Communication Skills Activity Manual
Communication Skills Activity Manual
Communication Skills Activity Manual
Sub: English Class : 1 to 5
Picture Description Advertisement
Common Phrases Story Making Conduct an interview
Teacher shows the picture either on the digital board or gives a copy of the picture. The
child needs to observe and try to list out what is there in the picture.
2mts Time will be given for observation and preparation.
(Remember max. 8 to 10 students should be called for the activity. Students should not
be repeated.)
The first 3 students can say what is there in the picture.
The next 3 students should talk about one area of the picture.
The next 3 students can list out how many things or human beings are listed out.
If the teacher is not ready with the TLM then she can use the picture from the textbook.
Teacher can carry more pictures.
Remember :
Focus on the main part of the picture
Describe as much as you can.
Try to use your imagination to make assumptions.
Learning Outcome:
Pre-activity: Teacher should be equipped with the topic for telephonic conversation.
During the activity: (different ways can be used for the given activity)
1) Teacher calls two students, she gives them characters
2) Students take one minute to prepare for dialogues.
3) After a minute, the students continue with the conversation.
4) Instead of two children can call 3 or 4 imagining they are in a conference call or
zoom call.
computer notebook.
notebook to school?
Note: Students are to be selected randomly by the teacher and every child should
get an opportunity to participate in a communication skills programme at least
twice in a week. But all the children must be involved in writing.(Children should
not know that they are going to be called to speak as they have to speak
Aim: To develop communication skills to familiarise the students with the common
Learning Outcome:
I don't feel like hanging out today. I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
To ask how someone is doing: What's up? How's it going? What's new?
To say how you are doing: Could be better, pretty good, same as always
To say you don't have any idea: I can't help you there, Beats me
To disagree with somebody: I'm not sure about that, that’s not how I see it
To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once.
By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also
spend time with him.
Teacher gives some words and students have to create a story with the given words.
1) Give time three minutes to make the story.
Note: Students can create any story by using the given words.
1. Setting
2. Characters
3. Connection among the characters
English Communication skills Booklet (VI – VIII)Page 8
4. Problem
5. Twist in the story (plot)
6. Solution
7. Moral of the story
Pro activity: Teacher gives her valuable suggestions
Eg: Once there was a girl named Sravanthi. She was a dancer. One day when she
was dancing and she saw someone was also dancing with her. Quickly her attention
turned towards that, she was amazed with it because, it was also enjoying the
Note: Students are to be selected randomly by the teacher and every child should
get an opportunity to participate in a communication skills programme at least
twice in a week. But all the children must be involved in writing.(Children should
not know that they are going to be called to speak as they have to speak
Pre-activity: Teacher informs the students well in advance to bring any object.
2) Students should speak at least five sentences on the object he/she brings.
English Communication skills Booklet (VI – VIII)Page 9
Pro activity: Teacher gives her valuable suggestions
Pen is my best friend. It makes friendship with my thoughts. I use it whenever I want. I
can give a name to my pen. I carry it wherever I go.
1) a book
3) water bottle
Learning Outcome:
Learning Outcome:
1) Students learn to speak fluently.
2) They become confident.
3) Increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings.
4) Encourage active participation.
5) Increase verbal proficiency.
6) Encourage use of imagination and creativity.
Pre-activity: Teacher should be equipped with the topic for Storytelling.
During the activity: (different ways can be used for the given activity)
1) Teacher asks everyone to write the story and calls one after the other.
2) Students take one minute to prepare for the topic.
3) After a minute, the students continue with storytelling.
Pro-activity: Teacher gives her valuable suggestions
1) Long ago , there lived a king………..
English Communication skills Booklet (VI – VIII)Page 13
2) An old farmer had four sons.....
3) The sun and the wind had a quarrel...
4) Three men pass through a jungle....
5) An elephant goes to a tank.....
6) A fox falls into a well....
7) A story about a holiday....
8) Funny things my pet has done....
Aim : To develop imaginary skills, as it's typically something that you wouldn't see in
the real world and create strong visual images and observations.
