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jmi-09-08 (1)
I nequalities
Volume 9, Number 1 (2015), 85–99 doi:10.7153/jmi-09-08
(Communicated by S. Koumandos)
Abstract. For λ ∈ (0,1) and x,y > 0 we obtain the best possible constants p and r , such that
erf(Mp (x,y; λ )) λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(y) erf(Mr (x,y; λ ))
x −t 2
where erf(x) = √2 e dt and Mp (x,y; λ ) = (λ x p + (1 − λ )y p )1/p (p = 0) , M0 (x,y; λ ) =
π 0
xλ y1−λ are error function and weighted power mean, respectively. Furthermore, using these
results, we generalized and complement an inequality due to Alzer.
1. Introduction
This function, also known as probability integral, has numbers applications in statistics,
probability theory, and partial differential equations. It’s well-known that the error
function is odd, strictly increasing on (−∞, +∞), and strictly concave on [0, +∞) with
limx→+∞ erf(x) = 1 . For the n− th derivation we have the representation
dn 2 2
erf(x) = (−1)n−1 √ e−x Hn−1 (x),
dxn π
2 n 2
where Hn (x) = (−1)n ex dxd −x ) is a Hermite polynomial.
n (e
The error function can be expanded as a power series in the following two ways
2 +∞ (−1)n 2n+1 2
erf(x) = √ ∑ x = e−x ∑ 3
x2n+1 .
π n=0 n!(2n + 1) n=0 Γ(n + 2 )
c , Zagreb 85
Paper JMI-09-08
86 W. X IA AND Y. C HU
It is natural to ask that if (1.1) holds for 0 < x, y < 1 . Moreover we ask: what are
the best possible constants p and r such that the inequalities
hold for all x, y 1 (or 0 < x, y < 1 ). In what follows, we answer those questions.
2. Lemmas
In the section we present some lemmas, which will used in the proof of our main
L EMMA 2.1. Let r = 0 and w(x) = erf(x r ), one has
(1) If r −1 , then w(x) is strictly convex on [1, +∞);
(2) If −1 < r < 0 , then w(x) is strictly concave on (0, 1];
(3) If 0 < r < 1 , then w(x) is strictly concave on [1, +∞);
(4) If r 1 , then w(x) is strictly concave on (0, +∞).
2 1 1 2
w (x) = √ x r −1 e−x r (2.1)
2 1 1 2 2
w (x) = √ 2 x r −2 e−x r [1 − r − 2x r ]. (2.2)
Therefore, Lemma 2.1 follows from (2.2).
L EMMA 2.2. Let u(x) = erf(ex ), then u(x) is strictly concave on [0, +∞).
2 2x
u (x) = √ ex−e > 0 (2.3)
2 2x
u (x) = √ (1 − 2e2x)ex−e < 0 (2.4)
for x 0 .
Therefore, (2.4) leads to u(x) is strictly concave on [0, +∞).
L EMMA 2.3. Let 0 < λ < 1 , r −1(r = 0) and ψ (x) = xr−1 (λ xr + 1 − λ ) r −1
x2 −(λ xr +1−λ ) r
×e , then ψ (x) is strictly increasing in [1, +∞).
88 W. X IA AND Y. C HU
ψ (x) 1
= ψ1 (x) (2.5)
ψ (x) r
x(λ x + 1 − λ )
where ψ1 (x) = (r − 1)(1 − λ ) + 2x2(λ xr + 1 − λ ) − 2λ xr(λ xr + 1 − λ ) r .
Case 1. If −1 r < 0 , Let
and 2
ψ12 (x) = 2λ x2 (λ xr + 1 − λ ) − 2λ xr(λ xr + 1 − λ ) r ,
ψ1 (x) = ψ11 (x) + ψ12 (x). (2.6)
ψ11 (1) = (1 − λ )(1 + r) 0, (2.7)
ψ11 (x) = 2(1 − λ )x[λ (2 + r)xr + 2(1 − λ )] > 0 (2.8)
and 2−r
ψ12 (x) = 2λ x2 (λ xr + 1 − λ )[1 − (λ + (1 − λ )x−r) r ]>0 (2.9)
for x 1 .
From (2.6)–(2.9) we clearly see that ψ1 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (1, +∞) and −1 r < 0 .
Therefore, ψ (x) is strictly increasing in [1, +∞) for −1 r < 0 .
Case 2. If 0 < r < 2 , then (2.7)–(2.9) hold again, so, ψ (x) is strictly increasing
in [1, +∞) for 0 < r < 2 .
Case 3. If r 2 , we let ψ2 (x) = log[2x2 (λ xr + 1 − λ )] − log[2λ xr (λ xr + 1 −
λ ) ]. Then
lim ψ2 (x) = − log λ > 0 (2.10)
x→+∞ r
(2 − r)(1 − λ )
ψ2 (x) = 0. (2.11)
x(λ xr + 1 − λ )
It follows from (2.10) and (2.11) that ψ2 (x) > 0 for all x ∈ [1, +∞) and r 2 .
