REsponse to Oil Spills
REsponse to Oil Spills
REsponse to Oil Spills
52 November 2021
Response to
Oil Spills
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
§1 Introduction 2
2‒1 C
ountermeasures for Maritime Accidents (For Each Maritime Accident
§5 Conclusion 72
References… …………………………………………………………………………… 74
Acknowledgement of Provided References and Materials… ……………………… 74
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
§1 Introduction
When it comes to oil spills, certain readers may remember the M/V Exxon Valdez incident
which occurred in Alaska. On 23 March 1989, the M/V Exxon Valdez grounded in Alaska,
North America, spilling 10.8 million gallons (approximately 41,000 KL) of crude oil. It is
considered to be one of the largest human-induced environmental incidents to have ever
occurred at sea.
Since then, tankers have been regulated with dedicated ballast tanks and double bottoms,
and the number of spills of loaded oil have been greatly reduced. However, we receive
reports of oil spills every year, and the number of oil spillage accidents show no sign of
significant decline. In this guide we will discuss the prevention of oil spills and how to
deal with them appropriately.
The following is a summary of the common responses to all maritime accidents and not
just oil spills. It goes without saying that it is important to do everything possible to pre-
vent maritime accidents from occurring. However, in the unfortunate event of a maritime
accident, the following two factors can have a significant impact on the safety of the crew,
cargo and the hull of the vessel, as well as the expenses involved in dealing with the acci-
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
The main difference between a maritime accident and a road traffic accident or a fire ac-
cident on land is that on land, the relevant people can arrive on the site immediately,
whereas with a maritime accident, the Vessel (Master) has to take care of the situation and
avoid any detriment to the shipowner from the moment of the accident until the assistance
of the company's Land Support Team, the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and private organisa-
tions have been arranged.
However, in the event of a major accident, such as a collision, fire or oil spillage accident,
the Vessel may be in a state of confusion, and most probably very busy dealing with the
immediate aftermath of the accident. In such cases, it is often difficult for the Vessel to
keep a record of the situation and the details that need to be ascertained in order to ensure
the smooth processing of the accident.
In addition, with today's communication methods such as email and Inmarsat, communi-
cation between ship and shore is much faster than in the past. However, if the Supporting
Team on Land (department) has to contact the Vessel repeatedly in order to obtain infor-
mation on the situation, this may not only result in inaccurate information, but may also
cause further confusion between the Vessel and the department on land.
In the immediate aftermath of a maritime accident, the Master, Chief Engineer (C/E),
Navigation Officer, Engineer and Supporting Team on Land are all in a state of turmoil.
The initial response is of the utmost importance in order to minimise the damage and fa-
cilitate the subsequent smooth processing of the accident. In order to achieve this, the
Vessel conducts regular drills on board to simulate various accidents, and an emergency
support response team is also formed on shore for joint training between ship and shore.
However, as mentioned above, when a lot of information is exchanged between ship and
shore via Inmarsat, there are often cases that information does not get conveyed accurate-
ly due to mutual misunderstandings and assumptions.
In order to avoid this, each company has its own ISM code and SMS manual (Safety
Management System), which specify how to deal with each type of maritime accident.
It is essential that these trainings and the procedure manuals that have been so carefully
created get to be utilized in accordance with the procedures. In other words, in order to
avoid wasting time when checking the situation between ship and shore, it is necessary to
establish in advance an efficient way of dealing with accidents, for example by using
checklists and other forms such as reports. This is a good opportunity to review the rele-
vant parts of the Safety Management System. Key points to be reviewed are as follows:
In order to eliminate redundant work and to communicate with an accurate and efficient
exchange of information, it will be recommended to set up a report form based system
between ship and shore by each type of accident. Using checklists and other documents
as reports can be an option.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
When an accident occurs, a number of document exchanges between ship and shore
take place. Also, in the event of reviewing the original paper by picking it out from
the accumulated papers to check with the contents of a previously sent document, as
a result, the order of the documents is often lost or confused at a later date. In order
to avoid this situation, the following are recommendable.
▶ Be sure to add the date and time on all incoming and outgoing documents (pref-
erably with a reference number).
▶ The original documents are to be accumulated in separate received/outgoing
document boxes and sorted later.
In the case that you need a document that has already been sent for any reason,
make a photocopy of it on the spot and return it immediately to its original place.
Do not add notes to the original document as an afterthought. In the case that
additionally revised documents are to be added to accumulated docs, a new re-
vised date and time and reference number are to be added for them to be accumu-
lated in the original document box.
Accumulated docs
Once you have received "contact regarding the occurrence of an accident, in the first in-
stance", you need to launch an emergency support response team (the Land Support
Team) promptly. Records (time, actions, who did it, etc.) will also start from that point.
The launching of the Land Support Team will have been developed in accordance with the
Safety Management System of each company. In the case of launching the Land Support
Team, the main points to be considered are as follows:
In most cases, it is a telephone call from the Vessel to the Superintendent (SI) in the first
instance. Afterwards, the party on land will convene the supporting team, which may take
some time to assemble if it is during a day off or at night. In the meantime, the Vessel uses
an emergency checklist to begin assessing the situation and collecting information. Once
the checklist is available, Hull & Machinery Insurance and P&I Insurance may be con-
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Hull & Machinery Insurance and P&I Insurance have information on various past cases,
so we believe that it is better to consult with them directly.
The items of the checklist above should cover what you are going to confirm, but make
sure it includes the following points:
▶ Date, time and point accident occurs
▶ Accident type
▶ The status and situation of the other ship, if any
▶ Possibility of accident involving people
Nominating a local Shipowner's agency at the earliest possible opportunity will help to
facilitate any further arrangements. If possible, it is advisable to have the charterer's agent
act as the Shipowner's agent. If different agents are selected, there is a possibility of infor-
mation between them being confused. In particular, depending on the type of operation,
because fuel oil is the property of the charterer, close communication is desirable.
Also, as soon as possible, two representatives from the shipowner or ship management
company should be sent to the Vessel: one should be stationed at the ship's agent to act as
a liaison officer, while the other attend the ship.
The appointment of a third party is necessary as disputes are likely to arise at a later date
over the extent of the damage, the cost of ship repairs, the extent of the damage caused by
the oil spill or the burden of responsibility. It should be noted that the term "surveyor" can
be used to refer to any of the following types of surveyor:
(1) Hull Damage: arrangement via Hull & Machinery Insurance
(2) Response to Cargo Damage or Oil Pollution: arrangement via P&I Insurance
(3) Classification Survey (not required if there is no problem with performance
Hull & Machinery Insurance and P&I Insurance are familiar with this type of survey ar-
rangement. If in any doubt utilize the insurance companies to make the arrangements.
Following an accident, a number of interested parties and the media visit the Vessel. In
some cases, the personnel on duty at the time of the accident, including the Master, may
be interviewed in the offices of the authorities.
It is necessary to inform the vessel of the progress of the arrangements, the list of visitors
and know how to deal with them in order to not be at a disadvantage in the aftermath.
The Vessel will verify the identity of the visitor and the purpose for which he or she has
come on board, and will decide if the candidate is to be allowed to get on board to inves-
tigate the damage and answer questions. However, there is a limit to what the Master can
do on his own, so as mentioned above, it is advisable to have a member of the Supporting
Team on Land (e.g. SI) on board as soon as possible.
In addition, the Master needs to inform the crew members that the Master (or SI) is the
only person who can respond to them, and that the rest of the crew members should not
tell anyone what is going on. A brief summary of these is shown in Figure 2.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Respond immediately. Crew members other than the Master will also be inter-
viewed, the findings of which are to be reported to the Supporting Team on Land.
