ASTM B151-13

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Designation: B151/B151M − 13

Standard Specification for

Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel
Rod and Bar1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B151/B151M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* and Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys (Withdrawn 2010)3

E76 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Copper
1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for
Alloys (Withdrawn 2003)3
copper-nickel-zinc and copper-nickel rod and bar for general
E478 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys
application produced from Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600,
C70620, C71500, C71520, C74500, C75200, C75700,
3. General Requirements
C76400, C77000, and C79200.
1.1.1 Copper Alloys UNS Nos. C70620 and C71520 are for 3.1 The following sections of Specification B249/B249M
product intended for welding applications. constitute a part of this specification:
1.1.2 Units—The values stated in either inch-pound or SI 3.1.1 Terminology,
units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, 3.1.2 Material and Manufacture,
SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each 3.1.3 Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance,
system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system 3.1.4 Sampling,
shall be used independently of the other. Combining values 3.1.5 Number of Tests and Retests,
from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the 3.1.6 Specimen Preparation,
standard. 3.1.7 Test Methods,
3.1.8 Significance of Numerical Limits,
NOTE 1—Requirements for copper-nickel-zinc alloy wire appear in 3.1.9 Inspection,
Specification B206/B206M. 3.1.10 Rejection and Rehearing,
3.1.11 Certification,
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.12 Report,
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 3.1.13 Packaging and Package Marking, and
B206/B206M Specification for Copper-Nickel-Zinc (Nickel 3.1.14 Supplementary Requirements.
Silver) Wire and Copper-Nickel Alloy Wire 3.2 In addition, when a section with a title identical to that
B249/B249M Specification for General Requirements for referenced in 3.1, above, appears in this specification, it
Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Rod, Bar, Shapes and contains additional requirements which supplement those ap-
Forgings pearing in Specifications B249/B249M.
B601 Classification for Temper Designations for Copper and
Copper Alloys—Wrought and Cast 4. Terminology
B846 Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys 4.1 For definitions of terms related to copper and copper
B950 Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product alloys, refer to Terminology B846.
Specifications for Copper and Copper Alloys
E75 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Nickel 5. Ordering Information
5.1 Include the following specified choices when placing
orders for product under this specification, as applicable:
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05 on Copper 5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue (for example,
and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.02 on Rod,
Bar, Wire, Shapes and Forgings.
B151/B151M – XX),
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2013. Published November 2013. Originally 5.1.2 Copper Alloy UNS No. designation (Section 1),
approved in 1941. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as B151/B151M – 05 5.1.3 Temper (Section 8 and Tables 2-6),
(2011). DOI: 10.1520/B0151_B0151M-13.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard


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B151/B151M − 13
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Composition, % max (unless shown as range or min)
Copper Alloy
Copper, Incl Silver Nickel, Incl Cobalt Lead Iron Manganese Zinc Phosphorous Sulfur Carbon
C70600 remainder 9.0-11.0 0.05 1.0-1.8 1.0 1.0 ... ... ...
C70620 86.5 min 9.0-11.0 0.02 1.0-1.8 1.0 0.50 0.02 0.02 0.05
C71500 remainder 29.0-33.0 0.05 0.40-1.0 1.0 1.0 ... ... ...
C71520 65.0 min 29.0-33.0 0.02 0.40-1.0 1.0 0.50 0.02 0.02 0.05
C74500 63.5-66.5 9.0-11.0 0.05 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...
C75200 63.0-66.5 16.5-19.5 0.05 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...
C75700 63.5-66.5 11.0-13.0 0.05 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...
C76400 58.5-61.5 16.5-19.5 0.05 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...
C77000 53.5-56.5 16.5-19.5 0.05 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...
C79200 59.0-66.5 11.0-13.0 0.8-1.4 0.25 0.50 remainder ... ... ...

TABLE 2 Grain Size Requirements for OS (Annealed) Temper TABLE 4 Tensile Requirements for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy Rod
Rod and Bar and Bar [SI Units]
Temper Grain Size, mm NOTE 1—Inch-Pound values are stated in Table 3.
Copper Alloy UNS No.
Designation Nominal Minimum Maximum
All alloys OS015 0.015 ... 0.030 Tensile Strength, MPa
All alloys OS035 0.035 0.025 0.050 Temper Diameter or Distance Copper Alloy UNS Copper Alloy UNS
C74500, C75200, C75700, OS070 0.070 0.050 0.100 Designa- Between Parallel Nos C75200 and Nos C74500,
C76400, and C77000 tion Surfaces, mm C79200 C75700, C76400
and C77000
Min Max Min Max
TABLE 3 Tensile Requirements for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy Rod Rod:
and Bar (Inch-Pound Units) round
H01 0.5 to 10, incl 415 550 515 655
NOTE 1—SI values are stated in Table 4. Rod:
Tensile Strength, ksi round, hexagonal
Copper Alloy UNS H04 0.5 to 6.5 incl 550 690 620 760
Temper Diameter or Distance Copper Alloy UNS
Nos. C74500, Over 6.5 to 10, incl 485 620 550 690
Designa- Between Parallel Nos. C75200 and
C75700, C76400, Over 10 to 25, incl 450 590 515 655
tion Surfaces, in. C79200
and C77000 Over 25 415 550 485 620
Min Max Min Max H04 Bar:
Rod: square, rectangular
round all sizes 470 605 515 650
H01 0.02 to 0.50, incl 60 80 75 95
round, hexagonal,
octagonal 5.2.4 When material is purchased for agencies of the U.S.
H04 0.02 to 0.25, incl 80 100 90 110 Government (Section 11).
Over 0.25 to 0.50, incl 70 90 80 100

