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Annual Review of Psychology

Self and Others in Adolescence
Eveline A. Crone1 and Andrew J. Fuligni2
Department of Developmental Psychology, Leiden University, 2311 EZ Leiden,
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The Netherlands; email:

Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles,
California 90024, USA
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020. 71:7.1–7.23 Keywords

The Annual Review of Psychology is online at
development, social brain, self, perspective taking, society, contributions Abstract
Research has demonstrated that adolescence is an important time for self-
Copyright © 2020 by Annual Reviews.
and other-oriented development that underlies many skills vital for becom-
All rights reserved
ing a contributing member of society with healthy intergroup relations. It
is often assumed that these two processes, thinking about self and thinking
about others, are pitted against each other when adolescents engage in social
decision making such as giving or sharing. Recent evidence from social
neuroscience, however, does not support this notion of conflicting motives,
suggesting instead that thinking about self and others relies on a common
network of social-affective brain regions, with the medial prefrontal cortex
playing a central role in the integration of perspectives related to self and
others. Here, we argue that self- and other-oriented thinking are inter-
twined processes that rely on an overlapping neural network. Adolescents’
motivation to contribute to society can be fostered most when self- and
other-oriented motives align.

Review in Advance first posted on
July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2
1.1. Adolescence as an Important Time for Contribution to Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2
1.2. Self- and Other-Oriented Development as Intertwined Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3
2. SELF-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4
2.1. Identity Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5
2.2. Self-Concept Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6
2.3. Inhibiting Selfish Impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7
2.4. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8
3. OTHER-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9
3.1. Mentalizing About Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9
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3.2. Vicarious Gaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10

3.3. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12
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CONTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12
4.1. Sharing and Giving Depends on Who the Target Is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12
4.2. Sharing and Giving Depends on Perspective Taking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13
4.3. Cooperation and Reciprocal Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13
4.4. Social Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14
5. DIGITAL SOCIETY AND CULTURAL VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.15
6. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.16

Our society is based on principles of contribution and reciprocity in order to develop and maintain
social networks (Dunbar 2018). Contributing involves multiple actions of doing good to others,
such as helping friends and family (in-group contributions); spending time, money, or cognitive
effort—volunteering, helping, and investing in charity—to unknown others in need (out-group
contributions); and contributing to goals and norms in education, work, and rules of society (soci-
etal contributions). One of the main challenges of each human community is to understand how
young people develop social motives and can make a valuable contribution to society, balanc-
ing between self-oriented and other-oriented goals and needs. Fitting in and being a contributing
member of the social world can be considered one of the most fundamental tasks of the adolescent
period (Fuligni 2019).

1.1. Adolescence as an Important Time for Contribution to Society

Adolescence is a critical period in development for acquiring societal contribution values, because
it involves the transition between childhood—characterized by strong dependency on parents and
caregivers—to adulthood, in which one is expected to function as a mature, independent individ-
responding positively ual (e.g., politically, financially, and socially) and to commit to social norms (Crone & Dahl 2012,
to the positive actions Duell et al. 2016). Although historical and cultural differences exist in its definition, adolescence
of others, rewarding can be defined as the period between 10 and 24 years of age (Sawyer et al. 2018), starting with the
kind actions biological onset of puberty. Pubertal development involves extensive changes in hormone levels
that affect physical appearance as well as brain and behavioral development, and it is thought to
trigger social-affective sensitivities (Blakemore et al. 2010). The end phase of adolescence is often

7.2 Crone • Fuligni

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July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
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described as the time when the individual adopts mature social and societal norms that focus on
social responsibility and contribution to the large society. Even though participating in the social
world is important also earlier in childhood, the growing maturity and skills developed during
Mentalizing: the
adolescence increasingly move the responsibility for this task from parents, schools, and commu- ability to understand
nities to the adolescents themselves. In recent years, possibly because of increasingly complex soci- one’s own and other
eties, researchers have described a prolonged period of adolescent development, also referred to as people’s minds
emerging adulthood, during which individuals show further advancement in academic and social Medial PFC: medial
development, with longer dependency on parents (Arnett 2000). This review describes the pro- prefrontal cortex
cesses that help us understand how and when adolescents become contributing members of society.
Lateral PFC: lateral
prefrontal cortex

1.2. Self- and Other-Oriented Development as Intertwined Processes TPJ: temporal parietal
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We argue that the key feature of psychological development during adolescence is the develop-
ment of a set of social cognitive skills that serve as building blocks to the integration of self with
others, and that taken together predict how young people will contribute to society. First, these in-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

clude processes identified by research on self-development, such as identity, self-concept, and the
monitoring of selfish impulses, although others play an important role in each of these domains
(e.g., developing a reflected self, which refers to the integration of self attributes from the perspec-
tive of others). Second, these processes involve social perspective taking, mentalizing, and valuing
outcomes for others, although many of the existing studies have acknowledged the intertwined
development of these processes and self-related ones (e.g., mentalizing about others relative to
self ).
This distinction between self- and other-related processes has sometimes led to the assump-
tion that these are separable processes pitted against each other. New insights from the field of
social neuroscience hold the promise for fundamentally new insights that will help to understand
how youth make the integration between self- and other-oriented perspectives and balance be-
tween these perspectives when contributing to society. Neuroscience research in the domain of
self-development has consistently demonstrated that self-development includes elements of oth-
ers, through social comparison, social influence, or cultural social identity (Pfeifer & Peake 2012).
Neuroscience research that has focused on how individuals engage within the social world consis-
tently demonstrated that many of the processes that are important for engagement, such as social
group membership, educational commitment, or community participation, involve elements of the
self, such as intrinsic motivation or self-identification with the group (Blakemore & Mills 2014).
As will become evident in the review, these processes involve a common neural network in-
cluding the medial prefrontal cortex (medial PFC) as an important convergence zone at the in-
tersection of cognition, social processing, and affect. The medial PFC connects input from the
subcortical ventral striatum, the cortical lateral prefrontal cortex (lateral PFC), and the social
brain network, including the temporal parietal junction (TPJ) and temporal cortex, all regions
that are important for the various building blocks involved in developing self- and other-related
processes, making it likely that these processes develop in an intertwined fashion (Figure 1). The
medial PFC has a protracted developmental trajectory, with continuing reduction of gray mat-
ter volume until the early twenties (Mills et al. 2014). Moreover, functional connectivity between
the ventral medial PFC and the ventral striatum is strongest in childhood and decreases during
adolescence until early adulthood (van Duijvenvoorde et al. 2016). We will describe the general
developmental trajectories of the medial PFC, the ventral striatum, and associated brain regions
(TPJ, precuneus, and temporal cortex) in relation to three core processes that are important for
contribution to society: developing self, thinking about others, and balancing between goals of self
and others. As will become evident in this review, the medial PFC serves as a hub region for the • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.3