To be fully cooperative with any investigation by the Vessel's officials, including the
Attorney, Surveyor and P&I and Hull Insurance representatives.
If there is a request for disclosure of records, consult with the company or insurer to
decide how to respond, rather than relying on the captain's judgment. If forced to do
so (permission granted), only show the situation. Do not give any comments or
opinions (especially disapproving ones).
If there is a need for a submission, prepare in consultation with the insurance com-
▶ The sea [marine] protest and the Log Book are understood to be irrevocable
oaths. It must be carefully prepared and completed, fully recognising the impor-
tance of documentary evidence.
▶ The contents of the Chief Engineer's Log Book, Bell Book and checklists should
be consistent. Only main points should be recorded in the Log Book.
Naturally, false statements are strictly prohibited. This may have irreversible
consequences. It is also recommendable to have a lawyer prepare a draft via the
insurance company.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Most spilled oil will naturally dissipate either through evaporation, dissolution or disper-
sion. However, some oils will evaporate within a few hours like gasolene, whereas others
like light and medium crude oil can take 2-10 days to dissipate from the surface of the sea.
Although other oils like the C-type heavy oil used as fuel for ships or crude oils with a
high wax content can remain on the sea surface for many hours, they also naturally dissi-
pate after some time.
= Natural Processes =
Figure 15 illustrates natural processes. Any oil type can be reduced to its natural form
over time by natural processes.
Spreading & drifting
Sea emulsification
Dissolution Oil-in-water
Oil-in-water emulsion
Water-in-oil emulsion
Biodegradation Photo-
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
① Spreading
From the outset of any spill, it is vital to fully understand the spreading process. The driv-
ing force for this initial flow is the weight of the oil. A large volume of oil spilling instan-
taneously will spread much more rapidly than a slow spill.
In the initial stage, oil spreads in one large flow, however the speed of that flow depends
on the viscosity of the oil. High viscosity oils will spread slowly, whereas an oil spill
which is below pour point temperature (Note 1) will hardly spread at all. However, the
initial flow will begin to break up after a few hours and start to form narrow bands accord-
ing to the forces of the wind and tide.
Note 1: Pour point:
The pouring point of oil is measured in ℃. Pour point represents the temperature below
which oil ceases to flow, rather it takes on the fundamental properties of a solid.
② Evaporation
The rate of evaporation and the speed at which it occurs depend upon the volatility of the
oil. Oils with a low boiling point such as gasolene or kerosene will evaporate quickly and
will have often entirely evaporated after only a few hours. On the other hand, oils with a
high boiling point such as heavy crude oil or C-type heavy oil evaporate very little if at
As the surface area of the slick increases, the light compounds of the oil will rapidly evap-
orate. The rate and size of initial spreading directly effect the amount of evaporation.
Furthermore, when highly volatile oils like gasolene (boiling point 35~180℃, flash point
-40℃) spread in an enclosed sea area, there is a risk of fire/explosion when the evaporat-
ed oil mixes with the air.
It is often possible to ignite large oil flows which have just begun to spread. However,
once the volatile compounds of the oil have evaporated the remaining slick is thin and
together with the cooling effect of the sea water, it becomes increasingly difficult to main-
tain any kind of combustion, even with the use of wicker material.
③ Oil-in-water dispersion
Waves and turbulence at the sea surface can cause some or all of a slick to break up into
fragments and droplets of varying sizes. Some of the smaller droplets of oil will remain
suspended (like solid particles floating in a liquid) in the sea water while the larger ones
will tend to rise back to the surface and reform with any droplets which remained at the
surface. This reformed slick will then spread out to form a very thin film. The smaller
suspended droplets encourage other natural processes such as biodegradation (the break-
ing down of chemical compounds into inorganic compounds through the actions of bac-
teria, fungi and other life forms).
It is interesting to note that given enough time microplastics may also biodegrade, but the
process is extremely slow and they remain undegraded for a very long time causing a
marine pollution problem which has recently come under much scrutiny.
④ Water-in-oil emulsification
The term “emulsion” refers to a state in which two liquids, which normally don't mix (like
oil and water), become combined. For example, oil and vinegar, which normally don't
mix, can be temporarily combined after vigorous shaking. This state is referred to as
As the oil slick spreads over the sea, the film transforms from thick to thin and during this
time the various distilled fractions of petroleum gas and petrol (gasolene) evaporate. Fi-
nally, only the non-volatile compounds remain and these are buffeted by waves to form an
“emulsion”. This emulsion consists of the following two types.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Hydrophilic part
Hydrophobic part
i Oil in Water
ii Water in Oil
This is an oil containing water (seawater). When an emulsion is formed, the volume
increases by a factor of three or four times and the viscosity increases by several
stages. If the asphaltene content is especially high, it can lead to “Chocolate
Mousse”, a stable tar-like oil mass that is extremely difficult to process, or “Tar-
balls”, which can take years or even decades to break down. Therefore, removal
measures must be performed before the oil spill becomes an emulsion.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Figure 5: Oil Spill Progression Timeline (modified with data from the ITOPF)
Spilt oil is spread by gravity (the weight of the oil) acting on the oil in the initial stage and
then by the surface tension of the oil. These spreads are short in duration and limited in
extent. In fact, however, it is affected by the following external forces, which cause it to
spread intermittently, forming long, narrow strips or masses of oil in an irregular shape
rather than a circle.
① Wind
The floating oil spill is influenced by wind and leeway currents and is carried away by
weathering at a speed of approximately 3% of the wind speed.
② Ocean current
The strength (speed) and direction of the ocean current will carry it away.
③ Tidal current
When considering ocean currents, it is also necessary to take into account tidal currents.
As for spreading, the effects of waves and undulations (swells) are difficult to calculate,
but these facilitate the emulsification of oil.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Figure 6 is a method of measuring the direction and speed of spilled oil flow by vector
(approx. 0.31m/sec.)
(approx. 1.03m/sec.)
Ocean current
(approx. 2 knots) (approx. 1.03m/sec.)
Using vectors, by calculating the data of the direction of flow of the ocean current (100%)
and the wind speed of the prevailing wind (3%), the direction and speed of the oil spill can
be determined.
The best way to minimise the damage caused by an oil spillage accident is to prevent the
spread of the spilled oil. However, the Vessel has a limited supply of oil recovery materi-
als, which are unlikely to be able to contain the spread of an oil spill. Therefore, the
sooner oil recovery materials are made available, the less damage and loss is likely to
occur. ITOPF has seven resource bases in Japan. (See Figure 7.)
Figure 7: Bases of Petroleum Association of Japan (Partly Modified with Data from the ITOPF)
The MDPC has also set up resource bases in various parts of Japan. (See Figure 8.) The
roles and activities of the MDPC are as follows: (Taken from the MDPC homepage.)
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
1. Purpose
In conjunction with the implementation of countermeasures to deal with the outbreak of
maritime disasters and the containment of any escalation thereof (hereinafter collectively
referred to as “maritime disaster prevention”), the MDPC also provides the necessary
vessels, equipment and materials for such eventualities as well as the organisation of any
necessary training programmes. Through international cooperation on maritime disaster
prevention, the MDPC aims to contribute to the protection of human life and property.
2. Activities
(1) Implementation of measures to clean up any oil spills and recovery of any costs in-
curred therein, in accordance with directives from the Japan Coast Guard Comman-
(2) Implementation of measures to clean up any oil spills, extinguish fires and/or prevent
the spread of fire or any other maritime disaster, on behalf of shipowners or any other
(3) Ensuring that oil recovery vessels, oil recovery equipment, oil booms etc., or any oth-
er vessels or equipment deemed necessary to prevent a maritime disaster are made
available to shipowners or any other party.
