STD VIII SSC Question Paper

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SESSION: 2021 – 2022
F.M. – 50 Date: - 04.10.2021 TIME: 2 HRS. 15 MINS

General Instructions:-
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. This paper consists of two sections: - Section A: 25 Marks.
Section B: 25 Marks.
3. Students must attempt each section serially.
4. Marks will be deducted for incorrect numbering of MCQ options.
5. Marks will be deducted for illegible handwriting
6. This paper consists of 6 pages.


1) Choose the Correct answer from the options given below: (5×1=5)
i) Which of the following is not a main source for the modern period of Indian history ?
a) News paper c) Magazine
b) E- mails d) Pamphlets

ii) Education became a fundamental right in India in-

a) April 1, 2010 c) April 1, 2011
b) April 1, 2009 d) None of them

iii) The first English company came up in the year ____

a) 1666 c) 1652
b) 1651 d) 1655

iv) ________ was the first soldier to be hanged for the 1857 revolt.
a) MahadijShinde c) Mangal Pandey
b) Shahuji d) Batukeshwar Dutt

v) Who was the first Governor- General of India?

a) Lord Macaulay c) Jonathan Duncan
b) Warren Hastings d) Sir Charles Wood

2) Define the following terms : (2×1=2)

i) Mahalwari System
ii) Coalition government.

3) Give Significance of the following dates : (3×1=3)
i) 1848
ii) 1813
iii) 1856

4) Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words : (2×2=4)

i) What is the importance of the Preamble of the Constitution?
ii) Mention any two military measures that made the Indian Sepoy feel that Britisher's are
trying to make them lose their religion.

5) Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words : (3×2=6)

i) What was the Blue rebellion? What were the two systems of Indigo cultivation? (1+2=3)
ii) Explain the controversy between the Anglicists and Orientalists ?

6) Answer the following questions with reference to the picture given below: (3×1=3)

a) To which house does the above personality belong?

b) What is the minimum age for seeking membership in this particular house?
c) Who presides over the sessions held in this house?

7) Study the given map and identify the places that have been marked on it: (2×1=2)

a) The place where Bahadur Shah assumed leadership of the revolt of 1857.
b) The place where Gandhiji visited at the call of the indigo cultivators.


8) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (5×1=5)
i) The naturally occurring substances which are used by human beings from recent time to
produce energy are called-
a) Conventional energy resource c) Natural energy resource
b) Exhaustible energy resource d) Non-Conventional energy

ii) If rapid evaporation of ground water : salinization then ultimate product of weathering :
a) Formation of land. c) reclaiming of wasteland
b) formation of soil. d) balancing the usage of the land

iii) Largest deposit of freshwater in the form of ice is present in -

a) Mountains c) Antarctica
b) Greenland d) All of the above

iv) Cinchona, the particular plant species is related with-
a) Temperate evergreen forest c) Tropical deciduous forest
b) Tropical evergreen forest d) Temperate deciduous forest

v) Choose the incorrect statement

a) Distribution of resources are different all over the world due to varied physical
b) Time and technology are related to human needs
c) Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them in resource conservation
d) Human skills help in transferring the physical material into a valuable resource

9) Define the following terms: (2×1=2)

i) Habitat
ii) Sustainable Development

10) Distinguish between the following: (2)

Alluvial soil and Black soil.

11) Give reasons for the following : (1)

Solar energy is the most inexhaustible source of energy.

12) Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words: (2x2=4)
i) Explain two ways of conserving industrially consumed water.
ii) Can you conserve resources? Mention two ways of resource conservation.

13) Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words: (2×3=6)
i) State the aims and objectives of Indian Wild Life Protection Act implemented by the
government of India?
ii) Mention any one use of Manganese, Copper, and Uranium.

14) Answer the following questions with reference to the picture given below. (3×1=3)

a) What does the above picture depict?

b) What is the main purpose for its construction?
c) What are the other benefits derived from this type of construction? (any one)

15) Study the given map and identify the places that have been marked on it : (2×1=2)

a) Identify the state with mountain soil.

b) Identify the largest coal field in India.

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