Review in Advance first posted on
July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
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Precuneus Temporal parietal junction

Thinking about others
• Reflected self
Medial prefrontal cortex • Perspective taking
Merging self and other
• Direct and reflected self
• Mentalizing
• Reciprocal relations

Lateral prefrontal Superior

Ventral striatum
cortex temporal sulcus
Social-affective self
• Vicarious gains
• Delay of gratification
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• Social self

Figure 1
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Contributing to society (educational commitment, interpersonal relations, commitment to societal goals). Display of brain regions
involved in self- and other-related processing in adolescence. The medial prefrontal cortex (medial PFC) is involved in the intertwined
development of self- and other-related processing, suggesting an important hub function for communication with other networks. The
first network is important for cognitive perspective taking (blue area and arrow): The medial PFC is active together with the temporal
parietal junction when thinking about self from the perspective of others (e.g., reflected self, understanding intentions). The second
network is important for the social-affective self (green area and arrow): The medial PFC is active together with the ventral striatum
when gaining for others (friends, family), delaying gratification, and evaluating the social self. The merging of both networks may lead
to the intertwined development of self and others. Additional regions that are described in various paradigms as involved in these
processes are the lateral prefrontal cortex, the precuneus, and the superior temporal sulcus. Illustration copyright Robert van Sluis;
reproduced with permission.

integration of several of the neural systems that underlie these social processes, making it a strong
candidate for the integration and coordination of self with others.
A hypothesis discussed in this review is that the social integration of self- and other-related
processes is important for how young people engage in societal contributions. Contributing to
society is an umbrella term for many processes that can be differentiated into multiple dynamic
and interacting behaviors. These processes have mainly been captured in research on prosocial
behavior (Blakemore & Mills 2014, Penner et al. 2005), but this research has often neglected
the importance of balancing between multiple goals in adolescence, including self-oriented goals
and other-oriented goals. Here, we take the perspective that societal contributions emerge from
the integration of self- and other-related processes in multiple contexts and from the balancing
between these processes in case the goals do not align.
This review describes new insights from the perspective of social neuroscience research on
the ways neural and self- and other-oriented development affect how young people get engaged
in societal contributions. We describe behavioral, functional, and structural neuroimaging studies
that appeared in the last 5–10 years and focused on three fundamental processes that are important
for the integration of self with others: developing self, thinking about others, and giving/sharing,
which involves balancing between goals of self and others. We also place these findings in the
context of contemporary youth, who engage in larger social networks than previous generations
due to access to online social networks.

Prosocial behavior:
actions intended to
benefit others Self-oriented goals can be described at multiple levels, such as developing a stable identity with
commitments toward educational and interpersonal goals, developing stable self-concepts, and

7.4 Crone • Fuligni

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occur before final publication.)
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balancing between needs for self now and in the future. As shown below, the medial PFC plays an
important role in integrating these different types of self-views.
development: the
2.1. Identity Development process of developing
Self-perspectives are critically involved in identity development. Identity development is often de- a sense of oneself in
scribed as the search for self-defined values and commitments to various domains of life (education, terms of personality
and social connections
work, social relationships) (Becht et al. 2017a). Self-concept clarity, an indication of self-certainty,
is predictive for identity development (Schwartz et al. 2012). Moreover, higher self-concept clarity Self-concept clarity:
is important for social relations, as it predicts fewer negative interactions with parents over time The extent to which
people have clear
(Becht et al. 2017b).
images of who they
Definitions of self-concept clarity are often based on stability versus variability over time. Re- are, with confident
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search on this topic has especially benefited from daily assessments, which provide a much richer beliefs
and more reliable assessment of self-concepts compared to longitudinal assessments over longer
Delay of
time intervals. Prior longitudinal research including daily assessment of identity processes (re-
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gratification: resisting
consideration of goals, exploration in depth, and commitment to goals) showed that a subgroup a smaller, immediate
of adolescents (approximately 50%) develops an identity crisis in either the educational or inter- reward in order to
personal domains (higher reconsideration with relatively low or vague commitments), with dips in obtain a larger, delayed
commitment around ages 15–17 (Becht et al. 2016). [Crocetti et al. (2016) find a similar dip in self-
concept clarity around ages 17–18.] A study on evaluation of self-traits reported that adolescents
show a reduction in positive self-descriptions in the academic domain around ages 14–16 (van der
Cruijsen et al. 2018). These findings underscore the important transitions in self-concept clarity
and identity development in adolescence, which can affect adolescents’ functioning in several do-
mains. It is not surprising that this dip occurs mainly in the academic domain, given that this is a
social environment in which there is a stronger focus on social comparison as well as expectations
from parents and others. Experiencing an identity crisis in the educational domain affects not only
school anxiety but also perceived support from peers, suggesting that this crisis has more general
effects on the well-being of adolescents (Becht et al. 2016). There is currently little understanding
of why some adolescents develop a stable self-concept whereas others experience an identity cri-
sis. Neuroscience can provide more insights into these individual differences, although very few
studies to date have examined the relation between neural development and identity formation.
A novel recent perspective examined the relation between individual differences in identity
development and structural brain development. This study focused on the ventral striatum and
prefrontal cortex, regions that are also implicated in self-referential processing (pursuing self-
defined goals) and delay of gratification (controlling immediate impulses for long-term goals)
(Becht et al. 2018). Various neuroscience studies have revealed that there are continuous changes in
brain structure and connectivity during the whole period of adolescence and extending into early
adulthood. These changes are observed in the prefrontal cortex, which is part of the evolutionary
younger areas that are important for the capacity to focus on goals in the face of distractors and
obstacles and for understanding intentions of self and others (Tamnes et al. 2017). Changes are
also observed in the ventral striatum, particularly the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the
evolutionary older regions of the brain that are involved in the processing of motivational and
affective signals (Wierenga et al. 2018). This led researchers to ask whether the trajectories of
development of the lateral PFC and the ventral striatum differ depending on levels of identity
The study by Becht et al. (2018) examined the trajectories of structural brain development and
identity development in a longitudinal design. Both the nucleus accumbens and the lateral PFC
showed a decrease in volume across three time points between ages 12–22, consistent with prior • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.5

