Revision No. C1
Document Title:
R12-S00C03 –2100- Sitewide External Works Utilities For a Central Logistics-Hub
C0 06-01-24 Issue For Approval Syed Faizuddin Israr Ahmed Shang Jianzhu
C1 27-03-24 Re-Issued For Approval Syed Faizuddin Israr Ahmed Shang Jianzhu
Material Information
Material Description (One item
only per Form)
As per Specification R12-S00D04-KAA-SPC-AR-0004 Alternative NA
Section 32 15 00 - 6
Drawing Reference NA BOQ Ref. No. NA
Specification Reference 32 15 00 - 6 Standards, BS, DIN NA
Engineer’s - Comments
Status Code
Comments Resolution Sheet - CRS
General Information
Doc or Dwg
Program Civil Engineer in Charge OCS Date 27-Mar-24
Project/Asset R12-S00C03 –2100 Project Stage OCS Rev. C1 OCS Ref. No. R12-S00C03-TIE-MAT-CI-0001
Material Submittal
Program: R12
Project: Central Logistics Hub
Project Code: S00C03
Package: Sitewide External Works Utilities
Material Geo-textile
Document Number R12-S00C03-TIE-MAT-CI-0001
Revision C1
Revision Date 27-03-2024
Discipline CIVIL
Submitting Contractor TIEJUN
Revision History
Rev. Date Details of Revision Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By
Table of Contents
1 Product Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Statement of Compliance ................................................................................................................................................ 9
3 Scope of Works .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4 Specification Compliance Check List ........................................................................................................................... 11
5 Technical Data Sheet ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
6 Sample (List / Photos) .................................................................................................................................................... 13
7 Test Reports ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
8 LEED Compliance & Certificates ................................................................................................................................ 15
9 Country of Origin – Confirmation Letter .................................................................................................................... 16
10 Product Authority Approval ......................................................................................................................................... 17
11 Draft Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
12 Manufacturer Recommended Spare Parts .................................................................................................................. 19
13 Previous Project Approvals .......................................................................................................................................... 20
14 Trade License ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
15 Manufacturer Confirmation of the local Agent ........................................................................................................... 22
16 Project Reference List ................................................................................................................................................... 23
17 Company Profile ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Description Not Not Remarks
No Provided
Provided Applicable
1 Statement of Complaince ☒ ☐ ☐
2 Scope of Works ☒ ☐ ☐
3 Specification Complaince Check List ☒ ☐ ☐
4 Technical Data Sheet ☒ ☐ ☐
5 Test Reports ☒ ☐ ☐
6 LEED Complaince ☐ ☐ ☒
7 Country of Origin ☒ ☐ ☐
8 Authority Appovals ☒ ☐ ☐
9 Draft Warranty ☒ ☐ ☐
10 Recommended Spare Parts ☐ ☐ ☒
11 Trade Licence ☒ ☐ ☐
12 Project Refrences ☒ ☐ ☐
13 Previous revision comment tracker ☐ ☐ ☒
Above checklist is the minimum requirement, subject to review by the Employer and or Assitants.
04 Manufacturer
Address: Jubail, Saudi Arabia
05 Supplier
Address: Jubail, Saudi Arabia
Manufacturing duration
10 3 Day
(Ex- Factory)
Shipment duration
11 2 Day
(Ex-factory to Site)
2 Statement of Compliance
Rev. 01, Oct. 01, 2022 Page 9 of 24
Matte Geosynthetics
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Statement of Compliance
I, as the Authorized representative from the Supplier/ Manufacturer, acknowledge and certify the
material submission covered under this document [Mattex Nonwoven Needle Punched Geotextile
NP16] is produced in accordance with following.
