HMGA 1956 MCQs
HMGA 1956 MCQs
HMGA 1956 MCQs
8. Who among the following are not entitled to be or act as natural guardian of a minor-
A. Who seized to be a Hindu
B. who completely and finally renounced the world by becoming a hermit or an ascetic
C. both A and B
D. neither a nor b
9. The natural guardianship of an adopted son who is a minor passes, on adoption, to-
A. Adoptive father
B. adoptive mother
C. adoptive father and after him adoptive mother
D. adoptive mother and after her adoptive father
10. The natural guardian can in no case bind the minor by a personal covenant –
A. True
B. False
11. Natural guardian shall not without previous permission of court lease any part of immovable
property for a term exceeding 5 years or extending more than one year beyond the date on
which the minor will attain majority –
A. true
B. false
13. When can natural guardian act on behalf of a minor without previous permission of court under
section 8 subsection 2 –
A. in case of necessity
B. for an evident advantage to the minor
C. both A and B
D. none of the above
14. Application for obtaining the permission of the court under Section 8 subsection 2 of this act is
corresponding to which provision of guardians and wards act 1890 –
A. Section 29 of guardians and Wards Act 1890
B. Section 5 of guardians and wards Act 1890
C. section 15 of guardians and wards Act 1890
D. Section 28 of guardians and wards Act 1890
15. A Hindu father may by will appoint a guardian and such appointment shall take effect upon –
A. His death
B. his wife's death
C. shall have no effect if he predeceases his wife
D. shall take effect if his wife dies without appointing by will
16. When can a Hindu widow and a Hindu Mother by will appoint a guardian –
A. Child’s father has become insane
B. Child’s father has become lunatic
C. Child’s father has become disentitled to act as natural guardian
D. All of the above
17. In case of minor illegitimate children who can appoint guardian by will –
A. Hindu mother
B. Hindu father
C. Both A and B
D. neither a nor b
18. When can a testamentary guardian acquire right to act as minor’s guardian-
A. After the death of Minor’s father or mother
B. After death of Minor’s father
C. After death of Minor’s mother
D. None of the above
19. Where minor is a girl right of testamentary guardian shall cease upon –
A. attaining age of 12
B. attaining age of 18
C. her marriage
D. none of the above
21. Who among the following cannot deal with Minor’s property-
A. natural guardian
B. testamentary guardian
C. court appointed guardian
D. de facto guardian
22. When the property is under the management of an adult member of the family, guardian
cannot be appointed for minor’s undivided interest in joint family property Is dealt under which
section –
A. Section 8
B. section 9
C. section 10
D. section 12
23. Can High Court appoint guardian in respect of minor's undivided interest in joint family property
A. Yes
B. No
25. The Hindu minority and guardianship act 1956 came into force on-
A. 25th August 1956
B. 30th September 1956
C. 30th January 1956
D. 28th September 1956