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Imran Khan’s Speech

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P-ISSN: 2710-4966 E-ISSN: 2710-4958

Vol. 4. No. 03 (Jul-Sep) 2024 Page 504-511

An Investigation of Imran Khan's Speeches By applying Critical

Discourse Analysis to Engage the Audience

Associate Professor College of Flying Training, PAF Academy Asghar Khan,

Dr Naeem Fatima
Visiting Lecturer Karakoram International University Gilgit
Akram Ullah
Muhammad Ashraf Lecturer Department of English Dadu Campus, University of Sindh
Kaloi ashraf.kaloi@usindh.edu.pk
M.Phil scholar in Islamic studies, University of Peshawar.
Liaqat Ali

Abstract: In order to investigate how language shapes the opinions of political leaders, the study critically
discourse-analyzed Imran Khan's speech at the Global Peace and Unity Forum. It looked on the use of certain
languages by politicians to demonstrate to an audience their intellectual strength. Findings and conclusions from
the study's conclusion emphasized the importance of language in interpersonal contact as well as the possibility
of both positive and negative responses to political speech. The subject became limited to the language used by
Mr. Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, in his political speeches. His spoken rhetoric was examined
qualitatively in order to decipher the political discourse's underlying meanings through language. Without a
question, language has the ability to influence people's opinions and ideas concerning particular or deeds, and
politicians use it as a tool to deliberately establish their power and influence others.

Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Ideology, Political Speeches, Imran Khan, Audience

Introduction difficult to identify every function that a

language performs in a community.Language
Each language is an intricate communication
employed in a specific context is called
system. Over time, words acquire social,
discourse. It describes language that
political, racial, and economic meanings.
incorporates aspects from several sources and is
Critical Discourse Analysis is the most effective
more complicated than sentences. A
analysis for determining the language's hidden
multifaceted term that "integrates a whole
agenda (CDA). It also helps us understand and
palette of meanings," discourse has several
analyze different language forms. We are
different definitions (Tischer, 2000, p. 42). The
encouraged by this study to pay attention to the
concept of the human factor is given by
hidden meanings that language
Sunderland (2002), who emphasizes that
reveals.Language is a communication
discourse is both a supra-sentential feature and a
instrument. Putting concepts and ideas in front
language usage function that transmits meanings
of others has advantages. A person's language is
in a particular context. Furthermore, the word
a reflection of their culture. Language is used in
"discourse" refers to the language that is
many different situations in society, such as
employed in social circumstances, such
politics, institutions, religion, and education.
classroom discourse.
Because language usage is so varied, it may be
The primary focus of Critical Discourse explore how language functions in forming
Analysis (CDA) is the examination of written ideology and power within the speeches. In
and spoken language in social situations. Its 2016, Maya Alaei and Saeideh Ahangari from
main objective is to comprehend the internal Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran critically
organization of texts. Halliday, on the other analyzed Joseph Conrad's novel "Heart of
hand, put forth the systematic functional Darkness." The research aimed to study the
linguistics (SFL) method, which places an development of ideology and the lexicon-
emphasis on the necessity of producing, grammatical strategies employed by the author
comprehending, and placing texts within social in the initial section of the novel to convey
contexts. This demonstrates the important ideological meaning. Halliday's systemic
connection between language and and functional linguistics approach was utilized,
societyCritical Discourse Analysis is a method examining the contribution of literature within
that was developed by Fairclough in 1992 that theoretical accounts of language.A qualitative
integrates social theories with language analysis. approach was employed for the analysis, with
In addition to examining how texts are Muhammad Bilal suggesting that linguistic
portrayed, controlled, and resist other forces in features aid in uncovering the intentional
social and political situations, CDA also looks meanings behind speakers' utterances,
into how language implicates social power in emphasizing the importance of critical text
these circumstances. A key contribution to CDA analysis for better understanding. Amna Iqbal, a
has been Norman Fairclough's work, especially student at The University of Lahore, analyzed
his three-dimensional framework, which the speeches of prominent politicians in 2015.
examines discourse practices within social The research aimed to identify rhetorical devices
contexts. employed in pre- and post-election speeches by
well-known political leaders. A qualitative
This investigation's primary goal is to assess
approach was used to address the research
how Imran Khan uses rhetorical techniques and
questions, and a quantitative approach was
leadership language in his spoken writings. The
employed to determine the frequency of
context and current affairs, as well as the
persuasive devices and their implications before
discussion of governmental policies and national
and after elections. The analysis revealed how
concerns, might influence the specific aims.
politicians utilize rhetorical devices to assert
Research Questions their power. Sehrish Naz, an MPhil candidate at
1. What rhetorical devices and vocabularies of the Institute of English and Modern Languages
authority does Imran Khan employ in his in 2012, conducted a transitivity analysis of the
spoken text? political speeches of Benazir Bhutto. The study
2. How does Imran Khan demonstrate his demonstrated that Benazir skillfully employed
leadership qualities in his speech? words to align with the circumstances and
effectively persuade the Pakistani people
Literature Review towards her ideology. Shakeel Ahmad from the
Critical discourse analysis is used to investigate University of Sargodha (2012) critically
the ways that language functions in a society. analyzed the political speeches of ousted Prime
The focus of CDA is mostly on speech and Minister Nawaz Sharif. Employing a qualitative
society's citizens. We must be aware of people's approach, the researcher revealed the hidden
identities as well as their behavior’s, attitudes, ideology within the ex-PM's speeches using Van
and speech patterns (Taiwo, 2007). Critical Dijk's framework of Critical Discourse Analysis
theory-derived explanations of the social world (CDA). The research explored the reasons
are referred to as CDA. According to Dijik behind mass strikes and highlighted the ex-PM's
(2009), CDA shows how rhetorical objects are agenda to persuade people to cease the strikes,
preserved and replicated in the context of social, as they were seen as detrimental to the nation's
political, and historical processes. The analysis sovereignty and causing harm to innocent
focused on transitivity and modality systems to individuals. Language holds a significant role in