(4) Provision of the training required to implement maritime disaster prevention measures.
(5) Ensuring that the results of any research into the equipment, materials, and skills re-
quired for maritime disaster prevention are made available to shipowners or any other
(6) Gathering, collating and ensuring that any relevant information pertaining to maritime
disaster prevention is made available.
(7) Provision of advice and guidance on maritime disaster prevention on behalf of ship-
owners or any other party.
(8) Provision of advice and guidance on maritime disaster prevention in overseas coun-
tries. Provision of maritime disaster prevention training to overseas trainees, and con-
tribution to international cooperation on maritime disaster prevention.
(9) Manufacturing and retail of the materials and equipment necessary for maritime disas-
ter prevention, publication and retail of printed material regarding maritime disaster
prevention, and conduction of any other incidental business arising from the previous-
ly mentioned activities above.
(10) Any of the previously mentioned activities above apply in a similar fashion to rivers,
lakes etc.
In addition to the three bases such as the Headquarters (Yokohama), West Japan Branch
(Kobe) and Kyushu Branch (Kitakyushu), five representative offices have been established in
Tomakomai, Chiba, Yokkaichi, Mizushima and Iwakuni to ensure the efficient and effective
implementation of standby operations during normal times, and to establish a rapid and
accurate accident response system on a nationwide scale by utilizing the contractual disaster
prevention system (tentative translation).
Iwakuni Fushikitoyama
★West of Japan
Kobe Niigata
★Kyushu Branch
Mizushima Fukui Sendai
Kitakyushu Ube
Osaka Onahama
Kitakyushu Kashima
yama Kawasaki
Sasebo Hakata
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Following an oil spill and on behalf of a Shipowner or any other party acting as the prin-
cipal polluter, the Maritime Disaster Prevention Center (MDPC) will respond to any mar-
itime accident.
Marine Pollution and Marine Disaster Prevention law requires that owners of tankers
which have a gross tonnage in excess of 150 tonnes, which are navigating through appli-
cable sea areas (*1), and are carrying specified oils such as crude oil or heavy oil, should
have secured availability of specialised oil removal materials (oil booms, oil absorbents,
oil dispersants etc.). The same law also requires that owners of specified oil tankers with
a gross tonnage in excess of 5,000 tonnes which are navigating through specified sea areas
(*2) have also secured the availability of oil recovery equipment. Furthermore, there are
similar legal obligations for tankers with a gross tonnage in excess of 150 tonnes and
which are carrying oil other than specified oil or hazardous and noxious substances
(HNS), to similarly secure availability of oil removal equipment and personnel with the
necessary expertise. On behalf of the shipowner, the MDPC issues certification (HNS
Certificate and Specified Oil Certificate) to legally verify that vessels have secured avail-
ability of the proper oil removal equipment. The certification further guarantees that in the
event of any oil or HNS spillage and upon request from the shipowner or ship's Master,
the MDPC will provide an “Emergency Response Service” which will respond swiftly to
clean up the contaminated area.
However, vessels without the proper certification or any other separate standby agreement
with the MDPC, must first conclude a separate contract before any response can be made.
*1: Applicable sea area refers to specified sea areas, any port falling under the Act on Port Regulations,
and Kagoshima Bay. (Pertaining to sections (6) and (9) of Article 33 of the ordinance for enforce-
ment, and sections (3) and (4) of Article 39 of the Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Law.)
*2: Specified sea areas refers to Tokyo Bay, Ise Bay and the Seto Inland Sea. (Pertaining to sections (6)
and (9) of Article 33 of the ordinance for enforcement, and sections (3) and (4) of Article 39 of the
Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Law.)
Whilst there are other private oil recovery services available, there have been cases of oil
spill incidents where valuable time has been lost in making the decision about which oil
recovery operator to choose. Time which has led to the spreading of the spill and an esca-
lation of the scale of the disaster. Costs are imperative in any recovery operation, and
prompt decision making use of the nearest available recovery agency or operator can ul-
timately lead to a reduction of those costs.
Oil spills from a vessel can be classified as shown in Figure 9. These are roughly catego-
rized into two classifications: “cargo oil spills” from tankers and “fuel oil, lubricants and
sludge spills” from all vessels including tankers.
Collision and
grounding, etc.
Spillage due to
damage in cargo
Cracks due to
holds Spills following
age deterioration,
tank ballasting
Tanker Cargo oil spills
Mishandling or
equipment failure
Spillage of contaminated
water due to cargo hold cleaning
Illegal discharge
Illegal discharge
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Secondary disasters such as collisions and groundings can result in spills of fuel or cargo
oil, but the majority of accidents involve spills of fuel or lubricating oil due to operation-
al errors during bunkering.
Petroleum Gas
Jet fuel
240℃~350℃ Light oil 90%
Residual oil 10%
Light oil
A-type fuel oil
More than 350℃
Residual oil
Crude oil C-type fuel oil
・Heavy oil
・Asphalt Light oil 10%
Distillation equipment Residual oil 90%
A-type fuel oil For vessels, factories, etc. When a light petroleum oil is spilled at sea, it evaporates
relatively quickly due to wind waves. However, in winter
Light oil For vessels and vehicles
and/or in port, the speed of evaporation is slower and
Paraffin Mainly for heating persistence is higher which requires early recovery.
Lubricants Engines, etc. As this almost never evaporates, the basic principle is to
surround it with string of flags-type oil absorbents which
Hydraulic oil Oil hydraulic equipment
are then wrung to recover the oil.
High viscosity index oil that hardly evaporates mixes with
Large vessels, factories, seawater to form an emulsion. This becomes hydrous
C-type fuel oil
thermal power plants, etc. and highly viscous, and expands to three times its volume
whereby it can be physically recovered.
For cars and sport fishing Highly flammable, evacuate and escape on the leeward
boats side.
Refined in an oil refinery
Carried by large tankers. Be cautious as it is flammable
Crude oil Crude oil-fired thermal
and toxic depending on the oil type.
power plants
The method of recovery in the event of a spill varies greatly depending on the oil types
and the location of the spill (in port or outside of port). These recovery methods are listed
in the table (Table 2). For a full list please see Attachment 1.
It is difficult to recover petrol and liquefied gas, which has a low boiling point temperature
and high volatility, because it takes a long time to evaporate, also, at the same time there
is the possibility of fire, explosion and toxic gases being generated which means that
evacuation measures must be taken to ensure that human life is not affected.
A-type fuel oil, which is used for marine fuel, has a low viscosity and therefore spreads to
form a thin oil film. Therefore, the recovery operation must be completed before the oil
spreads over a large area. On the other hand, the higher viscosity C-type fuel oil spreads
more slowly than A-type fuel oil, but is more highly likely to emulsify, making recovery
a longer process. To prevent this, the oil must be recovered before it has a chance to
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Preventive Necessary Damage
oil spill Oil type Procedure Remarks
objective materials expected
A-type fuel Recovery/ Oil fence boom and Port closure, spoilage Spreads to form a
A, B
oil spreading absorbent boom of water intakes, etc. thin oil film
Oil fence boom,
Use of absorbents
C-type fuel absorbent boom, Port closure, spoilage
Recovery A, B, C for high viscous oils,
oil and powerful of water intakes, etc.
