Set No.1: Code No.V3109/R07
Set No.1: Code No.V3109/R07
Set No.1: Code No.V3109/R07
Code No.V3109/R07
2) Draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of a current transformer. Derive
the expressions for its ratio error. State the assumptions made for derivation of this error. [16M]
3. a) Explain the constructional details and working of electrodynamometer type wattmeter with a neat sketch
b) A dynamometer type wattmeter has a field system which may be considered
long compared with its moving coils. The flux density is 0.012T, the mean diameter of the moving coil is 3
cm and the moving coil turns are 500. The current through the moving coil is 0.05A and power factor of the
circuit of which power is measured is 0.866. Calculate the torque when the axis of the field and moving coils
are i) 300 and ii) 900 [8+8M]
4.a) Explain the construction and working of a single phase induction type energy meter. Show that the total
number of revolutions made by its disc during a particular time is proportional to the energy consumed.
b) The disc of an energy meter makes 600 revolutions per unit of energy. When a 1,000 watt load is
connected, the disc rotates at 10.2 rpm. If the load is on for 12 hours, how many units are recorded as error?
5) Draw the neat circuit diagram of a basic slide wire d.c. potentiometer. Explain its working principle, the
process of standardization and the measurement of unknown voltage, resistance and current. [16M]
6) (a) Explain the loss of charge method for measurement of insulation resistance of
Cables with a neat diagram [10M]
(b) A length of cable is tested for insulation resistance by the loss of charge method. An electrostatic
voltmeter of infinite resistance is connected between the cable conductor and earth, forming there with a joint
capacitance of 600 pF. It is observed that after charging the voltage falls from 250V to 92V in 1minute.
Calculate the insulation resistance of the cable. [6M]
7) (a) Draw the circuit diagram and phasor diagram of Owen’s bridge under balance
conditions. Derive the equations under balance conditions. [8M]
(b) An owen’s bridge is used to measure the properties of a sample of sheet steel
at 2KHz. At balance, arm ab is test specimen; arm bc is R3 =100 ; arm cd is
C4 = 0.1 ȝF. Calculate the effective impedance of the specimen under test conditions. [8M]
8) Explain with the help of a neat diagram, a method for the determination of B-H curve of a magnetic
sample. Point out the various sources of errors and the methods of minimizing them. [16M]
2.a) What are the major sources of errors in current transformers? Explain them in detail with the necessary
compensations required [8M]
b) A 100/5A, 50 Hz current transformer has a bar primary and a rated secondary burden of 12.5VA. The
secondary winding has 196 turns and a leakage inductance of 0.96mH. With a purely resistive burden at rated
full load, the magnetizing mmf is 16AT and the loss excitation required 12A. Find ratio and phase angle
errors. [8M]
3) Prove that the true power= * Actual wattmeter reading for electrodynamometer type of
wattmeters, where cosĭ is the power factor of the circuit and ȕ = tan-1ቀ ோ ቁ where L and R are the resistance
and inductance of of the pressure coil of the circuit [16M]
4) (a) What is phantom loading? Explain it advantages than testing with direct loading. [8M]
(b) The constant for a three phase, 3 element integrating energy meter is 0.12 revolution of disc per Kwh. If
the meter is normally used with a potential transformer of ratio 22,000/110v and a current transformer of ratio
500/5A. Find the error expressed as a percentage of the correct reading from the following test results for the
instrument only:
Line voltage = 100V; Current =5.25 A; p.f=1 . Time to complete 40 revolutions=61sec. [8M]
5) Explain the basic principle of operation of d.c. potentiometer with a neat sketch.
Explain why a potentiometer does not load the voltage source whose voltage is being measured? [16M]
6. a) Define dissipation factor? Derive the equation for dissipation factor in case of
L.V. Schering bridge and give are the limitations of L.V. Schering bridge? [8M]
b) In a Low-voltage Schering bridge designed for the measurement of permittivity,
the branch ab consists of two electrodes between which the specimen under test may be inserted; arm bc is a
non-reactive resistor R3 in parallel with a standard capacitor C3; arm CD is a non-reactive resistor R4 in
parallel with a standard capacitor C4; arm da is a standard air capacitor of capacitance C2. Without the
specimen between the electrodes, balance is obtained with the following values, C3 = C4 = 120 pF, C2 = 150
PF, R3 = R4 = 5000 . With the specimen inserted, these values become C3 = 200 PF; C4 = 1000 pF; C2 =
900 pF, and R3 = R4 = 5000 In each test Ȧ = 5000 rad/sec. Find the relative permittivity of the specimen.
