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Setup and Installation


Release 6.2
Rev B
March 2014
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
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Software described in Stratus documents (a) is the property of Stratus Technologies
Bermuda, Ltd. or the third party, (b) is furnished only under license, and (c) may be
copied or used only as expressly permitted under the terms of the license. The software
described in this document is covered by the following copyright: © Stratus Technologies
Bermuda, Ltd. 2008, 2009-2013.
Stratus documentation describes all supported features of the user interfaces and the
application programming interfaces (API) developed by Stratus. Any undocumented
features of these interfaces are intended solely for use by Stratus personnel and are
subject to change without warning.
This document is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Stratus Technologies
grants you limited permission to download and print a reasonable number of copies of
this document (or any portions thereof), without change, for your internal use only,
provided you retain all copyright notices and other restrictive legends and/or notices
appearing in the copied document.
Stratus, the Stratus logo, ftServer, and the ftServer logo are registered trademarks of
Stratus Technologies Bermuda, Ltd.
The Stratus Technologies logo, the Stratus 24 x 7 logo, ActiveService, ftScalable,
Automated Uptime, and Active Upgrade are trademarks of Stratus Technologies
Bermuda, Ltd.
The Application Availability Experts, ComputeThru, everRun, and SplitSite, are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Stratus Technologies Bermuda, Ltd.
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries; Xen® and Citrix® are registered trademarks and
XenServer™, XenCenter™, and XenConvert™ are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc.;
Java® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems; Linux® is a registered
trademark of Linus Torvalds. Intel® is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Stratus everRun products are protected by one or more of the following patents: U.S.
Patent Numbers: 5,600,784; 5,615,403; 5,787,485; 5,790,397; 5,896,523; 5,956,474;
5,983,371; 6,038,685; 6,205,565; 6,279,119; 6,473,869; 6,728,898; 7,373,545; 7,877,552.
European Patent Numbers: EP0731945; EP0974912; EP0986784; EP0993633;
EP1000397; EP1000404; EP1029267; EP1496434; GB2392536; Japanese Patent
Numbers: 3679412; 4166939; 4264136. Other patents pending.
The product makes use of software covered under the GNU Public License (GPL) and
the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). For a written copy of these licenses, see /var/
everRun/ current_everRun/licenses on any XenServer host on which everRun software
is installed. Stratus will make source components available upon request, as required
under the terms of the GPL. Contact everRun MX Support (US Toll-Free) 866-763-1813
or (International) 602-852-3094.
© 2014 Stratus Technologies Bermuda, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 — Installation Overview

Installation Sequence ........................................................................................ 1
Information Sources.............................................................................................2

Chapter 2 — System Requirements

Basic everRun Configuration ............................................................................ 7
Hardware Requirements.....................................................................................8
XenServer Hosts .......................................................................................... 8
Management Computer and Quorum Service Computers........................10
Software Requirements and Sources .............................................................. 12

Chapter 3 — System Configuration and Setup

Local Two-Host everRun Pool ......................................................................... 13
Step 1: Plan Your Configuration, Obtain Components .................................. 14
Step 2: Download Software and Documentation ........................................... 14
Step 3: Set Up the XenServer Environment .................................................. 15
Set Up XenServer Hosts ............................................................................ 15
Advisory: Enable Multipathing on Fibre Channel Storage............... 15
Define the Network Configuration .................................................... 16
Define the Storage Configuration....................................................... 17
Install the XenServer and XenCenter Software ................................ 17
Install XenServer Software on the XenServer Hosts ........................ 18
Install XenCenter Software on the Management Computer..............19
Connect to XenServer Hosts and Install Licenses ............................ 20
Step 4: Create a XenServer Resource Pool ..................................................... 20
Add the Master Host and Member Host(s) to a Pool .............................. 20
Contents iv
Verify Network Connections.......................................................................20
Create a NIC Bond on the Master Host.....................................................22
Step 5: Create Windows Guest Virtual Machines ...........................................23
Step 6: Install Your Windows Applications ....................................................23

Chapter 4 — Installing the everRun Software

Preparing to Install everRun............................................................................25
Step 7: Using the everRun Installer ................................................................25
Running the Installer.................................................................................26
Installing everRun on Additional XenServer Host(s) .............................. 27
Installing Quorum Service Software (When Used)...................................27
About Quorum Service Communication Ports ..........................................28
Install the XenServer Tools .......................................................................28
Step 8: Launch the eAC Management GUI......................................................28
Step 9: Configure the Resource Pool in the eAC..............................................29
Installing the License Key..........................................................................31
Configuring the everRun Availability-Link (A-link) Networks ...............31
Setting the Pool Isolation IP Address........................................................31
Configuring Quorum Service (When Applicable).......................................31
Protecting Windows VMs............................................................................32
Working with the eAC: An Overview................................................................32
Learning More About everRun Management ..........................................33

Appendix A - everRun Installer Online Help

Viewing the Installer Online Help ..................................................................35
An Example: Assigning Communications Ports .............................................36
An Example: Managing Logical Volume Storage ............................................37

Appendix B - Browser Troubleshooting

Resolving Problems with Internet Explorer ...................................................39
Internet Explorer Security Level Settings ...............................................39
Windows Vista Installation Failure...........................................................40
Windows Server 2003, 64-bit version.........................................................40
Additional Troubleshooting Tips ...............................................................40

v Setup and Installation Guide

Appendix C - To Enable Multipathing in an everRun Setting
Overview .......................................................................................................... 41
Disabling everRun Services ............................................................................ 41
Enabling the Multipath Option ...................................................................... 41
Re-enabling everRun Services..........................................................................42

Appendix D - Updating everRun Port Assignments

Overview .......................................................................................................... 43
Reconfiguring everRun Ports .......................................................................... 43

Brief Glossary of Terms

everRun® Terminology .................................................................................... 47
XenServer™ and Industry Terminology ........................................................ 48

Contents vi
vii Setup and Installation Guide
Installation Overview

This chapter describes the main tasks required for a complete everRun installation and
lists the source of information for each task. As you install, you can return to this
chapter to find an information source.

NOTE: Throughout this guide, key terms are displayed in a blue bold font. The first
instance of a key term links to a brief definition in the glossary at the end of
the book. After you check a term, you can return to the text by clicking the
section bookmark in the navigation panel at left.

In addition to the process described in this guide, you must install specific software to
support certain everRun features, such as SNMP notification or the everRun snapshot
feature. For further information, see “Additional Installation Options” on page 4.

Installation Sequence
The everRun® software must be installed onto an existing Citrix® XenServer™
virtualization environment. Before you begin, please review the tasks you’ll perform.
1. Plan your configuration, obtain system components, and set up hardware.

2. Obtain the required Citrix and everRun software, documentation, and licenses.

3. Install and configure your XenServer hosts and the XenCenter management
GUI, then add the XenServer license to each host in the pool.

4. Create a XenServer resource pool from the configured hosts and verify the
network connection.

5. Create or import one or more Windows virtual machines (VMs).

6. Now or at any later time you can install the Windows application(s) you want to
protect — email server, database, and so forth — onto the VMs in the pool.

Installation Overview 1
7. Install the everRun software onto each XenServer host in the pool.

8. Install XenTools on each Windows VM.

9. Using the URL provided during the install process, open the everRun
Availability Center (eAC) management GUI.

10. Use the eAC for the post-install configuration tasks: applying the everRun license,
checking the pool isolation IP address, configuring the availability-link (A-link)
networks, and enabling/configuring quorum service if it is required in your

Information Sources
Table 1 explains where to find the information needed for each of these tasks.

Table 1: Information Sources

Step Information Source(s)

1. Plan your configuration, obtain For a list of specific hardware and software
system components, and set up recommended by Citrix, see http://
hardware, including:
• XenServer hosts Citrix XenServer documentation is
available from The
• A Windows management computer
XenServer Installation Guide, available on
hosting XenCenter software
the Citrix download site, describes the
• Storage repositories to address the hardware and software requirements for
needs of your configuration the virtualization environment.

• NICS, switches, gateways, and The everRun Configuration Planning

networking hardware needed for Guide (included in an “everRun MX
your configuration Documentation Set”-- download) lists the
components recommended and describes
• If quorum service is used, two the configurations supported for this
Windows computers hosting the release.
quorum service software
2. Download the required software Obtain XenServer software,
(.iso files) and documentation. documentation, and license from the
everRun download site.
For each software product, create
installation CDs from the ISO Download instructions are included in the
image supplied and place the communication from everRun Order
license information in a known Administration.