suction trucks
Use of absorbents
Oil fence boom and for high viscous
Emulsion Recovery A, B
absorbent boom oils, or snares (see
In port photograph)
Monitoring and Powder gelling Fire, explosions and Preventing the spread
evacuation agent loss of life of secondary damage
Always consult an
Instructions Powder gelling Differ depending on expert as treatment
Chemicals and
from expert agent type of chemical will vary depending
on type
Liquefied Monitoring and Fire, explosions and
gas evacuation loss of life
Oil fence boom, Destruction of
A-type fuel Recovery/ absorbent boom, oil fisheries, tourism,
A, B, D
oil dispersion recovery vessels and and the natural
oil treatment agents environment
Oil fence boom, Destruction of
C-type fuel Recovery/ absorbent boom fisheries, tourism,
A, B, D
oil dispersion and oil treatment and the natural
agents environment
Oil fence boom, Destruction of
absorbent boom fisheries, tourism,
Emulsion Recovery A, B
and oil recovery and the natural
system environment
Preventing the
Monitoring and Fire, explosions and spread of secondary
of port Petrol
evacuation loss of life damage, natural
Destruction of fisheries,
Oil fence boom, oil
tourism, and the Initially there is a
Recovery/ recovery vessels
Crude oil A, B, D natural environment; crude gas hazard,
dispersion and oil recovery
fire, explosions and then emulsions form
loss of life
Always consult an
Instructions Differ depending on expert as treatment
Chemicals and
from expert type of chemical will vary depending
on type
Liquefied Monitoring and Fire, explosions and
gas evacuation loss of life
Procedure A
: In the case of large quantities, oil is to be recovered with oil fence booms and then recovered by an oil recovery vessel or
powerful suction trucks, etc. Or, the oil can be absorbed using an oil absorbent. For small quantities, use oil absorbent.
: For small quantities, the oil is to be surrounded by an absorbent boom (oil fence, string of flags-type, rolls, etc.) and
then wrung and recovered by suction.
C: In the case of large quantities, oil is to be collected with oil fence booms and then recovered by powerful suction trucks.
D: Direct spraying and dispersal with oil treatment agents (for vessel and aircraft).
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has deployed Water Surface
Cleaning and Oil Recovery Vessels etc. to Regional Development Bureaus, and some
private companies and organisations also have these oil recovery vessels. However, these
vessels are usually engaged in dredging operations and it is difficult for them rush to the
site immediately when an oil spill occurs.
Photograph 3: W
ater Surface Cleaning and Oil Recovery Vessel, Beikurin (Bay-clean)
Source: website of the Chiba Port Office, Regional Development Bureau,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Therefore, in the immediate aftermath of an oil spill, it is essential to control the spread of
the spill as soon as possible and to begin recovery operations. However, this can only be
done by human intervention.
Here are some of the materials that can be used for this purpose.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
= Oil Snare =
The literal translation of Oil Snare is “Oil Trap”. The Oil Snare is an oil recovery materi-
al developed by Parker Systems in Virginia, USA specifically for high viscosity oil. Due
to the unique shape of the oil adsorbent, oil gets trapped inside its thin looped tassels,
which can capture the high viscosity of C-type fuel oil that cannot be recovered by other
conventional oil adsorbents. For the past 25 years, it has been utilized in major tanker
spills around the world and is highly regarded as an essential oil recovery material for the
recovery of high-viscosity oil. An oil Snare is also used by the Japan Coast Guard in their
“Oil Removal Contingency Programme”. (Tentative translation). A 15m long rope with
30 oil snares, shipped in a plastic bag, each oil snare weighs 230 grams and can trap up to
14kg of oil. It is made of polypropylene and can be incinerated after use.
In the field, it is necessary to choose the oil removal equipment appropriate for the oil
spill. For less viscous oils such as A-type fuel, the use of oil absorbents such as oil absor-
bent pads (hereinafter referred to as mats) can be effective. These mats are manufactured
from polypropylene and vegetable fibres, the performance of which is defined by type
approval, but the use of materials without type approval is not an issue and the use of
non-approved materials is permitted. It absorbs more oil than water.
Photograph 5: Oil Absorbent Mat Photograph 6: Oil Absorbent Mat Usage Example
Source: Website of Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
An oil fence is a floating structure, also known as a boom, which is stretched over a body
of water to prevent oil from spreading in the event of a spillage. Except for special types
such as “floating” oil fence booms, they are standardised so that they can be connected to
oil fence booms of different manufacturers; there are two types in the Japanese standard:
Type A and Type B. This material is used to control the spread of spilled oil and their main
purpose is to collect, attract, enclose and prevent oil spread. It is not used as a stand-alone
product, but in conjunction with materials and machinery to recover the oil. This is possi-
ble when the sea is calm, but if the wind, ocean current or waves exceed a certain limit,
the oil can leak from the bottom or spill over the top and become uncontrollable.
Extension rope
Oil absorbent
An oil treatment agent is defined as a substance which when sprayed onto and mixed into
floating oil at the sea surface, will cause the oil to rapidly emulsify and disperse into fine
particles. This ultimately results in preventing the oil from sinking to the seabed, and en-
ables the sea to naturally attenuate more easily. Furthermore, such agents also have a low
toxicity towards marine life.
Previously, such agents were mistakenly referred to as “neutralizing agents” which
wrongly suggested that they somehow chemically transformed the oil into a different
However, as the opening definition states, oil treatment agents are rather chemical agents
which atomize the oil, dispersing it over the nearby sea surface. This increases the surface
area and encourages natural attenuation through the actions of microorganisms and oxy-
gen. The effect of this atomization also means that the oil does not sink, and both the
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
level of toxicity to which coastal and marine life is exposed and the amount of oiling
damage to seabirds can be contained. (Taken from the Fire and Disaster Management
Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications webstie.) Oil treatment
agents do not make the oil disappear, nor do they neutralize and chemically transform the
oil into a different substance.
The two types of solvent are shown below. These solvents are further classified according
to their percentage content of surfactant. Thus, 10-15% content is referred to as low con-
centrate, 15-20% as medium concentrate, and 35-60% as high concentrate.
1) Hydrocarbon type
This includes both 1st and 2nd generation types. The 1st generation type is an aromatic
solvent of high toxicity. The 2nd generation type (Type 1) is paraffin-based. In terms of
surfactant content, the 2nd generation type ranges from a low to medium concentrate. It
is this 2nd generation type which is currently in commercial use in Japan.
The concentrated type (Type 2) and self-mixing type (Type 3) are known as 3rd genera-
tion oil treatment agents. They are either alcohol or glycol based. These types contain a
high ratio of surfactant.
When the viscosity of the oil slick is high, oil treatment agents have little effect since they
slip off the surface of the oil before the solvents can disperse within. As a general rule, the
agents remain effective on oils with a relative viscosity of less than 2,000cSt. However,
this effectiveness drastically reduces when that viscosity is exceeded, and within viscosi-
ty levels of 5,000 - 10,000cSt all efficacy is lost. In short, oil treatment agents are not
suitable for use with high viscosity emulsion oils or those oils with a pouring point in
excess of the ambient temperature. Furthermore, it may at first seem that the oil can be
dispersed at the outset of the spill, however the volatile compounds quickly begin to evap-
orate and due to the effects of natural weathering, viscosity increases making any disper-
sion impossible within a short period of time.
Therefore, whilst the efficacy of any oil treatment agent also depends on the prevailing
weather and sea conditions, wherever possible it is best to apply these agents one or two
days before viscosity becomes high. The main methods of application are by a workboat
or aerial spraying by plane.
= Toxicity =
Compared to the 1st generation oil treatment agents, the toxicity of recent agents has de-
creased. However, there still remains much debate as to their method of use. Furthermore,
there is variation in local and national attitudes towards the use of oil treatment agents. In
particular, the use of oil treatment agents runs the risk of introducing new marine pollut-
ants into the sea, leading to an increase of localised hydrocarbon concentrations. The ef-
fect of this on marine life is a cause for concern. It is therefore vital that there is a consen-
sus of opinion between local authorities, fishery officials etc., regarding the use of any oil
treatment agents.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Figure 12 is a flowchart of an oil spill response. (Please see Attached 2 for details)
Collision accident
Accident report notification
Other The
vessels Vessel
In the event of an overflow during bunkering, first of all, immediately stop
pumping oil from the supply vessel. Then, the Oil Removal Emergency
Department issues an alert. (Tentative translation.)