Mattox Ooosynlhetics
2713, Road 148, Industrial Area, Unit No: 1 • Al Jubail 35723 - 7373 • Saudi Arabia
..,...,....., ..,.,.., w....11 7373 - 35723 ..,....., 1 : ,.1, ,....J yu....J• "1.1..Wt • 148 ..),,I, 2713 �j•i• ...,_;, J_,l,,J ....,.,...,, .,.,... ,...,.. �
Tel. +966 (13) 341 14 88 Fax. +966 ( 13) 341 69 1O • lnfo@mattexgeo.com • j.c.c. 156881 • c.r. 2055022924
2055022924 -=-.u- •
156881 -=-.e.
• +966(13) 3416910 _._,.st.Ji. ♦966 (13) 341 14 88 _ .::.
3 Scope of Works
Rev. 01, Oct. 01, 2022 Page 10 of 24
Material Submittal Template
Attached Below
The gradation of the Rapid Draining Material for use in Drainage Blanket shall be as
1. Minimum. Use value in weaker principal direction. All numerical values represent
minimum average roll value (i.e. test results from any sampled roll in a lot shall meet
or exceed the minimum values in the Table)
Table 6.16-3 is composed of the following referenced three (3) Tables in ASSHTO M
(1) Minimum. Use value in weaker principal direction. All numerical values represent
minimum average roll value (i.e. test results from any sampled roll in a lot shall meet or
exceed the minimum values in the Table).
(2) Values apply to both field and manufactured seams.
Specifications Central Logistics Hub
polyesters; with elongation greater than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288
and the following, measured per test methods referenced:
A. General: Boulders shall be relatively smooth in texture, with a rounded appearance
with some angular edges. Boulders shall be clean and free from soil, debris, markings,
stress cracks, fractures, drill cores, and un-detonated explosive devices. Boulders with
surfaces that are broken, sharply angular or with shaved edges are not acceptable.
B. Boulders shall be graded in size, hand-selected, and approved by the Landscape
Architect prior to delivery to site. Placement location, depth, and orientation of
Boulders shall be field-directed by the Landscape Architect. Determination as to the
size of the Boulders that are selected in the field and/or delivered to the Project Site
shall be at the sole discretion of the Landscape Architect.
C. Refer to drawings, for size and color of boulders
A. Examine surfaces indicated to receive gravel, with Installer present, for compliance
with requirements and other conditions affecting performance.
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. General: Backfill surfaces of trenches, planted areas, and other areas indicated
to appropriate finished grades.
B. Gravel Surfacing:
1. Gravel Surfacing consists of loose gravel material placed on a layer of
Geotextile Filter Fabric which is pinned to the compacted surface of the sub grade.
Apply gravel Surfacing in the specified areas on the Contract Drawings, with the
finished grade of the gravel Surfacing level with adjacent finished surfaces.
a. Geotextile Filter Fabric: Install Fabric according to the Manufacturer's
recommendations over compacted sub grade and prior to placement of gravel
Surfacing. Completely cover mulched area, lapping Fabric edges a minimum
of six-inches (6”). Tack/pin into place using stainless steel staples, set at thirty-
six- inches (36") O.C. maximum along perimeter.
b. Spread gravel Surfacing evenly throughout all areas designated to receive the
gravel Surfacing at the following thickness and rates:
Thickness: as indicated on the drawings. Depth of Aggregate Surfacing
shall be adequate to thoroughly cover the Geotextile Filter Fabric.
2. Replace gravel Surfacing that is unlike in character (color, size, texture).
Defective, fractured, stained, or material which does not meet the requirements
Khatib & Alami Aggregate Surfacing
32 15 00 - 6
Material Submittal Template
Attached below.
Mattex Geotextiles are manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene (PP) polymer and are UV stabilized. These products can be successfully
used in transportation, environmental, hydraulic and civil engineering applications and perform major functions including separation, filtration,
drainage, reinforcement and membrane protection.
