Proof that the Ether exists and that the speed of light is anisotropic
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1 author:
Declan Traill
All content following this page was uploaded by Declan Traill on 12 June 2022.
Perhaps the best of these experimental results was the experiment conducted
by De Witte in 1991 over 178 days using 1.5 km of coaxial cable running
North/South in Brussels. The refractive index of the cable was 1.5 and the
following modelling of both the Fresnel Dragging of the light and Lorentz
contraction of the apparatus in the Earth’s reference frame (shown below)
matches the De Witte data (see Figure 8 on page 14 in Ref [1]). Also, to be noted
is that the detected speed through the aether showed diurnal effects that
tracked sidereal time and not solar time, and that orbital effects were also
apparent, confirming the interstellar origin of the space flow.
Traill. D. A, “The Light Timing Calculations of the Interferometer in the Quest to Detect Light
Speed Anisotropy and a Case Study of the Michelson-Morley and Miller Mt Wilson
Experiments”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics Vol.10 No.3,March 17, 2022
DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2022.103055
Once it is realized that space is a medium that can flow, and that light (and
matter) are waves that flow with respect to this medium, there are other
important consequences that follow from this. There is the supposed existence
of Dark Matter, theorized primarily from the unexplained rotation rates of
Galaxies, which appear to rotate at an orbital speed too high for the calculated
amount of Baryonic matter within the Galaxy. However, if one realizes that
space is filled with a field which has its own energy, then Black Holes would
consume this field in the same way that they consume normal Baryonic matter
from stars/planets [6].
Thus, when the large Black Holes at the center of Galaxies consume the aether
field of space in this way, they cause the space surrounding them to flow
inwards, much like water flowing down a plughole. This causes the orbiting stars
to be carried with the space, and causes them to attain a higher orbital speed in
order to remain orbiting around the central Black Hole. Therefore, there is no
need to invoke an enormous amount of extra matter within Galaxies (which has
evaded all detection, except for the gravitational effect attributed to it), and it
can be explained by a flowing aether/space field.
I have been thinking about the light travel time calculations for a signal moving
through a cable (or optical fiber, or glass block) which is itself moving through
space at a fixed speed v. I think I (we) have been misled by De Witte/Cahill's
suggestion that Fresnel Dragging is involved. My analysis of Fresnel Dragging [3]
shows that the reason for the travel times being the way they are is the Fizeau
experiment is due to:
(1) The increased/decreased optical path length that the light must travel due
to it being carried by the moving water molecules, and
(2) The increased/decreased number of water molecules encountered by the
light due to the water's motion (and the changed time of propagation due
to (1)).
However, in a cable which is moving through space, the number of molecules in
the cable is fixed (doesn’t change), so the effect of (2) is not present. Also, when
the light is carried by the molecules in the cable (effect (1)), the cable ends
themself also move by the same amount and in the same direction - so there is
no change to the optical path length.
So, neither effect that results in Fresnel's formula actually apply to this situation.
If we were a stationary observer observing a signal moving through an endless
cable that is moving past us, then the Fresnel Dragging effect would apply - but
that is not the situation we are seeking to analyze and explain.
Therefore, the analysis for a cable moving through space should not be an
application of the Fresnel Dragging formula, but simply treat the cable as if it is
at rest, but the light is moving through it anisotropically, at (c - v) in one direction
and (c + v) in the opposite direction through the cable. This simplifies the
calculation somewhat, and slightly changes the calculation. Based on De Witte’s
measured time difference it now looks like he measured a speed through space
of ~300km/s. See the calculation on the following page:
[1] Cahill. Reginald T. “A New Light-Speed Anisotropy Experiment: Absolute Motion and
Gravitational Waves Detected”, Progress in Physics, 4, 73-92, 2006.
[2] Cahill. Reginald T, Brotherton. David. “Experimental Investigation of the Fresnel Drag
Effect in RF Coaxial Cables”, Progress in Physics, 2011
[3] Traill. Declan. “Fresnel dragging explained by a classical model of light transmission in
optical media”, 2017
[4] Traill. Declan. “A Classical Reconstruction of Relativity”, 2012
[5] Traill. Declan. “Relatively Simple? An Introduction to Energy Field Theory”, 2001
[6] Traill. Declan. “An Explanation for Galaxy Rotation Rates without Requiring Dark Matter”,
[7] Dlugozs. J.M. “What is the experimental basis of Special Relativity?”, 2007