2 Setup and Installation Guide

Table 1: Information Sources

Step Information Source(s)

3. Download the Supplemental Driver
Disk ISO image and create a CD
from the image.
4. Install, configure, and verify your The everRun Configuration Planning
XenServer environment, including: Guide provides guidelines for network and
storage, and quorum server configurations
• XenServer hosts and XenCenter
for several deployment options.
• Network configuration Chapter 3 of this guide, “System
• Storage configuration Configuration and Setup,” describes the
XenServer setup recommended for use
• Quorum service configuration with everRun.
After you have installed XenCenter, The XenServer Installation Guide describes
connect to each XenServer host and how to install the XenServer software on
activate the software, including the host machines and the XenCenter software
Citrix license for the software version on a management computer. Use
you have purchased. XenCenter Online Help for Citrix license
5. Use XenCenter to create a resource Instructions in Chapter 3, “System
pool that contains master and Configuration and Setup,” describe how to
member hosts. Then connect to the use XenCenter Online Help for this work.
XenServer master host and create a The XenServer Administrator’s Guide
bonded NIC for the XenServer provides information on NIC bonding and
management LAN. Check the “Create a NIC Bond on the Master Host” on
network connectivity on both page 22 of this guide describes how to
master and member hosts. create the NIC bond.
6. If the everRun Release Notes Check everRun Release Notes to identify
indicate that XenServer updates updates required for the release. The
are required for the release, update required updates are available at the
the XenServer software. everRun download site for the release.
7. Install everRun software on the Chapter 4 of this guide, “Installing the
XenServer hosts, and install the everRun Software,” describes the
quorum service (QS) software on installation of everRun software and
designated QS computers. quorum service software.
8. Create the desired Windows guest The XenCenter Online Help describes how
VMs and install XenServer tools to create Windows guest virtual machines
(the paravirtualization drivers) on (VMs) and install XenServer tools.
each VM.

Installation Overview 3
Table 1: Information Sources

Step Information Source(s)

9. Install the Windows applications Use your software vendor’s instructions to
you want to protect (or install install application(s).
applications at any time after the
VM is protected).
10. Use the URL provided by the In Chapter 4, see “Step 8: Launch the eAC
everRun installer to open the eAC Management GUI” on page 28.
management GUI and connect to
the XenServer master host.
11. Configure your XenServer/everRun In Chapter 4, see “Step 9: Configure the
resource pool by: Resource Pool in the eAC” on page 29.
• Installing the everRun license for
your system
• Configuring an A-link network
scheme suitable for your
• Enabling quorum service and
providing suitable IP addresses for
preferred and alternate quorum
service computers, if used
• Verifying the isolation IP failover
address for the pool and adjusting
it if necessary

Additional Installation Options

If you plan to use certain everRun features, such as SNMP or snapshots, additional
software must be installed on your system. Table 2, “Optional Software Installation,” on
page 5 indicates the relevant documentation required for each feature.

4 Setup and Installation Guide


Table 2: Optional Software Installation

Feature Software Required See

everRun SNMP • Windows SNMP service everRun SNMP Guide,

service Chapter 2
• everRun SNMP extension
agent software
• Any third-party
management utility that
includes the ability to
manage SNMP service
everRun everRun VSS Provider everRun Online Help > System
snapshots Administration > Using everRun
Snapshots > Setting up the
everRun VSS Provider
everRun All configurations except direct- See “Installing Quorum Service
quorum service connected two-host pools Software (When Used)” on page 27
require the installation of of this guide.
d>.exe, a Windows executable
that is part of the everRun ISO

Installation Overview 5
6 Setup and Installation Guide
System Requirements

This chapter describes everRun configuration basics, as well as the hardware, software,
disk space, and network requirements for the system.

Basic everRun Configuration

Figure 2-1 shows a schematic of a basic everRun configuration, which is a resource
pool containing two XenServer hosts and a separate management computer.

Figure 2-1 A basic everRun configuration is a pool of two XenServer hosts that
can support virtual machines, as well as a general-purpose PC that
can run both the XenCenter management application and the
browser-based everRun Availability Center management client.

System Requirements 7
The XenServer software must be installed on two x64 (64-bit) servers, which are known
as the XenServer hosts. The XenServer hosts are dedicated to the task of hosting
virtual machines (VMs). All hosts must be members of the same XenServer
resource pool.

The management computer that runs the XenCenter management application and
the browser-based everRun Availability Center (eAC) management client can
run on any general-purpose Windows machine that satisfies the hardware
requirements. This computer can also be used to run other Windows applications.

If the resource pool contains more than two XenServer hosts (using point-to-point cable
links), or if the hosts in the pool are geographically separated (as in a SplitSite®
deployment), two quorum service computers must be connected to the network, as
described in the everRun Configuration Planning Guide.

Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirements are based on those given in the XenServer Installation
Guide. A list of hardware and software components that have been reported to work
with XenServer, as tested by Citrix, by the individual vendors, or by the Xen
community, is available at

For the most reliable operation, choose components tested by Citrix or by the individual

XenServer Hosts
Each XenServer host is an x64 server-class machine devoted to hosting multiple VMs.
This machine runs a customized distribution of the Linux operating system, with a
XenServer-enabled kernel that controls the interaction between the virtualized devices
accessible by VMs and the physical hardware.

Table 3 lists the requirements for each system host. The processors in each host must
support hardware virtualization, as shown in the CPUs row of the table.

8 Setup and Installation Guide

Table 3: Requirements for XenServer Host Computers

Category Requirements

CPUs One or more x64 CPUs, 1.5 GHz minimum, 2 GHz or faster multicore
CPU recommended. For VMs running Windows, the processors must be
virtualization-capable Intel models with one or more (up to 8) CPUs.
A second computer with identical processors is required for use as a
redundant server for Protected Virtual Machines (PVMs—virtual
machines that are protected by Stratus everRun software). The CPUs
for every XenServer host computer must have hardware support for
virtualization enabled in the BIOS.
CPUs For a list of processors supported by Stratus products (required for
(cont.) Level 2 and Level 3 protection, for example), refer to the everRun 6.2
Hardware Guide at:
If you are not certain whether your hardware supports everRun
operation, download the everRun_CompatibilityCheck utility,
available in the Tools and Utilities section of the everRun customer
web portal. Download the Compatibility Check Readme document, also
at the web site, for instructions.
Supported Guests that are candidates for everRun protection must be running
guest OS Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise (32- or 64-bit, SP2),
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise (32- or 64-bit),
Windows Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise (64-bit, SP1 or SP2),
Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 or 2008, or Windows
Server 2008 Release 2.
RAM 2 GB minimum, 4 GB or more recommended.
Disk space Locally attached storage (PATA, SATA, SCSI, or FC-SAN) with a
for storage minimum of 72 GB of total disk space recommended. Shared storage
repositories (NFS share, iSCSI, and FC-SAN as described in the
XenServer Installation Guide) are also supported.
Disk space • 4 GB for XenServer in the host control domain, Domain 0 (Dom 0),
required and 4 GB for everRun in a supported storage repository (SR).
• Allow 10 GB minimum (Windows boot disk) for each Windows VM.
This may be located in local attached storage or shared storage, as
described under “Disk space for storage” above.
• Additional storage as required for applications and data on each VM.

System Requirements 9
Table 3: Requirements for XenServer Host Computers

Category Requirements

Network For optimum performance and reliability, Stratus recommends five

1 GB network interface cards (NICs), with network switches to provide
separate network channels, if necessary. If possible, use identical NICs.
As detailed in Chapter 3, the network configuration should contain only
four active networks, with each NIC connected to a separate Ethernet
card. The fifth NIC is bonded to the management LAN, as described in
“Create a NIC Bond on the Master Host” on page 22.
All network components in a SplitSite configuration must have >155
Mbps minimum capacity, end-to-end (when Level 3 SMP will be used,
two of the networks must be 1Gbps).
For detailed information on network configurations recommended to a
two-host pool, a multihost pool, a SplitSite pool, and Level 3 SMP
operation, see the everRun Configuration Planning Guide.
IP Each XenServer host must have a static IP address assigned for use by
Addresses the management software. Obtain IP addresses for DNS primary and
secondary servers, as well as gateway and subnet mask information for
your management network, from your IT network administrator.
Ports XenCenter uses port 443 in the local firewall for HTTPS
communications, port 22 for ssh, and 5900 for VNC with Linux VMs.
Make sure your firewall allows traffic via the appropriate ports.
The eAC uses TCP ports 8080 and 8081 for communication, but you can
change these defaults. (See Appendix A for more information.)

Firewalls must permit everRun protected VMs to contact quorum

service computers using UDP port 2189, and quorum service computers
to contact everRun-enabled XenServer hosts using UDP port 2188.