In accordance with the sharing roles of the Emergency Department, the
crew will start operation according to the Master's orders. Naturally, the
first priority is to check that there has been no injury to persons.
Start first response measures to stop overboard discharge. Looking at the oil
spill incidents reported to this Club, in some cases the scupper plugs were
not set and the oil spilled overboard from there. In other cases, there was a
failure to close or a loss of the spill combing plug in the vent pipe, which led
to an oil spill on deck and overboard via a scupper.
To follow are some of the initial emergency measures which aim to prevent and reduce
At the same time as the first response measures are taken, report the
accident to the Shipowner (or ship management company) and confirm
with the Shipowner (or ship management company) as to whether the
incident is to be reported to the authorities (the Regional Coast Guard
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Figure 13 shows the response framework of major oil pollution incidents in Japan (organ-
isation chart). (Modified with technical data from ITOPF: Please see Attached 3 for a full
Response Framework to
Major Oil Pollution Incidents in Japan (Organisation Chart)
(Countermeasure headquarters)
Report Instructions
contract (No.2)
Marine Disaster Clean-up operation
News media, Prevention Center
Local authority, (MDPC)
Association, Request for aid
etc. Rescue and
Request / disposal company
contract Request
for aid
Request for aid and towing
Shipowner and
ship management company Report and request, etc.
The Vessel
Report (Countermeasure headquarters
for maritime accidents) Instructions
Agency, Inspection
Contact Contact
Charterer and
Terminal Society
Hull & Machinery Investigation
Figure 13: Response Framework to Major Oil Pollution Incidents in Japan (Chart)
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Pop quiz !
In the case of a collision accident etc., as shown in Figure 14,
and in the event of a hole rupture in any one part from ① to ④ ,
predict how much oil will be spilled. This is assuming no change in hull angle
inclination, trim or draft, and no effects from currents or waves. It is also
assumed that no fuel oil tank is actually connected to the double bottom and
tanks in the port and starboard sides.
Photograph 10: Oil Slick Drifting in Coastal Areas Photograph 11: Damage to Fishing Facilities
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Oil spill recovery and clean-up expenses Approx. 129 million yen
Compensation for fisheries Approx. 46 million yen
Penalty(fine) Approx. 13 million yen
Attorney fee Approx. 20 million yen
Condition survey costs and others Approx. 7 million yen
Point accident occurs: 0.25km²
Dock yard quay
Photograph 15: Fuel Oil Spilled on the Sea Photograph 16: Fuel Oil Washed Ashore against Seawall
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Started bunkering A-type fuel oil (LSMGO: Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil)
Receiving tank: DO Tank No.5 C
Completed bunkering A-type fuel oil (LSMGO: Low Sulphur Marine Gas
Day 1 21:30
Chief Engineer: Emergency stop of oil supply ordered for Bunker vessel
B. Reported to Master.
Master: Telephone called to SI, dock and agents to inform them of the oil
Chief Engineer: Started transferring fuel oil from No.2C FO Tank to No.
Day 2 03:00
4C FO Tank
Chief Engineer: Finished transferring fuel oil from No.2C FO tank to No.
4C FO tank
The original Bunkering Plan was to first bunker the No.3C FO tank with 300 M/T and
then accept the remaining 300 M/T into the No.4C FO tank.
At 22:00 C-type fuel oil started being bunkered at a slow rate of transfer to begin with.
After confirming that there were no leaks from the pipeline, the amount of oil transferred
was increased to around 130KT/h.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
At approximately 01:25 on 02/MM/20YY, 3 hours and 25 minutes after the start of bun-
kering, Ordinary Seaman (OS) on deck patrol reported fuel oil leaking from the Air Vent
of No.2C FO Tank which was not to be bunkered.
The Chief Engineer immediately requested the barge to make an emergency stop of oil
supply and reported the oil leak to the Master who was in the captain’s cabin.
At approximately 01:30, the Master issued an alert to the Oil Pollution Department, and
at around 01:50, telephone called the Super Intendant (SI), the person in charge of the
Vessel at dock and agents to inform them of the oil spill.
After issuing an alert to the Oil Pollution Department, crew members started recovering
the fuel oil spilled on the deck and, simultaneously confirmed that it had spilled over-
board. Also, from approximately 03:00, because the No.2C FO tank was full, the C/E
started transferring a portion of the fuel oil from No.2C FO Tank to No. 4C FO Tank.
At approximately 13:00 on the same day, 5 members of the Marine Safety Agency (MSA
which is equivalent to the JCG or Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
in Japan) boarded. In addition to confirming the spill and commencing questioning of the
crew, two SPROs (Ship Pollution Response Organisations) were appointed to recover the
fuel oil spilled overboard and clean the seawall and fishing facilities.
On Day 3 PM, recovery and cleaning up of the fuel oil spilled on deck was completed, but
it took approximately one more month for the oil that had washed ashore and onto fishing
facilities to be completed.
The fuel oil that spilled overboard was estimated to be approximately 3.0 KL; calculated
from the amount of residual oil before the start of bunkering, that of residual oil after the
stop of oil supply, that of overboard discharge recovered from the deck and the amount of
oil transfer declared by the barge. Please refer to Table 5 for details.
As bunkering started at 22:00 and the emergency stop was initiated 01:25, approximately
414.00 KL of fuel oil was pumped in the last 3 hours and 25 minutes. The estimated
pumping rate, calculated as a simple average without taking into account the slow pump-
ing rate immediately after start, was 121.17 m3/h. For the amount of spill, including the
spill on the deck, calculated in Table 5 is 44.00 m3 (column (C) of the table), divided by
the oil transfer speed, we obtain: no one noticed the spill for approximately 22 minutes,
after it had started through the air vent in tank No.2 C FO.
Estimation of Spillage
Unit: m3
Residual Oil Amount of Residual
Tank Extra Space Supply
FOT Amount before Oil after Pumping
Volume 1 - (BB)/(AA) Total
No. Bunkering Stoppage
(AA) % <(CC) - (BB)>
(BB) (CC)
2C 375.23 265.40 29.3% 329.37 63.97
Amount of oil collected from the deck of the Vessel (approx.) (D) 4.00
Amount of oil spilled and recovered in the Vessel's ballast tanks (approx.) (E) 37.00
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
= Direct Cause =
The direct cause was that the filling valve of the No.2C FO tank, which had not been
scheduled to be bunkered, was not “fully closed” for some reason, but was slightly open,
so that fuel from that tank entered the No.2C FO tank and overflowed through the air vent.
In addition, the direct cause of the fuel oil spill overboard was, as mentioned above, ac-
cording to calculations following the accident, a delay in noticing the spill from the air
ventilation (no one noticed it for 22 minutes after the start of the spill) and a failure to
make an emergency stop in time.
According to the Chief Engineer of the vessel, the reason why No.2C FO Tank filling
valve was open was as follows.
・ After the last refill of No.2C FO tank, the filling valve was confirmed
as being closed.
・ The fuel warm-up steam pipeline equipped above the filling valve
of each fuel tank in the engine room was repaired, including the
installation of insulation, as dock work.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
After an accident, we review it in terms of, “What would have happened had we..?”