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July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
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research (Herting et al. 2018, Tamnes et al. 2017). Identity development was examined in three
processes: reconsideration of goals, exploration in depth, and commitment to goals. The study
showed that nucleus accumbens volume was negatively related to reconsideration and positively
fMRI: functional
magnetic resonance related to commitment, and that the slope of nucleus accumbens decrease was positively correlated
imaging with exploration in depth. Furthermore, the volume of lateral PFC was positively correlated with
exploration. These findings were interpreted to suggest that the delayed maturation of prefrontal
cortex and nucleus accumbens (measured as higher volumes relative to peers) is associated with
more stable identity development (Becht et al. 2018). No studies have related daily fluctuations in
identity development to brain development, and it will be important for future research to exam-
ine reconsideration and commitment fluctuations as well as certainty about identity development
across multiple days.
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2.2. Self-Concept Development

The relation between structural brain development and identity development provides important
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insight into the potential differential trajectories of brain development, but experimental measures
of self-concept are necessary to understand neural responses when thinking about self. There is a
long tradition in developmental psychology that focuses on the development of self-evaluations,
defined as the cognitive and affective evaluations of self. Self-report and experimental studies
demonstrated that self-evaluations are relatively positive early in childhood (referred to as the
positivity bias) and become more negative, or more realistic, in early adolescence, when they
are based more on social comparisons (van der Aar et al. 2018). In addition, adolescence is an
important period for the development of a more differentiated view of self, which is evident from
more diverse self-descriptions depending on the specific context (Harter 2012). Finally, it is well
documented that commitments, examined in terms of self-concept clarity, become more stable
over the course of adolescence (Kroger et al. 2010, Meeus 2011). Possibly, these processes of
self-differentiation are related to maturation and to a stronger integration between the regions
that are involved in self-evaluation and identity development.
Recently, research on self-evaluations has been enriched by new developments in social
neuroscience research, specifically of studies making use of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) while evaluating traits of self. These studies have shown that descriptions of
self (relative to descriptions of traits in general or descriptions of others) consistently recruit the
medial PFC and associated brain areas (Denny et al. 2012). The medial PFC is often involved in
self-referential thoughts, in comparing self to others, and in thinking about self in the present,
past, and future (Pfeifer & Peake 2012). This fits well with recent findings showing that the
medial PFC develops relatively late in evolution (Dunbar 2018) and has a protracted structural
development, with changes in gray matter volume until the early twenties (Mills et al. 2014).
Thinking about self is inherently social in adolescence, given that self-evaluations emerge from
socially comparing self to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that thinking about self and
others relies on overlapping brain regions, with a strong involvement of the medial PFC (Denny
et al. 2012, Schurz et al. 2014). A prior study showed that simply being observed by others
already resulted in more activity in the medial PFC in mid adolescence, which correlated with
self-conscious emotions (Somerville et al. 2013).
To examine the neural signature of self-concept development, fMRI studies including chil-
dren, adolescents, and adults demonstrated that recruitment of the medial PFC differs depending
on age. Specifically, it was shown that the medial PFC is more strongly engaged during self-
descriptions (relative to descriptions of a fictional character) in early adolescents (ages 9–11)
compared to adults (Pfeifer et al. 2007). Follow-up studies that included participants across the

7.6 Crone • Fuligni

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whole range of adolescence showed that the medial PFC was recruited in all age groups, but
activity in the medial PFC became more differentiated across adolescence depending on the
domain (social, physical, or academic) (van der Cruijsen et al. 2018). In addition to the medial
PFC, important developmental differences were also observed in the TPJ, a region often impli-
cated in switching between self- and other-oriented perspectives (Carter & Huettel 2013, Schurz
et al. 2014), and the ventral striatum, a region implicated in affective reward processes (Haber
& Knutson 2010, Tamir & Hughes 2018). For the TPJ, it was observed that this region is more
strongly involved in adolescence (ages 11–14) when describing self from a reflected perspective,
especially when the other person is important for the specific domain (e.g., mothers for educa-
tional descriptions and friends for social descriptions) (Pfeifer et al. 2009). Activity in the ventral
striatum was less pronounced for positive traits in mid adolescents describing themselves (ages
14–16) compared to children and adults (van der Cruijsen et al. 2018), but striatum activity is also
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dependent on the domain and perspective. One study demonstrated that ventral striatum activity
was heightened in adolescence (ages 11–14) when describing social self-traits from the perspective
of others ( Jankowski et al. 2014). Taken together, neuroscience studies consistently show that the
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medial PFC is involved in evaluating self but works closely together with the TPJ and the ventral
striatum. These regions show an increase in specificity to domain and valence when adolescents
grow up, marking adolescence as an important transition phase for self-concept development.
The way self-traits are evaluated has important implications for the way adolescents contribute
to society. This relation is most consistently shown for academic traits. A previous self-evaluation
study showed that mid adolescents (ages 14–16), compared to children (ages 10–13) and older
adolescents (ages 17–21), rated themselves less positively on academic traits compared to physical
appearance and prosocial traits (van der Cruijsen et al. 2018). In addition, relatively more positive
academic self-evaluations were correlated to commitment to academic goals, and this relation was
mediated by activity in a separate mid-line area, the precuneus (van der Aar et al. 2019), which
is often coactivated with the medial PFC and is important for perspective taking through mental
imagery (e.g., imaging oneself in multiple contexts) (Schurz et al. 2014). These findings suggest
that self-concept development is an important factor for youth’s capacity to stay committed to
goals that are important for their future self, such as being committed to education.

2.3. Inhibiting Selfish Impulses

When making future-oriented decisions, many choices often involve a trade-off between direct
or immediate gratification and long-term outcomes (also referred to as delay of gratification).
Working toward long-term outcomes puts demands on the impulse to obtain immediate selfish
rewards. These demands have been well captured in several behavioral paradigms that require a
balance between affective drives and control of actions (Davidow et al. 2018). These findings may
partly explain individual differences in how youth contribute to society. Prior longitudinal studies
have shown that better delay of gratification is predictive for many outcomes that are important
for society, such as commitment to work, health (e.g., refraining from smoking, healthy eating),
and financial independence (Ayduk et al. 2000, Moffitt et al. 2011).
The delay of gratification task is a well-known paradigm to assess the balance between
preferring short- versus long-term outcomes. In this task, individuals make choices between
two options: One involves an immediate smaller reward (e.g., $2 now) and the second involves
a larger reward in the future (e.g., $10 in two weeks). By providing individuals with multiple
choices in which the rewards and the time difference are manipulated, it is possible to calculate
an indifference point: a value for which there is no difference between immediate and delayed
rewards. This value is indicative of individual differences in delay of gratification. Multiple • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.7

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July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
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developmental studies have demonstrated that delay of gratification increases during adolescence.
Children are generally most impatient and prefer options with an immediate reward, whereas in
late adolescence and early adulthood individuals are willing to wait longer for a reward (Mischel
et al. 1989, Olson et al. 2007, Peper et al. 2018). Delay of gratification tasks typically involve two
brain systems: Immediate-reward choices are accompanied by increased activity in the subcortical
ventral striatum, whereas delayed-reward choices result in activity in the cortical lateral PFC
(McClure et al. 2004). Developmental MRI and fMRI studies including adolescents and adults
showed that functional and structural connectivity between the ventral striatum and the medial
and lateral PFC continues to mature in adolescence and is predictive for delay of gratification
performance (Achterberg et al. 2016, Christakou et al. 2011, Luerssen et al. 2015).

