BBS 140- 2021 Exams
BBS 140- 2021 Exams
BBS 140- 2021 Exams
1. Check that you have the correct examination paper in front of you.
2. There are THREE (3) sections in this Examination Paper.
3. Section A & B are COMPULSORY.
4. Section C consists of five (5) questions; answer any four (4) questions.
5. Marks for each question are indicated in the brackets.
6. Number the questions correctly and start each question on a fresh page.
7. Write your student number on all the answer booklets used.
8. There shall be NO communication among students during the examination
D. 11111.11
9. ________ controls the operations of the CPU
Question Two
Imagine you are hired as an IT Consultant and you have been tasked with the responsibility
of implementing a web server for “Kafwanka Entreprise”, to cater for all its web based
a. With regards to internet protocols, briefly discuss the following clearly stating what
they stand for
ii. SMTP
iii. FTP
iv. POP3[8marks]
b. Discuss the four parts of a URL 4marks]
c. Discuss the difference between the following [8marks]
i. Streaming files and non streaming files
ii. Dynamic and static web pages
iii. Hypertext and hypermedia
iv. Html elements and html tags
Question Three
a. Distinguish between a command-driven interface and a GUI giving
examples of Operating System with these interfaces.[6 marks]
b. Discuss the following forms of application software giving one example of each
i. Custom Software ii. Package software iv. Open source software
c. State what the following stands for: [5marks]
i. PCB ii. SATA iii. HDMI iv. IDE v.BIOS
Question Four
The Kwame Nkrumah University (KNU), School of Business ICT Department has employed
you as a capable IT Consultant to ensure all ICT Systems are implemented successfully.
a. Discuss four factors to consider when choosing the type of cable for your network [8
b. Discuss the difference between Intranet and Extranet and State technologies used in
implementing [6marks]
c. Discuss any two types of networks [4marks]
d. Mention any two layers from the OSI model.[2marks]
Question Five
The current COVID-19 situation has brought the focus on reducing human-to-human contact
to contain the spread of the virus. IoT technology is one of the pioneers in this area. In the
context of COVID-19, IoT-enabled/linked devices/applications are utilized to lower the
possible spread of COVID-19. Discuss the role that IoT is playing in the following industries
during the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. [20 marks]
a. Water Supply
b. Education
c. Entertainment
d. Banking sector