Mechanical Properties Test Units NP12 NP14 NP15 NP16 NP17 NP20 NP25 NP28 NP31
Grab Tensile Strength – MD ASTM D-4632 N 365 450 480 520 560 725 840 960 1050
Grab Tensile Strength - XD ASTM D-4632 N 365 450 480 520 560 725 840 960 1050
CBR Puncture Strength ASTM D-6241 N 1100 1400 1550 1700 1850 2200 2500 2900 3200
Trapezoid Tear Strength - MD ASTM D-4533 N 160 190 200 210 225 285 300 350 370
Trapezoid Tear Strength - CD ASTM D-4533 N 160 190 200 210 225 285 300 350 370
Index Puncture Strength ASTM D-4833 N 250 300 315 330 370 470 500 575 650
Hydraulic Properties Test Units NP12 NP14 NP15 NP16 NP17 NP20 NP25 NP28 NP31
Permittivity @ Water Temp 20°C ASTM D-4491 S-1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3
Apparent Opening Size (AOS) ASTM D-4751 Microns 175 175 160 160 140 135 130 105 95
Physical Properties Test Units NP12 NP14 NP15 NP16 NP17 NP20 NP25 NP28 NP31
Thickness under 2 kPa ASTM D-5199 mm 1.4 1.5 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.90 2.0 2.25 2.4
Mass Per Unit Area ASTM D-5261 g/m2 100 120 130 140 150 180 200 230 250
Roll Width cm 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590
Roll Length m 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
40’ Container Load (±10%) m2 65490 48970 46020 41300 41300 41300 35400 28320 23600
Full Truck Load (+/-10%) m2 59000 49560 42480 42480 42480 34220 34220 28320 21240
UV Protection ASTM D4355 Retained Strength of ≥ 70% after 500 hours UV exposure.
To be covered within 1 month after installation. Predicted to be durable for more than 25 years in natural soils with
4< ph. <9 and soil temperature <25 °C
Oxidation Resistance EN ISO 13438 Retained Strength >90% at (110±1) °C after 14 days exposure.
Values reported in this data sheet are the average results obtained in our laboratory and are subject to manufacturing tolera nces. Our products are tested on
regular basis in our in- house laboratory and on periodical basis by international independent laboratories .
1. Mattex Geosynthetics reserves the right to alter product specifications without prior notice.
2. It is the responsibility of all users to satisfy themselves that the above data is current.
3. The above figures are average values obtained from testing to current EN geotextile test standards. Although not guaranteed, these
results to the best of our knowledge, offer a true and accurate record of the products’ performance.
4. We cannot accept responsibility for the performance of these products as the conditions of use are beyond our control.
Attached below
Attached Below
E-mail: s�les<wmattexgeo.com
Grab Tensile strength, Tmax (Longitudinal/ MD) ASTM D4632 N 532
Grab Tensile strength, Tmax (Transversal/ XO) ASTM D4632 N 528
Elongation, E max (Longitudinal/ MD) ASTM 04632 % 66.5
Elongation , E max (Transversal/ XD) ASTM D4632 % 78.3
CBR Puncture Resistance ASTM D6241 N 1730
Trapezoid Tear Strength (Longitudinal/ MD) ASTM D4533 N 224
Trapezoid Tear Strength (Transversal/ XD) ASTM D4533 N 218
Permeability ASTM 04491 mis x 10-
3 96
Permitivity ASTM 04491 s-1 1.92
Index Puncture Strength ASTM 04833 N 341
Thickness under 2 kPa ASTM D5199 mm 1.63
Mass per unit area ASTM D5261 g/m2 141.5
Additional Test:
UV Stabilization:
Mattex uses UV stabilized fibres so that strength of> 70% is obtained in the non-woven fabric. When tested according to EN 12224 in an
independent lab, showed a result of 74% after an exposure of 50 MJ/m2. Therefore, Geotextiles sho uld be covered within 15 days after
Important: Goods Should be strictly stored according to the Material Handling & storage Procedure already provided. Important is to keep
the material protected from UV and stored from the ground in its original packaging when stored at site.
Oxidation Resi stance:
Mattex geotextile retained a strength>90% at (110±1) ° C after 14 days exposure as per EN ISO 13438. Therefore, the product has a durability
of at least 25 years.
