This training report has been read and approved as meeting requirement for the award of the
Bachelor Degree in Computer Science (B.Sc Computer Science) of Al-Qalam University Katsina.
This technical report presents the experience gained during my 6 months of industrial training
undertaken at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. My training was on networking. I acquired practical
knowledge on networking, types of networks and different types of cables in the department. This
report discusses the technical skills gained during the training period and justifying the relevance
of the scheme in equipping students with needed technical competence to thrive in the real world.
I want to start by thanking the Almighty Allah, merciful, Creator and Master of Judgment who in
His infinite mercy has given me the possibility to conduct this industrial Training Fund. I would
also like to acknowledge my entire family, relatives and friends that have cheered me on during
this Industrial training Fund. I could not have done it without them. I equally appreciated the effort
of the entire staff of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital for their support gave me throughout the
Table of contents
Cover Page- - - - - - - - - - - i
Certification- - -- - - - - - - - ii
Dedication- - - - - - - - - - - iii
Abstract- - - - - - - - - - - iv
Acknowledgement- - - - - - - - - - v
Table of Contents- - - - - - - - - - vi
1.0 Introduction- - - - - - - - - - 1
1.1 About SIWES- - - - - - - - - - 1
1.2 Aim and Objectives- - - - - - - - - 1
2.0 introduction- - - - - - - - - - 3
2.1 Historical Background of the organization- - - - - - 3
3.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - 4
3.1 Activities carried out during the period of IT- - - - - - 4
4.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - 8
4.1 Problem Encountered- - - - - - - - - 8
4.2 Possible Solution - - - - - - - - - 8
4.3 Summary and Recommendations - - - - - - - 9
4.4 Conclusion- - - - - - - - - - 9
References- - - - - - - - - - - 10
1.0 Introduction
This chapter as the first chapter of this report focuses its attention on clearly making the aim and
objectives of this training and the introduction of student ’ s industrial work experience scheme
known by the user of this report. This chapter indeed go further defined and briefly make some
emphasis on the history of SIWES.
1.1 About SIWES
The word "SIWES" stand for acronym 'student's industrial work experience scheme. The Student
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is an accepted skills program which forms part of
the approved academic standards in the degree program for Nigerian Universities. In 1947, the
Federal Government of Nigeria introduced the national policy on industrial training, called the
Students Industrial work Experience Scheme (SIWES). This program is under the umbrella of the
Ministry of Education through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), was designed to help students
acquire the necessary practical educational experience in their fields of study and other related
This is an effort which was created in order to bridge the existing gap between the theories taught
in the classrooms and practice of science, agriculture, medicine, engineering, technology and other
professional programs in the Nigerian tertiary institution. This program is aimed at exposing the
students to the use of various machine and equipment, professional work methods and ways of
safeguarding the work areas in industries as well as other organizations and palatals. The program
was established basically to impact, elaborate practical understanding to students with respect to
their various disciplines. It also intended that the student through a process of relation to academic
knowledge and practical industrial application would understand the underlying principles and
become better focused and acquire the
The SIWES practical applications towards excellence in his or her discipline. Program involves
the student, universities and the industries. This training is funded by the Federal Government of
Nigeria and jointly coordinated by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National Universities
Commission (NUC).
1.2 Aim and Objectives
To acquaint students with professional work methods obtainable in their various fields of
endeavors, thereby boosting skills and enhancing work experience.
Objectives of SIWES
i. To revive the urge and the need for research projects and findings in our educational
institution and in the mind of young students.
ii. To bridge the gap between theoretical and practical aspects of scientific findings in our
higher institution.
iii. To develop the skills of the students to exposing them to different methods and
techniques as well as their possible substitutes in working situation.
iv. It enables students to acquire technical skills and experience for professional
development in their study.
2.0 introduction
The chapter presents the historical background of the organizations, vision and mission and the
services offered by the organization.
2.1 Historical Background of the organization
Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital is a 500-bed hospital, located along Zaria Road Kano. Belonging
to the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and run under the supervision of the Federal
Ministry of Health. It is a center of excellence in nephrology, endoscopic surgery and Radio
diagnosis. A strong Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology is in the pipeline that will
serve the North Western and some North Central states.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter discussed many activities carried out during the (SIWES) programme which includes
web design, networking, and other applications packages such as Microsoft Excel and power point.
