Scientific Writing Made Easy
Scientific Writing Made Easy
Scientific Writing Made Easy
Taylor M. Chock
Kyle Donahue
Caroline A. Havrilla
Angela M. Oliverio
Stephanie K. Polutchko
Lauren G. Shoemaker
Lara Vimercati
First published: 03 October 2016
Cited by: 1
Note: Charlene D'Avanzo is the editor of Ecology 101. Anyone wishing to contribute articles or reviews to this
section should contact her at the School of Natural Sciences, Hampshire College, 893 West Street, Amherst,
MA 01002. E‐mail:
Scientific writing, while an indispensable step of the scientific process, is often overlooked in
undergraduate courses in favor of maximizing class time devoted to scientific concepts. However,
the ability to effectively communicate research findings is crucial for success in the biological
sciences. Graduate students are encouraged to publish early and often, and professional
scientists are generally evaluated by the quantity of articles published and the number of
citations those articles receive. It is therefore important that undergraduate students receive a
solid foundation in scientific writing early in their academic careers. In order to increase the
emphasis on effective writing in the classroom, we assembled a succinct step‐by‐Step guide to
scientific writing that can be directly disseminated to undergraduates enrolled in biological
science courses. The guide breaks down the scientific writing process into easily digestible
pieces, providing concrete examples that students can refer to when preparing a scientific
manuscript or laboratory report. By increasing undergraduate exposure to the scientific writing
process, we hope to better prepare undergraduates for graduate school and productive careers in
the biological sciences.
For many, this pattern occurs because we focus almost exclusively on the scientific
process, all but neglecting the scientific writing process. Scientific writing is often a
difficult and arduous task for many students. It follows a different format and
deviates in structure from how we were initially taught to write, or even how we
currently write for English, history, or social science classes. This can make the
scientific writing process appear overwhelming, especially when presented with
new, complex content. However, effective writing can deepen understanding of the
topic at hand by compelling the writer to present a coherent and logical story that is
supported by previous research and new results.
Clear scientific writing generally follows a specific format with key sections: an
introduction to a particular topic, hypotheses to be tested, a description of methods,
key results, and finally, a discussion that ties these results to our broader
knowledge of the topic (Day and Gastel 2012). This general format is inherent in
most scientific writing and facilitates the transfer of information from author to
reader if a few guidelines are followed.
Here, we present a succinct step‐by‐step guide that lays out strategies for effective
scientific writing with the intention that the guide be disseminated to undergraduate
students to increase the focus on the writing process in the college classroom.
While we recognize that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to scientific
writing, and more experienced writers may choose to disregard our suggestions
these guidelines will assist undergraduates in overcoming the initial challenges
associated with writing scientific papers. This guide was inspired by Joshua
Schimel's Writing Science: How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that
Get Funded—an excellent book about scientific writing for graduate students and
professional scientists—but designed to address undergraduate students. While the
guide was written by a group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists, the
strategies and suggestions presented here are applicable across the biological
sciences and other scientific disciplines. Regardless of the specific course being
taught, this guide can be used as a reference when writing scientific papers,
independent research projects, and laboratory reports. For students looking for
more in‐depth advice, additional resources are listed at the end of the guide.
To illustrate points regarding each step of the scientific writing process, we draw
examples throughout the guide from Kilner et al. (2004), a paper on brown‐headed
cowbirds—a species of bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species, or
hosts—that was published in the journal Science. Kilner et al. investigate why
cowbird nestlings tolerate the company of host offspring during development rather
than pushing host eggs out of the nest upon hatching to monopolize parental
resources. While articles in the journal Scienceare especially concise and lack the
divisions of a normal scientific paper, Kilner et al. (2004) offers plenty of examples
of effective communication strategies that are utilized in scientific writing. We hope
that the guidelines that follow, as well as the concrete examples provided, will lead
to scientific papers that are information rich, concise, and clear, while
simultaneously alleviating frustration and streamlining the writing process.
The Introduction sets the tone of the paper by providing relevant background
information and clearly identifying the problem you plan to address. Think of your
Introduction as the beginning of a funnel: Start wide to put your research into a
broad context that someone outside of the field would understand, and then narrow
the scope until you reach the specific question that you are trying to answer (Fig. 1;
Schimel 2012). Clearly state the wider implications of your work for the field of
study, or, if relevant, any societal impacts it may have, and provide enough
background information that the reader can understand your topic. Perform a
thorough sweep of the literature; however, do not parrot everything you find.
