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Usha RANI Kandula

Faculty of nursing Rama university.


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JNPE, JUNE 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 37 – 40 ISSN No. 2395-1974

Review Article
Mrs.K.Usha Rani
Assistant professor (HOD), Department of Medical surgical Nursing, Rama College of Nursing, Rama University,
Mandhana, Kanpur, UP, India.

The Nanotechnology is being used in developing countries to help and treat disease conditions and
prevent health care issues. The common term of nanotechnology is Nan medicine. The Nanomedicine is
a branch of medicine which applies the knowledge and tools of nanotechnology to the prevention and
treatment of disease conditions. The Nanomedicine involves the use of nanoscale materials, such as
biocompatible nanoparticles and nanorobots, for the diagnosis of the disease, delivery of the drug, for
sensing or actuation purposes in living organisms. The Nanomedicine is the application of
nanotechnology, which often described as technologies under 1000 nm, in the health care sciences. Well
the researchers have been using nanomedicine to the target microbes, with an appropriate result in vitro
and as a potential innovation to the field of antimicrobials. In this studies followed, as clinical trials
started to appear, and a movement of clinical translation is initiating in the field of antimicrobial
nanomedicine. An important achievement for this field, is stimulating further clinical research and basic
sciences, and generating research questions and scientific enquiries. The Trials addressing nanoparticles
on catheters, hand gels, therapeutic vaccines, safety, and other issues have been conducted. As per their
financial and bureaucratic restrictions, the presence of clinical trials is a great indicator of the potential
in the field and is a necessary step to fight against microbes by nanomedicine.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanomedicine, microbes, nanoparticles, nanorobots.

Introduction technology and pharmacology has only been

researched since the 1990s.
The Nanomedicine is a medical application of
nanotechnology. The Nanomedicine comes from the The Nanotechnology itself has only existed for a few
medical applications of the nano materials and decades. After the invention of high resolution
biological devices, the nano electronic biosensors, microscopy it evolved simultaneously in the field of
and even possible future applications of molecular biology, physics and chemistry as in the course of the
nanotechnology as biological machines. 20th century and spawned new disciplines such as
microelectronics, biochemistry and molecular
The Advancement in the field of nanotechnology and biology.
its applications to the field of medicines and
pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the twentieth The nanomedicine, nanobiotechnology knowledge
century. The Nanotechnology is the study of which investigates the structure and function of cells
extremely small structures. The word “nano” means as well as intra- and intercellular processes[2].
very small. The Nanotechnology is the treatment of This research study only became possible at the
individual atoms, molecules, or compounds into beginning of the 20th century when the door to the
structures to produce materials and devices with a nanocosmos was burst open with the invention of
special property. The Nanotechnology involves work innovative microscopes as needed in all the fields.
from the top down i.e. in reducing the size of large
structures to the smallest structures. e.g. The Nanomedicine is defined as the monitoring, and
photonics applications in nano electronics and nano repairing, construction and controlling of human
engineering, top-down or the bottom up, which biological systems at the molecular level, by using
involves changing individual atoms and molecules engineered nanodevices and nanostructures.
into nanostructures and more closely resembles the The Current problems for nanomedicine involve as
chemistry biology [1]. understanding the issues in relation to
the toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale
History of Nanomedicine materials (materials whose structure is on the scale of
The Nanomedicine is a young science. The nanometers, i.e. billionths of a meter) [3].
nanotechnology can be use in medicine, medical

JNPE, June 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 37-40 ISSN No. 2395-1974