Doc No QF QC Sll
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Material Submittal Template
Attached Below
Attached below
Warranty Certificate
We hereby guarantee that the MATTEX GeoMatt NP16 (140 GSM)· is a Needle Punched
Nonwoven Geotextile, manufactured and supplied by Mattex Geosynthetics in Jubail, KSA
and complying w ith the project specifications. The product is covered by a
manufacturer warranty that can be found under the standard Mattex sales terms and
conditiol'ls·, hereby attached for your reference.
The product will remain durable under buried condition for a period of more than Twenty
Five (25) years in natural soil environment with 4< pH <9 and normal temperature. The
product will be retaining a strength of� 70% after 50MJ/m2 exposure of UV radiation. The
product should be covered within 15 days after installation to protect it from UV degradation.
This warranty does not cover any defects caused by misuse, abuse, improper storage,
improper installation (Storage, Handling and Installation Guidelines attached for your
reference) and operation or use other than its intended purpose and exposure to harmful
chemicals, abuse by machi ery, equipm�o!:£- e.
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Bldg. No. 2713, Road 148, Industrial Area, Unit No: 1 Jubail 35723-7373. C.R. 2055022924 C.O.C 156881
6) +966 (13) 341 1488.@ +966 (13) 341 6910.@) sales@mattexgeo.com - www.mattexgeo.com
Material Submittal Template
Attached Below
From Mr Albert ElOsta - Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners) - Saudi Arabia
To (7) Mr Albert ElOsta - Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners) - Saudi Arabia (+6 more...)
Cc (7) Mr Suresh Perumal - The Red Sea Development Company (+6 more...)
Status N/A
(0 selected)
The attached documents have completed the "CP_R07HC2C21_Contractor_M.A.S._CI_Material Approval Request for Geo Textile" workflow
with the following results :
SC_DCQC_CHK S Hussain Accepted
PQD already submitted & Approved with Comments for HC3 and under
review for HC2
Attached below
KSA Tailing Storage facility - KSA GeoMatt NP100SP 325,000 Maaden Developemnt Protection/Separation
GeoMatt NP31,
KSA Jeddah Landfill - KSA 250,000 Jeddah Municipality Protection/Separation
GeoMatt NP110,
KSA Mari Time Yard Project - KSA 400,000 Saudi Aramco Protection/Separation
NP100, NP56
KSA ABHA Landfill - KSA GeoMatt NP43 250,000 ABHA Municipality Protection/Separation
National Mrine dredging
UAE Al Dhafra Project - AD GeoMatt NP100 122,000 Protection/Separation
Stormwater Drainage - Muscat
Oman GeoMatt NP43 20,000 MOTC Protection/Separation
Oman LPIC-EPIC 3 Road Costn -Fahud GeoMatt NP43 6,000 Renardet S.A Protection/Separation
Duqm Refinery - EPC Package 2 -
Oman GeoMatt NP12XL 45,000 Duqm Refinery Separation/Filtration
Utilities and offsites
Sewerage Networs for Sahalnoot SSDSCO/AAW & Partners Eng
Oman GeoMatt NP15SP 720,000 Separation/Drainage
District in Salalah Consultants
National Mrine dredging
UAE Al Yasat Project GeoMatt NP75 25,000 Protection/Separation
UAE UAQ Old Town Creek Devlp GeoMatt NPS60 45,000 EMMAR/CH2m Halcrow Intnl Protection/Separation
UAE Deep Tunnel Storm water System GeoMatt NPS50 20,000 Dubai Municipality Protection/Separation
UAE Fujairah Port Marine Works GeoMatt NPS60 40,000 Abu Dhabi Ports/ Protection/Separation
Oman Duqm Liquid Bulk Bearths GeoMatt NPS60 140,000 SEZAD -DUQM Protection/Separation
