SUMMER 2023 (594,595,596) RASHTRASANT TUKADOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY B. TECH 5TH SEM. (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology & Chem. Technology) (CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEMS) EXAMINATIONS OF SUMMER 2023 PROGRAMME: WRITTEN Time: 02.30 P.M. To 05.30 P.M. Day Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Date 02/06/2023 05/06/2023 07/06/2023 09/06/2023 12/06/2023 14/06/2023 Fifth Semester Heat Transfer Chemical Reaction Mass Transfer II Core Elective I Open Elective I HASS III: Industrial B. Tech Engineering I 1.Statistical Design of Experiments 1.Environmental Pollution and Economics & Project (Chemical 2.Non-Newtonian Flow and Rheology Control Management Engineering)C.B.C.S. 3. Chemical Process Synthesis and 2.Renewable Energy 3.Energy Design Conservation and Recycling Fifth Semester Heat Transfer Chemical Reaction Mass Transfer I *Special Technology II Open Elective I HASS III Industrial B. Tech Engineering I *Food Tech., *Oil Tech., 1.Environmental Pollution and Economics & Project (Chemical *Petrochemical Tech., *Pulp and Control Management Technology) C.B.C.S. Paper Tech., *Plastic and Polymer 2.Renewable Energy 3.Energy Tech., *Surface Coating Tech. Conservation and Recycling Fifth Semester Entrepreneurship Immunology & Genetic Fluid Mechanics and Solid Handling Professional Elective-I Open Subject-I B. Tech and Startups Immunotechnology Engineering and 1 Big Data Analytics 1 3D Printing & Design 2 (Biotechnology) rDNA 2 Advanced Bioprocess Internet of Things 3 C.B.C.S. Technology Control 3 Biosimilars Cheminformatics & Technology Medicinal Chemistry 4 Biomaterials 5 Green Economy and Sustinablity
The name of the College Centre is already Printed on the Admission Card of each Candidate. However, it is notified for general information of the Candidates that: - The seating arrangement for the Centre will be notified separately seven days prior to the Commencement of the written examination at the respective College / Centre, The Candidates concerned will also be able to get the necessary information from that chart of seating arrangement sent to the concerned College by University ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nagpur Date: 06-05-2023 (Dr. Prafulla M. Sable) Director Board of Examination & Evaluation Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj University, Nagpur