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Better Connected

The Way to Reliable

Better Connected
The Way to Reliable Networks

Statement / Mission

Better Connected is all about effectively sinking the total costs of data net-
work cabling over the entire service life.

R&M stands for durable products with maximum availability and reliability
over the entire service life of the installa- tion. R&M wants to ensure that its
network components deliver the performance guaranteed throughout the
entire life cycle.

Minimal downtime costs thanks to maximum availability

Maximum ease of installation thanks to the implementation

of the designed-for-practice principle

Sustainable investment – simple system upgrade

Fast, local support

Costs of operating a data network

(symbolic representation)

Average R&M



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Close to customer requirements

The durability and availability of our networks are based on our internal control system which enables us to be close
to the customer, practice and new market requirements.

Design and materials Installation reserve

Market knowledge Local know-how


Transfer of expertise (APP) System concept

Design & materials Local service

Our product design is characterized by the minimal Local R&M employees are an important part of the R&M
number of individual parts. Methods of mounting such service. Questions on products or the need for support
as screws, adhesives and ultrasonic sealing are avoided and advice can be quickly and reliably clarified in the lo-
whenever possible. Intelligently designed catch mecha- cal language. It is important to us that customers have
nisms in the components result in mechanically robust, confidence in us.
sturdy products which have stood the test of time. We
minimize the tolerances of the single parts to the limit of System concept
what is feasible and obtain the lowest variation on the
R&M is a system vendor of passive cabling. Our aim is to
market in terms of connection cycles with regard to IL
ensure the optimal interaction of all components in the
and RL values, best vibration resistance and a distinct
network. Our belief in the long life cycle of our systems
high temperature tolerance.
has led us to issue a system warranty lasting 25 years.
R&M selects materials paying particular attention to
dimensional stability and durability to be able to im- Transfer of expertise
plement the mechanical finesse of the product design. Specific trainings (QPP) held regularly with our custom-
Wherever it makes sense, plastic compliant with UL94 ers get our knowledge across to those responsible for
V0 to V2 is used. the planning, installation and maintenance of their net-
Installation reserve
R&M is fully aware of the fact that tampering errors can Market knowledge
happen during installation. Along with the sturdy design R&M works directly with the end customer which is a
and the top-quality materials, microfeatures (see below) win-win situation. The customer benefits from the short
augment a complete control during production and, not communication path, R&M benefits from the informa-
least, our internal requirements of mechanically testing tion and feedback which is then implemented in new
products beyond the specified values to createa higher and improved products.
resilience of the products during the installation process.

Better Connected Headquarters
The Way to Reliable Networks Switzerland
Reichle & De-Massari AG
Binzstrasse 32
CH-8620 Wetzikon
Microfeatures – the difference is in the detail www.rdm.com
Please choose your
R&M FO products are not for use in the test lab but succeed the mechanical and country on our global
transmission challenges during installation, maintenance and operation. website

R&M plug-in components cut a convincing figure with their reliability in every oper-
ating phase (life cycle phase). Microfeatures, constructive details, take care of that.

Whether an improved hold on the cable jacket by crimping or absorption of forces

on the plugged-in connection: The microfeatures play a major role in the durability
and reliability of our products.


Microfeatures Plug&Play
Plug it in – you‘re done! That‘s what every installer dreams of.
After installation has been completed, disillusionment often sets in during
the final measuring before com- missioning if the IL and RL values of the
connections are too high and the search for a patch cord fulfilling the optical
requirements with its mating connector begins.

For more information see the technical information sheet Microfeatures: Plug&Play.

Microfeatures Connectivity
Defining the quality / suitability of a mated FO connection solely by the IL /
RL values determined directly after the production of the patch cord or pigtail
against a master connector under optimal measuring con- ditions does not
correctly reflect the reality of operation.

During operation, the connection is periodically or constantly exposed to in-

fluences which can negatively impact the transmission characteristics.

For more information see the technical information sheet Microfeatures:

© Reichle & De-Massari AG – All rights reserved


Microfeatures: FO patch cord

Influences on a patch cord during tampering procedures during installation
and maintenance are mainly of a mechanical nature.

R&M FO patch cords have been specially designed for practice.

For more information see the technical information sheet Microfeatures:

FO Patch Cords.

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