(“what if” scenarios), which is referred to as hindsight bias (the tendency to think that
something was predictable after it has happened.) Acknowledging that there are prophe-
cies recorded after the event (wise after the event) meaning that it is easy to be critical
about anything after it has happened (psychological analysis), let’s analyse the causes of
the accident from the perspective of a chain of errors. Indirect causes include the follow-
Has there been sufficient safety and environmental awareness on the part of the
management (Master on the Vessel, Chief Engineer and/or the company's Opera-
tions Manager)?
It took an estimated 22 minutes from the start of the oil spill for it to be discovered.
The OS (Ordinary Seaman), who were not directly involved in the bunkering
work, were on deck patrol, but was every crew member on board aware of the
potential significant marine pollution that could be caused by an oil leak?
(2) Had the bunkering plans and procedures been properly developed in advance?
(e.g. bunker line, personnel assignment etc.)
In the analysis of the accident this time, it was not possible to examine the bunker-
ing plan or the personnel assignment list, so we can only speculate. However,
considering that it happened late at night, there was probably an insufficient num-
ber of deck officers on duty or deck patrols being conducted.
(3) Did all personnel involved in the operation have an adequate understanding of the
bunkering plan in the meeting prior to carrying out the work?
▶ Did they understand the bunkering procedures and the condition of the bun-
ker lines? Would both the Master and C/O also have been present at the
engine department meeting in case of an emergency?
▶ Was it predetermined who would be in charge of which valve changeover
and when?
▶ Due to the bunkering work being carried out at night, it is assumed that no
other work was to be done, but had there been a conflict with other work that
arose, was the personnel assignment adequate?
▶ Was the deck OS on patrol briefed on which fuel tanks were to be bun-
Why did they start bunkering work with one valve open for No.3 C, even though
No.3 C and No.4 C FO tanks were receiving tanks? (Reasons given below; see
“General procedures when receiving the same type of fuel into more than two
tanks.”). Are there any factors in the procedure for opening or closing the relevant
valves that could cause errors?
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
The following four factors inviting human error have been introduced in several Loss
Prevention Bulletins. In this guide, we will formulate an analysis applying these to the 12
Human Characteristics (Figure 16).
1. C
ommon characteristics of highly skilled technicians
2. 12 Human Characteristics
(1) Did the person in charge keep checking all FO tank levels and continue to monitor
tank level changes? If not, ② Human beings are sometimes careless, ③ Human
beings sometimes forget and ⑩ Human beings are sometimes lazy in Figure 16
will be applicable.
(2) Had sounding measuring tape been used for level checking periodically as well as
remote liquid level gauges?
④ Human beings sometimes do not notice, ⑥ Human beings are sometimes only
able to see or think about one thing at a time, ⑨ Human beings sometimes make
assumptions, and ⑩ Human beings are sometimes lazy are applicable.
(3) Is the indicated oil transfer rate (121 m3 /h) adequate?
Because we have not been able to examine the diameter of the pipes in the Vessel's
bunkering lines, we cannot judge whether the oil transfer speed was reasonable or
not, but the author would like to know whether the person in charge was in a hurry
to get the job done as quickly as possible. ⑦ Human beings are sometimes in a
hurry will be applicable.
(4) Had crew on duty checked the venting of all fuel tanks for air escape? ③ Human
beings sometimes forget, ④ Human beings sometimes do not notice, and ⑩ Hu-
man beings are sometimes lazy will apply.
③ General procedures when receiving the same type of fuel into more
than two tanks
The author surveyed the relevant procedures for receiving the same type of fuel in multi-
ple tanks by more than two shipping companes in the form of interviews. This was sum-
marised as follows:
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
(1) Check that all valves in the bunkering line are fully closed
In order to avoid such situations shown in the case this time, the FO and DO settling
tanks should be filled at least one or two hours before the start of bunkering, and then,
all valves in the fuel pipeline should be turned to “all closed” at once and checked.
(2) Lineup
According to the bunkering plan, Almost all companies used the "Line Up Form",
opening the valves required for the receiving operation. The last valve to be opened
should be the gate valve which is connected to the bunker hose.
(4)Inflow check
Immediately after the start of bunkering, all FO/DO tanks should be sounded, and
not just the receiving tanks.
Also, check the air flow from all FO/DO tank air ventilations.
Sounding intervals were approximately 50/50, with some companies setting the
standard and others leaving it to the Vessel. In general, most companies assigned a
full engine department crew to each tank immediately after the start of sounding,
and took frequent soundings, then once the amount of oil to be pumped reached a
steady state, shifted from a full crew to a watchkeeping arrangement. Also, some
companies ask the O/S on duty to check the air flow from the air ventilations.
Once the oil spill on deck had been recovered, the ship management company for the
Vessel developed the following preventive measures.
Since then, the author heard that more specific recurrence preventive measures have been
developed and not only incorporated into the SMS manuals, but that the accident summa-
ry has also been shared with other ships concerned.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
⃝Responsibility for bunkering operations (line changeover, work content and lay-
out), and other specific details such as who will do what and when (timing) are to
be included in the bunkering plan.
⃝In principle, the bunkering plan should be developed in such a way that the tank
valves are not switched. If it is unavoidable, another operator (preferably an engi-
neer) should double-check the plan.
operators and the work to be carried out. If this requires a change in work proce-
dure, it is necessary to consider stopping the bunkering at once.
⃝ It is also necessary to educate and train the engineers and engine department crew
by holding workshops on the daily work procedure manuals. In particular, in the
event of crew change, a study session should be held.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Photograph 26: Spilled Oil on Sea Surface Photograph 27: Quay Wall Spoilage
The planned amount for bunkering is shown in Table 6: a total of 55 KL of C-type fuel oil.
The planned quantity for bunkering in No.1 FO Tank (on the port side) was 27 KL of
C-type fuel oil first, followed by the remaining 28 KL in No.1 FO Tank (on the starboard
side). After the bunkering of C-type fuel oil was completed, the tank was to receive 15 KL
of A-type fuel oil.
Planned Quantity for Bunkering
27 KL No.1 FO Tank(P)
C-type fuel oil
28 KL No.1 FO Tank(S)
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
In the 40 minutes between 09:10 and 09:50, pumping of 55 KL of FO (C-type fuel oil)
was complete. Then, at 09:50, the C/E received a report from the duty officer that there
was a leak on deck and "Emergency Station" was issued by the Master. However, at
10:10, the C/E started pumping DO (A-type fuel oil) .
At the point when 10 KL of A-type fuel oil had been pumped, it was confirmed that C-type
fuel oil had spilled overboard, and the emergency stop for bunkering had been initiated
and the nearest Coast Guard Headquarters alerted. At 12:00, the first oil recovery work-
boat arrived at the site and started recovery work immediately.
Meanwhile, at 13:00, Coast Guard officers boarded to start investigating and interviewing
related parties about the spill. They were instructed to recover as much oil as possible and
to carry out agitation of any oil that had spread to the sea surface which could not be re-
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
The oil spill on the deck was recovered on the same day, but it had spread unexpectedly
over a large area of the sea surface, contaminating the seawall and quay and penetrating
deep into the quay apron, requiring about 16 days for cleaning and agitation processing.
The total amount of fuel oil spilled overboard was estimated to be approximately 0.3 KL
(300 L), calculated from the amount of residual oil before bunkering started, another
amount of residual oil after bunkering stopped, the amount of overboard discharge col-
lected from the deck and amount of oil transfer declared by the barge. (Please see Table
63 for details.)