Over 0.50 to 1.0, incl 65 85 75 95
Over 1.0 60 80 70 90 6. Materials and Manufacture
H04 Bar:
square, rectangular
6.1 Material:
all sizes 68 88 75 95 6.1.1 The material of manufacture as specified in the con-
tract or purchase order, shall be of one of Copper Alloy UNS
Nos. C70600, C70620, C71500, C71520, C74500, C75200,
C75700, C76400, C77000, or C79200.
5.1.4 Form: cross section such as round, hexagonal, square, 7. Chemical Composition
and so forth (Section 12),
5.1.5 Diameter or distance between parallel surfaces, length 7.1 The product shall conform to the chemical composition
(Section 12), requirements in Table 1 for the Copper Alloy UNS No.
5.1.6 Weight: total for each form, size, and temper, and designation specified in the ordering information.
5.1.7 Intended application. 7.1.1 These composition limits do not preclude the presence
of other elements. By agreement between the manufacturer and
5.2 The following options are available but may not be the purchaser, limits may be established and analysis required
included unless specified at the time of placing of the order for unnamed elements.
when required:
5.2.1 Heat identification or traceability details (Section 4.1 7.2 For alloys in which copper is listed as “remainder,”
of Specification B249/B249M), copper is the difference between the sum of results for all
5.2.2 Certification (Section 15 of Specification B249/ elements determined and 100 %.
B249M), 7.3 For alloys in which zinc is listed as “remainder,” either
5.2.3 Test report (Section 16 of Specification B249/ copper or zinc may be taken as the difference between the sum
B249M), and of all elements determined and 100 %.

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B151/B151M − 13
TABLE 5 Tensile Requirements for Copper-Nickel Alloy Rod and Bar (Inch-Pound Units)
NOTE 1—SI values are stated in Table 6.
Yield Strength at Elongation in 4× Diam-
Temper Desig- Tensile Strength,
Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces, in. 0.5 % Extension Under eter or Thickness of
nation min, ksi
Load, min, ksi Specimen, min, %A
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600 and C70620
O60, M30 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars all sizes 38 15 30
H04 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to 3⁄8, incl 60 38 10
over 3⁄8 to 1, incl 50 30 15
over 1 to 3, incl 40 15 30
over 3 to 5, incl 38 15 20
O60 rectangular bars and shapes all sizes 38 15 30
For Thicknesses
H04 rectangular bars up to 3⁄8, incl 55 30 10
over 3⁄8 to 1⁄2, incl 50 28 12
over ⁄2 to 3
1 40 17 20
H04 shapes all sizes (As agreed upon between the manufacturer
or supplier and the purchaser)
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C71500 and C71520
O60, M30 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to 1⁄2, incl 52 18 30
over 1⁄2 to 1, incl 48 18 30
over 1 45 18 30
H01 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to ⁄2, incl
1 65 50 10
over ⁄2 to 1, incl
1 60 45 15
over 1 to 3, incl 55 35 20
over 3 to 5, incl 45 18 20
H04 up to 1⁄2, incl 80 60 8
over 1⁄2 to 1, incl 75 58 10
over 1 to 2, incl 70 55 10
O60 rectangular bars and shapes all sizes 45 15 30
For Thicknesses
H04 rectangular bars up to ⁄2, incl
1 75 55 7
over 1⁄2 to 1, incl 70 50 10
H04 shapes all sizes (As agreed upon between the manufacturer
or supplier and the purchaser)
In any case, a minimum gage length of 1 in. shall be used.

7.4 When all elements listed in Table 1 for a specified alloy 10.1.1 Product of Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys UNS Nos.
are determined, the sum of results shall be 99.5 % minimum. C74500, C75200, C75700, C76400, C77000, and C79200 in
Tempers H01 and H04 furnished under this specification shall
8. Temper conform to the tensile requirements prescribed in Tables 3 and
8.1 The standard tempers for products described in this 4 for the specified shape and size. The tensile strength shall be
specification and as defined in Classification B601 are: O60, the basis of acceptance or rejection for product in these
OS015, OS035, OS070, M30, H01, and H04 as given in Tables tempers.
2-6. 10.1.2 Product of Copper-Nickel Alloys UNS Nos. C70600,
C70620, C71500, and C71520 in Tempers H01, H04, M30, and
NOTE 2—The purchaser should confer with the manufacturer or O60 furnished under this specification shall conform to the
supplier concerning the availability of a specific form and temper.
tensile requirements prescribed in Tables 5 and 6 for the
8.2 Other tempers, and tempers for other products including specified shape and size. The tensile properties shall be the
shapes, shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturer basis of acceptance or rejection for all tempers.
and the purchaser.
11. Purchases for U.S. Government Agencies
9. Grain Size of Annealed Tempers
11.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
9.1 Grain size shall be the standard requirement for all product purchased for agencies of the U.S. Government shall
product in the annealed tempers. conform to the special government regulations specified in the
9.1.1 Product in the OS temper shall conform to the grain Supplementary Requirements section of Specification B249/
size requirement prescribed in Table 2 for the specified copper B249M.
alloy and temper.
9.1.2 Grain size shall be the basis for acceptance or rejection 12. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
for OS temper product produced from Copper Alloy UNS Nos. 12.1 The dimensions and tolerances for product described
C74500, C75200, C75700, C76400, C77000, and C79200. by this specification shall be as specified in Specification
B249/B249M with particular reference to the following tables
10. Mechanical Property Requirements and related paragraphs:
10.1 Tensile Strength Requirement: 12.1.1 Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces:

