dog Dogs
car Cars
apple Apples
mouth Mouths
photograph Photographs
photo Photos
piano Pianos
giraffe Giraffes
lemon Lemons
2. For most nouns ending with the letter -o, you have to add -es after the
noun instead of -s.
Singular form Plural form
Potato Potatoes
Tomato Tomatoes
Hero Heroes
Cargo Cargoes
3. Add -es to nouns ending in -o, -s, -x, -z, -sh or -ch
When the noun ends with -s, -x, -z, -sh or -ch, simply add -es after the
Singular form Plural form
Bus Buses
Box Boxes
Buzz Buzzes
Wish Wishes
Watch Watches
Clash Clashes
4. Add -s to nouns that end with vowel + y
If a vowel comes before the letter -y, simply add -s after the noun.
Singular form Plural form
journey Journeys
day Days
way Ways
monkey Monkeys
Toy Toys
guy Guys
axis Axes
oasis Oases
crisis Crises
Elf elves
calf calves
leaf leaves
knife knives
scarf scarves
thief thieves
wife Wives
fairy fairies
candy candies
Sky skies
library libraries
memory memories
Singular form Plural form
cactus cacti
fungus fungi
stimulus stimuli
criterion criteria
phenomenon phenomena
sheep sheep
deer deer
fish fish
species species
cattle cattle
fruit fruit