Oman Khasab Tibat Road GeoMatt NP56 120,000 MOTC/Modern Engineering Protection/Separation
Oman DUQM Liquid Bulk Berths EPCI GeoMatt NPS60 57,000 SEZAD -DUQM Protection/Separation
Oman DUQM Liquid Bulk Berths EPCI GeoMatt NPS60 72,000 Worley Parsons/SEZAD Protection/Separation
Oman Khasab Tibat Road GeoMatt NP56 33,440 MOTC/Modern Engineering Protection/Separation
Saqr Port Authority
UAE SAQR Port Ras Al Khaimah GeoMatt NP175 19,000 Protection/Separation
Halcrow International-CH2M
Saqr Port Authority Halcrow
UAE SAQR Port Ras Al Khaimah GeoMatt NP50 46,000 Protection/Separation
Mina Khalid Port Sharjah -New Dept of Seaports & Customs
UAE GeoMatt NP56 56,000 Protection/Separation
Berth at Breakwater /Halcrow Intl
EPIC for Hamad Intl Ariport Jet
Qatar GeoMatt TB29 35,000 Qatar Petroleum -QP Protection/Separation
A -1 Supply
Mudon-P 123, Road & GeoMatt TB15
UAE 60,000 Dubai Properties/ AECOM Separation/Drainage
Infrastructure - Arabella-2 GeoMatt TB13
Khawaneej Community Roads &
UAE GeoMatt TB13 75,000 MERAAS/AECOM Separation/Drainage
Dubai Production City Landscape
UAE GeoMatt NP12XL 20,000 TECOM/AECOM Separation/Drainage
Oman Batina Expressway Package 5 GeoMatt TB13 58,000 MOTC/Gulf Engineering Seperation/Drainage
UAE Marjan Island Development GeoMatt NP75 25,000 CH2M Hill Consultant Protection/Separation
Oman Khasab Tibat Road GeoMatt NP56 18,360 Modern Enginering/MOTC Protection/Separation
AKOYA Oxygen Master
UAE GeoMatt TB13 190,000 KEO International/DAMAC Separation/Drainage
Development Al Yufra2
Roads & Infrastructure - West
Qatar GeoMatt TB9 150,000 Local Raods & Drainage Protection/Separation
Muaither -Manaseer Pkg 1
Water Transmission Pipeline and
UAE GeoMatt TB13 380,000 DEWA/NJS Consultant Separation/Drainage
Associated works
DS 158 Main Irrigation lines at
UAE GeoMatt TB13 490,000 AECOM/Dubai Municipality Separation/Drainage
Sheikh Zayed road
Roads & Infrastrucutre for
Qatar GeoMatt TB9 65,000 Local Raods & Drainage Protection/Separation
Commercial street Al Khor
Al Dabbiya Mrine Phase III Abu Dhabi Co.for Onshore Oil
UAE GeoMatt NP75 312,000 Protection
Marine Infrastructre Works Operations - ADCO
Al Waab & Qatar University
Qatar GeoMatt NP25 15,000 ASHGHAL/CEG International Protection/Separation
Package 4
UAE Jumeirah Pvt Island JVI GeoMatt NP120 63,000 Parsons International Protection
Al Dabbiya Service Facilities - Abu Dhabi Co.for Onshore Oil
UAE GeoMatt NP50 30,000 Protection
Phase III Operations - ADCO
Hyder Consultant/ALDAR
UAE SHAMS Closed Canal Works GeoMatt NP120 13,000 Protection
GeoMatt NP31 60,000
Qatar Salwa Beach Resort Hotel Dar Al Handasah Protection
GeoMatt NP46 81,000
Jebel Ali Terminal 4 Quay Wall
UAE GeoMatt NP62 100,000 DELTA Marine Protection/Seperation
Extension works Ph 1B
UAE Palm Deira Infrastructure GeoMatt TB13 200,000 Parsons Internatioal Seperation/Drainage
UAE Night Market Zone 1- Deira Palm GeoMatt TB11XP 45,000 Nakheel Seperation/Drainage
UAE Improvement of Wafi Interchage GeoMatt TB11 15,000 RTA/Parsons Overseas Soil Wall Works
UAE Jebel Ali Terminal 4 GeoMatt NP85 32,000 DELTA Marine Protection/Separation
Qatar New Port Project GeoMatt NP12 80,000 Port Authority Protection/Separation
AL furjan Infrastructure Phase 2 GeoMatt TB10
UAE 50,000 Nakheel/Arif & Bintoak Separation/Drainage
Pkge - 8,9 &10 GeoMatt TB13
UAE Dibba Khorfakkan Ring Road GeoMatt TB10 SP 25,000 Ministry of Public Works Protection/Separation
Oman Khasab Tibat Road GeoMatt NP56 155,520 Modern Enginering/MOTC Protection/Separation
