MODSMO October 2023 Solutions
MODSMO October 2023 Solutions
MODSMO October 2023 Solutions
ai + ai+1 + · · · + aj
is not divisible by n + 1.
t t
d < b =⇒ ≥
d b
d+t b+t
=⇒ ≥ ≥1
rd br
4 d + t 4 b + t
=⇒ ≥ ≥1
d b
r r r r
4 d 4 d + t 4 b 4 b + t
=⇒ + ≥ + (*)
d+t d b+t b
=⇒ f (d) ≥ f (b),
Solution 1. Define E, F to be the feet of the altitudes from B and C. Let Y be the
midpoint of EF , we claim that Y is the desired concurrency point. We need to prove
the following:
1. Y lies on M N .
Since N is the center of the circle with diameter AH, which passes through E, F ,
N E = N F . Similarly, M is the center of the circle with diameter BC, which
passes through E, F , M E = M F .
So M N is the perpendicular bisector of EF , implying that the midpoint Y of EF
lies on M N .
Proof. The answer is 2k, for k ≥ 2, and 1, for k = 1. The case k = 1 is trivial and
we do not consider it further. Henceforth assume k ≥ 2. First, we provide a construc-
tion for all n ≥ 2k + 1. Note that it would suffice to show it for 2k + 1 ≤ n ≤ 3k + 1,
since for any valid construction, we can add another k + 1 copies of the same interval,
disjoint from the other intervals. In what follows, let ε > 0 be a sufficiently small real
number, and let n = 2k + 1 + a, where 1 ≤ a ≤ k − 1. We split into 4 groups of intervals.
Group 4 contains the intervals (2k+1, 2k+1+ε), (2k+2, 2k+2+ε), . . . (2k+a, 2k+a+ε)
We now see that each interval in group 1 and 3 intersects 2k other intervals, while
each interval in groups 2 and 4 intersects k other intervals. Finally, for n = 2k + 1 and
n = 3k + 1, simply use 2k and 3k copies of the same interval respectively.
To finish, we prove that n = 2k fails. Note that in this case, we cannot have any
interval intersecting 2k or more intervals, so all intervals must intersect exactly k other
intervals. Consider the interval with the leftmost left endpoint, call it I.
I claim that any two intervals that intersect I must also intersect each other. Sup-
pose otherwise, and let us say intervals I1 , I2 intersect I but are disjoint. Notice that
any interval that intersects I must either contain its right endpoint, or it is a subset of
I. If both I1 and I2 contain the right endpoint of I, then they intersect. Therefore,one
of I1 , I2 is a subset of I. WLOG let it be I1 , then all k − 1 intervals (excluding I)
which intersect I1 must also intersect I. But I also intersects I1 and I2 , leading to I
intersecting at least k + 1 intervals, a contradiction.
Hence, all k intervals which intersect I also intersect each other, and thus in this group
of k + 1 intervals, all intervals already intersect k other intervals. This means that none
of them can intersect any of the remaining k − 1 intervals. But this is impossible, as
each interval intersects k others, so the other k − 1 intervals are forced to intersect one
of the k + 1, contradiction.
Question 5
Let n ≥ 3 be a positive integer. Consider two convex polygons with n vertices: A =
A1 A2 . . . An and B = B1 B2 . . . Bn . A triple (i, j, k) of pairwise distinct integers with
1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n and i < k is said to be common if ∠Ai Aj Ak = ∠Bi Bj Bk . A and B are
said to be similar if all triples (i, j, k) of pairwise distinct integers with 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n
and i < k are common.
Determine in terms of n the least positive integer m such that, if there exist at least m
pairwise-distinct common triplets (i, j, k), then A and B are necessarily similar.
Solution. The answer is (n−1)(n−2)
2 . This is achieved by fixing n − 1 vertices on a
circle and moving the last vertex on the circle by a sufficiently small amount.
For the bound, we note that if we have more than 2 angles then by pigeon-
hole, at least 1 sub (n − 1)-gon of A has more than
Proof. Let q = p−12 . We first ignore the cases where one of x, y is 1, q, 2q mod p.
Consider a primitive root of p, call it g. Let x = g a , y = g b . The condition rewrites as
x2y ≡ y 2x mod p, and hence
{g a } {g b }
g 2ay = g 2bx mod p =⇒ 2ay ≡ 2bx mod p−1 =⇒ ay ≡ bx mod q =⇒ ≡ mod q
a b
where {g a } denotes the unique integer 1 ≤ x ≤ p − 1 such that g a ≡ x mod p. Because
x, y ̸= 1, −1, q, none of a, b, {g a }, {g b } are divisible by q, so our equation above is valid.
But note that x, y commute if and only if their value of {ga } is the same mod q. Hence,
we can split the residues mod p into classes based on their value of {ga } , and two
numbers will commute if and only if they are in the same class. The second idea is to
bound the size of each equivalence class. Consider one such class S, and let n = |S|.
Now, we look at a fixed number d and bound the number of pairs x, x + d ∈ S. Pick an
arbitrary a ∈ S. In what follows, all equalities are taken mod p. We have that:
Since the maximum possible value of gcd(a, p − 1) is 2, we can find a k such that ak ≡ 2
mod p − 1. Raising both sides of the above equation to the power of k, we obtain that
akd = ± =⇒ ak d · x2 = ±(x + d)2
However, since d, a, k are fixed, this is a quadratic in x and thus, each + or − version of
the equation can have at most 2 solutions for x mod p. Thus, there are overall at most
4 pairs x, x + d ∈ S. But there are n(n − 1) differences of two elements in S. Hence,
1 p
n(n − 1) < 4p =⇒ n ≤ + 4p
All that is left is to bound the number of commuters. Let there be k equivalence classes
with sizes s1 , . . . sk . Then the number of commuters (exluding 1, q, 2q) is
k k
" #
X 1 p 1 √
si ≤ si · + 4p ≤ +2 p ·p
2 2
i=1 i=1
Finally, observe (1, 1), (2q, a), (a, 2q), (q, q) are commuters, where a can be any integer
from 1 to p − 1. Hence the total number of commuters is at most
1 √ √ √
+ 2 p · p + 2p = 2.5p + 2p p ≤ 4.2p p
for any p ≥ 2.