IA Schedule

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UNVERS Department of Distance and Continuing Education

H fRrAT auY/School of Open Learning
44 fATAT ytur/Campusof Open Learning OF OPEN LE

Rr fagafaus/University of Delhi UNIVERSITY OF DEL

Assessment (IA) for the students of

As per decision of the Executive Council, University of Delhi, the Internal
Department of Distance and Continuing Education, School of Open Learning, Campus of Open Learning,
University of Delhi (DDCE/SOL/COL) is compulsory from the Academic Session 2023-24.
Assessment for Semester
For this purpose, DDCE/SOL/COL has decided to conduct online MCQ based Internal is
III and V students including PwBD students. IA of following undergraduate and postgraduate programs
scheduled from 25th Novem ber 2024 to 9th December 2024:

Schedule for online MCO based Internal Assessment

(November - December 2024)

Program Name Level

Bachelor of Management Studies Undergraduate
Bachelor of Business Administration (FIA) Undergraduate
B.A. (Hons.) - Economics Undergraduate
B.A. (Hons.) English Undergraduate
B.A. (Hons.) - Political Science Undergraduate
B.A. (Hons.) - Psychology Undergraduate
B. Com (Hons.) Undergraduate
B.Com. (Program) Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Computer Application Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Economics Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Education Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - English Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Hindi Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - History Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Mathematics Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Political Science Undergraduate
B.A. (Program)- Psychology Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) Sanskrit Undergraduate
B.A. (Program) - Urdu Undergraduate
Master in Business Administration (MBA) Postgraduate
M. A. Hindi Postgraduate
M. A. Sanskrit Postgraduate
M. A. History Postgraduate
M. A. Political Science Postgraduate
M. Com. Postgraduate

Important Instructions regarding Online MCQBased Internal Assessment (IA)

The LMS portal will be accessible for all the Undergraduate semester- III and V and Postgraduate
semester- III students from 25th Novem ber 2024 to 9th Decem ber 2024.
The Exam will contain 3S questions for UG and 30 questions for PG, it is mandatory to attempt all the
Maximum of two attempts will be allowed for each paper. Out of these two attempts, the best score will be
considered for internal assessment.
minutes to
Students will be allotted 45 minutes to complete their exam. PwBD students will be alloted 90
complete their exam.
Students have the flexibility to undertake the internal assessment for any paper at their convenience within
these 15 days.

s. oat , Rrt avafaugA, faî -110007 | 5.Cavalry Lane, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007
HI9/Phone : 27666776| e-mail : principal@sol-du.ac.in
Once the student has started the exam, he must complete it the allotted time. Thereafter, It will be
considered as ATTEMPTED.
Make sure you to attempt from Desktop/Laptop and have good internet connectivity while attempting the
Students will be allowed to login only from one device at a time.
Access the following link - https://pragyan.col.du.ac.in/iDH/dusol/home
Please note the login Credentials will be:

Login ID: XX-X-XX-XXXXXX@sol-du.ac,in (xX-X-XX-XXXXXX will be your SOL roll

number e.g. 20-1-22-000123)
V Default Password: 1234abcd
Kindly change your password after first login.
For any technical assistance regarding Online MCQ Based IA please connect at following:
queries.ug@sol.du.ac.in (undergraduate students)
queries.pg@sol.du.ac.in (postgraduatestudents)
queries.mba@sol.du.ac.in (MBA students)
Helpline numbers:
Toll Free no, -1800118301
Landline - 011-2700 8300

Youcan also visit following help centers on working days between 10 am to 4 pm:
For Male Students : School of Open Learning, 5Cavalry Lines University of Delhi, New
Delhi, Delhi 110007
For Female Students : Open Learning Development Center, 2nd Floor, ARC Building,
UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, New Delhi, Delhi, 110007
Kindly refer videos available on SOL website for guidance on how to approach the internal


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