Qatar KIO International Protection/Separation
CITY PROJECT GeoMatt NP31 5,000
UAE Deira Palm Devlp. GeoMatt TB13 130,000 Parsons international Separation/Drainage
Qatar New Slata Zone -Infra. GeoMatt TB9 150,000 Parsons international Protection/Separation
Qatar Salwa Beach Resort GeoMatt NP120 40,000 ARTELIA/SOGREAH Shore Protection
KSA Dammam, port GeoMatt NP90 42,000 Dammam. Port authority Shoreline
Deira Fish market Marine Works Rock Revetment and Scour
UAE GeoMatt NP100SP 40,000 DM/Hyder Consulting ME
Package Protection
Oman BP Khazzan Gas GeoMatt TB10 SP 40,000 BP Oman Protection/Separation
UAE DM Drainage works GeoMatt TB13 40,000 Khatib & Alami /DM Separation/Drainage
Qatar Lusail SWF SEIF INFRA GeoMatt TB9 40,000 Parsons interational Separation / Drainage
UAE DEWA Pipeline works GeoMatt TB13 40,000 NJS Engineering Separation/Drainage
Saudi Landscape &
KSA Interchange Dammam GeoMatt NP40 40,000 Lanscaping
Contracting Co.
KSA Power and desalination GeoMatt NP120 40,000 Fitchner / Marafiq Erosion control
UAE Fish market Deira GeoMatt NP16XL 60,000 Dubai Municipality Separation / Drainage
UAE Fish market Deira GeoMatt NP14XL 9,000 Dubai Municipality Separation / Drainage
UAE Fish market Deira GeoMatt NP46XL 20,000 Dubai Municipality Separation / Drainage
UAE Fish market Deira GeoMatt NP43XL 20,000 Dubai Municipality Separation / Drainage
Seperation / Filtration /
UAE Abu Dhabi Airport GeoMatt NP 25 25,000 Al jaber Contracting Co.
Oman Muscat Khanthab beach dev GeoMatt NP 16 80,000 Parsons interational Drainage
Qatar Hospital project, Doha GeoMatt NP40 35,400 Ministry of Health Protection lining
KSA Sewerline Network GeoMatt NP20 212,400 Saudi Arabian Parsons LTD Filtration
UAE Villa project Infra GeoMatt TB13 19,069 Nakheel/ AL TURATH sewerage/ drainage
UAE Meydan Heights - Dubai GeoMatt TB11 25,000 Turner construction Drainage and stormwater
UAE MBR garden development GeoMatt TB13 80,000 EMAAR/Parsons sewerage/ drainage
Cleaning and Enhancement of
UAE GeoMatt NP 75 18,000 ADCO Shore protection/Canal Lining
NEB/ Main channel
UAE Old RUWAIS housing complex GeoMatt TB 21 20,000 ADNOC Separation / Drainage
KSA Landfill - Riyadh GeoMatt NP50 94,524 Sceco - SEC Membrane protection
Landfill GeoMatt NP120 16,992 Maccaferri NZ Shore protection
Parsons SA/ Ministry of
KSA Housing project GeoMatt NP16 2,700 Seperation
KSA Drainage matt GeoMatt TB11 130,000 Industrial Drainage / separation
KSA Road project - Khobar GeoMatt NP35 25,000 MOT/ A.R. ALNAIM Seperation / Reinforcement
KSA Shuqaiq Power Plant Project GeoMatt NP34 200,000 Fitchner / SEC Shoreline protection
Ministry of water and
KSA Sewerline & Pump Station GeoMatt NP14 30,000 separation
Road Connecting
KSA GeoMatt NP35 52,920 Ministery of transport separation
Dhahran/Uqair/Salwa with
Jeddah South Thermal Power
KSA GeoMatt NP28 206,700 Fitchner / SEC Breakwater
Seychelles Infrastrucutre project GeoMatt TB10 12,390 Port Autority separation
Abdullah Ahmad Aldossary
KSA 3rd Industrial City of Dammam GeoMatt NP16 XL 90,000 Filtration
Co. (Holding)
Mauritius Domestic Landfill GeoMatt NP120 N 26,485 Sotravic Limitee Protection
UAE Abu Dhabi Airport GeoMatt NP25 47,000 ADAC Separation Fabric
Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Causeway GeoMatt NP80 30,684 KEO Separation Fabric
Attached Below
A full range of woven slit tape and monofilament geotextiles, widths up to 535 cm.