The Functionalities can be added to the nanomaterials antimicrobial properties. The Nanoparticles might
by interfacing them with in biological molecules or also used to the circumvent multidrug
structures. The size of nanomaterials is similar to that resistance (MDR) mechanisms.
of most biological molecules and structures;
Some potentially important applications include
therefore, nanomaterials can be useful for both in
cancer treatment with iron nanoparticles or gold
vivo and in vitro biomedical research and
shells. The Nanotechnology helps in identifying new
opportunities in drug delivery systems, this rapid rise
The nanomaterials have the development of may cause difficulties with toxicity, and drug
diagnostic devices as to use contrast agents, efficacy can diminish as the drug concentration falls
analytical tools, physical therapy applications, and below the targeted ranges [5].
drug delivery vehicles or channels.
The Uses of Nanomedicine
The Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a valuable set of
research tools and the clinically useful devices in the The possible uses of nanotechnology in medicine are
near future days. The Nanotechnology Initiative in based on three basics as:
new applications in the pharmaceuticals that may 1. The Nanomaterials and nanoinstruments which can
include advanced drug delivery system, application be used as biosensors, as aids in treatment and as
of new therapies, and in the vivo imaging processes. transporters of active substances.
The Nanotechnology has provided the possibility of
delivering of drugs to the specific body cells by using 2. The knowledge of molecular medicine in the fields
nanoparticles [4]. of genetics, proteomics and synthetically produced or
modified microorganisms.
As the benefit of using nanoscale materials for
3. The nanotechnologies which can be used for the
medical technologies is that smaller devices are less
rapid diagnosis and for therapy, for repair of genetic
invasive and can possibly be implanted inside the
materials and for the cell surgery, as well as for the
body, plus biochemical reaction times are much
improving of natural physiological functions.
shorter. These devices are faster and more sensitive
than typical drug delivery system. The Applications of Nano Medicine
The efficiency of drug delivery through
1. Contrast agents for cancer cell imaging
nanomedicine is a largely based upon the followings
The Nanoparticles of cadmium selenide (quantum
dots) glow when exposed to ultraviolet lights. These
 The Efficient encapsulation of the drugs, When injected, as they seep into cancer tumors. The
 The Successful delivery of the drugs to the surgeon can see the glowing tumor, and use it as a
targeted region of the body, and guide for more accurate tumor removal procedures
 The Successful release of the drugs in to the [6].
body. 2. Therapeutics for treating the cancer
The Gold nano shells can be targeted to bond to the
cancerous cells. By causing irradiating the area of the
tumor with infrared lasers, as which passes through
the flesh without heating it and the gold is heated
sufficiently to cause death to the cancer cells.
3. The Medical applications of
This could solve the difficulties and blood leaks
Current Advances in Nanomedicine caused when the surgeon tries to re stitch the arteries
that have been cut during a kidney or heart
The Drug delivery systems may also be able to transplantation [7].
prevent tissue damages through proper regulated drug
release methods; in reducing drug clearances rates; or
4. The Nano electronic biosensors
lower the volume of distribution and reduce the effect Diagnostic devices
on non-target tissues. The Nanotechnology is advancement in the use of
arthroscopes that are used in surgeries with lights and
The Nanoparticles used in combination therapy for cameras, so surgeons can do the surgeries with
decreasing antibiotic resistance or for their smaller incisions.

JNPE, June 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 37-40 ISSN No. 2395-1974

5. The physical therapy applications  The Diseases can be easily cured.

It is used in photodynamic therapy; a small particle is  Identify optimal drug agents, to treat the existing
placed within the body and is identified with light condition, or targeted pathogens.
from the outside. The light gets absorbed by the  Diagnose conditions and disclose pathogens.
particle and if the particle is metal, energy from the  Fuel high-yield production of matched
light will heat the particle and surrounding tissues pharmaceuticals.
[8].  Locate, embed, or attach integrated or enter
target tissue; configurations or pathogens.
6. The application of Neuro-electronic  Dispense the ideal mass dosage of matched
interfaces biological compound to the specific target
The application of the Neuro-electronic interfacing is locations.
a visionary goal dealing with the construction of
nanodevices that will permit computers to be joined Conclusion
and linked to the nervous system. The Nanomedicine is a new nanotechnology that has
7. The application in Tissue repair a huge impact on the human lives. As with many
The Nanotechnology may be able to help reproduce studies and researchers, the human has used to the
or repair damaged tissue. The “Tissue engineering" nano medicine to operate many various medical
makes use of artificially stimulated cell proliferation functions such as drug delivery system, the cancer
by using suitable nano material-based on scaffolds therapeutics, in tissue engineering, etc. The
and growth factors. For example, bones could be re opportunities for nano medicine to improve health are
grown on carbon nano tube scaffolds. The Tissue limitless. To maximize gains in individual and
engineering might replace today's conventional population health, inclusion of public health expertise
treatments like organ transplants or artificial implants is essential. This influence in the development of
[9]. nano medicine will help to identify the greatest areas
of need for technological innovations, to determine
8. The Molecular nanotechnology how to best allocate funding, and shape polices to
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