Lab Safety and Equipment

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POST LAB Lab 01 Safety and Equipment

Write the question and the answer OR answer in a complete sentence stating the question and answer.
Lab reports are due at the beginning of the next class period and count as 2 formative grades.

1.​ In each example, name the proper piece of equipment/glassware to be used:

a.​ measuring the number of drops of acid to You can use a pipet to measure the number of drops
neutralize a base​ of acid to neutralize the base

b.​ obtaining approximately 50 ml of water to rinse a You would use a beaker to rinse out the pipet

c.​ measuring 87.6 ml of liquid to make an exact To measure 87.6 ml of the liquid in a mixture, you will
mixture​ need a graduated cylinder

d.​ evaporating water from a mixture over a Bunsen To evaporate water from a mixture over a bunsen
burner (what would you use to hold the wet burner, you need an evaporation disk
substance as you heated it)​

2. Name five different pieces of safety equipment/supplies that are in the lab.
Safety goggles: to protect your eyes

Fire blanket: to put out fire

Fire extinguisher: to extinguish a fire

Gloves: to not get chemicals on your hands

Apron: to not get chemicals on your clothes

3. Give a justification (a reason “why”) for the following lab safety rules.
a.​ Safety goggles should be worn You should wear safety goggles because your eyes are the
whenever working with chemicals, most exposed organ and you have to protect them at all
alcohol, or Bunsen burners.​ times

b.​ When heating a test tube, always point You should always point the open and away from yourself
its open end away from yourself or and others because there is a chance that the chemicals
others. could erupt

c.​ Never heat liquid in a closed container. You should never heat a liquid in a closed container because
when you heat a liquid, it will produce gasses, and if the
gasses arent released, then it could cause an eruption

d.​ Clean your lab area and equipment You should clean your lab area, and stay safe and sanitary,
before leaving the lab. so the next people can have a nice clean space to work with
4. In each of the following applications, write “yes” if the proper safety precautions are being
followed or “no” if they are not. Give a reason for each answer.
Application Yes or No Reason

a.​ Ashley cannot find a striker to light her no This is not a safe idea because it could
Bunsen burner. The student next to her picks lead to a potential fire by catching it on to
up a lighted burner and says, “Here, you can someones clothing or hair
use my flame to light your burner.”​

b.​ The printed directions in the laboratory yes This is safe because you need to put
procedure tell a student to pour a small safety goggles on when dealing with
amount of hydrochloric acid into a beaker. chemicals because they can get inside
Aaron puts on safety goggles before pouring your eyes
the acid into the beaker.​

c.​ It is rather warm in the lab room during a late no This is not a safe idea because you need
spring day. Jennifer slips off her shoes and to wear closed toed shoes inside the lab at
walks barefoot to the sink to clean her all times and she might drop the glass and
glassware. walk through it

d.​ While washing glassware, Mike splashes no This is not safe because Joel shouldn't
some water on Joel. To get even, Joel have done anything back to Mike, and just
splashes him back. ignored him. And now that Joel splashed
water back, Mike might wanna get even
and throw like a beaker at him or

5. Jared and his lab partner accidently catch the filter paper on fire on their lab bench. What
safety equipment should they use to put out the fire? What are the steps in using this
They should get the attention of a teacher or instructor, then they should grab the fire extinguisher and spray
the crap outta the filter paper. They could also put the fire blanket over the filter paper to put it out

6. You are running late finishing your lab and time is rushed. Name at least 3 things that
MUST be done before leaving the lab for the day.

Clean the lab thoroughly, make sure everything is put away and not broken, and make sure you take
everything back that you came with

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