Lecture 19 Game Tree

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ITEC4119-Artificial Intelligence

Lecture 19
Muhammad Umar Farooq
Summary of previous lectures

• Local search
– Hill climbing
– Beam search
– Genetic algorithm
Genetic algorithm
1. Generate a random population of chromosomes
(this is the first generation).
2. If the termination criteria are satisfied, stop.
Otherwise, continue with step 3.
3. Determine the fitness of each chromosome.
4. Apply crossover / mutation to selected
chromosomes from the current generation to
generate a new population of chromosomes—
the next generation.
5. Return to step 2.
Polynomial fitting problem

• Suppose you have points(x, y)

– {(1,5),(3,9)}
Fit the polynomial (1 degree) through these data
Solution found

• The value of [m c] is [2 3]
• The equation of line is y = 2x+3 for data
points(x, y) {(1,5),(3,9)}
Adversarial Search:
• Often known as games
• Multiagent environment
– Two player game
– competitive environments
• Deterministic or fully observable environment
– in which two agents act alternately and in which
the utility values at the end of the game are
always equal and opposite
Tic tac toe

Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Won Player 2:
Player 1: Won Player 2:
Tic tac Toe

Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
Player 1: Player 2:
How many terminal Nodes for this problem?



Total number of terminal nodes=9!=362, 880

• Chess has an average branching factor of
about 35, and games often go to 50 moves by
each player, so the search tree has about
35100 or 10154 nodes
• Total number of terminal nodes for tic tac
toe=9!=362, 880
Game tree algorithm
• Min-Max
• Alpha beta pruning
Thank you

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