Management Computer and Quorum Service Computers

The management computer can support the two graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that
control the everRun system:
• XenCenter, which controls the XenServer software
• everRun Availability Center (eAC), which is used to manage protected VMs
XenCenter, the client application for remote management of XenServer hosts, can be
installed and run on any XP/Vista/Windows 7 workstation or laptop.

The browser-based eAC everRun management GUI can be loaded and run by a Flash-
enabled web browser on any computer, including the management computer. Table 4
shows the system requirements for the management computer.

10 Setup and Installation Guide

NOTE: The everRun eAC requires management network access and a compatible
Flash-enabled browser.

If you are running a 64-bit operating system on your management computer,

use a Flash-enabled 32-bit browser to access everRun. (At the time of this
release, 64-bit browsers do not support Adobe Flash Player.)

Table 4: Requirements for the Management Computer

Category Requirements

OS Windows XP, Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista .NET

framework version 2.0 or above, Windows 7.
CPU Speed 750 MHz minimum, 1 GHz or faster recommended
RAM 1 GB minimum, 2 GB or more recommended
Disk Space 100 MB minimum
NIC One 100 Mb or faster

Quorum service software, if deployed, can be installed on any general-purpose Windows

computer or laptop meeting the requirements listed in Table 5. Stratus recommends
configuring two quorum service computers: a preferred quorum server and an

Table 5: Requirements for Quorum Service Computers

Category Requirements

OS Windows XP (SP2 or newer), Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

or Windows 7; always powered on.
Disk Space 100 MB minimum
NIC 100 Mb
Connectivity Configure local configurations on A-link LANs

As noted in the everRun Configuration Planning Guide, quorum service computers are
not required for a two-host local deployment with point-to-point private LANs.

System Requirements 11
Software Requirements and Sources
The software requirements for everRun MX are listed below.

Table 6: Required Software for everRun MX

Product Source

everRun and XenServer software and everRun customer web portal.

Download instructions are provided with
your everRun software order
confirmation email.
everRun and XenServer license keys Your everRun software order
(reuse of the same XenServer OEM confirmation email contains everRun
License for each host). license information. The XenServer OEM
license file (everrun.xslic) is available
on the everRun download site.
Supported Windows software for the Your Windows software vendor.
virtual machines. See everRun Release
Notes for details.
Application software to run on the Your application software vendor.
Windows environment.

12 Setup and Installation Guide

System Configuration
and Setup 3

This document describes a basic, local two-host XenServer pool. For details on other
deployment options, refer to the everRun Configuration Planning Guide.

Local Two-Host everRun Pool

everRun software runs as a turnkey application in a XenServer virtual environment.
Figure 3-1 illustrates a basic two-host setup with four networks.

Figure 3-1 Two private networks called availability links (A-links)

synchronize and maintain redundancy between the components of
two XenServer hosts. Separate network adapters connect the hosts to
the production LAN and to the management LAN.

System Configuration and Setup 13

The two servers in Figure 3-1 also contain two directly cabled A-link connections. The
everRun Configuration Planning Guide describes this configuration in greater detail.
The guide also includes more complex configurations — having two or more hosts —
that require active, switched networks. In a switched configuration, additional quorum
service computers, running on separate subnets, coordinate the redundant everRun
software running on the two physical hosts.

The two interconnected XenServer hosts shown in Figure 3-1 are members of the same
XenServer resource pool. In the recommended configuration, Host 1 is designated
the master host and Host 2 is the member host. A separate, general-purpose
management computer with access to the management LAN contains the
XenCenter management console and provides browser access to the everRun
Availability Center (eAC) client.

NOTE: In Figure 3-1, the configuration shows four networks that use five NICs. The
fifth NIC is used to create a bonded management LAN, as recommended when
you plan to enable XenServer High Availability (HA). This bonded NIC is not
required for the everRun evaluation deployment, or for any configuration that
does not include XenServer HA.

Step 1: Plan Your Configuration, Obtain Components

The everRun Configuration Planning Guide provides information to help you select the
everRun deployment most suitable for your needs, obtain qualified components, and
assemble the physical system. If you require assistance in customizing the deployments
described in that guide, consult everRun Professional Services.

Step 2: Download Software and Documentation

Download instructions are included with your email from everRun Order
Administration. Also included in this email is the everRun license key that will be used
for everRun software installation.

Additional ISO images will be needed to provide support for hardware devices that are
not included on the Citrix XenServer installation CD-ROM. The everRun web
download portal also contains the Supplemental Driver Disk required for a new
installation of everRun.
See the Hardware Guide or more information on the most up to date list of supported
platforms, devices, and drivers.

Download Software to a Shared Directory

To prepare for installation:

14 Setup and Installation Guide

1. Create a shared directory on the management computer, using the standard
Windows procedure for sharing a drive or folder on the network.

2. Download the Citrix and everRun ISO images to the shared directory on the
XenServer management computer using your favorite web browser.

3. Download the Supplemental Driver Disk.

4. Create three CD-ROMs using your company's commonly accepted methodology -

one CD created from the XenServer installation Disk ISO, one from the
Supplemental Driver Disk ISO, and the everRun product ISO.
Add the license files and other relevant material to this directory.

Step 3: Set Up the XenServer Environment

You must set up a running XenServer environment before you install the everRun
software. You will install XenServer software on each host and install the XenCenter
management application on a separate Windows management computer.

Set Up XenServer Hosts

A XenServer resource pool requires a minimum of two physical servers with Intel
hardware virtualization technology. This section contains instructions for setting up
the local area networks, storage repositories, and XenServer environment for the pool.

NOTE: Refer to the everRun MX 6.2 Hardware Guide for the required BIOS settings.

Advisory: Enable Multipathing on Fibre Channel Storage

If you are configuring fibre channel shared storage for your pool, you must enable
multipathing on the storage repository. You must enable multipathing after XenServer
installation and prior to installation of everRun software.

Without multipathing, guest VMs with a virtual disk image (VDI) configured on the
associated FC SAN will not recover storage access properly following repair of a FC
SAN until you restart the XenServer host. When multipathing is properly configured,
you will avoid this problem. For more information, search the Citrix website for articles
on multipathing, or contact everRun Technical Support.

If you plan to enable multipathing you should do it right after you install the XenServer
software and the XenServer management network on your servers, but before you
perform additional configuration.

Before you enable multipathing, you must:

• Verify that multiple targets are available on your storage server.

System Configuration and Setup 15

• Place the XenServer host in Maintenance Mode.

You can enable and disable storage multipathing using the xe command-line interface
(as described in the Citrix XenServer Administrator's Guide (search the document for
"multipathing" ), or in XenCenter (search for "Multipathing" in the Online Help).

Define the Network Configuration

NOTE: Do not use DHCP to set up the XenServer hosts. Instead, use the static IP
addresses you obtained from your local IT administrator. Also configure a
suitable NTP server as part of each XenServer installation.

Set up the basic configuration shown in Figure 3-1; it contains four LANs that use five
physical network interface cards (NICs) on each server. (The management LAN uses
two NICs to create the bonded NIC.) This section describes the recommended network
configuration for the basic deployment supported in this release.

NOTE: Remember, if you do not plan to use XenServer HA, you do not need to create
a bonded NIC for the management network.

Stratus recommends the following network assignments for a local, two-host pool:
• eth0 — XenServer management LAN
The system management LAN provides connectivity to the XenServer hosts for
clients running the XenCenter management application and the everRun
Availability Center (eAC) management software. Choose eth0, as recommended in
the XenServer Installation Guide. For maximum reliability, it is highly
recommended that you bond this network card with eth4, as described below.
• eth1 — availability link 1
In a local, two-host pool, availability link 1 (A-link 1) is a direct-cabled, or an active,
switched network connection from eth1 on one host to eth1 on a second host.
• eth2 — availability link 2
In a local, two-host pool, availability link 2 (A-link 2) is a second direct-cabled, or
an active, switched network connection from eth2 on one host to eth2 on the second
• eth3 — production LAN
This is the network used to provide connectivity from application clients to
applications operating on virtual machines resident on the XenServer hosts.
• eth4 — bond with eth0, XenServer management LAN

16 Setup and Installation Guide

Use this NIC to create the bonded NIC for the XenServer management LAN, as
described in “Create a NIC Bond on the Master Host” on page 22.

XenServer automatically creates a virtual bridge called a Xen bridge (xenbr), which
is named to correspond to each Ethernet adapter during XenServer installation. The
XenServer convention names xenbr0 to provide a virtual bridge to eth0, xenbr1 to
provide a virtual bridge to eth1 and so forth. When you configure networks for use by
the virtual machines or everRun software, you can refer to the corresponding virtual
bridge name to understand the physical path connectivity. For more information, see
the XenServer documentation.

