vcb 2

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A. Translate the words below into Indonesian A.

Translate the words below into Indonesian

1. Take a nap 1. Take a nap

2. Dry 2. Dry
3. Clothline 3. Clothline
4. Return 4. Return
5. Polite 5. Polite
6. Cap 6. Cap
7. Punish 7. Punish
8. Punishment 8. Punishment
9. Tired 9. Tired
10. Respect 10. Respect
11. Famous 11. Famous
12. Dipper 12. Dipper
13. Fry 13. Fry
14. Refrigerator 14. Refrigerator
15. Bitter 15. Bitter
16. Science 16. Science
17. Physical education 17. Physical education
18. Art and culture 18. Art and culture
19. Social science 19. Social science
20. Mathematics 20. Mathematics
21. Arabic 21. Arabic
22. Fold 22. Fold

B. Translate the words below into English B. Translate the words below into English

1. mengorok 21. mengorok

2. seprei 22. seprei
3. bersin 23. bersin
4. gantungan baju 24. gantungan baju
5. begadang 25. begadang
6. memotong 26. memotong
7. debu 27. debu
8. sulit 28. sulit
9. jubah 29. jubah
10. demam 30. demam
11. sejadah 31. sejadah
12. Tali pinggang 32. Tali pinggang
13. haus 33. haus
14. menemukan 34. menemukan
15. mengikat 35. mengikat
16. membayar 36. membayar
17. batuk 37. batuk
18. Menghafal 38. Menghafal
19. Mengingat 39. Mengingat
20. Payung 40. Payung

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