Learning outcome:
1) helps to create pictures with words, using adjectives, adverbs, and other
forms of figurative language.
Pre-activity: Teacher should be equipped with examples of personification
During the activity:
Teacher gives the name of the object to be personified.
Students take 1 min for preparation ( speaking/writing.)
After a minute students either speak on the given object personifying it.
Pro activity:
Teacher gives her valuable suggestions.
Title: “If I were”
1) Black board 5) Moon 9) Sky
2) Sun 6) Table 10) Pen
3) Computer 7) School bag 11) Book
4) Chalk piece 8) Water bottle 12) Candle
English Communication skills Booklet (VI – VIII)Page 14
13) Rose 19) Earphones 25) Globe
14) Milk 20) Projector 26) Stop watch
15) Flower pot 21) Scissors 27) Door
16) Fan 22) Calculator 28) Car
17) Mobile 23) Bell 29) Keyboard
18) Laptop 24) Printer 30) Television
Note: Students are to be selected randomly by the teacher and every child should
get an opportunity to participate in a communication skills programme at least
twice in a week. But all the children must be involved in writing.(Children should
not know that they are going to be called to speak as they have to speak
Learning outcome:
It is clear that guessing games will improve students' motivation in learning English
and improve their vocabulary.
Pre-activity: Teacher would write names of objects on a piece of paper, fold them and
put it in a bowl.
2. He/ she would give clues to guess the object.(make use of below questions to give
clues to guess the object)
One student should describe the object and others will guess the object.
Pro activity:
Teacher gives her valuable suggestions.
Aim: To develop communication skills and inspire students to adopt creative ways . To
throw light on the importance of connectivity or chronological order.
Learning outcome:
1. Students learn to speak.
Learning Outcome:
Students learn to speak fluently and develop creative writing. They become confident.
1. The Lion and the Rabbit - (This regular story can be narrated or written with an
innovative ending)
Aim: To help the students reinforce vocabulary, language skills to enhance their
observation, communication skills & creativity.
Learning Outcomes:
Teacher shows an object. The child needs to observe and try to gather some points
about it.
2mts Time will be given for observation and preparation.
(Remember max. 8 to 10 students should be called for the activity. Students should not
be repeated.)
1. It is a healthy, tasty, sweet and salty, energy and easily available product.
2. It is made up of grains, nuts, berries, cream, butter, sugar, glucose and all purpose
3. Our biscuits are the best because they are made up of oats, millets, dry fruits and
they are homemade.
4. Finally our product Healthy hearts makes a Healthy tummy.
1. Soap
2. Gadgets
3. Bag
4. Soft toys
5. Toys
6. car
7. Bike
8. Book
Aim: To develop communication skills to familiarize the students with the common
Learning Outcome:
Pre-activity: Teacher should be equipped with the topic for Interview.
During the activity: (different ways can be used for the given activity)
1) Teacher calls two students, she gives them characters
2) Students take one minute to prepare for dialogues.
3) After a minute, the students continue with the interview.
Learning Outcome:
Note: Students are to be selected randomly by the teacher and every child should
get an opportunity to participate in a communication skills programme at least
twice in a week. But all the children must be involved in writing.(Children should
not know that they are going to be called to speak as they have to speak
Role Play:
Learning Outcome:
Pre-activity: Teacher gives a story and student has to enact according to the characters
of the story.
Learning Outcome:
Pre-activity: Teacher tells a situation and student has to tell a real life story which is
similar to that situation.
For example if a group of friends are discussing their pets, one of the friends tells a
story about how her cat comes downstairs only at a time of the night, then that friend
has just told an anecdote.
Narrating a Poem:
Learning Outcome:
Pre-activity: Teacher tells short poem and the student has to narrate poem in their
own words.
Narration of Turtle: Here the poet tells about his pet “turtle”.
1. He described his pet, where it lives, how it eats?, and what it does when he
wants to sleep?
2. The poet is very fascinated about his pet, so he was observing it all the time
and found the facts about it.
3. We should observe sorroundings.
4. The rhyming words are shell - well