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B151/B151M − 13
TABLE 6 Tensile Requirements for Copper-Nickel Alloy Rod and Bar [SI Units]
NOTE 1—Inch-pound values are stated in Table 5.
Yield Strength at Elongation in 4× Diam-
Temper Desig- Tensile Strength,
Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces, mm 0.5 % Extension Under eter or Thickness of
nation min, MPa
Load, min, MPa Specimen, min, %A
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600 and C70620
O60, M30 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars all sizes 260 105 30
H04 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to 9.5, incl 415 260 10
over 9.5 to 25, incl 345 205 15
over 25 to 80, incl 275 105 30
over 80 to 125, incl 260 105 20
O60 rectangular bars and shapes all sizes 260 105 30
For Thicknesses
H04 rectangular bars up to 9.5, incl 380 205 10
over 9.5 to 12, incl 345 195 12
over 12 to 80, incl 275 115 20
H04 shapes all sizes (As agreed upon between the manufacturer
or supplier and the purchaser)
Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C71500 and C71520

O60, M30 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to 12, incl 360 125 30
over 12 to 25, incl 330 125 30
over 25 310 125 30
H01 round, hexagonal, and octagonal rods and square bars up to 12, incl 450 345 10
over 12 to 25, incl 415 310 15
over 25 to 80, incl 380 240 20
over 80 to 125, incl 310 125 20
H04 up to 12, incl 550 415 8
over 12 to 25, incl 515 400 10
over 25 to 50, incl 485 380 10
O60 rectangular bars and shapes all sizes 310 105 30
For Thicknesses
H04 rectangular bars up to 12, incl 515 380 7
over 12 to 25, incl 485 345 10
H04 shapes all sizes (As agreed upon between the manufacturer
or supplier and the purchaser)
In any case, a minimum gage length of 25 mm shall be used. Rod: round/hexagonal, octagonal—cold-drawn Element Range, % Method

rod, Table 2.
Copper 53–90 E478 Bar: rectangular and square—thickness, width, Iron 0.02–8 E75
Tables 9 and 11. Lead 0.05–1.5 E478 (AA)
12.1.2 Length—length tolerances, schedule of length, Manganese 0.05–1.0 E75
Nickel 8–34 E478 (Gravimetric)
Tables 13 and 15. Zinc 0–1.0 E478 (AA)
12.1.3 Straightness tolerances for rod, bar, and shapes, Zinc 2–40 E478 (Titrimetric)
Table 16. Sulfur 0-0.1 E478 (AA)
Phosphorus 0-1.0 E478 (AA)
12.1.4 Edge contours—see identically titled section. Carbon 0.01-1.0 E76

13. Test Methods

14. Keywords
13.1 The test method(s) used for quality control or produc-
tion control, or both, for the determination of conformance 14.1 copper alloy bar; copper alloy rod; copper-nickel alloy
with product property requirements are discretionary. bar; copper-nickel alloy rod; copper-nickel-zinc alloy bar;
13.1.1 The test method(s) used to obtain data for the copper-nickel-zinc alloy rod; cupronickel bar; cupronickel rod;
preparation of certification or test report, or both, shall be made nickel silver bar; nickel silver rod; UNS C70600 bar; UNS
available to the purchaser on request. C71500 bar; UNS C74500 bar; UNS C75200 bar; UNS
C75700 bar; UNS C76400 bar; UNS C77000 bar; UNS
13.2 Chemical Analysis—In cases of disagreement, test
C79200 bar; UNS C70600 rod; UNS C71500 rod; UNS
methods for chemical analysis shall be subject to agreement
C74500 rod; UNS C75200 rod; UNS C75700 rod; UNS
between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. The
following table is a list of published test methods some of C76400 rod; UNS C77000 rod; UNS C79200 rod ; UNS
which are considered by ASTM as no longer viable. These, and C70620; UNS C71520
others not listed, may be used subject to agreement.

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B151/B151M − 13

Committee B05 has identified the principal changes to this specification that have been incorporated since the
2011 issue as follows:

(1) General editorial modifications were incorporated in accor- (2) P and S limits were removed from C70600 as they appeared
dance with Guide B950. to have been an earlier error.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (


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