Vol. 4. No. 03. (Jul-Sep) 2024 Page | 505

politics, shaping our society, cognitive Obama's speech. The aim of studying political
development, and identity formation from discourse is to gain a deeper understanding of
childhood. The language we use reflects aspects the political purposes behind these speeches.
of ourselves, including our background and Language is wielded by politicians to achieve
identity. Just as we are influenced by our their desired objectives. Sung's (2013) research
surroundings, language can be employed to focused on investigating the dynamics of
influence those around us.Tarigam (2017) language, gender, and leadership within the
conducted a study to investigate the Karonese context of a reality TV show's inaugural season.
community's localwisdom by examining their Specifically, the study analyzed the leadership
proverbs that pertain to the 'Leadership Model.' discourses of two male and two female project
The researcher examined the chosen proverbs managers in same-gender interactions, while
using a qualitative descriptive design to interpret also examining the media's role in shaping
how the idea of leadership was expressed in gendered stereotypes. The findings revealed that
them. Tarigan (2017) concluded that the the project managers conformed to gender
proverbs demonstrated the threeattributes of a norms and expectations in their exhibited
leader: decision-maker, advisor, and mentor. leadership styles. Notably, the male managers
The ideological use of modals in the political received both positive and negative feedback,
manifestos of Nigerian politicians was critically whereas the leadership displayed by the female
examined by Ehineni (2014). The researcher managers was predominantly perceived in a
used Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to negative light. This observation highlights the
determine how politicians used models as prevalence of gender-based stereotypical
ideological ainstruments for persuasion in perceptions surrounding leadership
addition to language elements. According to the styles.Similarly, Bayram (2010) observed the
study, politicians deliberately used modalities to leadership discourse of politicians and noted
promote their beliefs (Ehineni, 2014).Similarly, their adept utilization of language to assert
to this, Michira (2014) used Critical Discourse power and persuade their audience. In Bayram's
Analysis (CDA) to examine the ideologies, (2010) study titled "Ideology and Political
hidden meanings, and subliminal linguistic Discourse: A critical discourse analysis of
persuasive techniques used by Kenya's top Erdogan's political speech," the researcher
politicians in their political discourse during the analyzed Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
national election. The study critically examined Erdogan's speech using Fairclough's critical
the rhetorical techniques used by the leading discourse analysis. The research concluded that
candidates using both primary and secondary Erdogan effectively employed language as a
data. The study found that politicians can potent tool for conveying his ideologies.
effectively manipulate and sway voters through Another study conducted by America and Craig
language. Dehkordi et al. (2017) conducted a (2012) aimed to analyze "Leadership Discourse"
critical analysis of Imran Khan's inaugural about culture and corporate ethics. Likewise,
speech in Parliament. The researcher looked at Khalil et al. (2013) explored and interpreted
how Imran Khan used language to identify his Imran Khan's speech using Fairclough's 3-
social and political group and to convey his dimensional model of CDA to identify how
views on politics using Fairclough's three- political leaders represent ideology through
dimensional model. Islamic references were also deliberate language use. The study revealed that
used by Khan during the speech to convey his political leaders employ specific linguistic and
vision as Prime Minister of his country. Another rhetorical strategies to influence people and
study on a similar topic is titled 'A Critical promote their hidden agendas and ideologies.
Discourse Analysis of Barack Obama's Speech' Within the realm of socio-political discourse,
by Wang (2010). In this study, the researcher Sipra and Rashid (2013) analyzed the first part
employed a combination of critical discourse of Martin Luther King's speech, titled "When I
analysis and systemic functional linguistics to Have a Dream," employing Fairclough's 3-
examine the processes employed in Barack dimensional model of Critical Discourse

