Buoucher New 2017 2 (2 files merged)
Buoucher New 2017 2 (2 files merged)
Buoucher New 2017 2 (2 files merged)
• Industry -specific skills with employability links and placements.
e Occupational skills to enable entrepreneurial initiatives. Job roles after exit at various levels in Retail Managment Sector:
e Vertical mobility for students clearing I O+2 with vocat ional subjects. Award Duration Corresponding NSQF Level Job Role(s) After Exit
Eligibility for ad mission in B.Voc. • Multiple exits like, Certificate, Dipl oma, and Advanced Diploma and Certificate
(Retail Management) 6 Months Level - 4 Sales Associate
reentry. Diplom a
The candidate must have completed IO+2 (HP Board or equivalent) .
• Admission to the B.Voe. programme in Retail Management, • Curriculum focus on work-readiness skill. (Retail Management) I Year Level - 5 Team Leader
Advanced Diplom a
Hospitality & Tourism Semester I shall be done based on the merit e Industry involvement in development ofneed-based curriculum. (Retail Management) 2 Years Level - 6 Departmental Manager
in I O+2 examination same as other degree courses as per B.Voe. Degree
colleges norm s (Reta il Management) 3 Years Level - 7 Store Manager
• Three types of candidates shall be given admission in Semester I
Kaushal Vikas Battha
Category 1: Students who have already acquired NSQF certification
Level 4 in a particular industry sector may opt for admission in the Candidates enrolled for this progra mme shall be
skill based courses under N SQF.
entitled for Kaushal Vikas Bhatta as per State Govt.
Category 2 : Students who have acqui red NSQF certification Level
4, but may like to change their trade and enter into skill-based courses Policy for the entire duration of his/her admission.
in a different trade.
opportunity to upgrade their skills from level 4 to level 7 and get a B. +91-177-2623481 , +91-177-2624581 +91-177-2628981 , +91-177-
Voe Degree . Rusa Cell : 0177-2810764