2.4. Summary
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Together, these findings suggest that adolescence is characterized by an increased self-focus, a

higher value placed on immediate outcomes compared to future ones, and, for a subgroup of
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adolescents, a crisis in identity development with implications for school anxiety and perceived
peer support. All these processes are relying on a similar neural network including the medial
PFC, ventral striatum, and lateral PFC, suggesting important interplays between these processes
(Figure 2). The abilities to view oneself from multiple perspectives, develop future orientation,
and develop educational and interpersonal commitments are important predictors for the way
youth contribute to society, including investing in education and work as well as focusing on the
needs of others.

a Self-evaluations and b Giving and sharing c Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates

Reference x y z
Giving and sharing Mentalizing Self-evaluations

60 1 Pfeifer et al. (2007) –16 54 24

2 Pfeifer et al. (2009) 12 64 2
3 Christakou et al. (2011) –18 46 –6
2 4 Somerville et al. (2013) –13 53 6
z coordinates

4 1 6 5 Van der Cruijsen et al. (2018) 6 62 13

20 2
1 5 1 Blakemore et al. (2007) –3 54 18
3 4 1 3 2 Burnett et al. (2009) –16 42 20
0 3 Moor et al. (2012) 15 54 12
3 4
4 Dumontheil et al. (2012) –6 56 25
–20 1 Telzer et al. (2011) 3 54 15
2 Güroğlu et al. (2011) –16 48 30
–40 3 van den Bos et al. (2011) 2 42 15
4 Fett et al. (2014a) –7 44 –3
5 van Hoorn et al. (2016a) 0 52 19
60 40 20 0 60 40 20 0 6 O'Donnell et al. (2017) 5 60 34
y coordinates y coordinates
Figure 2
Overview of fMRI studies discussed in the text that report developmental differences in medial prefrontal cortex (medial PFC) activity.
Panel a shows studies that report developmental differences in medial PFC activity in paradigms of self-evaluations (orange) and
mentalizing (green), based on y and z coordinates [x coordinates are not shown because all activations are displayed on the midline (x =
−20 to x = 20)]. Panel b shows studies that report developmental differences in medial PFC in economic games of giving, fairness,
trust, and reciprocity (purple). Panel c shows a table of displayed studies, including the x, y, z coordinates of regions in the medial PFC
for which developmental task differences were reported. Illustration copyright Robert van Sluis; reproduced with permission.

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A recent study reported a dynamic interaction between self-certainty and prosocial behav-
ior (Crocetti et al. 2016). In a longitudinal study in which adolescents made the transition from
adolescence to early adulthood (ages 16–23, with yearly assessments), it was observed that adoles-
Vicarious gaining:
cents who were more self-certain, as assessed through higher self-concept clarity, engaged in more experiencing
prosocial behavior in the next measurement wave. These findings were interpreted as suggesting rewarding feelings
that adolescents who are more self-certain are possibly more flexible in responding to the needs when receiving
of individuals in their environment. Interestingly, the reversed relation was also observed: Those rewards for others
adolescents who engaged more in prosocial behavior were more self-certain at the next measure- STS: superior
ment wave. Together, these findings suggest a dynamic interplay whereby self- and other-oriented temporal sulcus
perspectives reinforce each other over time, which may be driven by contribution behaviors and
changes in overlapping neural networks. In the next section, we turn to how adolescents develop
processes that are important for thinking about others.
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Contributing to society often involves responding to the needs and perspectives of others. Hu-
mans have a fundamental need to be part of a social group, and belonging to a group requires
understanding the minds of others (Dunbar 2018). It is now well known that a basic form of
perspective taking is present early in life (Scott et al. 2012). Large improvements in perspective
taking emerge between 3 and 5 years of age (Carlson et al. 2013), but improvements continue after
childhood. The ability to take the perspectives of others develops gradually during adolescence,
as observed in both self-report (Blankenstein et al. 2019) and experimental tasks such as the di-
rector game, in which participants make decisions about moving objects from the perspective of
another person (Dumontheil et al. 2010). Two important processes underlie understanding the
needs and perspectives of others: mentalizing about thoughts and actions of others (i.e., theory of
mind) and empathic feelings toward others, defined here as valuing outcomes of others (i.e., vi-
carious gaining). Both processes have been examined extensively in developmental neuroscience
research and provide new building blocks for understanding multiple processes that are involved
in contributions to society.
Taking the perspectives of others is important when developing close relationships, such as
with friends and family (in-group). However, in order to connect to larger networks, taking the
perspectives of strangers is also an important way to connect to new individuals (out-group). The
study of how individuals distinguish between these groups is informative for understanding how
youth develop in-group and out-group distinctions. These processes have been investigated in the
domains of both mentalizing and vicarious gaining.

3.1. Mentalizing About Others

Understanding the minds of others, or mentalizing, has been extensively studied in adults and
was found to rely on a common set of brain regions, including the medial PFC, the TPJ, and
the superior temporal sulcus (STS) (for a meta-analysis, see Schurz et al. 2014). Together, these
brain regions have been referred to as the social brain. Mentalizing tasks can take many forms,
but they often involve some aspect of thinking about the thoughts of others. For example, studies
have reported increased medial PFC activity in adults reading stories that require inferences of
the thought and actions of others, including intentional and unintentional harm (Bas-Hoogendam
et al. 2017), shame (Michl et al. 2014), and guilt (Morey et al. 2012). A meta-analysis that compared
self-referential and mentalizing studies showed that both processes result in overlapping activity
in the medial PFC. However, mentalizing about others more strongly recruited the dorsal medial • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.9