Hence, (2.5) lead to ψ (x) is strictly increasing in [1, +∞) for r 2 .
λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(1)
c1 (λ , r) 1 (2.12)
erf((λ xr + 1 − λ ) r )
λ erf(1) + (1 − λ ) erf(x)
c1 (λ , r) 1 (2.13)
erf((λ + (1 − λ )xr ) r )
Proof. It is not difficult to verify that 0 < c1 (λ , r) < 1 for 0 < λ < 1 and r −1 .
Since the proof of (2.13) is similarly with (2.12), so we only prove (2.12).
Firstly, we prove that
1 1 2 −(λ xr +1−λ ) 2r
G1 (x) = erf((1 − λ ) r ) − [λ + (1 − λ ) erf(1)]xr−1 (λ xr + 1 − λ ) r −1 ex ,
G1 (1) = erf((1 − λ ) r ) − [λ + (1 − λ ) erf(1)] > 0 (2.17)
lim G1 (x) = −∞. (2.18)
Therefore, Lemma 2.3 and (2.16) imply that G1 (x) is strictly decreasing in [1, +∞),
thus from (2.17) and (2.18) we conclude that there exists x1 ∈ (1, +∞), such that
G1 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (1, x1 ) and G1 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (x1 , +∞). So, G(x) is strictly in-
creasing in [1, x1 ] and strictly decreasing in [x1 , +∞).
It follows from (2.14) and (2.15) together with the piecewise monotonicity of G(x)
that G(x) > 0 for x ∈ [1, +∞) and −1 r < 0 .
Next, we prove that
λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(1)
λ + (1 − λ ) erf(1) 1
erf((λ xr + 1 − λ ) r )
1 2 −(λ xr +1−λ ) 2
H1 (x) = 1 − [λ + (1 − λ ) erf(1)]xr−1 (λ xr + 1 − λ ) r −1 ex r
, (2.21)
H1 (1) = (1 − λ )(1 − erf(1)) > 0 (2.22)
lim H1 (x) = −∞. (2.23)
Hence, Lemma 2.3 and (2.21) imply that H1 (x) is strictly decreasing in [1, +∞). It
follows from the monotonicity of H1 (x) and (2.22) together with (2.23) that there exists
x2 ∈ (1, +∞), such that H1 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (1, x2 ) and H1 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (x2 , +∞).
Therefore, H(x) is strictly increasing in [1, x2 ] and strictly decreasing in [x2 , +∞).
From the piecewise monotonicity of H(x) and (2.19) together with (2.20) we
clearly see that H(x) > 0 for x ∈ [1, +∞) and r > 0 .
λ erf(1) + (1 − λ ) erf(x)
λ + (1 − λ ) erf(1) . (2.25)
erf(x1−λ )
x ∈ (x3 , +∞). Thus, E(x) is strictly increasing in [1, x3 ] and is strictly decreasing in
[x3 , +∞).
Hence, E(x) > 0 follows from the piecewise monotonicity of E(x) and (2.26)
together with (2.27).
The proof of (2.25) is similarly with (2.24), so we omit the detail.
Proof. We only prove (2.32). For 0 < x < 1 and r 1 , let J(x) = λ erf(λ r ) erf(x)−
λ erf(1) erf(λ r x), then simple computation leads to
4λ 2 2 2
J (x) = − √ xe−x [ erf(α ) − α 3 erf(1)e(1−α )x ] (2.35)
where 0 < α = λ r < 1 .
2 )x2 2
erf(α ) − α 3 erf(1)e(1−α > erf(α ) − α 3 erf(1)e1−α (2.36)
I1 (1) = − √ + 4 erf(1)e = 6.9060... > 0. (2.41)
It is easy to see that the function φ (α ) = 6 − 14α 2 + 4α 4 is strictly decreasing in
(0, 1), then (2.39) yields to I1 (α ) is strictly increasing in (0, 1).
It follows from the monotonicity of I1 (α ) and (2.40) together with (2.41) that there
exists α1 ∈ (0, 1), such that I1 (α ) < 0 for α ∈ (0, α1 ) and I1 (α ) > 0 for α ∈ (α1 , 1).
Therefore, I (α ) is strictly decreasing in [0, α1 ] and strictly increasing in [α1 , 1].
From the piecewise monotonicity of I (α ) and (2.38) we conclude that there exists
α2 ∈ (0, 1), such that I (α ) > 0 for α ∈ (0, α2 ) and I1 (α ) < 0 for α ∈ (α2 , 1). Hence,
I(α ) is strictly increasing in [0, α2 ] and strictly decreasing in [α2 , 1].
It follows from the piecewise monotonicity of I(α ) and (2.37) that I(α ) > 0 for
α ∈ (0, 1).
Therefore, (2.36) and (2.35) lead to J(x) is concave on (0, 1), from (2.34) we have
J(x) min{J(0), J(1)} = 0 .
