IA Schedule
IA Schedule
IA Schedule
s. oat , Rrt avafaugA, faî -110007 | 5.Cavalry Lane, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007
HI9/Phone : 27666776| e-mail : principal@sol-du.ac.in
Once the student has started the exam, he must complete it the allotted time. Thereafter, It will be
considered as ATTEMPTED.
Make sure you to attempt from Desktop/Laptop and have good internet connectivity while attempting the
Students will be allowed to login only from one device at a time.
Access the following link - https://pragyan.col.du.ac.in/iDH/dusol/home
Please note the login Credentials will be:
Youcan also visit following help centers on working days between 10 am to 4 pm:
For Male Students : School of Open Learning, 5Cavalry Lines University of Delhi, New
Delhi, Delhi 110007
For Female Students : Open Learning Development Center, 2nd Floor, ARC Building,
UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, New Delhi, Delhi, 110007
Kindly refer videos available on SOL website for guidance on how to approach the internal