Refresher 2018 English Workshop

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Usman Public School System

Refresher Program -2018

Monday 16th July,2018

Topic: Teaching Vocabulary with Fun Activities

Presentation by :
Raees Khan & M.Umer Siddiqui (Campus-9)
Objectives :
The importance of vocabulary.
Effective use of words.
Interesting facts about Vocabulary.
Sharing new and old words with peers
Vital role of Dictionary.
How can we make vocabulary teaching with
fun activities?
The limits of my language are
the limits of my mind.
All I know is what I have words
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Importance of Vocabulary
• There is a strong relationship between
vocabulary knowledge and reading
• Vocabulary knowledge is so strongly related to
intelligence that Klouis Terman, creator of
modern IQ tests, stated that if he could use only
one factor to determine a person’s intelligence, it
would be vocabulary.
Saying about Vocabulary

• "Without grammar very little can be

conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can
be conveyed." (Wilkins 1972:111)

• "When students travel, they don't carry

grammar books, they carry dictionaries."
(Krashen in Lewis 1993: iii)
Learners are able to pick up vocabulary:

- through extensive reading.

- through communicative interactions

- through exposure to natural input such as

informative Programs ;training sessions etc

Let’s have an Activity
Activity Name: Passing the ball.
(Warm-up Activity )
To recall the words from mind bank quickly about given theme.
Duration: 5minutes to 10 minutes

Teaching Aid:
Stop watch, Cricket ball
How to implement/execute:
•Teacher will provide a theme for example Education, Sports, Foods etc.
•Teacher will throw a ball to student that he will pass to each other.
•At the same time student will tell speak up a word loudly related to provided
If he fails to speak a word he will be out.
•Last remaining will be the winner.
Why build vocabulary?
• The meanings of individual words contribute to
the meanings of sentences and therefore to
• After the age of five, oral conversation is a much
less effective way of developing vocabulary
• As students increase their reading skills, text
becomes the vehicle for learning many new
words that are not part of their oral vocabulary.
Let’s have an Activity.
Activity: Vocabulary Retaining Power (VRP)

To increase the vocabulary retaining power.


10 minutes
Teaching Aid:

White Board, Marker, Stop watch, Blank papers, Worksheets Or Text book

How to implement/execute:
•Teacher will provide an unseen article to students to read OR Pre-reading units
can be used for this activity.
•Teacher will divide the class into two groups.
•One leading member will be called on front from each group.
•5 minute will be allowed to write the vocabularies on the board that could be retained.
•The one who writes more words will be the winner.
Are Dictionary Definitions
Always Effective?
• Using a Dictionary is Not
– Reading a definition does not tell us
how a word is actually used
– We need examples in context
– Dictionary definitions can be
– Being able to define a word is an end
result of knowing the word very well
Reinforce Definitions With:

• Gestures
• Pictures
• Objects
• Examples and non-examples
How do our students feel about
• What is the author saying?
• Discuss with your neighbor:
“Paula put down her pirn, wrapped herself
in a paduasoy, and entered puerperium.”

 Story about birthing

 Pirn – tool for weaving
 Paduasoy – Japanese style silken robe
 Puerperium – the time of beginning labor to birth
•We have no access to meaning because we
didn’t get the vocabulary!
Repeated Read-Aloud
• Use literature to maximize children’s vocabulary

 Pre-reading discussion focused on key vocabulary and

concepts that may be unfamiliar
 During first reading allow children to follow the story thread
without frequent interruptions.
 During repeated reading sessions, stop to discuss
vocabulary and concepts
Read each story at least 3 times
Model for Choosing Vocabulary
From Text
“3-Tier Model”
Words to Teach
high frequency,
high utility

Technical words

Known, common words

Let’s have an Activity.
Activity Name: Words Traveling.
To identify possible linking vocabularies from given Head and tail Words.
5 to 10 minutes
Teaching Aid: White Board, Marker, Stop watch, Blank papers

How to implement/execute:

•Teacher will write head and tail words of possible linking vocabularies.
e.g. Tree to chair, wheat to burger, sea to rain, cow to ice-cream,
Cotton to Dress, Cement to Building,
•Student will write possible linking words in allowed timing. (3 minutes)
•One who will identify more linking words will be the winner.

Can you guess more Head and Tail words to implement in Class room????
Words to Teach Directly

• Words critical to understanding the text

• Words that are likely to be encountered
many times
• Difficult words that need interpretation
– metaphorical, abstract,

Beck & McKeown, 2002

Let’s have an Activity.
Activity Name: Forming words.
To recall the vocabularies from Mind Bank quickly to improve the Vocabulary building.
Duration: 10 minutes

Teaching Aid: White Board, Marker, Stop watch, Blank papers

How to implement/execute:
1. Teacher will write a poly-syllable word on board.
2. Teacher will instruct to Students to form new more and more possible words by using the given
3. Repetition of Letters is not allowed.
4. One who will make more words will be the winner.

Activity :
Responsibility, Communication, Accountabilities, Adventurous,
Relationship ,Ultimately, Persistently, Programmatically,
Internationally Enthusiastically,
Something to Think About

Words Heard in an Hour

Poverty: 615 words
Middle Class: 1,251 words
Professional: 2,153 words
Hart and Risley, 2003
Let’s have an Activity.
Activity Name: Story Imagination
To utilize given vocabulary in imaginative story properly and effectively.
Duration: 10 minutes
Teaching Aid: White Board, Marker, Stop watch, Blank papers
Activity : ( For Primary Class)
School going boy, a rainy day, Jungle, Hut, troubles, at the late night, a frail old
man…………………………………(Continue it).

Activity : (For middle and Secondary Class)

With the help following words write a Article about 60-80 words.

Problems, Solution, Education, Change, Decision making, Awareness, Expectation,

Research about Vocabulary
• Kindergarten students’ vocabulary size is a predictor of
comprehension in middle school. (Scarborough, 1998)

• A single book reading improved significantly children’s

expressive vocabulary. (Senechal and Cornell, 1993)

• Vocabulary instruction has a strong connection to

comprehension. (McKeown, Beck, Omanson and Perfetti,

• Children with weaker vocabularies are less likely to learn new

words from incidental exposure than children with larger
vocabularies. (Nicholson & Whyte, 1992; Penno et al., 2002;
Robbins & Ehri, 1994)
Summing Up
Building Vocabulary
 Vocabulary is important because:
• readers use their oral vocabulary to make sense of the words they see in
• readers must know what most of the words mean before they can
understand what they are reading.
 Vocabulary can be developed:
• indirectly, when students engage daily in oral language, listen to adults read
to them, and read extensively on their own.
• directly, when students are explicitly taught both individual words and word-
learning strategies.

Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read, 2001
Let’s have an Activity.
Activity Name: Word Puzzle.
To discover the hidden vocabulary by asking 5 questions only.
Note: Team leader will tell some clues about the vocabulary and the other team will guess
the word.
e.g 1st and last letter, Common use of it ,
Teaching Aid: White Board, Marker, Stop watch, Flash cards
Duration: 10 minutes
How to implement/execute:
•Teacher will prepare Flash cards in which Puzzle Words will be pasted.
•Teacher will divide the class into two groups.
•Teacher will shuffle all flash cards randomly and handover the groups equally.
•Then team leader will tell some clues about the vocabulary and the other team will have
to guess the word.
e.g 1st and last letter, Common use of it,
•The Team who will ask less questions to discover the words written on flash card will be
the winner.
Questions and Answers

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