NOTE: See the everRun Configuration Planning Guide for configuration details
recommended for multihost pools, SplitSite pools, or a Level 3 SMP setting.

Define the Storage Configuration

The configuration shown in Figure 3-1 can use local storage attached to each of the
XenServer hosts or it can use shared storage such as NFS, iSCSI, fibre channel (FC)
SAN, or NetAPP® .
™ Use the instructions for setting up local and shared storage in the relevant
sections of the XenServer Installation Guide.

NOTE: For a basic discussion of how physical storage hardware is mapped to VMs in
XenServer, see the XenServer Administrator’s Guide.

Install the XenServer and XenCenter Software

After you have attached the network and storage devices to the network, you are ready
to install the XenServer and XenCenter software. To ensure a successful XenServer
setup, perform the following tasks in the sequence listed:
• Install the XenServer software, along with supplemental additional drivers that
are required for XenServer 6.0.2, on the first host (the master host).
• Install the XenServer software on the second host.
• Install XenCenter software on the management computer.
• Install and activate the XenServer license as described in the XenCenter Online
Help. If you are using an advanced version of Citrix software, use Citrix
instructions to apply the XenServer licenses.

Instructions for each of these tasks are given in the following sections.

System Configuration and Setup 17

Install XenServer Software on the XenServer Hosts
Install XenServer using the CD-ROM:

1. Load the XenServer installation CD you created into the CD-ROM drive of
XenServer Host 1 (the master host). Boot the server from the CD-ROM and select
the appropriate language keymap as requested.

2. The next screen will display the Welcome to XenServer Setup dialogue.
Press F9 at this time in order to load the device drivers. You will be presented with
a subsequent dialogue box to select the Driver Source.

3. Remove the XenServer Installation Disk and place the Supplemental Driver Disk
into the CD-ROM. Select "Local Media" and press OK.

4. The name of the Supplemental Driver Disk title will appear in the next dialogue
box. Press the Right Arrow keyboard key while holding down the Alt key. This will
present a new Linux shell window.

5. Mount the CD-ROM and prepare for driver installation using the following
mount -r /dev/cdrom /home
sh /home/prepare_drivers

6. Once the script is completed, return to the installer by pressing the Left Arrow
keyboard key while holding down the Alt key.

7. Select the "Use" option and press Enter, one or more drivers will be presented.
Press OK.

a. Press the Right Arrow keyboard key again, while holding down the Alt key, to go back
to the Linux shell window.
b. Run the below command to fix the reordering of the Network Adapters:
/tmp/reorder-nics -r
c. Then, run the below command to display the Network Adapters and MAC addresses:
/tmp/reorder-nics -l
d. Find the Network Adapter’s MAC Address that you want to use for your management
link in the list displayed by the above command, and note the name of that Network
Adapter (for example, eth0).
e. Return to the installer by pressing the Left Arrow keyboard key while holding
down the Alt key.

18 Setup and Installation Guide

8. After the drivers have been installed you will be presented with the Welcome to
XenServer Setup dialog again. Remove the Supplemental Driver Disk and place
the XenServer Installation Disk into the CD-ROM. Continue with the installation
by pressing OK.

a. When XenServer installer displays the list of the Network Adapters to select the
Management Link, find the Network Adapter name that you noted in above (step d. of
step 7.) and select that for the management Link (even if the XenServer installer
displays an incorrect MAC address for that adapter).

9. Answer the subsequent installation dialogues, referring to the XenServer

Installation documentation as needed.

10. At the dialogue entitled "New Media", you will be requested to reload the
Supplemental Driver Disk again. Remove the XenServer Installation Disk and
insert the Supplemental Driver Disk, selecting OK.

11. Select the "Use" option and press Enter on the subsequent dialogue to load the

12. Install the XenServer software on the second or any additional host(s) using the
same procedure on each host.

Install XenCenter Software on the Management Computer

Before you install the XenCenter software, use the Windows Add or Remove Programs
option on the Windows Control Panel to remove any previous version of XenCenter, as
recommended by Citrix.

To install XenCenter using a CD-ROM:

1. Put the XenServer CD you created from the Citrix ISO file into the CD drive of your
management computer.
If Auto-play is enabled for the CD drive, the XenCenter installer launches
automatically after a few moments.
If Auto-play is not enabled for the CD drive, browse to the \client_install
directory on the CD and find the file named XenCenter.msi. Double-click on the
file icon to launch the XenCenter installer.

2. Follow the instructions displayed in the installer window. When prompted for the
installation directory, either click Browse to change the installation location, or
click Next to accept the default path C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenCenter.

To install XenCenter using a shared directory:

1. If you are installing from a shared directory, browse to the \client_install

directory within the XenServer file structure and find the file named
XenCenter.msi. Double-click on the file icon to launch the XenCenter installer.
System Configuration and Setup 19
2. Follow the instructions displayed in the installer window. When prompted for the
installation directory, either click Browse to change the installation location, or
click Next to accept the default path C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenCenter

Connect to XenServer Hosts and Install Licenses

To add the license to a server, connect in XenCenter to the server you want to use as
the pool master host and install a XenServer license on that host. The everRun.xslic
license file should be located on the management computer, in the directory where you
stored it after download. After you have applied the license to the first host, you will be
able to connect to and apply the license to additional XenServer host(s). For instructions
on installing Citrix license files, see the XenCenter Online Help.

Step 4: Create a XenServer Resource Pool

To complete your XenServer setup, add each host to a resource pool that contains a
master host and a member host (sometimes called the “slave” in CLI commands). Then
use the XenCenter console (or any console window) to verify the network connections
on both hosts.

Add the Master Host and Member Host(s) to a Pool

In the XenCenter Online Help, open the Help Contents and follow instructions in
“About resource pools,” “Create a pool,” and “Add a server to the pool.”

Verify Network Connections

To verify your XenServer setup, take a moment to verify your network connections.
This step is critical to the success of an everRun installation.

XenServer software uses PIF objects to represent physical network interfaces. As

explained in the “NIC/PIF Ordering in Resource Pools” section of the Networking
chapter of the XenServer Administrator’s Guide, you can use XenServer xe commands
to review the MAC address and carrier (link state) parameters associated with each PIF
and to verify that the devices discovered (eth0, eth1, etc.) correspond to the appropriate
physical port on the server.

Use two commands for this task. First use xe pif-list to get the UUID (user ID) of
the PIF you want to verify. Then use xe pif-param-list and the PIF UUID to
identify which connector controls each network. You can run these commands from the
console command line in XenCenter or from any remote console that can access the
XenServer hosts.

As you verify each network cable, you may want to label the associated port with the
network name, or create a simple table that lists the network connectivity for each port.

20 Setup and Installation Guide

To get the UUID of a network PIF:

1. With all cables connected to your system, select a XenServer host in the XenCenter
resource pane, then issue the following command in XenCenter to obtain network
# xe pif-list

You will see a display that looks something like this:

uuid ( RO) : 5b430bc0-d4fd-098f-5d33-4f9cbf84c4a4
device ( RO): eth0
currently-attached ( RO): true
VLAN ( RO): -1
network-uuid ( RO): 7a002152-ed55-bbfe-01a9-1aa4c24cea1b

uuid ( RO) : b7f1fae1-911f-5305-60be-cbeccf801127

device ( RO): eth2
currently-attached ( RO): true
VLAN ( RO): -1
network-uuid ( RO): df6b1575-4b72-b606-458b-67dd06e222db

uuid ( RO) : efbd710d-dba8-75a4-d024-8479fd81dd4e

device ( RO): eth1
currently-attached ( RO): true
VLAN ( RO): -1
network-uuid ( RO): 67b4ee16-390b-b947-a604-5e760fd3eb31

2. Use this display to cut and paste each UUID you want to verify, as shown in the
following sequence.

To use the UUIDs verify the connectivity of your networks:

1. With the cables still attached, look at the parameters for the network identified as
eth0 by issuing the following command using the UUID for eth0:
# xe pif-param-list uuid=5b430bc0-d4fd-098f-5d33-4f9cbf84c4a4
XenServer returns a long list of parameters associated with that UUID.
uuid ( RO) : 5b430bc0-d4fd-098f-5d33-4f9cbf84c4a4
device ( RO): eth0
MAC ( RO): 00:1e:4f:f5:7f:7e
physical ( RO): true

2. Scan down the list to find the carrier parameter:

System Configuration and Setup 21

carrier ( RO): true
The value of true indicates network connectivity.