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PFC, whereas self-referential processing more strongly activated the ventral medial PFC (Denny
et al. 2012). The ventral region of the medial PFC has functional and structural connections to the
ventral striatum (van Duijvenvoorde et al. 2016) and may therefore be more involved in affective
Director task:
an experimental task in or personally relevant mentalizing (D’Argembeau 2013).
which participants Interestingly, the neural activity patterns in subregions of the medial PFC are sensitive to cul-
follow instructions to tural differences. A meta-analysis of 35 studies examining individuals from Western cultures and
move objects from the East Asian cultures during social cognitive processes showed that individuals from Western cul-
perspective of another
tures more strongly recruited ventral medial PFC, whereas East Asian participants more strongly
person (i.e., the
director) recruited dorsal medial PFC (Han & Ma 2014). These findings implicate that the neural activity
patterns are dependent on experiences and culture and may be most adaptive during adolescent
development, when self- and other-oriented views are developing.
The developmental patterns of mentalizing have been well established in behavioral and fMRI
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studies. A recent longitudinal study including participants aged 8–18 demonstrated that recursive
thinking (i.e., thinking about thinking) continues to develop until late adolescence (Van den Bos
et al. 2016). These findings fit well with fMRI studies demonstrating that mentalizing is accompa-
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nied by continued changes in the medial PFC and TPJ (Blakemore & Mills 2014). Interestingly,
several studies demonstrated that younger adolescents recruit the medial PFC more strongly than
older adolescents when reading about guilt (Burnett et al. 2009) or social intentions (Blakemore
et al. 2007) and when mentalizing about the thoughts of others (Moor et al. 2012). It has been
suggested that adolescents may over-recruit the medial PFC when interpreting social situations,
whereas they may use more cognitive strategies to perform social tasks when developing into
adulthood, which was suggested by stronger lateral PFC activity in adults versus adolescents when
performing the director task (Dumontheil et al. 2012). Alternatively, adolescents may engage more
strongly in the integration of self- and other-oriented processes when mentalizing, which may ac-
count for the stronger activity of the medial PFC, which serves as a hub for social information
integration. Other studies have observed that adults recruit the TPJ more strongly than adoles-
cents when performing mentalizing tasks (Blakemore et al. 2007), which may also suggest other
strategies used by adults compared to adolescents.

3.2. Vicarious Gaining

In addition to perspective taking (also sometimes referred to as cognitive empathy), other-oriented
development involves affective empathy, which is an emotional response to the needs of others.
Here we describe affective empathy in the context of experiencing rewarding feelings from the
gains of others (vicarious gaining). Research on this topic is based on prior studies showing that
adolescence is a period of heightened emotional reactivity, which has often been observed in the
context of taking risks and gaining rewards. Several cross-sectional and longitudinal studies re-
vealed elevations in reward sensitivity in the ventral striatum when gaining rewards, with peaks at
ages 15–17 (Schreuders et al. 2018a, Silverman et al. 2015). The increase in reward sensitivity has
been related to a rise in pubertal development and to hormonal changes such as testosterone rises
(Braams et al. 2015, Op de Macks et al. 2016). However, personality factors such as differences
in reward drive are also related to individual differences in reward-related activity in the ventral
striatum (Braams et al. 2015). The relative decrease in reward-related activity in young adults
has been correlated to a relative decrease in self-reported winning pleasure (Schreuders et al.
2018a), suggesting that ventral striatum activity reflects the direct hedonic pleasures of gaining
Vicarious rewards (i.e., rewards gained for others) may provide important insights into
the way individuals enjoy gaining for others, which has been referred to as prosocial reward

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(Lockwood et al. 2016). A meta-analysis in adults revealed that the ventral striatum activity when
gaining for others depends on the closeness of the target (Morelli et al. 2015). For example,
an empirical study including adults who could gain for self, friends, or unknown others (in this
study manipulated as strangers who made a bad financial offer) showed that vicarious gaining was
observed for the friend but not for the unknown other. This effect scaled with self-report ratings
of winning pleasure, which were lower for unknown others (Braams et al. 2014a). A different study
showed that individuals who displayed more vicarious reward activity in the ventral striatum when
gaining for friends were more likely to act prosocially in daily life (Morelli et al. 2018). Finally,
a study in adults examined vicarious gaining for a self-chosen charity. The rationale was that
charities may be rated as important and individuals may feel connected to the goals of the charity
without being personally connected to the target. Here, it was found that adults showed elevated
ventral striatum activity when they gained rewards for themselves and when rewards were gained
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for both themselves and the charity, but not when gaining solely for the charity. An individual dif-
ferences analysis revealed that only individuals who reported more empathic traits showed more
reward-related activity in the ventral striatum when gaining for the charity (Spaans et al. 2018b).
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Together, these findings show that there are individual differences in ventral striatum activity when
gaining for friends and strangers, which correlate with empathy and prosocial behavior in daily
Vicarious gains have also been examined across adolescent development. First, it was observed
that adolescents show ventral striatum activity not only when gaining for themselves but also when
gaining for their best friends. There was some evidence that in girls this effect was larger for par-
ticipants who reported higher friendship quality with their best friends (Braams et al. 2014b). No
such effect was observed when they were gaining for unknown others. The finding that vicarious
reward activity in the ventral striatum was observed for close others was confirmed by a study that
focused on family members. This study demonstrated that adolescents also show elevated activity
in the ventral striatum when they gain rewards for their mothers. Interestingly, this response was
elevated in mid adolescence, similar to gaining for self (Braams & Crone 2017). These findings
may indicate that rewards for mothers are experienced similarly to rewards for self, possibly in-
dicating close relationships. A subsample of the mothers also participated in an fMRI study in
which they could gain vicarious rewards for their children. Gaining rewards for children was also
associated with ventral striatum activity (Spaans et al. 2018a). In this exploratory study, the sample
was too small to relate mother and child responses to each other, but this approach may prove
valuable for examining dyadic family relationships (see also Lee et al. 2017).
Given that adolescents take part in larger social networks, an important question concerns
whether there are differences between adolescents who are more popular within their social net-
works, as previous research revealed that popular adolescents respond more to the needs of others.
One study showed that adolescents who were more accepted by their peers, as confirmed through
more likes in sociometric analyses, showed similar reward-related activity in the ventral striatum
when gaining for self and friends, whereas adolescents who were less accepted showed stronger
activity for self-gains relative to gaining for friends (Meuwese et al. 2018). These findings may
tentatively suggest that adolescents with more intensive social experiences (popular adolescents)
more strongly align goals for self and others. Taken together, vicarious gaining provides important
information on how adolescents value gains for others. There is some evidence that these effects
are more pronounced for individuals with whom adolescents have more intimate social relation-
ships. Also, there is evidence that this reward activity may be more strongly present in adolescence
for close family members, suggesting in-group preference. • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.11