Page | 506 International Journal of Human and Society (IJHS)

Analysis. The objective of their research was to of linguistic and rhetorical strategies employed
comprehend how particular stylistic and textual by Imran Khan, including his leadership
devices were employed during the speech to language, the study aims to captivate and
fulfill its intended purposes. Furthermore, persuade individuals to believe in his
Rahman et al. (2021) utilized Norman exceptional leadership qualities and political
Fairclough's discourse analysis model to ideology.
qualitatively examine the discourse in Bintang
Data Analysis and Discussion
Emon's humorous video titled "Accidently (Ga
Sengaja)." The aim was to analyze the text using Text 1 – “Imran Khan’s speech at the opening
Fairclough's 3-dimensional model of CDA and ceremony of Belt and Road Forum in Beijing,
explore the presence of rhetorical figures 2019.Imran Khan's powerful speech from the
employed by Bintang Emon. The researchers 2019 Belt and Road Forum's second opening
concluded that Bintang Emon skillfully utilized ceremony in Beijing is the focus of the text
rhetorical figures to convey his thoughts selected for analysis. The "Belt and Road
humorously. It is common for political leaders Initiative," as this forum is also called, is a global
to employ rhetorical and persuasive strategies to infrastructure development strategy that the
sway and convince people of their ideologies Chinese government has embraced since
(ALO, 2012). To gain insight into the use of 2013. Its goal is to invest in multiple nations and
persuasive and rhetorical language, ALO (2012) international organizations. Pakistan is fortunate
analyzed sixteen selected political speeches to be a partner in this groundbreaking
delivered by prominent contemporary African international infrastructure project.
political leaders. The researcher applied an
adaptation of the Aristotelian rhetoric Imran Khan graced the opening ceremony with
framework along with "Fairclough's an eloquent speech in which he demonstrated his
sociosemiotic model of Critical Discourse extraordinary leadership abilities and expressed
Analysis (CDA)." The research findings gratitude towards China through the deft use of
indicated that African leaders effectively language. Imran Khan's astute selection of
utilized persuasive strategies in their speeches. words in the given speech radiates a
resoundingly positive attitude, coupled with a
Research Design and Methodology comprehensive overview of Pakistan's
The groundbreaking research design and achievements, highlighting his remarkable
methodology of this study go beyond analyzing leadership.
thespeeches on politics that Imran Khan has Rhetorical Strategies:
delivered at various times. This research's
qualitative design enables an in-depth a) Greetings:
investigation of the topic. By adopting the three- According to ALO (2012), greetings serve as a
dimensional Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) persuasive strategy to demonstrate solidarity,
model developed by Fairclough and its unity, and a sense of national belonging. In the
theoretical foundation the researcher empowers analyzed text,Imran Khan utilized greetings to
the analysis with this lens. Utilizing a range of express solidarity with other leaders. For
analytical tools offered by Fairclough's model, instance, he addressed President Xi Jinping as
including description, interpretation, "Excellency President Xi Jinping" and
explanation, and other captivating CDA tools, expressed gratitude towards the Second Belt and
the researcher delves into the intricacies of the Road Forum for International Cooperation.
chosen diction, its repetition, and the Imran Khan's choice of words and phrases, such
authoritative, persuasive, and referential as "vision into reality," "hope over despair," and
strategies employed. Moreover, this "cooperation over confrontation," conveyed his
comprehensive analysis meticulously uncovers appreciation for the organization's presence.
text's design, deep meanings, and hidden Throughout the speech, he expressed gratitude
ideologies. Through a meticulous examination to China for its investments in Pakistan. This

