Science- physics important questions

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1 Imagine for
for aamoment
theearth has
earth nono
has atmosphere.
atmosphere. What would
What be the
would be the 2012
colour of sky in such case? Give reason for your answer. SA2(1)
2 Newton placed
placed two
withrespect to to
respect each
each 2012SA2
other. He is then let white light pass through them. What was his observation (2)
on screen? Draw diagram of this experiment.
3 The power of a lens is +1.5D. Name the type of defect of vision that can be (3)
corrected using this lens. Draw a ray diagram to illustrate this defect of vision.
4 What is meant by least distance of distinct vision? Mention its value. (2)
5 Explain how is the focal length of eye lens is changed by the ciliary muscles
when object distance when object distance from it changes?
6 Explain the formation of rainbow in the sky with the help of diagram. State the (3)
phenomena involved in proper sequence.
7 A person is unable to see the objects beyond 2m clearly. Name the defect of (5)
vision he is suffering from. State two causes due to which this defect may arise.
Draw ray diagrams to show the defect of vision and correction of this defect
using an appropriate lens.

8 Why is normal eye not able to see clearly the objects placed closer than 25cm? (1)
9 What is atmospheric refraction? What is its cause? (1)
10 How is the amount of light entering the eye controlled? (1)
11 The time
differencebetween actual
between sunsun
actual set and
set the
andapparent sun setsun
the apparent is 2 set is 2 2014
minutes. Explain this fact with the help of diagram SA2(2)
12 How does the size of particles affect the scattering of light? (2)
13 Red lights are used as warning signals at road crossing. Why? (2)
14 Name the following parts of human eye: (2)
(i) A thin membrane through which light enters
(ii) The part of eye sensitive to light.
15 List the factors on which the angle of deviation through a prism depends. (2)
16 Why do stars twinkle but not the planets? (2)
17 “Stars seem higher than they actually are” – explain why? (2)
18 Draw a neat diagram to show refraction of light ray through a prism. Mark (2)
angle of incidence, angle of emergence and angle of deviation.
19 Why does power to see clearly near objects as well as far off objects diminishes (2)
with age? Name the defect that is likely to arise in eye such condition.

20 Explain the structure and function of Human eye. SA22013(5)

21 I )What is Tyndall effect? (5)
ii) Draw a figure which shows the arrangement for observing the phenomenon
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of scattering of light in laboratory?
iii) What colours would you observe in the experiment? Why?
Section B
Numerical problems
22 A person with a myopic eye cannot see beyond 1.2m distinctly. What should be (3)
the power of corrective lens used to restore his proper vision?
23 The near point of Hypermetropic eye is 75cm from the eye. What is the power (3)
of the lens required to enable him to read clearly a book held at 25cm from the
24 The near point of Hypermetropic eye is 100cm from the eye. What is the power (3)
of the lens which he requires to read clearly a book held at 25cm from the eye?
25 The far point of a person is 2m. Find the power and focal length of the lens (3)
required to rectify this problem.

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