? Challenge
The Media City project was to supply 380 balconies for Peel Holdings. The key objective was
to work with the development architects, ARH Architects, to ensure that the architectural
vision was protected and retained in the final built solution. Key to delivering the vision of
this riverside development was being able to create beautiful balconies which met budget.
In order to be able to deliver balconies that retained the architectural vision and within budget,
Sapphire worked closely with AHR Architects and the cost consultants. Working in tandem
allowed Sapphire to produce CAD drawings and provide decking samples for the architects and
cost consultants to assist decision making and product selection. The result of working closely
with the architects and cost consultants meant the client had a buildable, agreed solution from
the supply chain which met the original design intent.
Working closely enabled the balconies to retain the original design aesthetics, still incorporating
the Glide-On balcony benefits, yet value engineered to minimise cost. This met a second cost
feasibility study and meant a final solution was devised for the client with buy-in from architects,
contractor and cost consultants.
© Sapphire Balconies - Balcony Design Guide E1 : Case Studies / Media City, Salford
Sapphire visited AHR architects to understand the vision and start a collaborative
design approach. Following this, Sapphire provided drawings, samples and visuals to
Step 1 assist the decision making. Prior to selection a team visited a nearby site in Manchester
to watch a Sapphire accredited installer installing 34 balconies that day.
To ensure a Rigid and bounce free balcony this scheme used Sapphire’s cast-in anchors
to provide a thermal break backed with Sapphire’s Rigid guarantee of L/360 (half the
Step 2 deflection of BS EN Limits). Brackets were cast-in with stub brackets which enable mast
climbers to pass by yet enable the climbers to be fixed to these without penetrating
the facade twice. Web infills were provided for ease of façade water proofing.
Step 4 Fin walls were attached to the balconies before being craned into position. Once
lifted into position, the Cassettes® simply Glide-On™ to the support arms, before
completing the simple mechanical fixings.
E1 : Case Studies / Media City, Salford © Sapphire Balconies - Balcony Design Guide
© Sapphire Balconies - Balcony Design Guide E1 : Case Studies / First Central, Park Royal
NBS Specification
Media City
0844 88 00 553
Reference Glide-On™ aluminium Cassette® balconies with Crystal® frameless, structural glass.
Deck finish Enjura WPC composite decking fixed with hidden clips.
Toprail Square brushed satin effect anodised aluminium capping fixed on top of glass.
Guarding 21.5mm clear toughened laminated structural glass panels PVB interlayer.
E1 : Case Studies / First Central, Park Royal © Sapphire Balconies - Balcony Design Guide
Sapphire reserves the right to alter specifications and designs without prior notice. Most designs 0344 88 00 553
are owned / registered by Sapphire most of which are protected by registered designs, trademarks
and patents. All details are given as guidance only and may vary according to project application.
© All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including
photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently, or
incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright Sapphire Balconies Ltd
owner. Application for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce any part of this publication 11 Arkwright Road Reading RG2 0LU
should be addressed to Sapphire.
All facts have been carefully collated and were accurate when researched; these may become out of
date. Sapphire takes no responsibility for this. MD160718NRH