3. Now remove the cable from eth0 and issue the command again:
# xe pif-param-list uuid=5b430bc0-d4fd-098f-5d33-4f9cbf84c4a4
XenServer should return the following parameter set:
: 5b430bc0-d4fd-098f-5d33-4f9cbf84c4a4
device ( RO): eth0
MAC ( RO): 00:1e:4f:f5:7f:7e
physical ( RO): true
carrier ( RO): false
The value of false indicates the network is not connected.
Repeat the sequence for each of the network PIFs (eth1, eth2, eth3...) to verify
that the physical cable corresponds to the network

IP addresses are not available for all networks at this time. When the information
becomes available, you may want to add it to your table. The information will be useful
if you need to modify or troubleshoot the networks later on.

Create a NIC Bond on the Master Host

It is highly recommended that your network configuration contain five NICs, including
a bonded NIC on the XenServer management network. This is recommended to provide
maximum redundancy of the management network; it is also required to provide
management network resiliency for Level 1 (XenServer High Availability or HA)

To create a bonded NIC on the master host:

1. Highlight the master host and click the NICs tab.

You should see five networks, with NICs numbered 0 to 4.

2. Click the Create Bond button.

3. Assuming that NIC 0 was chosen as the Management LAN connection as

recommended, choose NIC 0 from the Available NICs box at left.

4. Assuming eth4 is chosen for use as a Management LAN as recommended, from the
list of available NICs, choose NIC 4.

5. Click Create.

22 Setup and Installation Guide

During bonding, a progress bar displays in the lower-right corner of your screen.
Wait for it to complete.

When you create a NIC bond on the pool master host, the bond should replicate to the
pool member host(s). However, you should check to make sure the bonded network on
the member host is connected, as described in the following process.

To check the status of the network on the member host:

1. In the XenCenter resource pane, select the member host.

2. Click the Networks or NICs tabs to see if the bonded NIC displays as Connected.

3. If it is not connected, use the following steps to connect:

– Right-click the member host and select Management Interfaces.
– From the list of interfaces, choose 0+4 bonded.

4. Click Finish to apply the bonded interface.

Step 5: Create Windows Guest Virtual Machines

Now you can create one or more Windows virtual machines (VMs). Use the XenCenter
GUI and the XenServer documentation listed in the following procedure.

To create a new guest VM:

1. Open the VM menu at the top of the XenCenter interface and choose the New
command to display the Create VM wizard. See the XenCenter Online Help topic
“Create a new VM” for instructions on installing and configuring a guest VM.

2. Use appropriate Windows installation media to install the operating system on the
new VM.

3. See the XenCenter Online Help topics under “Configuring VM networks” for
instructions on adding a network to your VM.

Additional topics in the XenCenter Online Help describe alternatives to creating a

new VM: using templates, copying a VM, or importing a VM.

Step 6: Install Your Windows Applications

You can install applications on your Windows VMs before or after installing and
configuring everRun.

System Configuration and Setup 23

24 Setup and Installation Guide
Installing the
everRun Software 4

This chapter provides instructions for installing everRun in your XenServer

environment. Following the installation of everRun 6.2, the hosts will be running the
new version of everRun software plus required Citrix XenServer 6.0.2. The chapter also
describes how to open the everRun Availability Center (eAC), the everRun
management client, and install the everRun license.

Preparing to Install everRun

The following steps will be used to install everRun on each host in the pool. Perform
these steps first on the master, then on each of the other member hosts in the pool.

NOTE: This installation procedure describes default installation options. If you would
like to change any installer options, please refer to Appendix A, “everRun
Installer Online Help”.

Step 7: Using the everRun Installer

To install everRun software you will need to use either an everRun CD-ROM created
after downloading the everRun software kit from the everRun website or the shared
directory on the management computer you configured that contains the downloaded
ISO files.

The CD or shared directory contains the everRun installer file, everRun-

6.2<version_id>-installer.bin. Also located in the same directory is an everRun
installer required folder labeled CitrixHotfixes.
1. Make the everRun installation files accessible to the XenServer host. This can be
done by mounting the media created by burning the everRun product ISO to CD-
ROM, or mounting the folder where the contents of the ISO kit were extracted, or
by copying the files directly to a folder on the XenServer host.

Installing the everRun Software 25

2. If the media was burned to a CD-ROM, create a mount point for the CD-ROM by
issuing the following command from the XenServer host console:
mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt

3. If the files were extracted from the product ISO and a remote folder is shared from
a Windows computer, issue a command similar to the following:
mount -t cifs //<yourcomputername>/<sharedfoldername> /mnt
-o user=<yourusername>

4. Examine the new mount point to ensure that the everRun-6.2<version_id>-

installer.bin file and the CitrixHotfixes folder are present issuing the following
command from the XenServer host console:
ls -la /mnt

Running the Installer

To run the Installer wizard:

1. From a console window run the installer file, everRun-6.2<version_id>-

installer.bin from the mount point:
bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin --install

2. Highlight OK and press Enter, then Press the Tab key so the scroll bar at right
changes to red, scroll down and review the Stratus License Agreement. Press the
Tab key to highlight Accept and press Enter.

3. The next screen displays the Sun Java Runtime Environment license. Review the
agreement, highlight Accept, and press Enter.

4. Next select the XenServer storage repository (SR) where everRun software should
be installed. Installation requires at least 3.9GB of available disk space. The
installer displays all of the SRs you have configured for XenServer host access. SRs
are listed in order of priority as recommended by Stratus; local storage at the top
followed by shared storage SRs. Select the storage repository where you wish to
install everRun software. Once selected, tab to OK and press the space bar to enter
your choice.

5. If Citrix Hotfix 9, 10, 21, and 23 must be applied to the pool, a popup will be
displayed indicating that it is required. Highlight Continue and press Enter to
allow the everRun installation to continue.

6. A confirmation popup will be displayed indicating that all verification steps have
been completed. Highlight Continue and press Enter to complete the installation.
No further interaction is required. If Citrix Hotfix 9, 10, 21, and 23 must be applied,
it will be uploaded and applied automatically by the installer.

26 Setup and Installation Guide

7. When the installation completes note any post installation reminders. The final
screen provides the URL required to launch the browser-based everRun
Availability Center (eAC) console used to manage and monitor the everRun high
availability environment. Record the URL for future reference. Press OK to close
the Installer.

8. If you used a CD-ROM to install everRun type eject cdrom at the # prompt and
press Enter to eject the media from the drive. If you used a mount point to install
type umount /mnt at the # prompt to remove the mount point.

9. Shutdown all running VMs.

10. Reboot the host using the following command:

ev host-reboot --localhost

NOTE: If this host is the master host, XenCenter will be disconnected and unavailable
until the master has finished rebooting. Restore the connection with the
master host when reboot completes.

Installing everRun on Additional XenServer Host(s)

To install the software on additional XenServer hosts, return to “Step 7: Using the
everRun Installer” on page 25 and repeat the sequence on each host in the pool. Note
that the final installer screen contains the same IP address as it did when you installed
on the pool master, because you always log into the eAC via the pool master host.

Installing Quorum Service Software (When Used)

If you plan to use quorum service (QS) in a pool (either because you have a multi-host
pool with switched A-link networks or because you have a SplitSite configuration), you
must install QS software on each of the two computers that maintains the quorum

Quorum service — and the need for two quorum service computers — is described in
the everRun Configuration Planning Guide.

The installer for the quorum service is Setup_QSVC_6.2<version_id>.exe, a

Windows executable that is part of the everRun ISO image. Use the following process
to install the software on each quorum service computer.

NOTE: Always install the quorum service software included with the current everRun

Installing the everRun Software 27

To install the quorum service software:

1. Copy the file from the downloaded everRun ISO onto the quorum servers.

2. On each server, locate the Setup_QSVC_6.2<version_id>.exe file and double-

click it. The software installs automatically on the Windows computer.

3. After you open the eAC, you can configure the quorum servers as part of the pool
configuration process. Install Quorum Servers on networks that are most
convenient for your configuration.

About Quorum Service Communication Ports

As installed, protected VMs contact quorum service computers using UDP port 2189,
and quorum service computers contact everRun-enabled XenServer hosts using UDP
port 2188. If these port assignments conflict with your local infrastructure, you can use
the procedure described in Appendix D to update the everRun port numbers.

Install the XenServer Tools

4. See the XenCenter Online Help topic “Install XenServer tools” for instructions on
adding the required drivers on each VM.

TIP: To determine whether the XenServer tools have been installed, highlight a VM
in the XenCenter resource pane and open the General tab. If the tools are
required for that VM, a red Tools not installed message displays.