Amount of
Residual Oil
Tank Extra Space Residual Oil Supply
Amount before
FOT No. Volume 1 - (BB)/(AA) after Pumping Total
(AA) % Stoppage ((CC) - (BB))
No.1 (P) 45.00 13.00 71.1% 32.00 19.00
According to the bunkering plan, the Vessel was to receive 40 KL (89% full) on her port
side and 39 KL (87% full) on her starboard side in FO tanks at a volume capacity of 45m3
at the end of bunkering, which shows that the plan itself was reasonable.
= Direct Cause =
The original plan was to receive 27 KL of C-type fuel oil in No.1 FO Tank (on the port
side) and then switch the valve to receive the remaining 28 KL in No.1 FO Tank (on the
starboard side). However, the filling valve on the starboard side was open and approxi-
mately 8 KL that was supposed to go into the port tank went into the starboard tank.
Without noticing this error, when a further 28 KL was added to that (into the starboard
side tank), it overflowed. Figure 17 illustrates this pipeline.
Engine Room
Over Flow Tank
(500 L)
No.1 FO Tank(P)
As this Filling Valve
No.2 DO Tank(P)
45 m³ Approx.20 KL was not closed, 8 KL
20 m³
flowed into No.1 FO
Residual Oil 13 KL Tank (S), which was
not planned.
29% Full
Approx.28 KL
No.2 DO Tank(S) No.1 FO Tank(S)
20 m³ 45 m³ Approx.8 KL
Unplanned filling oil
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
▶ At 09:10, C-type fuel oil bunkering started and the No.1 FO Tank (P) with 13 KL of
residual oil started receiving 27 KL as originally planned.
▶ However, as Filling Valve of No.1 FO Tank (P) was not fully closed, some of the
pumped C-type fuel oil (7-8 KL) flowed into No.1 FO Tank (S) with residual oil at 11
▶ At 09:30, the Chief Engineer received a report from the barge that 27 KL had been
pumped and assumed that the total amount of oil had been pumped to No.1 FO Tank
(P) as scheduled. So he did not carry out confirmation sounding. After opening the
filling valve of No.1 FO Tank (S) and closing the filling valve of No.1 FO Tank (P),
starting to receive the remaining 28KL.
However, at this point, No.1 FO Tank (S) contains a total of 19 KL of C-type fuel oil,
and if an additional 28 KL were to be loaded into the tank (the 45m3 capacity), it
would overflow by 2 KL.
▶ Of this overflow of 2 KL (2,000 L), 500 L remained in the overflow tank (500 L ca-
pacity), but ultimately 2,000 L spilled from the common air vent.
▶ The remaining 1,500 L on deck was eventually recovered, but 300 L via the scuppers
spilled overboard.
▶ At 09:50, the bunker barge reported to the Vessel that it has finished pumping 55 KL
as planned, but based on the oil transfer speed (82.5 m3/h), it takes about 1 minute and
27 seconds for 2,000 L to flow out, so we can estimate that the spill started around
09:48. For less than two minutes, it was assumed that no one noticed the leak.
The Vessel's crew member testified: “I thought all the filling valves were closed after the last
bunkering work, so I don't know why they were slightly open.” (Tentative translation.)
It is unknown whether the closed valves were opened by vibration during navigation, or
whether the crew had made sure that they were closed after the last bunkering operation.
In addition, the valves were not tightened to prevent them from opening accidentally.
The chief engineer (C/E), who was in charge of the main liquid line for bunkering
work, testified that soundings had been carried out only before and after the start of
bunkering in the past, and that no regular soundings had been conducted during bun-
kering. Therefore, the barge report was taken into account even when bunkering mul-
tiple tanks. When comparing this with the 12 Human characteristics, ③ Human be-
ings sometimes forget, ⑨ Human beings sometimes make assumptions, and ⑩
Human beings are sometimes lazy will be applicable.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
(5) The bunkering valves were not checked to confirm if they were
fully closed prior to start of bunkering and lineup work had not
been completed. Also, why was it decided to top off the fuel
tanks one by one?
As a basic part of bunkering work, checking that the bunkering valves are closed
before starting work and subsequent lineup work had not been carried out. In the
case of the Vessel, the number of fuel oil tanks is four, even including the gate valve
on each side (total is 2), so that in total there are only six valves to be checked that
they are fully closed and two filling valves on the No. 1 FO Tank (P/S) to be opened.
Human characteristics such as ⑦ Human beings are sometimes in a hurry, and ⑩
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
(f) A
spects that the deck department should be aware of during
There may be few crew onboard, therefore, it is crucial that the role of each crew
member is checked.
The common root cause of the spillage of both cases is that prior to bunkering, all valves
in the fuel system had not been checked to find out if they had been “closed”, and that the
sounding of tanks that had not been bunkered had not been carried out. Thus, to return to
basics, it is necessary to check the position of the valves.
Flow Meter
However, could it not be that where the Filling Valves of each fuel tank are lined up in the
engine room, a removable flow meter can be installed to visually check as to whether fuel
oil is flowing through the pipes? If it had been visible that fuel oil was flowing into an
unscheduled tank, the anomaly might have been noticed at that point.
More recently, a “collapsible oil spill prevention device” (Photograph 28) has been fitted
to air vents to allow air from the air vent to inflate balloons in the event of an unscheduled
influx of fuel oil into the tank. These are also available on the market and can be used as
Photograph 28: Overflow Tank (Collapsible Fuel Oil Overflow Prevention Tank)
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
§5 Conclusion
Just as was discussed in Chapter 1 (accident statistics for coastal and oceangoing vessels)
most oil spills reported to this Club are caused during bunkering operations. If an oil spill
occurs, regardless of amount spilled, be it small or large, treatment takes many man-hours
and incurs a tremendous amount of expense.
As we can see in the above accident case examples, the route cause is down to a chain of
human errors. To prevent this from leading to an accident, this chain must be broken. We
hope that it is understood that there are a number of opportunities that we can all take
advantage of.
In addition, although each company's ISM code and SMS manuals always incorporate
measures and procedures to prevent recurrence as shown in the above accident examples,
the failure of the crew to follow them in the accident analysis is almost always the appar-
ent cause. However, despite the fact that crew should also be well aware of this, there are
numerous examples that show that they failed to carry out their duties in accordance with
the operation manual.
Some cases may state that this is easily resolved through thorough crew training, but in
practice this is very difficult. However, since this must not be abandoned, repeated expla-
nations, guidance and training will be required, which should not only be left to the Ves-
sel's Master and Chief Engineer, but also require the active involvement of the company's
In the unfortunate event that oil is spilt overboard, in order to mitigate any damage as
much as is possible, keeping the area of spreading to an absolute minimum will be crucial.
Also, because it is almost impossible to stop the spread of oil spills at sea with the oil
treatment equipment available on board, the key is to start the recovery operation as soon
as possible. Although this was not introduced above as an example, there have been a few
cases where the cost of arranging a recovery service was a concern, which led to the ar-
rangement of a more geographically remote recovery service, which delayed the start of
the recovery process and resulted in the spread of the spillage over a wide area, making it
more expensive than it should have been.
We believe that spills during bunkering operations are accidents that can be prevented by
sticking to the basics and by raising the safety and environmental awareness of the crew.
We hope that this Loss Prevention Bulletin can be of assistance in any way.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
・General Marine Disaster Prevention Center (MDPC)
Training materials on marine pollution response course (Tentative translation)
・The Japan Association of Marine Safety (JAMS) Journal (2017 Spring Edition No.
The oil loaded above the lower edge of the hole rupture (grey area) spills
Thereafter, a small amount of oil may be spilled due to the ship’s pitching
and rolling, but this will not be a continuous spill. However, it is ideal to
carry out shift and gas release of as much of the cargo oil as possible in
the tanks where a hole rupture has occurred, in case of spills or repairs
due to the ship's pitching and rolling or changing conditions. If other
cargo tanks are fully loaded or ship-to-ship cargo transfer is not possible,
as an emergency measure, shift it to other tanks in so far as oil will not
breach the tank.
