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Table 1 - Main Energy and Water Indicators, 2017 - 2023

Indicators Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Mid-year population, Republic of Mauritius Thousand 1,265 1,265 1,266 1,266 1,266 1,262 1,261
GDP in 2018 rupees Rs Million 480,783 500,047 514,505 439,662 454,627 494,659 529,411
GDP index (2018 = 100) 96.1 100.0 102.9 87.9 90.9 99.0 106.0

Total primary energy requirement toe 1,599,774 1,586,306 1,600,265 1,334,047 1,367,124 1,484,976 1,537,622
Of which renewables % 13.4 12.9 12.8 13.3 12.3 10.1 9.8
Annual percentage change % +2.9 -0.8 +0.9 -16.6 +2.5 +8.6 +3.5
Total primary energy requirement index
100.8 100.0 100.9 84.1 86.2 93.6 96.9
(2018 = 100)
Total final energy consumption toe 978,822 989,301 1,015,972 813,954 804,824 958,285 967,708
Of which renewables % 2.8 2.5 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.3 1.2
Total electricity generated GWh 3,119.7 3,131.6 3,236.6 2,882.4 2,992.1 3,119.2 3,265.5
Of which renewables % 20.0 20.7 21.7 23.9 21.5 19.2 17.6
Total electricity sold GWh 2,618.1 2,650.2 2,754.0 2,448.2 2,524.3 2,698.1 2,813.7

Efficiency Indicators

Import dependency % 86.6 87.1 87.2 86.7 87.7 90.0 90.2

Toe per
Energy intensity Rs100,000 GDP 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29
at 2018 prices

Per capita primary energy requirement Toe 1.27 1.25 1.26 1.05 1.08 1.18 1.22

Per capita final energy consumption Toe 0.77 0.78 0.80 0.64 0.64 0.76 0.77

Per capita consumption of electricity sold:

- Republic of Mauritius kWh 2,070.3 2,094.6 2,175.9 1,934.2 1,993.8 2,137.6 2,231.7

- Island of Mauritius kWh 2,114.1 2,139.0 2,222.3 1,971.6 2,033.1 2,184.1 2,279.9

- Island of Rodrigues kWh 814.4 831.8 866.7 891.4 909.0 870.1 927.9

Mean annual rainfall:

- Island of Mauritius Millimetres 2,134 2,816 2,130 1,993 2,025 2,201 2,543

- Island of Rodrigues (Pte Canon) Millimetres 969 1,602 1,534 1,039 1,029 860 933

Potable water: Island of Mauritius

- Produced Mm3 261 285 295 304 315 320 313

- Used Mm3 105 109 110 109 108 113 111

- Used per capita per day Litres 234.6 243.5 246.5 242.7 241.6 254.8 250.3
- Used per capita for
Litres 179.7 186.1 187.2 188.9 190.7 196.9 192.2
'Domestic tariffs'

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