NOTE: If you are creating a new VM, you must install the Windows operating system
and the XenServer tools on the VM. A VM imported from a template may
already have Windows and the XenServer tools installed on it however, it is
always a good idea to install XenTools again, at the correct version for the new

Step 8: Launch the eAC Management GUI

You have installed all the elements of the XenServer-everRun system. Now open the
everRun Availability Center (eAC) GUI and configure your everRun resource pool.

To open the eAC:

1. Type the URL provided at the end of the installation program — for example, — into any Flash-enabled browser that has access to the
XenServer management network.

28 Setup and Installation Guide

NOTE: This release supports any Flash-enabled browser such as Internet Explorer 6,
7, 8, 9, or Firefox 3. If you are running a 64-bit operating system on your
management computer, use a Flash-enabled 32-bit browser to access everRun.
Appendix B contains more information about browser troubleshooting.

By default, the URL directs your browser to TCP port 8080 of your pool master
host. If you specified another port when you installed everRun, that port number
will be part of the URL.
When the browser connects to the specified URL, a screen opens where you can log
in to the eAC GUI for your XenServer pool.

NOTE: Because you’ll use the same URL each time you open the eAC, it’s a good idea
to bookmark the address of the master host in your browser.

2. Enter the username and password created during the XenServer installation, then
click the Login button.

Before you can start to protect applications with everRun, you need to use the eAC to
perform several pool-wide configuration tasks, which are described under Step 9.

Step 9: Configure the Resource Pool in the eAC

The final step in everRun installation is to use the eAC to configure the resource pool.
Before you can protect or manage VMs with everRun, you must perform the following
• Install the everRun license key.
• Configure the everRun availability link (A-link) networks.
• Set the pool isolation IP address for everRun failover. This provides access to the
network device that supports automatic fail-over of pool mastership in cases and
configurations where it can be done safely.
• Configure the quorum service computers, if used in your configuration.

NOTE: In the Getting Started column of the eAC Welcome screen, click Pool-Wide
Configuration Tasks for links to more information about any of these steps.

Installing the everRun Software 29

Installing the License Key
Installing the current everRun license key is the first task in pool configuration. The
following steps explain the basic process; for additional information, see the eAC Online
Help. If you are installing a Beta version of everRun a license is not require and you
may skip to the next section to begin configuring your A-link networks.
To apply the everRun license key:

1. When the eAC workspace opens for the first time, it displays a message that lets
you choose the (single-host) default evaluation license or install a different everRun
license. Choose Install License to display the license pop-up window.

2. Locate the license key you obtained from everRun Order Support.

3. Copy the license key from the text file, paste it into the License Key field of the
everRun License dialog box, and click Install.
A message informs you that the license was accepted and applied.

4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

If you require additional details, see the Online Help topics under Configuring an
everRun Pool > License Management.

30 Setup and Installation Guide

Configuring the everRun Availability-Link (A-link) Networks
Click Configure A-Links IP. Provide an IPv4 network IP address scheme for your A-
link networks that has no conflicts with existing addresses in your infrastructure.
These A-links, which are critical to the successful operation of everRun, require
private, dedicated subnets for each protected VM (PVM). Once you set up a pool-wide
system of IP addresses, each protected VM is automatically assigned IP addresses from
this scheme.

In the everRun Configuration Planning Guide, consult Chapter 4, Network

Fundamentals, as well as the appendix that describes your configuration option, for
recommendations and best practices for configuring private A-link LANs. See also the
topics under Configuring an everRun Pool > Pool-Wide Network
Configuration>Configuring A-Links (Local Pool) in the Online Help.

Setting the Pool Isolation IP Address

Click Configure Isolation IP. You must also set a pool isolation IP address
before you begin to protect VMs, in order to guarantee high availability operation
during a host outage.

For information on setting the IP address for maximum reliability, start with the
following topics in Online Help: Configuring an everRun Pool > Pool Isolation IP

NOTE: When planning your IPv4 pool network design, consult your network
administrator if you need help in planning IP address ranges, netmasks, and
other network details that are consistent with your existing infrastructure.

Configuring Quorum Service (When Applicable)

As outlined in the everRun Configuration Planning Guide, Chapter 5, Quorum Service
Fundamentals, quorum service is mandatory when XenServer HA is not configured
• The pool contains more than two hosts.
• A-link network(s) are configured with active components (switches, gateways,
routers — anything except short point-to-point cables).

• A configuration consists of multiple sites (SplitSite®), including multiple computer


See everRun Configuration Planning Guide, Chapter 5, Quorum Service

Fundamentals, for recommendations and best practices for configuring a preferred and

Installing the everRun Software 31

alternate quorum server. For specific guidelines, choose the configuration option you
prefer and use the quorum service guidelines recommended for that option.

For information on using the eAC GUI controls to configure quorum service, see the
following topics in Online Help: Configuring an everRun Pool > Quorum Service

Protecting Windows VMs

The pool configuration is now completed. Availability for a VM must now be applied by
running the protection wizard from the eAC. Refer to eAC on-line help for more details.

Working with the eAC: An Overview

The everRun eAC GUI illustrated in this section lets you configure, monitor, and
manage your protected VMs using menus, buttons, and icons to simplify task
management. To provide a quick orientation, the illustration uses circled numbers to
identify the five main areas of the workspace; the following list briefly describes each

1 The task bar area contains the File and Help menus, as well as the shortcut
buttons for the Protect ( ) and Unprotect ( ) functions.

2 The Protected VM Summary area provides a quick way to view the status, by
category, of all VMs and protected PVMs on the XenServer hosts.

3 The resource pane shows all system resources in a Windows tree view. This pane
contains two tabs: Virtual Machines and Hosts. When you select a resource on
one of these tabs, an orange bar highlights it, and the same resource is highlighted
in the Virtual Machine Status table (circle 4). At the same time, the Detail tab at
the lower right of the workspace (circle 5) displays detailed information for that

4 The Virtual Machine Status table contains key information about each of the
hosts, VMs, and protected VMs in the system. Check this table to learn if a VM is
a candidate for protection and to identify the level(s) of protection it qualifies for.

5 Information in the Detail tab is context-sensitive: its display is determined by the

resource selected in the resource tree. This space also contains a Welcome tab that
links you to a number of basic help topics, online documentation, and customer
support sites.

In the eAC, most tabs display in dark green, but the selected tab displays in light green.

32 Setup and Installation Guide

NOTE: In addition to this browser-based client, everRun has a command-line
management tool, the everRun (ev) CLI. Available commands are described in
the everRun Online Help.

Learning More About everRun Management

After your pool has been configured, you can use the eAC to protect, unprotect, and
otherwise manage the candidate VMs. To become more familiar with the eAC, consult
the everRun Online Help as you learn how to use the eAC controls.

To learn about everRun system management:

1. Open the Help menu in the task bar, click Search, and type everRun Protection
Overview into the search field.

2. Click the topic entitled everRun Protection Overview.

This topic describes how to identify candidates (and non-candidates) for protection,
and how to protect and unprotect a VM. Follow the links from this topic for more
information about each task.
The everRun Online Help also contains a section called Exploring the everRun
Availability Center that explains each part of the GUI interface. As you begin to
work with your protected virtual environment, use the Online Help topics when

Installing the everRun Software 33

you want to learn more about the interface, the management tasks, the interfaces
to use for specific management tasks, system troubleshooting, and CLI command

34 Setup and Installation Guide

everRun Installer
Online Help A

Viewing the Installer Online Help

Chapter 4, “Installing the everRun Software” describes how to run the installer wizard
with the default options. In most cases, it is expected that the installer defaults will be

However, you may want to change some options because of your local network
constraints. This appendix contains examples describing the use of the installer help

To display everRun Installer options:

To see all the options available in installer Online Help, along with a brief description
of each option, issue the install command with --help while the CD-ROM is still in the
CD drive:

™ # bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin --install


The installer displays the following information:

--install This parameter must be specified

--version Reports version information for this installer

--port=n Overrides default port numbers used for management

software. Two ports are used: n and n+1

--sr-uuid=uuid Optional UUID of the SR storage repository to use for

creation of the product installation logical volume

--help or -h Displays this text and additional information about
ports, and the SR and VG options

To display everRun Installer Online Help text:

™ To see Online Help that contains more descriptive text about each option,
enter one of the following commands while the CD-ROM is still in the CD

• # bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin --help

• # bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin -h

• # bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin

An Example: Assigning Communications Ports

The installer configures two TCP ports in the firewall on the XenServer host. These
ports, which eAC uses to access the everRun application, are identified as ports 8080
and 8081 by default. If those port assignments are inconsistent with your network
usage, this example describes how the installer options can be used to assign new port
numbers for eAC access.
The everRun installer Online Help displays the following information about the port
The web-based management software requires two ports to be
enabled to accept remote connections. You may wish to override
the default port numbers with your own settings. These ports must
be configured identically across all XenServer hosts within the
management pool. The default configuration set up by the
installer is:
ports: 8080 and 8081
The ports are enabled by the firewall rules set via iptables.