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3.3. Summary
Perspective taking develops throughout the developmental period of adolescence, and differ-
Economic games: ent processes contribute to changes in this domain. Mentalizing research shows that the medial
two- or PFC, in particular, is more active in adolescents compared to adults, which may indicate that this
multiple-player region—which has close connections to both the subcortical ventral striatum and the cortical lat-
decision games where
eral PFC, TPJ, and STS—may play an important role in driving different actions in adolescence
stakes for self and
other are pitted against (Figure 2). In addition, affective processing of vicarious rewards in the ventral striatum correlates
each other (e.g., with prosocial behavior and is elevated for close family members in mid adolescence. The next
dictator game, section focuses on balancing self-oriented and other-oriented decision making in adolescence.
ultimatum game, trust
game, public goods
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DG: dictator game

Balancing between the needs of self and others is an important process that contributes to youth’s
behavior toward others in terms of sharing, giving, and reciprocity. In childhood, many of these
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

processes are rule based—for example, judging divisions of goods by norms of equality or equity
(Fehr et al. 2008). In adolescence, there is a transition to more advanced ways of reasoning about
divisions, such as understanding the perspectives of others when proposing a division (Güroğlu
et al. 2009) and distinguishing between in-group and out-group members (Güroğlu et al. 2014a).
These behaviors are of great importance when contributing to society and can result in feelings of
personal satisfaction (the so-called warm glow) and of respect and admiration from others (Yeager
et al. 2018). Whereas the ability to impute the mental states of others has been the subject of
many neuroimaging studies, which showed activity in a robust network of medial PFC, TPJ, and
STS (Cutler & Campbell-Meiklejohn 2019, Schurz et al. 2014), only recently researchers have
developed behavioral tasks that reliably assess different subprocesses of other-oriented behavior
(Cutler & Campbell-Meiklejohn 2019). Here, we describe studies that focused on sharing and
giving in relation to the target, strategic motives, cooperation and reciprocal relations, and social
influence. As shown below, the medial PFC is an important convergence zone connecting these
multidimensional processes (Figure 2).

4.1. Sharing and Giving Depends on Who the Target Is

Sharing has been examined in a variety of economic games that include a distribution of goods
between self and others. A well-known example is the dictator game (DG), in which a proposer
can decide how to share a stake (e.g., 10 valuable tokens) between self and an unknown other
player. In the standard version, the transition is typically anonymous and does not involve mul-
tiple transactions; therefore, there is no involvement of reputation effects. Behavioral research
shows that individuals are willing to share some part of their tokens with unknown others, sug-
gesting a general level of prosociality toward out-group individuals (Güroğlu et al. 2009). This
sharing response is present already in young children and does not change dramatically during
adolescence, although some studies suggest decreases during adolescence in giving to out-group
members (Güroğlu et al. 2014a). The neural correlates of this sharing response have been exam-
ined using experimental manipulations of the dictator game, and research in adults has showed
that costly sharing was associated with increased neural activity in the medial PFC and the ventral
striatum (Güroğlu et al. 2014b), suggesting that processes that are involved in vicarious gaining
and mentalizing are also involved in giving to anonymous others.
Giving behavior, however, is strongly dependent on the identity of the interaction partner.
For example, adults gave more to friends than to strangers in a two-choice dictator game

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(Schreuders et al. 2018b). In addition, the putamen, a brain region closely connected to the
ventral striatum, was more strongly active when making prosocial choices to benefit friends
(Schreuders et al. 2018b), consistent with the literature on vicarious gaining (Braams et al. 2014a).
A different study that used a two-choice donating task that involved personal noncostly rewards
or costly choices that benefited family members showed that individuals with higher family
obligation values showed stronger connectivity between the ventral striatum and the medial PFC
(Telzer et al. 2011). Cultural differences were also observed, such that neural activity associated
to costly giving to family was more pronounced for youth with a Latino background compared
to White youth (Telzer et al. 2010). Finally, youth who showed stronger neural response in the
ventral striatum when costly giving to family showed a reduction in depressive symptoms one
year later (Telzer et al. 2014).
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4.2. Sharing and Giving Depends on Perspective Taking

Giving can also be strategic because of the expected response of the receiver. For example, be-
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havior can get punished when not benefiting the other person. This behavior has been examined
using the ultimatum game (UG), a variation to the DG in which the second player has the
possibility to refuse the offer, in which case neither party receives anything. Giving behavior is
significantly greater in the UG compared to the DG, suggesting that individuals are sensitive
to strategic motivations and are taking the perspective of others when making their offer. The
difference between UG and DG behavior increases during adolescence, suggesting that strategic
understanding also changes during childhood and adolescence (Güroğlu et al. 2009, Steinbeis
et al. 2012). This hypothesis was supported by an fMRI study that examined behaviors of second
players (recipients) in the UG. Players in this game refused a low offer in two different context
conditions. In the first condition, the first player had no other option than to make a low offer
(no-choice condition), and in the second condition the first player preferred a low offer above
an equal split of goods. The no-choice condition required perspective taking of the participants
to understand the motives of the first player. Here, it was found that the refusal of no-choice
low offers decreased during adolescence, suggesting that older adolescents understood that the
other player had no other option than to make a low offer (Güroğlu et al. 2009). This behavior
was accompanied by stronger activity in the medial PFC and TPJ when evaluating the no-choice
offers (Güroğlu et al. 2011). Finally, a study that included younger children compared UG and
DG neural activity in younger children and adults. This study observed that strategic versus
nonstrategic giving was correlated with behavioral control and activity in the lateral PFC, a region
often implicated in cognitive control (Steinbeis et al. 2012). Together, these findings suggest that
the neural processes involved in mentalizing (medial PFC, TPJ) and cognitive control (lateral
PFC) contribute to strategic giving changes during childhood and adolescence.