Vol. 4. No. 03. (Jul-Sep) 2024 Page | 507

positive opening reflects Imran Khan's inclusive several significant themes, as outlined below,
approach. concerning the context:
b) Use of Pronouns: a) World Major Crises (COVID-19, Economic
Crisis, and Climate Change) and Pakistan's
Imran Khan strategically employed pronouns
such as "we," "us,"and "our" multiple times in
the speech to foster a sense of collectivization. b) A central theme emphasized by Imran Khan
Examples from the text include phrases like "We during his UNGA speech revolves around the
choose hope over despair" and "Our critical major crises affecting the world. He eloquently
infrastructure gaps are being plugged." By using articulated that the world is currently facing
these pronouns, Imran Khan emphasized the three significant challenges: the COVID-19
shared responsibility and involvement of both pandemic, the economic crisis, and climate
China and Pakistan. This linguistic choice change.
conveys a positive attitude towards the
“The world is facing the triple challenge of
partnership between the two countries.
COVID-19, the accompanying economic crisis,
Word Choices: and the threats posed by climate change. The
virus does not discriminate between nations and
In his speech, Imran Khan frequently used the
people. Nor do the catastrophes imposed by
pronoun "we" and the adverb "together" to
uncertain weather patterns.”
highlight the strong relationship between China
and Pakistan. This choice of words signifies He proceeded to elaborate on Pakistan's
inclusivity and a positive stance on partnership. proactive role in effectively addressing these
Additionally, at the end of the speech, Imran challenges. Imran Khan highlighted how
Khan quoted a famous Chinese proverb, "The Pakistan has implemented a comprehensive
Ocean is vast because it rejects no rivers," to strategy, ensured widespread vaccination
further express gratitude towards China. efforts, and undertook the ambitious goal of
Through a three-dimensional analysis of Imran planting ten billion trees to preserve the natural
Khan's speech, it becomes evident that he habitat. Furthermore, he emphasized that over
purposefully utilized language to convey his 15 million people would benefit from the Ehsas
ideology and persuade the audience. financial program, aimed at safeguarding them
from the economic crisis. Through his speech,
Extract 2 – "Imran Khan's speech at the
Imran Khan acknowledged the global impact of
76thsession of the United Nations General
the triple crisis: COVID-19, economic crisis,
Assembly, 2021."The context of and Text
and climate change, demonstrating Pakistan's
commitment to addressing these pressing issues.
The second text, as was already mentioned, is Imran Khan emphatically stated that global
about Imran Khan's speech given in 2021 during crises do not discriminate among nations,
the 76th session of the United Nations General emphasizing the need for collective action. He
Assembly (UNGA). Over a hundred heads of went on to provide insights into Pakistan's
state participated in this historic event. Imran successful management of the COVID-19
Khan's speech at the UNGA was able to sway pandemic, highlighting measures such as the
many people due to his exceptional language implementation of a "Smart Lockdown" strategy
abilities. We'll look at the strategies he used to and the Ehsas program, which provided support
convince and sway people with his ideology in to over 15 million families during these
this section. challenging times. Furthermore, Imran Khan
Interpretation and Explanation of the Text underscored Pakistan's commitment to
combating climate change by ambitiously
Main Themes undertaking the planting of 19 billion trees,
Imran Khan's speech at the 76thsession of the thereby preserving crucial natural habitats. By
United Nations General Assembly touched upon showcasing Pakistan's achievements in handling

Page | 508 International Journal of Human and Society (IJHS)