3.1 Activities carried out during the period of IT
3.1.1 Computer Networks
resources. In computer networks, computing devices exchange data with each other using
connections (data links) between nodes. These data links are established over cable media such as
1. Local Area Network (LAN): this is a connection of two or more computers within a
limited space e.g. an office or a building that the distance does not exceed 1km. LANs
generally provide high speed (100kbps – 100bps) data communications services to directly
connected computers.
connection of two or more PCs together within a city. The range of connection is between
1km and10km.
3. Wide Area Network (WAN): this is a result of connecting two or more LANs together
the case of an organization with branches networking their several LANs. The internet is
4. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): this network provides wireless network
communication over short distances using radio or infrared signals instead of traditional
network cabling, it is type of local area network and it is build using different wireless
There are many hardware devices that can be used in a network to provide connectivity. The device
you use will depend on how many devices you are connecting, both at the office and home level,
the type of connections that they use, and the speed at which the devices operate. These hardware
component devices include hubs, switches, routers, wireless access point, media converter.
Depending on the types of network you are going to install, some of the parts can be eliminated.
For example, in a wireless network you don’t need cables, hubs so on. These are the most common
media used on networks, twisted pair, fiber optic cables and radio waves. To make data
transmission more extensible and efficient than a simple peer-to-peer network, network designers
use specialized network devices, such as hubs, switches, routers, and wireless access points, to
Hub is a device that splits a network connection into multiple computers. It is like a distribution
center. When a computer request information from a network or a specific computer, it sends the
request to the hub through a cable. The hub will receive the request and transmit it to the entire
network. Each computer in the network should then figure out whether the broadcast data is for
them or not. A hub contains multiple ports, Currently Hubs are becoming obsolete and replaced
Figure 3.0: Five Ports Hub
is like a Hub but built in with advanced features. It uses physical device addresses in each
incoming message so that it can deliver the message to the right destination or port. Like Hub,
switch don’t broadcast the received messages or data to entire network, rather before sending it
checks to which system or port should the message be sent. In other words, switch connects the
source and destination directly which increases the speed of the network. Both switch and hub
have common features: Multiple RJ-45 ports, power supply and connection lights. A switch is a
data-links layer (Layer2) device that let multiple physical LAN segments to be interconnected into
Figure 3.2: Unmanaged switch D-Link
Routers are devices that connect entire network to each other. Switches use MAC addresses to
forward a frame within a single network. Routers use IP addresses to forward frame to other
networks. A router can be a computer with special network software installed, or a router can be a
device built by network equipment manufacturers. Routers contain tables of IP addresses along
A Router is a Network Layer device that passes data packets between networks based on Layer 3
addresses (IP address). A router can make decisions regarding the best path for delivery of data on
the network. Working at Layer 3 allows the router to make decisions based on network addresses.
TP-Link Router
3.1.2 Wireless Access Point
A wireless access point (WAP) is a hardware device or configured node on a local area network
(LAN) that allows wireless capable devices and wired networks to connect through a wireless
standard, including Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. WAPs feature radio transmitters and antennae, which
facilitate connectivity between devices and the Internet or a network. Previous access points
allowed a maximum of only 10 or 20 clients, but modern APs support up to 255 clients. The figure
Figure 3.2: Microsoft-excel
Definition of a Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is a program that manipulates number and string data in rows and columns
• The Microsoft Excel Window includes the following components:
o Rows: Rows are referenced by the numbers.
o Columns: Columns are referenced by the alphabets.
o Cell: A cell is an intersection of a row and a column. Cells can contain various types of
data. A cell is referenced by the name of the column and row. For example, the first cell A1 is
in column A and row 1.
o Worksheet: A worksheet contains rows and columns and their intersection forms the
cells. A worksheet consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns.
o Workbook: A workbook consists of worksheets. It is also referred to as an Excel file. A
workbook can be defined as a set of worksheets.
o Title bar: A title bar displays the name of the current workbook.
