Ca3el03 Advanced Php
Ca3el03 Advanced Php
Ca3el03 Advanced Php
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vii. What is a key feature of AJAX that distinguishes it from traditional 1 Q.5 Attempt any two:
web applications? i. Write a note on AJAX and explain its significance in web 5
(a) AJAX requires specific web browsers to work development.
(b) AJAX allows asynchronous data exchange with the server ii. Write a program to demonstrate the use of XMLHttpRequest object in 5
(c) AJAX is a programming language AJAX.
(d) AJAX uses only XML for data transfer iii. What is a jQuery selector? How is it used to select elements in HTML? 5
viii. In jQuery, how can you select all paragraphs in an HTML document? 1 Explain with the help of an example.
(a) select(paragraph) (b) $("p")
(c) selectAll("p") (d) getElement("p") Q.6 Attempt any two:
ix. Which jQuery function is used to send HTTP request to a server and 1 i. Explain why session management is important when working with 5
receive a response? PHP forms and databases with the help of example.
(a) request() (b) fetch() (c) ajax() (d) get() ii. Explain the benefits of using PHP, Ajax, and jQuery with MySQL 5
x. When retrieving data from a MySQL database using Ajax, which type 1 together, with the help of example.
of request is commonly used? iii. Write a program using PHP and Ajax to fetch data from a database in a 5
(a) GET (b) REQUEST (c) PUT (d) DELETE web application.