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// Accessibility

// Adjusts the text chat background opacity

TextChat background opacity@0;54363;47620 = 0.200000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Accounts

// Audio

// Adjusts microphone volume

MicrophoneVolume@0;7333;21371 = 4.000000 // 0.000000 to 4.000000

// Adjusts minimum volume threshold before activating your microphone

MicThreshold@0;18951;22597 = 2072.444824 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjusts minimum volume threshold before activating your microphone

MicThreshold@1;56218;22597 = 0.031623 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Audio mix
AudioMixPreset@0;5555;35888 = flat_cer

// On for muted tinnitus sound

AltShellShock@0;57752;48403 = false

// Adjusts the volume of the cinematic music

CinematicVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjusts the volume of the sound effects

EffectsVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjusts the volume of hit markers

HitMarkersVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjusts overall volume of the game

Volume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// On for Mono Audio, Off for Stereo Audio

MonoSound@0;57752;48403 = false

// Percentage of mono when Mono Sound is On

MonoSoundAmount@0;30727;56539 = 100.000000 // 0.000000 to 100.000000

// Adjusts the volume of the music

MusicVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Mute licensed in-game music

MuteLicensedMusic@0;57752;48403 = false

// Adjusts the volume of audio within Telescope (MOTD)

TelescopeVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000
// Adjusts the volume for character dialogues and announcer voices
VoiceVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjusts the volume of war tracks

WarTracksVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Enable voice chat

VoiceChat@0;57752;20945 = true

// Adjusts volume of other player voices in voice chat

VoiceChatVolume@0;7333;21371 = 2.000000 // 0.000000 to 4.000000

// On for Audio Wheel active

AudioWheelActive@0;57752;20945 = true

// Sets whether audio should be muted when the game window is out of focus
MuteAudioWhileOutOfFocus@0;57752;48403 = false

// Sets whether Embody Immerse spatial headphone tech is enabled

ImmerseSpatialAudio@0;57752;48403 = true

// Sets whether Embody Immerse spatial headphone tech uses personalized HRTF
ImmersePersonalization@0;57752;48403 = false

// Microphone device used for voice chat

VoiceInputDevice@0;15420;7764 = Default Communication Device // one of Default
Communication Device, Default System Device

// Controller Advanced

// Adjusts the time at max stick deflection before sprinting. In milliseconds.

Sprint Assist Delay Gamepad@1;23176;7764 = 0 // 0 to 12750

// Display

// Adjusts the brightness of the game

Brightness@0;8382;7764 = -0.010000 // -0.500000 to 0.500000

// Target refresh rate

TargetRefreshRate@0;48261;11445 = 120 Hz // one of 60 Hz, 120 Hz

// Gameplay

// 1st Person Field of View

Fov@1;65095;45350 = 90.000000 // 60.000000 to 120.000000

// 3rd Person Field of View

ThirdPersonFov@1;43597;45350 = 90.000000 // 70.000000 to 90.000000

// Scale view with Field of view when Aiming Down Sights

ADSFovScaling@0;57752;20945 = true
// Graphics

// HDR Gamma
HDRGamma@0;19890;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.500000 to 1.500000

// HDR Max
HDRMaxLum@0;52557;45613 = 0.800000 // 0.600000 to 1.000000

// HDR Min
HDRMinLum@0;21772;7764 = 0.000000 // 0.000000 to 0.200000

// Interface

// Adjust Heads-up display maximum horizontal bound

HUDHorizBound@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Adjust Heads-up display maximum vertical bound

HUDVertBound@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// KBM Advanced

// Adjusts the time required for moving before sprinting is auto activated. In
Sprint Assist Delay KBM@1;23176;7764 = 400 // 0 to 12750

// Mouse and Gamepad

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with 2x zoom scopes
ADS2xZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with 4x zoom scopes
ADS4xZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with 6x zoom scopes
ADS6xZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with 8x zoom scopes
ADS8xZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with high zoom scopes
ADSHighZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with low zoom scopes
ADSLowZoomSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with any scope
ADSSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Adjust timing for the ADS multipliers above to take effect when aiming down
ADSTimingSensitivity@1;63094;11445 = interpolated // one of immediately,
interpolated, delayed
// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when piloting air vehicles
MouseAirSensitivityMultiplier@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Free look
FreeLook@0;57752;20945 = true

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when holding breath while aiming down sights
ADSHoldBreathSensitivity@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Invert vertical aim with a mouse while on foot

MouseInvertPitch@0;57752;48403 = false

// Invert vertical aim with a mouse while in an air vehicle

MouseFlyingVehicleInvertPitch@1;17649;48403 = false

// Invert vertical aim with a mouse while in a land vehicle

MouseGroundVehicleInvertPitch@1;17649;48403 = false

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when driving land vehicles

MouseLandSensitivityMultiplier@1;24622;45613 = 0.800000 // 0.100000 to 4.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when selecting a target on a map through a streak

MouseInGameTabletSensitivity@1;58456;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to 2.000000

// Adjusts mouse acceleration

MouseAcceleration@1;24278;7764 = 0.000000 // 0.000000 to 10.000000

// Adjusts mouse filtering

MouseFilter@1;24278;7764 = 0.000000 // 0.000000 to 10.000000

// Adjust coefficient for monitor distance ADS mouse sensitivity scaling

MouseMonitorDistanceCoeff@1;51403;49670 = 1.333333 // 0.000000 to 5.000000

// Adjusts mouse smoothing

MouseSmoothing@1;17649;48403 = false

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity when using tactical ADS

TacticalAdsMouseSensitivityMultiplier@1;24622;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.100000 to

// Adjusts mouse sensitivity while in an air vehicle for both axes

MouseFlightHorizontalSensibility@0;12088;2532 = 40.000000 // 0.010000 to 100.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity while in an air vehicle on vertical axis only

MouseFlightVerticalSensibility@0;27042;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.010000 to 4.000000

// Adjusts mouse sensitivity for both axes

MouseHorizontalSensibility@0;12088;6692 = 8.000000 // 0.010000 to 100.000000

// Multiplies mouse sensitivity on vertical axis only

MouseVerticalSensibility@1;43387;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.010000 to 4.000000

// Restricts the Input Device used for Aiming. False for Mouse, True for Gamepad
EnableGamepad@0;57752;48403 = false

// System

// Stream limit in MB
HTTPStreamLimitMBytes@0;29045;7764 = 1024

// Stream limit enabled

HTTPStreamUsageLimit@0;57752;48403 = false

// Touch

// Adjust timing for the ADS multipliers above to take effect when aiming down
ADSTimingSensitivityTouch@0;62161;11445 = interpolated // one of immediately,
interpolated, delayed

// Apply effect on voice in chat

VoiceChatEffect@0;16488;7764 = mw_default // one of mw_default, mw, mw_classic

// Adjusts the volume of licensed content

LicensedContentVolume@0;54363;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000

// Audio mix
AudioMix@0;61542;7764 = 1 // 0 to 5

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