4.3. Cooperation and Reciprocal Relations

Another form of giving and sharing that involves both perspective taking and interpersonal re-
lations is trust and reciprocity. Trust shares similarities with cooperation because it involves an
act in which the giver expects to be reciprocated. Trust is often examined with the trust game, in
which a first player has the possibility to share a certain stake of tokens or to give (a share of ) the
tokens to a second player, in which case these tokens are doubled or tripled. The second player
can then decide how to share the tokens with the first player. The second player can recipro-
cate the trust, in which case part of the stakes are returned to the first player, or defect the trust,
in which case the second player keeps most of the stake and exploits the trust received for per-
sonal gain. Whereas there is some initial evidence that trust and reciprocity increase in childhood • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.13

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(van den Bos et al. 2010), the behavioral effects in adolescence are less consistent. Overall, trust de-
cisions stay relatively stable, although trust is sensitive to context factors, such as the risk of trusting
(van de Groep et al. 2018). Trust is also sensitive to the interaction partner (Fett et al. 2014a). A be-
havioral study that examined trust decisions toward friends, disliked others, and strangers showed
that with increasing age, adolescents trusted friends more than disliked others and strangers
(Güroğlu et al. 2014a). An fMRI study with a trust game paradigm in which the other player was
either trustworthy or untrustworthy showed that with increasing age, adolescents adjusted their
behaviors to the behavior of the interaction partner (i.e., more trust choices toward the trustwor-
thy partner and less toward the untrustworthy partner). This behavioral change was accompanied
by increased activity in the medial PFC and TPJ and less activity in the ventral striatum (Fett et al.
2014a). This was interpreted to suggest that with trustworthy partners, the older adolescents build
up the expectation that trust will be reciprocated and thereby rely more on mentalizing regions.
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Reciprocity in the trust game is an important index of prosocial behavior, as there are no
strategic behaviors involved. Therefore, reciprocity in the trust game shares similarities with
giving behavior in the DG. Reciprocity in the trust game increases in childhood, but the patterns
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

of reciprocity behavior in adolescence are inconsistent between studies. Studies reported increases
(van den Bos et al. 2010), no age-related changes (Fett et al. 2014b), and decreases (van de Groep
et al. 2018) in reciprocity behavior between 10 and 20 years of age. These findings suggest
that reciprocity in adolescence is strongly dependent on contextual factors. Some evidence for
specific effects in early adolescence comes from fMRI studies on reciprocity in the trust game. A
prior study examining early adolescence (ages 12–14), midadolescence (ages 15–17), and young
adults (ages 18–25) revealed that the medial PFC is more active when defecting trust than
when reciprocating trust (van den Bos et al. 2011). Interestingly, the youngest age group showed
stronger neural activity in the medial PFC specifically for reciprocity, despite similar performance.
These findings are consistent with research on self-referential processing and mentalizing about
thoughts and actions of others, which showed relatively stronger activity in the medial PFC for
younger adolescents (Burnett et al. 2011). These findings highlight the intertwined development
of other- and self-related processes. The finding that the medial PFC is especially more active in
early adolescence may indicate that this is a period in life with increased sensitivity to social and
self-related experiences.

4.4. Social Influence

In the previous sections, we showed that several processes, such as distinguishing between in-
group and out-group, perspective taking, and reciprocal relations, are central to how adolescents
balance between self- and other-oriented goals when sharing and giving to others. When making
decisions that involve self and others, individuals are also strongly influenced by the opinions and
behaviors of peers. These social influence effects are particularly strong in adolescence, an impor-
tant period for social orientation toward peers. Traditionally, social influence has been examined
from the perspective of peer influence on risky decision making (i.e., how the presence of peers
influences risk-taking behavior). In experimental designs, adolescents (ages 14–18) made more
risky choices compared to adults in a driving game in the presence of peers (Chein et al. 2011),
and younger adolescents (ages 12–14) followed norms from peers more strongly than norms from
adults (Knoll et al. 2015). Adolescents (ages 14–19) also showed stronger activity in the ventral
striatum in the presence of peers (Smith et al. 2015), whereas adults (ages 24–29) recruited the
lateral PFC more strongly (Chein et al. 2011). A question that was addressed in several studies was
whether adolescents are also more sensitive to the opinions of peers in the domains of giving and

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The question of peer influence was examined in the context of a public goods game. This game
asks participants, divided in groups of four, to share their tokens with the group. The number of
tokens shared is tripled, so that the greatest benefit for the entire group occurs when all individuals
contribute. However, at the individual level, personal gain is highest when others contribute more
than the participant. It was previously found that adolescents aged 15–17 donate similar amounts
when alone than they do when observed by others. However, they donate more when peers give
likes after prosocial choices, whereas they donate less when peers give likes after selfish choices
(Van Hoorn et al. 2016b). These findings show that adolescents are similarly influenced by both
prosocial and antisocial peers. A subsequent fMRI study included participants of two age groups:
younger (ages 12–13) and older (ages 15–16) adolescents. The younger adolescents donated most
to the group, and both age groups were sensitive to prosocial peer influence (there was no anti-
social peer influence in this study). Also, both groups recruited the medial PFC, TPJ, and STS
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more strongly when peers were observing and judging their choices compared to when they were
not donating without being observed. The difference in activation in the medial PFC between
being observed and not being observed, however, was significantly larger for the younger adoles-
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cents compared to the older adolescents, consistent with the notion that the medial PFC is more
malleable in early adolescence (Van Hoorn et al. 2016a).


The studies described above focus on general sensitivities to self- and other-oriented processes in
adolescence, but some of these sensitivities take specific forms in the context of the current gener-
ation. Contemporary youth grow up in increasingly more complex societies compared to previous
generations; they cannot imagine a society without the Internet (Baek et al. 2017, Crone & Konijn
2018). Adolescents are constantly connected to their peers and have access to information from
sources all over the world. This new development brings challenges, such as problems with the
regulation of privacy, addiction, cyberbullying, and public shaming (Odgers 2018, Pingault &
Schoeler 2017). There are, however, also many opportunities. Compared to previous generations,
contemporary youth have more possibilities to connect to others and to influence society directly
through social media communication, (i.e., to contribute) (Dahl et al. 2018). Youth report that
they experience social media positively (Odgers 2018), and they have multiple opportunities for
developing larger social networks. Whereas many of the previous social neuroscience studies
focused on experiences and decision making in dyads, much less is known about brain develop-
ment in the context of larger social networks, such as peer groups or societies. This perspective
is, however, highly important because social networks influence individual development and vice
versa (Falk & Bassett 2017, Lamblin et al. 2017). Also, ideas can spread more easily through
social networks and can have a large impact on society, for example, through networks to spread
political ideas, make a change for the environment, or help peers in developing countries.
Sharing ideas is associated with activity in the ventral striatum and the ventral medial PFC,
a common valuation network presumed to be involved because people prefer sharing ideas when
they assume that others will like them (Baek et al. 2017). It was previously found that disclosing
information about the self resulted in activity in the ventral striatum and the medial PFC, which
was interpreted to suggest that self-disclosure is intrinsically rewarding (Tamir & Mitchell 2012).
Receiving messages from others may also result in individuals updating their beliefs and
adjusting their behaviors to the ideas of others (Tamir & Hughes 2018). Prior studies in adults
revealed a common network including the anterior cingulate cortex and the insula, two regions
that are often involved in error monitoring and that respond to peer feedback that deviates from
one’s own opinions, for example, when rating art, T-shirts, or attractive faces (Berns et al. 2010, • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.15

