Sugar Bean Production by Ian
Sugar Bean Production by Ian
Sugar Bean Production by Ian
Annual grasses,some
S-Metalochlor 960EC
broadleaves 1.1 - 1.5l/ha Apply immediately after planting as pre-emergent herbicide
Lambda cyhalothrin 5EC Cutworm, pod borers 300 - 600ml/ha Spray over the top of the crop at emergence using 150 -
200litres of water
Spidermites, thrips, bean Apply at first sight of infestation and repeat at 7 - 10 day
Volt star 70EC 300ml/ha
stem maggots interval
Cyromazine 75 WP Leafminer 150g/ha Full cover spray after observing adult flies. Apply a maximum
of 4 sprays and not more than 2 in sequence
Cutworm, semi looper,black 200ml / 100l of Apply band spraying rows using 500litres of water at 7 -10
Chlopyriphos 48EC
maize beetle water day intervals after sprouting
Blight cure 72 WP Bacterial blight 350g/100lt of Apply full cover spray for a maximum of 4 sprays per growing
water season
Anthracnose, bacterial 200g/100 litres of Apply full cover spray for a maximum of 4 sprays per growing
Thiram 80WP
blight, Sclerotinia water season
Chlorothalonil 500SC Bacterial blight, rust 1 - 2l/ha Preventative application 2 consecutive sprays 7 - 9 days
apart (PHI 14 days)
Tebuconazole 250EC Early Blight, rust 75ml/100lts of Preventetive spray using 500lts of water per ha at 2 intervals
water 7 days apart
Copper oxychloride Bacterial blight 400g/100litres of Apply full cover spray for a maximum of 4 sprays per growing
water season