Eng 0 Macapil

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Macapil, Tricia
1. Singular Nouns

- A noun that denotes one person, place or a thing is called a singular noun. As;

Example: Bird, pen, book, chair, computer, etc

2. Plural Nouns
- A noun that denotes more than one person, place
or thing is called a plural noun. As;

Example: Pens, desks, birds trees, kites, etc.


1. We usually make singular nouns plural by
adding ‘s’ to the singular nouns

Arm Arms

Brother Brothers

Bamboo Bamboo
2. The nouns ending in “-sh”,“-ch”,”- 3. Most of the nouns ending
ss”,”-x”, form their plural by adding in “-o” also form plurals by
“-es” to them adding “-es” to them

Singular Plural
Singular Plural
Box Boxes
Buffalo Buffaloes
Bush Bushes
Echo Echoes
Church Churches
Mango Mangoes
Tax Taxes
Potato Potatoes
Punch Punches
4. A few nouns ending in “-o” merely 5. The nouns ending in “-y” preceded by a
add”-s”. consonant, form their plural by changing “-y”
into “-I” and adding “-es”

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Commando Commandos Baby Babies

Ratio Ratios Army Armies

Photo Photos City Cities

Logo Logos Lady Ladies

Piano Pianos
6. The nouns that have a vowel before 7. Some nouns ending in (“-f, “-fe”)
the “-y” are made plural simply adding form their plural by changing (“-f,
“-s” to them. “-fe”) into (-v) adding (-es).

Singular Plural
Singular Plural
Boy Boys
Calf Calves
Day Days
Leaf Leaves
Key Keys
Life Lives
8. But some nouns that end in “f” are 9. A few nouns form their plurals by
made plural by adding “s” to them. changing one or more vowels in them.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Chief Chiefs Child Children

Roof Roofs Foot Feet

Cliff Cliffs Man Men

10. A compound noun generally 11. The plural form of
forms its plural by adding (-s) to the some nouns remains the
principal word. same as the singular form. Vee <3

Singular Plural
Singular Plural
Commander in chief Commanders in chief
Fish Fish
Daughter in law Daughters in law
Rice Rice
Step Daughter Step daughters
Hair Hair

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