To change the default communication ports:

1. When you issue the install command, include the specific port(s) to use:
bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin – install --
This example sets ports 6900 and 6901 as the communication ports.

36 Setup and Installation Guide

An Example: Managing Logical Volume Storage
If the installer reports an error in the installation process, you can use command-line
options to correct the problem. The text in the Online Help briefly explains what to do:
sr-uuid option
The product installation creates a logical volume for storing the
product executables, scripts, and logfiles. By default the installer
attempts to create the logical volume using storage from the default
local storage repository (SR). If the installation cannot create the
logical volume, you should use the SR option to specify the storage
repository to use. Please refer to the product documentation [or
everRun Customer Support] for more information.

In this example, the installer reported an error in the installation process, which
involved the logical volume required for everRun storage. Instead of successfully
completing the installation, the installer sent the following message.
Could not mount logical volume storage for product installation.
Examine the logfile for additional details.

The location of the logfile is included in the final lines of the installer script.
logfiles saved to tmp/everRun...[directory path].

In the example, the logfile contained the following line:

Attach everRun storage status: No default SR

To locate and specify the UUID for the storage repository:

1. To see a list of local storage of type LVM in the pool (let’s say you are root@test1-
master ~), type the following at the console command line:
[root@test1-master ~] # xe sr-list type=lvm
When the list displays, you can select the local storage located on the test1-master
uuid ( RO) : c4571f60-cee4-f929-f19a-e7e816a8d545
name-label ( RW): Local storage
name-description ( RW):
host ( RO): test1-master
type ( RO): lvm
content-type ( RO): user

uuid ( RO) : 88d5ddbb-a864-5cf9-e6dc-68ba4a5dd0d7

name-label ( RW): Local storage
name-description ( RW):

host ( RO): test1-slave
type ( RO): lvm
content-type ( RO): user
In this case, the first example shows the local storage on test1-master, so the UUID
you want is c4571f60-cee4-f929-f19a-e7e816a8d545.

2. Alternatively, to guarantee seeing local storage on test1-master, you can add the
hostname to the command:
[root@test1-master ~]# xe sr-list type=lvm host=$(hostname)
This command shows the UUID for local storage on that host.
uuid ( RO) : c4571f60-cee4-f929-f19a-e7e816a8d545
name-label ( RW): Local storage
name-description ( RW):
host ( RO): test1-master
type ( RO): lvm
content-type ( RO): user

3. Now you can specify the UUID for the local storage repository when you rerun the
everRun install command:
bash /mnt/everRun-6.2<version_id>-installer.bin --install --

NOTE: Although the option name is –-sr-uuid, it can be abbreviated to --sr.

38 Setup and Installation Guide

Troubleshooting B

Resolving Problems with Internet Explorer

If you are experiencing difficulty using Internet Explorer to access the everRun
Availability Center, try one or more of the troubleshooting procedures documented in
this appendix.

Internet Explorer Security Level Settings

eAC requires Adobe Flash Player 9 or later. On startup, the eAC application detects
whether or not the correct version of the Flash Player is installed on your browser. If it
does not detect a suitable version of Flash Player, the eAC launcher offers the option to
download from the Adobe Flash Player site or from a local version stored on the
everRun server. To ensure operation with the latest runtime it is recommended that, if
you have an Internet connection, you always choose the Adobe download site.

If you are experiencing trouble installing Flash Player, verify that your Internet
Explorer security level is not set to High or to a custom level that does not permit
viewing of ActiveX controls. Before attempting to launch eAC, you or your system
administrator should verify that the following settings are in effect on your browser.

The Medium Default Level Security permits you to view Flash content. Should you
need to implement any Custom Level, ensure that both the Download Signed ActiveX
controls and Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins options are set to Prompt.

To change your security level:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Choose Tools > Internet Options.

3. Select the Security tab.

4. Select Custom Level.

5. Locate the section ActiveX controls and plugins.

6. Set Download Signed ActiveX Controls to Prompt.

7. Set Run ActiveX Controls And Plug-ins to Prompt.

Windows Vista Installation Failure

When used with some Windows Vista platforms the Adobe Flash Player may be
installed but may not display Flash content. Update to the latest Flash Player to correct
the User Account Control settings that cause this problem.

To run the utility:

1. Locate the installed Flash folder and right-click

The letter changes with each Flash version, so may be FlashUtilb.exe or

2. Select Run as Administrator.

3. Follow the steps to complete the Flash Player installation.

4. Restart your computer.

Windows Server 2003, 64-bit version

If you are running 64-bit Windows Server 2003 on your management computer,
Stratus recommends the 32-bit versions of the Firefox or Internet Explorer browser.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If you are still experiencing trouble installing or running the Flash Player, please refer
to the Adobe TechNote located at the following site for additional troubleshooting tips:

40 Setup and Installation Guide

To Enable Multipathing
in an everRun Setting C

This appendix describes how to enable the multipath option for shared storage in an
everRun-enabled XenServer pool.

Any time you select the multipath option for a protected VM (in XenCenter) the error
message "Storage repository not available" displays. The workaround is to stop the
everRun services, enable multipathing, and then re-enable the everRun services.

Disabling everRun Services

To temporarily disable all everRun services before you enable multipathing, issue the
following commands in a Console window on each host in the pool:
# service everrund stop
# service mtcamlogd stop
# service xenfiled stop
# service mtclinkwatchd stop
# service pdmonitord stop
# service everrun-prep stop

Enabling the Multipath Option

Enable multipathing using the method documented by Citrix for the version of
XenServer/XenCenter you are using.

You can enable and disable storage multipathing using the xe command-line interface
(as described in the Citrix XenServer Administrator's Guide (search the document for
"multipathing"), or in XenCenter (search for "multipathing" in the Online Help).

Re-enabling everRun Services
To re-enable everRun services after the multipath option is enabled, issue the following
commands in a Console window on each host in the pool:
# service everrun-prep start
# service everrund start
# service mtcamlogd start
# service xenfiled start
# service pdmonitord start
# service mtclinkwatchd start

42 Setup and Installation Guide

Updating everRun Port
Assignments D

The following everRun components use the User Datagram Port (UDP) numbers listed
below, with default values defined in private header files.

Component Name Default Port

Quorum server service (QSS) 2189

Quorum manager (QMAN) 2188

Datagram service (DGS) 2194

Linux kernel mode socket driver (LKSD) 1361

In the unlikely event of a site conflict involving one of these port numbers, everRun
provides a capability to override the default values. This is done by defining the new
port assignment in the file, then issuing a command to activate
the new assignment.

Reconfiguring everRun Ports

It is not necessary to stop running PVMs in order to make the following changes from
the everRun Availability Center (eAC):
• Enable quorum service
• Disable quorum service
• Set IP addresses for preferred and alternate quorum servers

However, when making changes that affect running PVMs, it is always a good idea to
recheck the configuration after changes are made—to make certain that a quorum
server can be reached from all PVMs after assigning a new IP address, for example.

Use the following procedure to reconfigure everRun Port assignments. Before you begin
make sure that all PVMs are up and running.
1. With all PVMs running, use eAC to disable the everRun pool-wide Quorum Service.
From eAC right-click on the pool icon from the navigation pane and select
Configure from the properties menu to open the Configure Pool Properties dialog.
Then click the Quorum Settings button and check the Disable Quorum check
box. Click Save to save your settings. A confirm operation popup will appear. Click

2. Perform a clean shutdown of all PVMs in the pool using the eAC or from a
XenServer host command window by issuing the following command:
ev pvm-shutdown uuid=<UUID number>

NOTE: The ev pvm-shutdown --all --waitFor command is another way to check

all PVM state changes. This command notifies you when it has finished
running, so you do not have to check the status of each PVM before proceeding
to the next step.

3. Create the default everRun assignments by defining an alternative port number in

the file on each XenServer host in the pool. Using a text editor of
your choosing, create the file since it is not there by default:

4. Override the default port number assignment(s) as follows:

NOTE: Changes in quorum port numbers on the server are not preserved when
upgrading or rolling back the system. If you override default quorum port
numbers on the server and then the system is upgraded or rolled back, you
must override the default numbers again.