Background information should only include material that is directly relevant to your
research and fits into your story; it does not need to contain an entire history of the
field of interest. Remember to include in‐text citations in the format of (Author, year
published) for each paper that you cite and avoid using the author's name as the
subject of the sentence:
Figure 1
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Framing a scientific paper. The structure of a paper mirrors that of an hourglass,
opening broadly and narrowing to the specific question, hypothesis, methods, and
results of the study. Effective papers widen again in the discussion and conclusion,
connecting the study back to the existing literature and explaining how the current
study filled a knowledge gap.
“Kilner et al. (2004) found that cowbird nestlings use host offspring to procure more
Instead, use an in‐text citation:
Your hypothesis will often logically follow the identification of the knowledge gap
(Table 1). Define the hypotheses you wish to address, state the approach of your
experiment, and provide a 1–2 sentence overview of your experimental design,
leaving the specific details for the methods section. If your methods are
complicated, consider briefly explaining the reasoning behind your choice of
experimental design. Here, you may also state your system, study organism, or
study site, and provide justification for why you chose this particular system for
your research. Is your system, study organism, or site a good representation of a
more generalized pattern? Providing a brief outline of your project will allow your
Introduction to segue smoothly into your 4 section.
A hypothesis is a testable explanation of an observed occurrence in nature, or, more specifically, why something you observed is occurring.
Hypotheses relate directly to research questions, are written in the present tense, and can be tested through observation or experimentation.
Although the terms “hypothesis” and “prediction” are often incorrectly used interchangeably, they refer to different but complementary
concepts. A hypothesis attempts to explain the mechanism underlying a pattern, while a prediction states an expectation regarding the results.
While challenging to construct, hypotheses provide powerful tools for structuring research, generating specific predictions, and designing
Observation: Brown‐headed cowbird nestlings refrain from ejecting host offspring from the nest even though those offspring compete for
Research question: Why do nestling cowbirds tolerate the presence of host offspring in the nest?
Hypothesis: The presence of host offspring causes parents to bring more food to the nest.
Prediction: Cowbird nestlings will grow at a faster rate in nests that contain host offspring.
Materials and Methods
The 4 section is arguably the most straightforward section to write; you can even
begin writing it while performing your experiments to avoid forgetting any details of
your experimental design. In order to make your paper as clear as possible,
organize this section into subsections with headers for each procedure you describe
(e.g., field collection vs. laboratory analysis). We recommend reusing these headers
in your Results and Discussion to help orient your readers.
The aim of the 4 section is to demonstrate that you used scientifically valid methods
and provide the reader with enough information to recreate your experiment. In
chronological order, clearly state the procedural steps you took, remembering to
include the model numbers and specific settings of all equipment used (e.g.,
centrifuged in Beckman Coulter Benchtop Centrifuge Model Allegra X ‐15R at
12,000 × g for 45 minutes). In addition to your experimental procedure, describe
any statistical analyses that you performed. While the parameters you include in
your 4 section will vary based on your experimental design, we list common ones in
Table 2 (Journal of Young Investigators 2005) that are usually mentioned. If you
followed a procedure developed from another paper, cite the source that it came
from and provide a general description of the method. There is no need to reiterate
every detail, unless you deviated from the source and changed a step in your
procedure. However, it is important to provide enough information that the reader
can follow your methods without referring to the original source. As you explain
your experiment step by step, you may be tempted to include qualifiers where
sources of error occurred (e.g., the tube was supposed to be centrifuged for
5 minutes, but was actually centrifuged for 10). However, generally wait until the
Discussion to mention these subjective qualifiers and avoid discussing them in
the 4 section.
• Site characterization:
• Experimental design:
Step‐by‐step procedures in paragraph form
Sample preparation
Experimental controls
“On hatch day, and every day thereafter for 9 days, we weighed chicks, measured
their tibia length, and calculated the instantaneous growth constant K to summarize
rates of mass gain and skeletal growth.”
(Kilner et al. 2004)
While it is generally advisable to use active voice throughout the paper (refer to the
section “Putting It All Together,” below), you may want to use a mixture of active
and passive voice in the 4 section in order to vary sentence structure and avoid
repetitive clauses.
The Results section provides a space to present your key findings in a purely
objective manner and lay the foundation for the Discussion section, where those
data are subjectively interpreted. Before diving into this section, identify which
graphs, tables, and data are absolutely necessary for telling your story. Then, craft
a descriptive sentence or two that summarizes each result, referring to
corresponding table and figure numbers. Rather than presenting the details all at
once, write a short summary about each data set. If you carried out a complicated
study, we recommend dividing your results into multiple sections with clear headers
following the sequence laid out in the 4 section.
As you relate each finding, be as specific as possible and describe your data
biologically rather than through the lens of statistics. While statistical tests give
your data credibility by allowing you to attribute observed differences to nonrandom
variation, they fail to address the actual meaning of the data. Instead, translate the
data into biological terms and refer to statistical results as supplemental
information, or even in parenthetical clauses (Schimel 2012). For example, if your
dependent variable changed in response to a treatment, report the magnitude and
direction of the effect, with the P‐value in parentheses.