o Menu bar: A menu bar consists of various menus, such as File, Edit, and View.
o Toolbar: A toolbar contains buttons that provide easy access to the commands and
functions of Excel.
o Formula bar: A formula bar contains tools for creating and editing formulas.
o Name box: A name box displays the name of a selected cell and a range of cells.
o Task Pane: A task pane serves as an additional navigation tool substituting the
frequently used dialog boxes. The task pane appears each time you start Excel.
o Horizontal scroll bar: A horizontal scroll bar serves as a tool to view the left or right
part of the worksheet that is not displayed on the screen.
o Vertical scroll bar: A vertical scroll bar serves as a tool to view the top or bottom part
of the worksheet that is not displayed on the screen.
o Sheet Tab: A sheet tab helps to navigate between worksheets in a
workbook. Operations with Excel Programs
• To start Excel, we perform the following Click Start Programs Microsoft Excel.
• A blank workbook is opened
Opening Excel Worksheet
• To create a workbook, perform the following steps:
1. Select the File New command (New Workbook task pane is displayed on the right-hand
side of the screen)
The New Workbook task pane displays the following sections:
Open a workbook: Enables you to open an existing workbook.
New: Enables you to create a workbook.
New from existing workbook: Creates a new workbook with the same contents as the existing
workbook, but with a different name.
New from template: Enables you to create a new workbook from an existing template.
2. Select the Blank Workbook option from the New section. This opens a new workbook,
as shown:
Alternatively: you can hold down the Ctrl key and press the N key to create a workbook.
By default, the first cell A1 in a new worksheet is active when you create a new workbook
Opening a Workbook
• When you start Excel, it opens a blank workbook
• To open an existing workbook, perform the following steps:
1. Select the File Open command from Microsoft Excel Window to display the Open dialog
2. Select the required file(s) from the list of files displayed in the dialog box
3. Click the Open button to open the selected file(s)
To open multiple adjacent files, select the first file in the block from the Open dialog box,
press the Shift key, and select the last file Saving the Workbook
• Saving a workbook is similar as in saving any file in Microsoft office (word, power point).
• Steps to save a workbook
1. Select the File Save command from the Microsoft Excel Window (Save As dialog box is
2. From the Save in list, select the folder in which you want to save the workbook
3. Enter a file name in the File name text box of the Save As dialog box
4. Select the type of file that has to be saved from the Save as type drop-down list
Click the Save button to save the workbook
Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key and press the S key to save a workbook.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter is based on the whole report as it glances contains the summary of the report,
conclusion and some recommendation I if carefully followed, would help find a lasting
solution of the problems presently affecting program in the country.
4.1 Problem Encountered
Some of the problems encountered during my stay at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital include:
The organization Staff are sometimes too busy for us (IT Students)
We were not given Internet Access Details, which could have been very important to
our learning.
Difficulty in Transport as a result of non-payment of IT allowance by the Industrial
Training Fund (ITF)
Some Computers in the ICT that are not working were neglected, till when it was time
for Jamb Computer Based Test.
4.2 Possible Solution
Based on what I experienced during my Industrial Training Fund, I hereby suggest the
The organization should increase the time spent by students at the Industrial Training as
this will increase the things we will learn.
Student should improve their relationship with the hosting staff of their various places
of Industrial Training as this will encourage the organizations to accept more student
next year.
Industrial Training Fund (ITF) should be paying students IT allowances before or during
the activities (SIWES)
4.3 Summary and Recommendations
The Federal Government of Nigeria should come and re-assists the program so as to solve
the environment problem effectively.
State Government also should interface into the project planning and give some
financial support to the programmed.
The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) should pay student their allowance before or during
the activities (SIWES) in order to help the students to solve some financial problem such
as transport costs.
School on other hand should ensure that their student participate in any activities
relevant their course in their place of the assignment.
Skill employees should be employed in the program, in order to make the project strong
and effectively.
4.4 Conclusion
I thank God for seeing me through my Industrial work experience training successfully, I really
appreciate the efforts of my able SIWES coordinator and my SIWES Supervisor for their
numerous support and my friends for their prayers and financial supports, and the entire staff
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