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Buoucher New 2017 2 (2 files merged)

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Cou rses Offered


The University Grant Commission (UGC) has launched an employment Duration :3Years
oriented scheme on skill development based higher education as a part of Retailing i s a vital part of the bu siness industry that involves selling product s and services
College/University education, leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.)
degree with multiple entry and exit levels, viz. Diploma/Advance
Diplom a and Degree in compliance to the Nat ional Skills Qualification
Framework (NSQF).

• Industry -specific skills with employability links and placements.
e Occupational skills to enable entrepreneurial initiatives. Job roles after exit at various levels in Retail Managment Sector:
e Vertical mobility for students clearing I O+2 with vocat ional subjects. Award Duration Corresponding NSQF Level Job Role(s) After Exit

Eligibility for ad mission in B.Voc. • Multiple exits like, Certificate, Dipl oma, and Advanced Diploma and Certificate
(Retail Management) 6 Months Level - 4 Sales Associate
reentry. Diplom a
The candidate must have completed IO+2 (HP Board or equivalent) .
• Admission to the B.Voe. programme in Retail Management, • Curriculum focus on work-readiness skill. (Retail Management) I Year Level - 5 Team Leader
Advanced Diplom a
Hospitality & Tourism Semester I shall be done based on the merit e Industry involvement in development ofneed-based curriculum. (Retail Management) 2 Years Level - 6 Departmental Manager
in I O+2 examination same as other degree courses as per B.Voe. Degree
colleges norm s (Reta il Management) 3 Years Level - 7 Store Manager
• Three types of candidates shall be given admission in Semester I
Kaushal Vikas Battha
Category 1: Students who have already acquired NSQF certification
Level 4 in a particular industry sector may opt for admission in the Candidates enrolled for this progra mme shall be
skill based courses under N SQF.
entitled for Kaushal Vikas Bhatta as per State Govt.
Category 2 : Students who have acqui red NSQF certification Level
4, but may like to change their trade and enter into skill-based courses Policy for the entire duration of his/her admission.
in a different trade.

Category 3: Students who have pa ssed the 10+2 examination with

conventional schooling without any background of vocational training. •• Unique Pedagogy as per Industry Requirements.
•• Semester wise mapped courses with concerned Sector Skill
Exit Options. TOURISM Du ration: 3 Years
The programme gives option of exists to part ici pating students at three Council (SSC) of National Skill Development Corporation
Hospitality & Tourism i s a vita l part of the business industry that involves
levels as follows: (NSDC).
service product s to consumers with the tremendou s growth of the econom
•• Job Oriented Skill Development Training. y; Hospitality & Touri sm has emerged as one of the fastest growing
Award Duration Correspondin g NSQF Level
Certificate 6 Months 4 •• Enriched Faculty. careers in I ndia. The enormou s expansion of the sector has thrown up a
Diploma I Year 5 •• Placement Assistance through well established vibrant placement cell. big demand for skill ed professionals in the field.
Advanced Diploma 2 Years 6
•• State of the Art Infrastructure. Job roles after exit at various levels in Hospitality & Tourism Sector:
B.Voe. Degree 3 Years 7
•• Industry Partnership. Award Duration Corresponding NSQF Level Job Role(s) After Exit
Intern ship Certificate
•• Induction ofTechnical Competence.
Internship is an integra l and compulsory part of 3 year B.voe degree (Hospita l ity & Tourism) 6 Month s Level - 4 Front Office Associate
programm e after the end of each academic year for successful Diplom a
completion of the Degree Course. (Hospitality & Tourism) I Year Level - 5 Front Office Execut ive
Advanced Diploma
(Hospitality & Touri sm) 2 Years Level - 6 Guest Relations Manager
Placement Cell- B.Voe. Degree
Students will be supported by "Vibrant Placem ent Cell"established (Hospitality & Tourism) 3 Years Level - 7 Duty Manager
What is NSQF
It is National Skills Qualification Framework that aims to integrate
Department of Higher Education
general and vocational streams of education and training.
It has different levels characterized by following competencies:
1. Bachelor of Vocation
Pro Approved and Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University
2. Professional Core Skills - What the person should be compliment to
do at that lable. ilihTM f lf ld(V(
3. Core Skills- Which includes soft and interpersonal skills.
4. Responsibility - The degree of supervision that needs to be exercised
li'f i!; f l{[d(V( ',
over the person while doing the job or the degree of supervi sion that
person i s capable of exercising over others.
QP- Creation activation and lnstitionalisation oflndustry
accepted qual ification packs
NOS- Nationa l Occupationa l Standards.
NSQF ensures the following:
•• Integration between vocational education skill training, general
education, technical education andjob markets.
•• Increased potential for Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL) of
individuals who have acquired sk ill Principal's through non-formal Govt. Colleage Oharamshala Nurpur
channel s.
•• Creatin g National principle s for recognizing skill proficiency
leading to international equivalency.
(A State Govt. Undertaking)
Vocational Ed ucation in Schools Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas N igam (HPKVN) is the Facilitatin g Agency
A total of 850 Senior Secondary School in HP are offering vocational for the implementat ion of B.Voe. programme. It will finance this programme
subjects in 11 sectors. These subjects are taught from Class 9th to 12th in 12 digree colleges through it s Skill Project.
and are of NSQF level I to 4.
B.Voc is an excellent opportunity for 75000 students (Vocational pass - CONTACT US:
outs from schools) for their vertical mobility and a bright carrier in
vocational studies. It is a golden opportunity for them to pursue job Block No. 24 , STPI Building, 2nd Floor, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla· 17 1009 (H HIMACHAL PRADESH KAUSHAL VIKAS NIGAM
oriented higher education in the chosen skill which will provide them an .P.) www.hpkvn .n ic.in hpkvnshimla@gmai l.com W @hpkvn sh imla

opportunity to upgrade their skills from level 4 to level 7 and get a B. +91-177-2623481 , +91-177-2624581 +91-177-2628981 , +91-177-
Voe Degree . Rusa Cell : 0177-2810764

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