S 1 0 Cod24
S 1 0 Cod24
S 1 0 Cod24
// Audio
// Audio mix
AudioMixPreset@0;5555;35888 = headphones
// Number of output channels requested by the user. Not necessarily the actual
channel count. Valid values are 2, 4, 6, 8, 16. Zero means use system default.
AudioWantedChannelsNumber@0;59395;43096 = 2 // 0 to 16
// Mute the microphone after this many seconds of in-game input inactivity (-1 to
MicInactivityMuteDelay@0;1745;56359 = -1.000000 // -1.000000 to 600.000000
// Microphone voice amount of silence before we cut the mic (after loud talking)
MicLoudTimeOut@0;26255;40397 = 0.500000 // 0.000000 to 5.000000
// Microphone voice amount of silence before we cut the mic (after normal talking)
MicNormalTimeOut@0;26255;21371 = 1.000000 // 0.000000 to 5.000000
// After loud talking detected, use aggressive voice threshold for this long to
prevent possible audio feedback (seconds)
MicPostLoudAggressiveTime@0;42578;46350 = 5.000000 // 0.000000 to 300.000000
// Sets whether audio should be muted when the game window is out of focus
MuteAudioWhileOutOfFocus@0;57752;48403 = false
// Display
// Fullscreen mode
DisplayMode@0;22564;11445 = Fullscreen // one of Windowed, Fullscreen, Fullscreen
borderless window, Fullscreen borderless extended window
// Window height
WindowHeight@0;64387;17138 = 400 // 0 to 32767
// Window width
WindowWidth@0;64387;12850 = 640 // 0 to 32767
// Window X position
WindowX@0;8975;53132 = -32768 // -32768 to 32767
// Window Y position
WindowY@0;8975;53132 = -32768 // -32768 to 32767
// Percentage of window resolution that the 3D scene renders at. value set by the
user. can be smaller than the actual.
ResolutionMultiplier@0;64786;30730 = 83 // 0 to 200
// Enable Nvidia low latency mode. Boost mode request maximum GPU clock frequency
regardless of workload
NvidiaReflex@0;33761;11445 = Enabled + boost // one of Disabled, Enabled, Enabled +
// Fullscreen Resolution
Resolution@0;56178;35888 = 1920x1080
// Gameplay
// Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map With a gamepad
MapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed@0;39230;65063 = 0.600000 // 0.001000 to 1.000000
// Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map when using a MOUSE to
control the cursor
MapLocationSelectionCursorSpeedMouse@0;23423;65063 = 0.600000 // 0.001000 to
// Graphics
// Texture quality level, high to low ( higher number means lower resolution )
TextureQuality@0;61129;7764 = 0 // 0 to 3
// Ui Quality
UiQuality@0;42500;43096 = Auto // one of 1080P, 4K, Auto
// XeSS quality
XeSSQuality@0;27441;8284 = Balanced // one of Ultra Performance, Maximum
Performance, Balanced, Maximum Quality, Ultra Quality, Ultra Quality Plus, Native
// DLSS mode
DLSSMode@0;43179;20945 = DLSS // one of DLSS, DLAA, DLSS-D
// DLSS Sharpness.
DLSSSharpness@0;14317;40397 = 0.500000 // 0.000000 to 1.000000
// If true radial motion blur will be applied based on the player velocity.
EnableVelocityBasedBlur@0;57752;20945 = true
// Reduce rendering quality after being idle for a certain time period.
SustainabilityReduceQualityIdle@0;35248;11445 = min // one of off, min, full
// Pause rendering in Multiplayer when entering the pause menu or when out of focus
to save power.
SustainabilityPauseRendering@0;57752;48403 = false
// r_virtualTexturingMemoryModeDescription
VirtualTexturingMemoryMode@0;992;58629 = Large // one of Extra Small, Small,
Medium, Large, Extra Large
// Volumetric quality
VolumetricQuality@0;25292;43096 = QUALITY_MEDIUM // one of QUALITY_LOW,
// Interface
// Whether or not we show the season video when the player logs in the second time
on after seeing the season video.
SkipSeasonVideo@0;57752;20945 = true
// Display the OS cursors instead of the custom game one for accessibility reasons.
UseOSCursors@1;17649;48403 = false
// Enable the player to skip the spash screen if viewed at least once
ViewedSplashScreen@0;57752;48403 = true
// Mouse and Gamepad
// Menu scroll key-repeat delay acceleration from start to end, for repeats after
the first, in milliseconds per repeat
GamepadMenuScrollDelayRestAccel@0;2139;43096 = 2 // 0 to 1000
// Menu scroll key-repeat delay end, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds
GamepadMenuScrollDelayRestEnd@0;2139;17479 = 50 // 0 to 1000
// Menu scroll key-repeat delay start, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds
GamepadMenuScrollDelayRestStart@0;2139;50451 = 210 // 0 to 1000
// System
// DO NOT MODIFY. Normalized detected total CPU power, based on cpu type, count,
and speed
DetectedFrequencyGHz@0;21498;7764 = 13.600000 // -
340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 to
// essdi
ESSDI@0;2059;35888 =
// Indicates whether recommended settings have been set, will reset settings to
recommended if set to 0
RecommendedSet@0;57752;48403 = true
// Set a target fraction of your PC's video memory to be used by the game
VideoMemoryScale@0;59710;7707 = 0.800000 // 0.000000 to 2.000000
// Last Drive type used for the game use to display a pop up
LastSavedDriveType@0;3662;48403 = ssdorbetter // one of unknown, hdd, ssdorbetter,