A full range of non-woven needlepunched (GeoMatt NP) and thermally bonded (GeoMatt TB) geotextiles, widths up to 600 cm.
A full range of polypropylene high tenacity fibres.
Core values
Creating high value for the customers in commodity and speciality.
Strong business ethics and fairness.
Performance driven culture.
Entrepreneurial spirit.
Strong commitment to the business.
Deliver excellence in quality and service.
Unmatched quality levels, thanks to new equipment, know-how and team effort.
Wide product range of woven and non-woven geosynthetics.
Global presence.
Customer driven international team.
Technology leader.
Loyal customer base, leader in the industry in terms of innovation, growth and volumes.
Continuous growth in product offering.
Production process
GeoMatt NP – Range
GeoMatt TB – Range
Geotextiles made from polypropylene cut (staple) fibers, formed into a uniform web and then needle-punched for
entanglement to achieve high strength. For certain applications, the non-woven geotextiles may then be heat treated
by forced air thermal bonding and/or by calendaring, which is pressing with a hot roll and high pressure.
Nonwovens provide separation, filtration, drainage,
EN 13249:2000 EN 13250:2000 EN 13252:2000 EN 13254:2000
asphalt absorption; and cushion/protection. EN 13253:2000
High grade local polymer for strong fibers and minimum transportation costs (green manufacturing); new, state-of-the-
art needle-punch non-woven lines produce very uniform fabric structure with the lowest standard deviation (M.A.R.V.
advantage); six meter wide manufacturing capability is the widest in the industry, ideal for some applications; and heat
treating capabilities allow a wide variety of physical properties and many performance options for the non-wovens.
Products | Woven
TerraMatt W range
Strong, durable geotextiles made with tapes/yarns slit from polypropylene film and then stretched to maximize
strength. Yarns are woven on into highly uniform geotextile fabrics in widths up to 17.5 feet (533 cm). Polypropylene is
highly resistant to a wide variety of chemicals and extreme pH environments and the polymer is treated with additives
for extended life even when exposed to UV light.
TerraMatt W geotextiles provide separation,
reinforcement, filtration, (the function is filtration, not
drainage but non-wovens can allow drainage within EN 13249:2000 EN 13250:2000 EN 13254:2000
High grade local polymer for strongest yarns and minimum transportation costs (green manufacturing); new state-of-
the-art flat looms produce very uniform fabric structure with the lowest standard deviation (M.A.R.V. advantage), and
the highest strength-to-weight ratio in the industry, to keep manufacturing costs down. The TerraMatt W geotextiles
can give significant project cost savings when used in constructions compared to traditional construction materials and
TerraMatt W extends the life of the structure by preserving the as-built integrity.
Global Presence
Mattex Europe,
Mattex USA,
Mattex China,
Los Angeles Mattex KSA,
Mattex USA, Shanghai
Mattex KSA, Mattex UAE,
Jeddah Dubai
Mattex Africa,
Paarl Mattex Australia,
Production plant Melbourne
Representative office
/ Warehouse Mattex
New Zealand,