BEE Nov 2019

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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Tech. (Sem.–1)
Subject Code : CC-106
M.Code : 90009
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
2. SECTION - B & C. have FOUR questions each.
3. Attempt any FIVE questions from SECTION B & C carrying EIGHT marks each.
4. Select atleast T WO questions from SECT ION - B & C.

1. Write briefly :

a) What do you mean by rms value? Explain.

b) What do you mean by efficiency? Discuss.

c) Draw the phasor diagram of a transformer under no load and loaded conditions.

d) List the advantages of three phase transformers.

e) Explain the working principle of DC motor.

f) Discuss the concept of slip.

g) Discuss the significance of electrical engineering.

h) Explain the principle of starting of single phase induction motors.

i) What do you mean by power system? Explain.

j) List the applications of 3-phase synchronous machines.


2. Explain the working principle and equivalent circuits of a single-phase transformer in


3. Explain the characteristics and applications of D.C. shunt motor.

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4. Explain briefly split phase and shaded pole motors.

5. a) Explain :

i) Balanced and unbalanced loads

ii) Power and power factor

b) A parallel network consists of three resistors 4 ohm, 8 ohm and 16 ohm. If the current
in 8 ohm resistor is 3 A, what are the currents in other resistors.


6. What is the need of earthing? Discuss the procedure for earthing equipment and systems.

7. Explain :

a) Basic idea of power generation and transmission.

b) Difference and applications of wound rotor and cage rotor motors.

8. A 220/400 V, single phase transformer gave the following test results :

Open circuit test : 220V, 1A, 70W on LV side

Short circuit test : 20V, 12A, 100W on HV side

Draw the equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to i) LV side ii) HV side and fill in
the values of circuit parameters.

9. Discuss the Following :

a) Star-delta conversions

b) Universal motors

NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student.

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