Webtech Que Paper

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Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :

P1015 [5319]-4002
[Total No. of Pages :4

BCA-402: Introduction to Web Technology
(2016 Pattern) (Semester-IV)
Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks :70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No-1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from group-I and any two questions from Group-II
3) All questions carry equal marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) Attempt the following. [7×1=7]

a) HTTP stands for
i) Hyper Text Transport protocol
ii) Hyper Text Transmission protocol
iii) Hyper Text Transfer protocol
iv) Hyper Text Timer protocol
b) Find the odd man out
i) .Wav ii) .Mov
iii) .Mpeg iv) .Webm
c) Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading.
i) < head > ii) < heading >
iii) < h1 > iv) < h6 >
d) Java script is a ________ side scripting language.
i) Client ii) Server
iii) Web iv) Customer
e) Subscript range of indexed array in PHP always starts with________
i) 0 (zero) ii) 1
iii) -1 iv) none


f) Which function sorts the array by keys in descending order.

i) Ksort ii) Krsort
iii) Uksort iv) Uasort
g) What is the output of the following
< ? php
$a=”1E3 points of light” +1,
echo ”$a”,
i) 1000 ii) 1001
iii) 1E3 iv) Error
B) Answer the following. [7×1=7]
a) What is portal Web site.
b) What are the HPCS of HTML tags.
c) Explain < font > tag with two attributes.
d) List any two math functions in Javascript.
e) List border properties in CSS.
f) Which function identifies a subset of an array based on its values.
g) How anonymous function is created in PHP.
Q2) Attempt the following.
a) What are the advantages of static website. [5]
b) Explain any two types of lists used in HTML. [5]
c) Write a Javascript code for accepting name and mobile number from
user.(user validation). [4]
Q3) Attempt the following.
a) Define the terms : i) Webpage ii) Website
iii) WWW iv) Internet [4]

b) What is selector. Explain any three types of selector. [4]

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c) Explain the events associated with mouse in Java script. Give Example.
d) Write a PHP program to find the elements from the array that matches
the given value using appropriate search function. [3]
Q4) Attempt the following;
a) Define Anonymous function. Write anonymous function for addition of
two integers. [4]
b) Write a PHP program to sort the array by values in ascending and
Descending order.Also sort the array by values without changing the
keys. [4]
c) Explain Window object defined in detail used in Javascript. [3]
d) How to create CSS? Explain with example. [3]


Q5) Attempt the following.

a) Explain any two selection statonents in Javascript with example. [5]
b) Explain the features of PHP. [5]
c) Design a HTML form to accept a number from the user and write a
PHP Script to find factorial of a number using user defined function.
Q6) Attempt the following.
a) Explain DOM object in detail. [4]
b) Write a HTML code which generate the following output. [4]
i) Fruits
• mango
• Apple
• Orange
ii) Vegetables
• Tomata
• Potato
• Onion
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c) Differentiate between client-side scripting and server-side scripting. [3]

d) Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on
Associative arrays.
i) Find the union of two arrays.
ii) Find the intersection of two arrays. [3]

Q7) Attempt the following.

a) Describe Multidimensional array with example. [4]
b) Write the purpose of implode and explode function. [4]
c) State and explain types of CSS. [3]
d) Write a Javascript program to display current Day, Date, Month,
Year and Time on the Webpage and greet the user accordingly. [3]


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