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Firstly, as in ①, the oil above the surface of the water spills momentarily.
Then, due to the relationship between the specific gravity of water and oil
accumulates at the bottom of the tank, and the oil is pushed out because
In the event of grounding, the water level will be lowered by the change
in tidal current or, if Deballasting is carried out to reduce the draft, the oil
level will be raised above the water level by that amount. It is important to
Firstly, as in ①, the oil above the surface of the water spills momentarily.
water and oil (displacement), seawater infiltrates from the hole rupture
and gradually accumulates at the bottom of the tank, and the oil is pushed
out because of the inflow that it continues to flow out in turn and is
In the event of grounding, the water level will be loweredby the change
in tidal current or, if Deballasting is carried outto reduce the draft, the oil
level will be raised above the water level by that amount. It is important to
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Similar to ①, the oil above the surface of the water spills momentarily.
Then, the spill will stop when the pressure of the oil at the bottom of the
tank is equal to the pressure at the bottom of the ship. Not only because
the specific gravity of oil is smaller than that of seawater, but because the
pressure from the surface of the water to the bottom of the ship is lower
than the water pressure at the bottom of the ship, the seawater floods
into the tank through the hole rupture.
(For example, if the draft is 10m and the specific gravity of theseawater is
1.025, the water pressure is 1.025kg/cm2. On the other hand, because the
specific gravity of C-type fuel oil is about 0.998, and the pressure at the
bottom of the ship is0.998 kg/cm2, seawater will enter through the hole
rupture, until this pressure difference is eliminated.)Similar to ③, if the
oil level rises above the surface of the water due to draft or discharging
quantity adjustments, the hole rupture in the ship's bottom will cause a
mixture of seawater and oil to spill. Care should be taken to avoid this.
Each company has its own ISM code, SMS manual (Safety Management
of fuel that can be accepted in a fuel oil tank, but generally in most cases, it
is between 85% and 90% of the tank capacity. This means that no more up
groundings etc., the water pressure in the bottom of the tank will push
the fuel oil up to the level of the vent line, which will in turn be flooded by
seawater. Figure: 71(2)) However, the fuel in the tank is unlikely to spill.
(1) (2)
Figure 23: Hole Rupture to Ship’s Bottom of a Common Double-Bottom Fuel Oil Tank
⑥ H
ole rupture to ship’s bottom due to internal pressure
on the tank
Currently, there are no tankers with a single hull, only those with double hulls.
However, suppose that a hole rupture is made in the bottom of the ship, in the case
of a tanker with a single hull as shown in Figure 72, and internal pressure is applied.
With a draught of 10m, the water pressure at the bottom of the ship is
1.025 kg/cm2. In the event of a hole rupture here, depending on the specific gravity
of the oil, the cargo oil will be pushed out until the pressure on the bottom of the
ship is equal to the water pressure.
Except in the ① event of a hole rupture just above sea surface, the residual oil in
the tank shall be shifted in order to prevent a continuous oil spill. However, even
if a transfer pump is used for fuel oil, or a cargo pump for tankers, the suction is
located close to the bottom of the tank. If the hole rupture is large, only flooded
seawater is sucked in, which makes it difficult to shift the oil. This will be time-
consuming, but requires a flexible response to the situation, such as using a
portable pump to suck up the oil from near the surface and shift it.
Depending on the location of the hole rupture, it should be understood that different
measures need to be taken. It is important to assess the situation and conditions
properly and take the appropriate measures in accordance based on them.
Attachment 1: Oil Recovery Procedure by Oil Type
(Modified from the management manual from "Umi" & "Nagisa" Foundation)
Preventive Necessary Damage
oil spill Oil type Procedure Remarks
objective materials expected
Oil fence boom Port closure,
Recovery/ Spreads to form a
A-type fuel oil A, B and absorbent spoilage of water
spreading thin oil film
boom intakes, etc.
Oil fence boom,
Port closure, Use of absorbents
absorbent boom,
C-type fuel oil Recovery A, B, C spoilage of water for high viscous
and powerful
intakes, etc. oils, emulsions
suction trucks
Use of absorbents
Oil fence boom
for high viscous
Emulsion Recovery A, B and absorbent
oils, or snares (see
In port boom
Monitoring and Powder gelling Fire, explosions and
Petrol the spread of
evacuation agent loss of life
secondary damage
Always consult an
Instructions Powder gelling Differ depending expert as treatment
Chemicals and
from expert agent on type of chemical will vary depending
on type
Monitoring and Fire, explosions and
Liquefied gas LNG and LPG
evacuation loss of life
Oil fence boom,
Destruction of
absorbent boom,
Recovery/ fisheries, tourism,
A-type fuel oil A, B, D oil recovery
dispersion and the natural
vessels and oil
treatment agents
Oil fence boom, Destruction of
Recovery/ absorbent boom fisheries, tourism,
C-type fuel oil A, B, D
dispersion and oil treatment and the natural
agents environment
Oil fence boom, Destruction of
absorbent boom fisheries, tourism,
Emulsion Recovery A, B
and oil recovery and the natural
system environment
Monitoring and Fire, explosions and the spread of
of port Petrol
evacuation loss of life secondary damage,
natural evaporation
Destruction of
Oil fence boom, oil fisheries, tourism, Initially there is a
Recovery/ recovery vessels and the natural crude gas hazard,
Crude oil A, B, D
dispersion and oil recovery environment; fire, then emulsions
system explosions and loss form
of life
Always consult an
Instructions Differ depending expert as treatment
Chemicals and
from expert on type of chemical will vary depending
on type
Monitoring and Fire, explosions and
Liquefied gas LNG and LPG
evacuation loss of life
Procedure A
: In the case of large quantities, oil is to be recovered with oil fence booms and then recovered by an oil
recovery vessel or powerful suction trucks, etc. Or, the oil can be absorbed using an oil absorbent. For
small quantities, use oil absorbent.
: For small quantities, the oil is to be surrounded by an absorbent boom (oil fence, string of flags-type, rolls,
etc.) and then wrung and recovered by suction.
C: In the case of large quantities, oil is to be collected with oil fence booms and then recovered by powerful
suction trucks.
D: Direct spraying and dispersal with oil treatment agents (for vessel and aircraft).
Attachment 2: Flowchart of Oil Spill Response (Example)
Collision accident
Accident report notification
Other The
vessels Vessel
Attachment 3: R
esponse Framework to Major Oil Pollution Incidents in Japan
(Organisation Chart)
Response Framework to
Major Oil Pollution Incidents in Japan (Organisation Chart)
(Countermeasure headquarters)
Report Instructions
contract (No.2)
Marine Disaster Clean-up operation
News media, Prevention Center
Local authority, (MDPC)
Association, Request for aid
etc. Rescue and
Request / disposal company
contract Request
for aid
Request for aid and towing
Shipowner and
ship management company Report and request, etc.
The Vessel
Report (Countermeasure headquarters
for maritime accidents) Instructions
Agency, Inspection
Contact Contact
Charterer and
Terminal Society
Hull & Machinery Investigation
Attachment 4: Oil Spill Report Form: Sample
Ref. No.
Port/Berth No.
7 Place of occurrence Target Name Bearing/Distance
18 Oil details (2)
Length Wind (Direction/Force)
Width Weather Wave height
19 Situation of overflow to the sea Direction & Sea Swell (Direction/Height)
Oil film Tidal situation
concentration (Direction/Speed)
23 Others
P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin
Edited by Loss Prevention and Ship Inspection Dept. Japan P&I Club