the COVID-19 crisis and addressing climate more than five times throughout the speech).
change, Imran Khan conveyed the impression
Use of we, us, and our pronouns
that Pakistan is actively fulfilling its
responsibilities amidst the global crisis. He We and us are examples of inclusive pronouns
emphasized that the world is currently grappling that illustrate the collectiveness tactic. Imran
with significant challenges in the realms of Khan too employs this rhetorical strategy in his
climate and economy, which require timely and speech to persuade. Here are a few quotes from
effective solutions. the text that illustrate this point: Yet we are
among the 10 most vulnerable nations in the
Islamophobia is a deeply concerning
world to the effects of climate change. “We have
phenomenon that demands our collective efforts
started game-changing environmental programs
to combat it. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
because we are fully conscious of our worldwide
there has been an unfortunate association
responsibilities. We need an all-encompassing
between terrorism and Islam propagated by
plan that must implement transparent investment
certain groups. Consequently, this association
strategies.Imran Khan used a variety of
has led to a rise in right-wing, xenophobic,
linguistic devices to demonstrate his political
violent nationalists, extremists, and terrorist
and religious authority during his address.
organizations targeting Muslims. Imran Khan
Politically, when he declared that he is a lifelong
shifted his focus to address the issue of
member of the RSS, which draws heavily from
Islamophobia, boldly pointing out that Islam has
Hitler's German Nazi party, he elevated the
been unfairly stigmatized in the aftermath of
voice of Kashmiris and exposed Prime Minister
9/11. He also highlighted the concerning rise of
Modi's goal. As he introduced himself as the
the hate-filled ideology of 'Hindutva' in India.
leader of the Muslims and defended Islam and
Furthermore, Imran
its teachings in front of the entire world, he also
Khan presented various factual examples made use of the persuasive power of religious
illustrating the deprivation of basic human rights discourse.
faced by Muslim communities worldwide,
Imran Khan tried to establish a connection with
particularly the Indian Muslim community.
his audience by using phrases like "My
Towards the end of his speech, he touched upon
Kashmiris" and "I am here, especially for you
the situation in Afghanistan regarding the
“Kashmiris”. Here, he made use of the
Taliban. In summary, Imran Khan's adept use of
possessive pronoun to establish a connection
language conveyed his awareness of the facts
with the Kashmiris. He presented himself as
and effectively presented his ideology in support
Kashmiris' authentic envoy and representative.
of Pakistan and the global Muslim community.
He addressed the entire Muslim world when he
His speech at the 76th UNGA was highly
said, "My Muslims." He stressed that there is
persuasive, as he skillfully employed various
only one Islam, which constitutes the Islam of
linguistic features to establish his ideology and
the Prophet (SAW), and vehemently condemned
utilized leadership communication skills to
the notion of radical Islam. Here, he cultivated
assert power and persuade individuals to
relationships with Muslims and conveyed the
consider his perspective on the Muslim
idea that he is a genuine follower of Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) and represents Muslims.
Linguistic Devices
Word Choices
One of the persuasive rhetorical strategies
In his address, Imran Khan made use of both
leaders use to imply support for other
common terminology and regional semantics.
individuals or leaders is the greeting. The
He spoke in terms that were both particular for
following are some references from the
the nation and Kashmiris and conventional for a
specified text. context: I congratulate you on
global leader. He built up his speech into four
taking the president of the 76thsession of the
steps, each of which had a different language. He
General Assembly, Mr. President (mentioned
employed hallucinations, glaciers, alarming

Vol. 4. No. 03. (Jul-Sep) 2024 Page | 509

pace, billions of trees, etc. In his first step, discourse centers around the concept of a "New
Climate Change. He utilized terms like Era" for Pakistan, emphasizing the country's
devastation, debt servicing, developing nations, pursuit of higher levels of economic growth. He
developed nations, etc. in the money laundering also emphasizes Pakistan's commitment to
section. His third speech stage, which was anti- fostering positive and prosperous relationships
Islamic, included phrases like radical Islam, with other nations. Through deliberate word
radical Muslims, etc. He used terms like choices, Mr. Imran Khan effectively
restrictions in Kashmir, curfew, racial demonstrates his prowess in utilizing language
superiority, bloodbath, fascism, conventional as a leader to influence and inspire others. The
war, self-determinism, etc. in his final section of overall analysis provides insights into the
the speech, which addressed Kashmiri issues. leadership language employed by Mr. Imran
Additionally, Imran Khan frequently used Khan in the two spoken texts under examination.
pronouns such as I, We, They, Them, You, etc.
Imran Khan demonstrated his political ideology
and optimism in his speech by utilizing ALO, M. A. (2012). A rhetorical analysis of
collocation and the dictionary. Van Dijk's selected political speeches of prominent
method aids in our comprehension of Imran African leaders. British Journal of Arts
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Findings and Conclusions Ashraf, K. ., D.- e-. Nayab, & Tahir, S. (2022).
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phrases in his political discourse, it becomes
evident that, like any other politician, Mr. Imran
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