“By day 8, cowbirds reared with host young were, on average, 14% heavier than
cowbirds reared alone (unpaired t16 = −2.23, P = 0.041, Fig. 2A).”
(Kilner et al. 2004)
If your P‐value exceeded 0.05 (or your other statistical tests yielded nonsignificant
results), report any noticeable trends in the data rather than simply dismissing the
treatment as having no significant effect (Fry 1993). By focusing on the data and
leaving out any interpretation of the results in this section, you will provide the
reader with the tools necessary to objectively evaluate your findings.
The conclusion, generally located in its own short section or the last paragraph of
the Discussion, represents your final opportunity to state the significance of your
research. Rather than merely restating your main findings, the conclusion should
summarize the outcome of your study in a way that incorporates new insights or
frames interesting questions that arose as a result of your research. Broaden your
perspective again as you reach the bottom of the hourglass (Fig. 1). While it is
important to acknowledge the shortcomings or caveats of the research project,
generally include these near the beginning of the conclusion or earlier in the
Discussion. You want your take‐home sentences to focus on what you have
accomplished and the broader implications of your study, rather than your study's
limitations or shortcomings (Schimel 2012). End on a strong note.
First, a paper needs to flow. The reader should easily be able to move from one
concept to another, either within a sentence or between paragraphs. To bolster the
flow, constantly remind yourself of the overarching story; always connect new
questions with resolutions and tie new concepts to previously presented ideas. As a
general rule, try to maintain the same subject throughout a section and mix up
sentence structure in order to emphasize different concepts. Keep in mind that
words or ideas placed toward the end of a sentence often convey the most
importance (Schimel 2012).
The use of active voice with occasional sentences in passive voice will additionally
strengthen your writing. Scientific writing is rife with passive voice that weakens
otherwise powerful sentences by stripping the subjects of action. However, when
used properly, the passive voice can improve flow by strategically placing a
sentence's subject so that it echoes the emphasis of the preceding sentence.
Compare the following sentences:
Start by taking some time away from your paper. Ideally, you began your paper
early enough that you can refrain from looking at it for a day or two. However, if the
deadline looms large, take an hour break at the very least. Come back to your
paper and verify that it still expresses what you intended to say. Where are the
gaps in your story structure? What has not been explained clearly? Where is the
writing awkward, making it difficult to understand your point? Consider reading the
paper out loud first, and then print and edit a hard copy to inspect the paper from
different angles.
Editing is best done in stages. On the first run‐through of your paper, make sure you
addressed all of the main ideas of the study. One way to achieve this is by writing
down the key points you want to hit prior to re‐reading your paper. If your paper
deviates from these points, you may need to delete some paragraphs. In contrast, if
you forgot to include something, add it in. To check the flow of your paragraphs,
verify that a common thread ties each paragraph to the preceding one, and
similarly, that each sentence within a paragraph builds on the previous sentence.
Finally, re‐read the paper with a finer lens, editing sentence structure and word
choice as you go to put the finishing touches on your work. Grammar and spelling
are just as important as your scientific story; a poorly written paper will have limited
impact regardless of the quality of the ideas expressed (Harley et al. 2004).
After editing your own paper, ask someone else to read it. A classmate is ideal
because he/she understands the assignment and could exchange papers with you.
The editing steps described above also apply when editing someone else's paper. If
a classmate is not available, try asking a family member or a friend. Having a fresh
set of eyes examine your work may help you identify sections of your paper that
need clarification. This procedure will also give you a glimpse into the peer review
process, which is integral to professional science writing (Guilford 2001). Don't be
discouraged by negative comments—incorporating the feedback of reviewers will
only strengthen your paper. Good criticism is constructive.
While the basics of writing are generally taught early in life, many people constantly
work to refine their writing ability throughout their careers. Even professional
scientists feel that they can always write more effectively. Focusing on the
strategies for success laid out in this guide will not only improve your writing skills,
but also make the scientific writing process easier and more efficient. However,
keep in mind that there is no single correct way to write a scientific paper, and as
you gain experience with scientific writing, you will begin to find your own voice.
Good luck and happy writing!
Additional resources
For those interested in learning more about the skill of scientific writing, we
recommend the following resources. We note that much of the inspiration and
concrete ideas for this step‐by‐step guide originated from Schimel's Writing Science:
How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that Get Funded.
We thank Nichole Barger and the University of Colorado, Boulder 2016 graduate
writing seminar for helpful discussions that greatly enhanced the quality of this