Imran Khan’s Speech
Imran Khan’s Speech
Imran Khan’s Speech
Abstract: In order to investigate how language shapes the opinions of political leaders, the study critically
discourse-analyzed Imran Khan's speech at the Global Peace and Unity Forum. It looked on the use of certain
languages by politicians to demonstrate to an audience their intellectual strength. Findings and conclusions from
the study's conclusion emphasized the importance of language in interpersonal contact as well as the possibility
of both positive and negative responses to political speech. The subject became limited to the language used by
Mr. Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, in his political speeches. His spoken rhetoric was examined
qualitatively in order to decipher the political discourse's underlying meanings through language. Without a
question, language has the ability to influence people's opinions and ideas concerning particular or deeds, and
politicians use it as a tool to deliberately establish their power and influence others.
Findings and Conclusions Ashraf, K. ., D.- e-. Nayab, & Tahir, S. (2022).
Analyzing language and power
The study unveils the underlying motives behind
relationship: A critical discourse analysis
the spoken text of politician, Mr. Imran Khan.
of Imran Khan’s speeches. Review of
Through a deep analysis of the words and
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phrases in his political discourse, it becomes
evident that, like any other politician, Mr. Imran
Khan employs hidden ideologies and Bayram, F. (2010). Ideology and political
perspectives. The researcher analyzed two discourse: A critical discourse analysis of
spoken texts, namely Erdogan’s political speech. ARECLS,
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reshape perceptions of Pakistan. Much of his Analysis in Translation of Political