Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4

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Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 (Empat)



Kelas : IV (Empat) Hari/Tanggal : / Desember 2024

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 90 Menit
Petunjuk umum :
a. Awalilah pekerjaanmu dengan membaca bismillah!
b. Bacalah soal dengan teliti!
c. Tulislah nama dan nomor ujianmu pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan!
d. Periksalah pekerjaanmu terlebih dahulu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!
e. Tidak dibenarkan mencontek pekerjaan teman selama ujian berlansung

Cross (X) one of the most correct answers!
(silanglah (X) jawaban yang paling benar!

1. Menyiram tanaman in english is ….

a. Watering the plant c. Gardening the plant
b. Washing the plant d. Taking the plant

2. Nancy is studying in the ….

a. Park c. Class
b. Canteen d. Schoolyard

3. Dina : “What are you doing, Tom?”

Tom : “I am …. “ (menggambar)
a. Drawing c. Having
b. Making d. Playing

4. Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola.

a. They play football c. They have football
b. They are playing football d. They are having football

5. Cleaning the class.

In Indonesian is ….
a. Belajar di kelas c. Membersihkan kelas
b. Menyanyi di kelas d. Menyapu kelas

6. We …. TV every night.
a. Play c. Read
b. Study d. Watch

7. Mr. Ahmad parks his car in the ….

a. Terrace b. Garden

UPTD SDN 01 Andaleh

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 (Empat)

c. Garage d. Bathroom

8. These are part of house, except ….

a. Bedroom c. Classroom
b. Bathroom d. Kitchen

9. The living room is clean and tidy.

In Indonesian is ….
a. Ruang makan bersih dan rapi c. Ruang makan kotor dan sempit
b. Ruang tamu bersih dan rapi d. Ruang tamu kotor dan sempit

10. We have a dinner in ….

a. Living room c. Dinning room
b. Kitchen d. Bedroom

11. Kamar mandi berada di atas dapur.

In english is ….
a. The bathroom is under the kitchen
b. The bathroom is in front of the kitchen
c. The bathroom is beside the kitchen
d. The bathroom is on the kitchen

12. Ela :” ….”

Indri : “My bedroom is large and clean.”
a. How are your bedroom? c. How clean are the bedroom?
b. How is your bedroom? d. How do your bedroom do?

13. u – n – a – c – r – i – t = ….
a. Crutain c. Cruitan
b. Curtain d. Curtian

14. Benda yang berfungsi untuk merapikan rambut adalah ….

a. Blanket c. Bolster
b. Comb d. Pajama

15. We put our clothes in the ….

a. Table c. Wardrobe
b. Bed d. Sofa

16. Berikut bukan benda yang ada di ruang tamu adalah ….

a. Painting c. Carpet
b. Bookshelf d. Towel

17. Pillow usually is …. The bed.

UPTD SDN 01 Andaleh

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 (Empat)

a. On c. In front of
b. Beside d. Behind

18. Sabun in english is ….

a. Towel c. Toothpaste
b. Dipper d. Soap

19. Twelve in indonesian is ….

a. 11 c. 13
b. 12 d. 14

20. Aldo : “How many pens does Brian have?”

Sinta : “He has …. Pens.”
a. Seventy five c. Seventy seven
b. Seventy six d. Seventy eight

21. i – n – y – o – e – n – t – e – n
the correct ordes is ….
a. Sixty one c. Ninety nine
b. One ninety d. Ninety one

22. Twenty plus twenty equals ….

a. Fourteen c. Forty
b. Thirty d. Fifty

23. I have …. Erasers

a. Seventy seven c. Seventy six
b. Sixty seven d. Sixty six

24. Seventy five minus twenty five equals ….

a. 50 c. 30
b. 40 d. 20

25. Lia : “What is your number?”

Alan : “My number is ….”
a. Thirty seven c. Twenty seven
b. Two seven d. Seventeen

Fiil in the blanks with the correct answer!
(Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!)
1. Mention three (3) activities at home that you usually do on Sunday!

UPTD SDN 01 Andaleh

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 (Empat)

2. Mention three (3) activities in the school!

3. Which part of the house that is used to wash the dishes?
4. Which part of the house that is used to sleep
5. Mention three (3) things in your bathroom!
6. Mention five (5) things in your bedroom!
7. Translate into english!
a. Dua puluh tiga
b. Enam puluh empat
c. Seratus
d. Empat puluh lima

Answer these question correctlu!
Jawablah pertanyan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!
1. Arrange the words into good sentence!
a. Every – bed – Aan – the – morning – makes
b. At – I – study – my – with – school – friends
2. Write in english!
a. Kamar mandi di sebelah ruang makan
b. Ruang tamu di depan dapur
c. Sinta mandi setelah dia sarapan



UPTD SDN 01 Andaleh

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