7) With a neat circuit and phasor diagram; explain the working of Maxwell’s Inductance Capacitance Bridge.
And further derive the balance equations. [16M]
8.a) Compare the relative merits of Ballistic galvanometer and flux meter as means
of making magnetic measurements. [8M]
(b) A flux meter is connected to a search coil having 1000 turns and a mean area of
4 cm2. The search coil is placed at the center of a solenoid 1.2 meters long wound with 1200 turns. When a
current of 5A is reversed, there is a deflection of 25 scale divisions on the flux meter. Determine the flux
meter constant. [8M]
2) Explain the constructional details and working of a single phase electrodynamometer type of power factor
meter. Prove that the special displacement of moving system is equal to the phase angle of the system. [16M]
3. a) Draw the necessary circuit diagram for measurement of three phase power by two wattmeter method and
further derive the necessary equation for the measurement of power factor
b) The power to a 3-phase induction motor was measured by 2 wattmeter method, and the readings were
3,400 and 1,200 watts respectively. Calculate the total power and power factor of the circuit [8+8M]
4) With a neat diagram, Derive the expression for deflecting torque of single phase induction type Energy
meter, and further Show that deflection is maximum when the phase angle between two fluxes is 900 and
when the disc is purely non-inductive. [16M]
5) (a) Describe in steps how D.C. Crompton’s potentiometer is used to measure an unknown resistance?
(b) A basic slide wire potentiometer has a working battery voltage of 3 volts with
negligible internal resistance. The resistance of slide wire is 400 and its length is 200 cm. A 200 cm scale is
placed along the slide wire. The slide wire has 1 mm scale divisions and it is possible to read up to of a
division. The instrument is standardized with 1.018 V standard cell with sliding contact at the 101.8 cm mark
on scale. Calculate:
i) Working current ii)The resistance of series rheostat iii) The measurement range and
iv) The resolution of the instrument. [8+8M]
6). (a)What are the different problems associated with measurement of low resistances.
(b)Explain the principle of working of a Kelvin’s Double Bridge with a neat phasor diagram and explain how
the effect of contact resistance and resistance of leads is eliminated? [8+8M]
7) (a) Explain the working of Hay’s bridge for measurement of inductance with a circuit diagram. Derive the
equations for balance and draw the pharos diagram under balanced conditions. [10M]
(b) The four arms of a Hay’s bridge are arranged as follows: AB is a coil of unknown impedance; BC is a
non-reactive resistor of 100 ; CD is a non-reactive resistor of 833 in series with a standard capacitor of
0.38ȝF; DA is non-reactive resistor of 16800 . If the supply frequency is 50 Hz, determine the inductance
and the resistance at the balanced conditions. [6M]
8) Explain the construction and working principle of flux meter with a neat diagram. [16M]
2) Draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of a potential transformer. Derive the expressions for its
ratio error. State the assumptions made for derivation of this error. [16M]
3. a) Explain the constructional details and working principle of Low power factor electrodynamometer type
b) A dynamometer wattmeter is used to measure the power factor of a 20 ȝF capacitor. The pressure coil of
the wattmeter having a resistance 1000 and an inductive reactance of 15 is connected across a 50Hz supply.
The current coil of the wattmeter, a variable resistor R and the capacitor are connected in series across the
same supply. The wattmeter deflection is made zero by adjusting the value of R to 1.65 . If the current coil
resistance is 0.1 and inductance is negligible. Determine the power factor of the capacitor. [8+8M]
4. a) Explain the different sources of errors in single phase induction type energy meter and how they can be
b) A 50 A, 230 V energy meter on full load test makes 61 revolutions in 37 seconds. If
the normal disc speed is 520 revolutions per Kwh, find the percentage error. [10+6M]
7.a) With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of H.V. schering bridge. [8M]
b) A capacitor bushing forms arm ab of a schering bridge and a standard capacitor of 500 pF capacitance
and negligible loss, forms arm ad. Arm bc consists of a non-inductive resistance of 300 . When the bridge is
balanced arm cd has a resistance of 72.6 in parallel with a capacitance of 0.148 ȝF. The supply frequency
is 50 Hz. Calculate the capacitance and dielectric loss angle of capacitor. Derive the equations for balance and
draw the phasor diagram under conditions of balance. [8M]
8) (a) Explain the working of flux meter with a neat sketch. [8M]
2 2
(b) A flux density =0.05 W/m ; turns on moving coil=40; area of moving coil=750 mm If the flux linking
with a 10 turn search coil of 20 mm2 area connected to the flux meter is reversed in a uniform field of 0.5
W/m2, calculate the deflection of the flux meter. [8M]