• To override the default for the quorum server port number, add the following
line to the properties file on each host in the pool:

• To override the default for the quorum manager (client) port number, add
the following line to the properties file on each host in the pool:

44 Setup and Installation Guide

• To override the default for the datagram service port number, add the
following line to the properties file on each host in the pool:

• To override the default for the Linux kernel mode socket driver port
number, add the following line to the properties file on each host in the pool:

5. After making the desired modification(s) to the file on all hosts in
the pool, restart the everRun Management Services daemon on each host:
service everrund restart

6. If you changed the quorum server port, activate the new assignment using the
following procedure otherwise you may skip to item 7.

• Stop the Quorum Service on the quorum service computers. Issue the following
command from a command window on each quorum service computer:
net stop mtcqserver

• From a command window on each quorum service computer, change to the

directory where the everRun software is installed:
CD /D C:\Program Files\Marathon

• To set the new port assignment, run the following command:

mtcqserver -install <nnnn>
where <nnnn> matches the port value specified in the
file, at the line mtc.default.pvm.quorum.server.port=<port-no>.

• Restart the Quorum Service on each Quorum Service computer by issuing the
following command from a command window on each Quorum Service
net start mtcqserver

7. Next, re-enable the pool-wide Quorum Service. From eAC right-click on the pool
icon from the navigation pane and select Configure from the properties menu to
open the Configure Pool Properties dialog. Then click the Quorum Settings
button and check the Enable Quorum check box. Click Save to save your setting.

8. Restart PVMs using the eAC interface or from a command window that has access
to the XenServer hosts:
ev pvm-start uuid=<UUID number>
See the previous note for related information.

46 Setup and Installation Guide
Brief Glossary

Here are some common terms you’ll Compute Instance (CI)

encounter in this guide. everRun terms A component of the protected virtual
and XenServer/Industry terms are listed machine (PVM) that represents a single
separately. You’ll find a more extensive instance of the everRun PVM on a
glossary in the Online Help system, XenServer host. A duplicate instance is
available from the everRun Availability cloned on another XenServer host.
Center (eAC).
Storage subsystem data
everRun® Terminology A path-redundant protection option,
availability links (A-links) available to users whose configuration
The connectivity path(s) between two includes intelligent SAN systems that
availability managers (typically located provide onboard data redundancy.
on separate XenServer hosts) in an everRun Availability Center
everRun-protected virtual machine (eAC)
(PVM). The browser-based everRun graphical
Availability Manager (AM) user interface (GUI) used to manage and
A purpose-built virtual appliance monitor everRun-protected virtual
containing the everRun software that machines.
applies protection to a target virtual everRun mirroring
machine (VM). The AM, which exists on A process for creating and maintaining a
each everRun-enabled XenServer host, set of identical disk images on separate
implements the logic and context physical disks. Each everRun protected
required to create the protected VM. VM relies on a pair of storage repositories
bonded network interface card (SRs), known as a mirror set, which
(NIC) maintain identical information.
An everRun “bonded” NIC aggregates pool isolation IP address
two separate network interface cards into The IP address of an independent
a single logical interface. everRun uses a network device on the XenServer
bonded NIC on the XenServer management network. everRun software
management network to provide a hot pings this device to detect the health of
standby in case one NIC should fail. the host’s management network

Brief Glossary 47
connection. The results of the ping help split brain
isolate master/member failures and An undesirable condition in which the
determine corrective action. By default two availability managers (AMs)
the isolation IP address is that of the servicing the two halves of an everRun
network’s gateway device, which is the protected VM are partitioned and
first usable IP address on the subnet. operating independently.
protected VMs (PVMs)
Virtual machines (VMs) that have XenServer™ and Industry
everRun availability software applied. Terminology
For optimum availability, a PVM should
run on two physical XenServer hosts.
In XenServer terminology, refers to the
quorum service execution context that contains a running
An everRun communication service, virtual machine (VM). The relationship
installed on one or more Windows clients between VMs and domains in XenServer
on the LANs, that prevents host servers is similar to that between programs and
from operating independently in a non- processes in an operating system: like a
communicating, partitioned mode of program, a VM is a persistent entity that
operation (commonly known as split resides on disk. When it is loaded for
brain). Also enables unattended restarts execution, a VM runs in a domain with a
in failure modes that impact all networks distinct domain ID. See Domain0,
(such as loss of connectivity between the DomainU.
two AMs in a PVM).
Domain 0 (Dom 0)
quorum service computer A privileged virtual machine (VM) that
The network-accessible PC that runs the provides the platform management and
everRun quorum service. The eAC drives the physical I/O devices and
provides a dialog box where you can platform resources. Dom0 (rhymes with
specify an IP address for the preferred (or Mom) is the first domain started by the
primary) quorum computer, as well as an XenServer hypervisor at boot, running a
alternate quorum server. All PVMs in a Linux OS. Dom0 is sometimes referred to
resource pool use the same quorum as the “control domain.”
service computers.
DomainU (DomU)
snapshot An unprivileged domain on a XenServer,
A read-only image that represents the running a guest operating system that
disk image and configuration of a PVM at has been ported to XenServer; for
a certain point in time. example, each Windows guest VM runs in
a DomU. The U stands for “user.”
Simple Network Management Protocol, a FC-SAN
notification services that enables you to In storage virtualization, fibre-channel
monitor the health of each everRun (FC) storage area networks (SAN) allow
protected virtual machine (PVM) and to you to aggregate disks and logical units
receive notice of state changes within the (LUNs) from disparate systems into
PVM. shared storage pools.

48 Setup and Installation Guide

iSCSI administration interface and forwards
Internet SCSI, an IP-based standard for commands to individual member nodes.
linking data storage devices over a
member host
network and transferring data by
A physical node in a XenServer resource
carrying SCSI commands over IP
pool that has no administration interface
networks. For an overview, see
and receives commands from the pool's
master node. Also called pool member.
ISO image
A disk image (archive file) of an optical
Network File System, an industry-
disc using a conventional ISO format
standard client/server application that
supported by many software vendors. The
allows network users to access shared
name "ISO" is taken from the ISO 9660
files stored on computers of different
file system used with CD-ROM media.
types. Users can manipulate shared files
logical unit number (LUN) as if they were stored locally on the user's
An address for an individual disk drive. own hard disk.
The term is used in the SCSI protocol as
a way to differentiate individual disk
Parallel Advanced Technology
drives within a common SCSI target. In
Attachment. One type of standard
everRun, the LUN provides address
interface for connecting storage devices
information for individual storage
in personal computers. For an overview,
volumes within a mirror set.
see AT Attachment at
logical volume
resource pool
In computer storage, logical volume
A connected group of homogeneous
management (LVM) is a method of
XenServer hosts that, combined with
allocating space on mass storage devices
shared storage, provide a platform on
that is more flexible than conventional
which virtual machines (VMs) run.
partitioning schemes. Volume
Servers in a resource pool monitor the
management is one of many forms of
state and availability of their peers. Also
storage virtualization. A volume manager
called pool.
can concatenate, stripe together, or
otherwise combine partitions (volumes) SATA
into larger virtual ones that can be Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.
resized or moved. One type of standard interface for
connecting storage devices in personal
management computer
computers. For an overview, see AT
In a XenServer configuration, the
Attachment at
general-purpose Windows computer that
is used to manage the XenServer SCSI
software as well as the everRun software. A type of hard disk drive used in high-
Also called client computer. performance workstations and servers.
For an overview see SCSI at
master host
The physical node in a XenServer
resource pool that contains an

Brief Glossary 49
storage repository
In XenServer, any storage target that
contains physical disks.
virtual disk image (VDI)
A disk abstraction that contains the
contents of a virtual disk.
virtual machines (VMs)
File-based abstractions of dedicated
machines, which provide the
environment in which a hosted operating
system (OS) runs. A VM is also known as
a guest domain or "DomU" in XenServer
Xen bridge (xenbr)
In XenServer network configuration, the
bridge parameter defines a method of
connecting objects. For example, if a
physical interface (PIF) object connects a
network object (n) to a host object (h), the
network corresponding to n is bridged
onto a physical interface specified by the
fields of the PIF object. Thus, if a NIC is
named eth0, the associated bridge is
A Windows client (GUI) application that
enables you to manage XenServer hosts,
resource pools, and shared storage. It also
lets you deploy, manage, and monitor
XenServer API (xapi)
The Citrix XenServer management API,
the application programming interface
that supports both XenCenter GUI and
the xe command line interface (CLI).
XenServer hosts
As defined by Citrix, a host is a
homogeneous system — aggregated into a
single management entity — that can
contain virtual machines. For detailed
information, see the XenServer

50 Setup and Installation Guide

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