3. Main results
K(y, y) = K(x, y) |x=y = 0
∂2 2 1 2
K(x, y) |x=y = λ (1 − λ ) √ e−y [r − 1 + 2y2] 0,
∂ x2 πy
this leads to r −1 .
Thirdly, we suppose that there exists a real number p such that the left-hand side
of (3.1) hold for all x 1 and y 1 . We divide the proof into two cases.
lim [λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(y)] = λ + (1 − λ ) erf(y) < 1.
Hence we get
lim Q(x) = 0 (3.3)
2 2 2
Q (x) = √ e−x [λ − β e(1−β )x ]. (3.4)
Since β > 1 , then (3.4) leads to that there exists η1 ∈ (1, +∞), such that Q (x) > 0
for x ∈ (η1 , +∞), this implies that Q(x) is strictly increasing in [η1 , +∞).
It follows from (3.3) and the monotonicity of Q(x) that there exists η2 ∈ (1, +∞),
such that Q(x) < 0 for x ∈ (η2 , +∞), this is contradict with (3.2).
This leads to
erf(Mμ (x, y; λ )) λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(y)
for all 0 < x, y < 1 .
For ν 1 , 0 < x, y < 1 , we let s = xν and t = yν , then 0 < s,t < 1 . From Lemma
2.1(4) we clearly see that
This leads to
erf(Mν (x, y; λ )) λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(y)
94 W. X IA AND Y. C HU
T (y, y) = T (x, y)|x=y = 0
∂2 2 1 2
T (x, y)|x=y = λ (1 − λ ) √ e−y [ν − 1 + 2y2] 0. (3.6)
∂x 2 πy
Therefore, (3.6) leads to ν 1 for all 0 < x, y < 1 .
Finally, we prove that the left-hand side of (3.5) implies μ −1 .
Let y → 1 , then from the left-hand side of (3.5) we obtain
L(1) = 0 (3.8)
2λ 2 1 2 μ
L (x) = √ e−x [1 − xμ −1(λ xμ + 1 − λ ) μ −1 ex −(λ x +1−λ ) ]. (3.9)
1 2
2 −(λ xμ +1−λ ) μ
L1 (x) = log 1 − log[xμ −1 (λ xμ + 1 − λ ) μ −1 ex ]. (3.10)
lim L1 (x) = 0 (3.11)
L1 (x) = L2 (x), (3.12)
x(λ xμ + 1 − λ )
L2 (x) = (1 − μ )(1 − λ ) + 2λ (λ xμ + 1 − λ ) μ xμ − 2x2(λ xμ + 1 − λ )
lim L2 (x) = (1 − λ )(−1 − μ ). (3.13)
In fact, if μ > −1 , then by the continuity of L2 (x) and (3.13) we know that there
exists a small δ1 > 0 such that L2 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1 − δ1 , 1). Therefore, (3.12) leads to
L1 (x) is strictly decreasing in [1 − δ1, 1].
From (3.11) and the monotonicity of L1 (x) in [1 − δ1 , 1] we conclude that there
exists a small δ2 > 0 , such that L1 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (1 − δ2 , 1). Hence, (3.9) and (3.10)
imply that L(x) is increasing in [1 − δ2, 1].
It follows from (3.8) and the monotonicity of L(x) in (1 − δ2, 1) that there exists a
small δ3 > 0 , such that L(x) < 0 for x ∈ (1 − δ3 , 1). This is contradict with (3.7).
The following Theorem 3.3 generalized Theorem 1.1.
T HEOREM 3.3. Let 0 < λ < 1 and r −1 , then the double inequalities
Proof. The right-hand side of (3.14) follows from Theorem 3.1, so we only need
to prove the left-hand side of (3.14). We divide the proof into three cases.
Case 1. −1 r < 0 . For x 1 and y 1 , we let w(z) = erf(z r ), s = xr and
t = yr , then 0 < s,t 1 . From (2.1) and (2.2) we clearly see that w < 0 and w < 0
on (0, 1) for −1 r < 0 . Therefore, −w is positive and increasing in [0, 1]. Let
1 ∂
B (s,t) = u (s) − c1 (λ , r)u (λ s + (1 − λ )t) > 0.
λ ∂x λ
This implies that
1 ∂
B (s,t) = u (t) − c1 (λ , r)u (λ s + (1 − λ )t) > 0.
1 − λ ∂t λ
Thus, we have
1 ∂
A (s,t) = w (s) − c1 (λ , r)w (λ s + (1 − λ )t) > 0.
λ ∂s λ
1 ∂
A (s,t) = w (t) − c1 (λ , r)w (λ s + (1 − λ )t) > 0.
1 − λ ∂t λ
λ erf(x) + (1 − λ ) erf(y)
lim =1 (r −1). (3.24)
y→x erf(Mr (x, y; λ ))
This complete the proof of Theorem 3.3.
The following Theorem 3.4 complement of Theorem 1.1.
Proof. The right-hand side of (3.25) follows from Theorem 3.2, so we only need
to prove the left-hand side of (3.25). We let w(z) = erf(z r ) and
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