.time, $value, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description

5-25 rm.write.str
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5
value The value of the variable

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.s()

AUTO $object, $variable, $value

AUTO REAL status

; Write a value of "Text" to the string variable in the workspace

$object = "/String Variable"
$variable = "CurrentValue"
$value = "Text"
CALL rm.write.str($object, $variable, 1, $value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.str($object, $variable, 1, $value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-43

5 V+ Remote Library Module

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status


IF $value <> "Text" THEN

TYPE "The update did not succeed"

5-44 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-26 rm.write.strs
Set the values of an array of string properties associated with an object on the PC. The property varia-
bles referenced must all be of a string type

rm.write.strs($object, $variables[], wait.time, $values[], status)

Input Parameters

5-26 rm.write.strs
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable[] The names of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
plete 5
$values[] The values of the variables

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-45

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-27 rm.write.trns
Set the value of a transformation property associated with an object on the PC. The property variable
referenced must be of a Transform3D type

rm.write.trns($object, $variable, wait.time, value, status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variable The name of the variable to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-
values The value of the variable

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

.PROGRAM ex1.rm.vars.t()

AUTO $object, $variable

AUTO REAL status
AUTO LOC t.value

; Write a value of 10 to the transform variable in the workspace

$object = "/Box"
$variable = "OffsetFromParent"
SET t.value = TRANS(10,10,10,0,0,180)
CALL rm.write.trns($object, $variable, 1, t.value, status)
IF (status < 0) THEN
TYPE "Unable To Write Value: ", status

; Read the variable and ensure it is the same value

CALL rm.read.trns($object, $variable, 1, t.value, status)

5-46 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

5 V+ Remote Library Module

IF (status < 0) THEN

TYPE "Unable To Read the Value: ", status

5-27 rm.write.trns

V+ Module Reference Manual (I668) 5-47

5 V+ Remote Library Module

5-28 rm.write.trnss
Read a list of transform property variables associated with an object on the PC. The variable refer-
enced must all be Transform3D types

rm.write.trnss($object, $variables[], wait.time, values[], status)

Input Parameters
Parameter Description
$object The name of the remote object to access. This must
include the full path name of the object to access. e.g.
"/directory/Robot 1"
$variables[] The names of the variables to access
wait.time The amount of time to wait for the operation to com-

Output Parameters
Parameter Description
values[] The values of the variables
status Status of the operation: 0 = success, < 0 = error

5-48 V+ Module Reference Manual (I668)

OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation Company Authorized Distributor:
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