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PS71CH07_Crone ARjats.cls July 8, 2019 13:23

Campbell-Meiklejohn et al. 2010). Moreover, stronger activity in the anterior cingulate cortex
correlated with more behavioral adjustment. Similar effects have been observed in adolescents
in the domain of rating music and bikini models (van der Meulen et al. 2017). Together, these
findings show that the brain is wired to adjust to the opinions of groups, even when these are
unknown others. These findings underscore the crucial influence of social media communication
on youth, given that they spend large numbers of hours online.
Recently, it was found that social integration also influences brain development. Several studies
showed that social network size is correlated with brain regions that have the most protracted
developmental trajectories, particularly regions involved in mentalizing (Bickart et al. 2012, Kanai
et al. 2012, Powell et al. 2012). A recent fMRI study further emphasized the role of the medial
PFC in explaining individual differences in how adolescents connect to their larger social world.
This study showed that adolescents aged 16–17 who had more opportunities to consult unknown
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others within a social network recruited the medial PFC during information sharing more than
adolescents with fewer connections to unknown others (O’Donnell et al. 2017). These findings
were interpreted to suggest that a larger social network size gives opportunities to consult a more
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

diverse range of opinions. Many of these findings are based on correlational effects, but it is likely
that individual characteristics and social environment are mutually influencing systems. These
findings provide important first steps toward a better understanding of how social networks with
known and unknown others can affect how young people contribute to society (family, friends,
and unknown others).

The goal of this review was to provide an integrative perspective on self- and other-related pro-
cesses that may help understand how, when, and under which circumstances youth contribute to
society. We showed that the decomposition of such processes in terms of their behavioral profiles,
variability, and neural signatures provides insights into adolescent-specific sensitivities (Tamir &
Hughes 2018). We argued that self- and other-related processes, which involve multiple processes
that develop in an interrelated fashion, are important to understand how youth become motivated
to contribute to society. The way young people balance between self- and other-oriented motives
may ultimately be the best predictor of how and when they contribute to society.
A long-term contribution to society is to complete education, find a job, and stay committed to
work. For adolescents, investing in education requires several interrelated self-processes, including
identity development, future orientation, and inhibition of immediate impulses. We showed that
these processes rely on a common network in the medial PFC that is particularly involved when
thinking about self traits, and that works closely together with the ventral striatum, TPJ, and
lateral PFC. Previous studies suggested that individuals who are better able to inhibit impulses
and work toward long-term goals are more likely to succeed in multiple domains in life, including
work and education (Moffitt et al. 2011), which is possibly linked to the development of structural
and functional connections between the ventral striatum and the PFC (Achterberg et al. 2016).
How can adolescents be motivated to contribute by staying committed to education and work?
These values may be dependent on values within the family and on goals that provide feelings of
commitment, purpose, and meaning (Dahl et al. 2018, Fuligni 2019).
A second important development for contributing to society involves the development of
healthy intergroup relations, which are fundamental in a diverse society. We previously found
that adolescents develop in-group versus out-group differences in donating behavior during ado-
lescence (Güroğlu et al. 2014a). Neuroimaging studies in adults report that adult participants
show stronger reward activity when they interact with in-group members compared to out-group

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members (Hughes et al. 2017). Thus, other-oriented choices are driven by both prosocial motiva-
tions and selfish motives, and prosocial behavior becomes more strongly oriented toward in-group
members when adolescents grow up. We argued that the developmental changes in the communi-
cation between the medial PFC and the ventral striatum may be important for experiencing social
values for others and developing a social identity ( Jankowski et al. 2014, Telzer et al. 2013).
How can out-group motivations be stimulated in adolescence? A recent study showed that
when adult participants are viewing crowdfunding websites (i.e., websites that provide financial
support to individuals and groups), they engage the ventral striatum, a region that is particularly
sensitive in adolescence. Participants who engaged the ventral striatum more while observing
crowdfunding subsequently donated more (Genevsky et al. 2017). Adult participants also show
stronger ventral striatum activity when other people are watching their donation decisions than
when they are alone (Izuma et al. 2010). These findings show at least two important motivators that
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may influence adolescents’ behavior: being rewarded during group activities and being observed
by others. These two activities may affect the goals of adolescents to develop larger social net-
works and reduce in-group/out-group distinctions. When these motivations promote self-esteem
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

and a positive self-image, they may have a reinforcing effect on prosocial values (Crocetti et al.
2016). Thus, when self-oriented motives align with other-oriented motives, they have the greatest
chance to result in meaningful contributions to society.
To provide opportunities for youth to contribute and to ensure healthy psychological devel-
opment, the most impact can probably be achieved through goals that are aligned rather than
conflicting. An important direction for future research is to examine self- and other-oriented pro-
cesses in different contexts, such as education and social relations (family and peers). Some in-
teresting initial insights emerged from social neuroscience studies may provide a starting point
for adolescent-specific interventions. Researchers have recently argued that most opportunities
to create change in intervention designs arise when the goals of the intervention (e.g., reducing
smoking) align with the goals of the adolescents (e.g., creating impact) (Yeager et al. 2018). It
has also been argued that adolescence is characterized by a strong need to contribute, possibly
driven by the need to be admired (Yeager et al. 2018) and the need to perform actions that have
purpose and meaning (Fuligni 2019). These opportunities could be created in domains such as
educational achievement (e.g., contributing to advancing the school curriculum), peer networks
(e.g., becoming influencers, organizing larger social networks) and society at large (e.g., promoting
social safety, reducing inequalities, changing climate policies). In each of these domains, a better
understanding of the processes underlying self-development, perspective taking, and the valuing
of the needs of others can help reduce parochialism and increase creative opportunities for social
influence and societal impact. During adolescence there are dynamic changes in recruitment of
the medial PFC, a region important for both self- and other-related processes. These dynamic
changes are key to the intertwined development of self and others, especially in the way that the
medial PFC communicates with social brain regions such as the TPJ and with social-affective sub-
cortical regions such as the ventral striatum. Adolescence, a key moment in the maturation of the
neural networks that underlie the cognitive, social, and affective skills central to these processes,
would seem to be an ideal time to provide social and personal learning opportunities.

1. Self- and other-oriented development are intertwined developmental processes that both
involve the medial prefrontal cortex. • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.17

Review in Advance first posted on
July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)
PS71CH07_Crone ARjats.cls July 8, 2019 13:23

2. Perspective taking in terms of cognitive mentalizing develops further in adolescence and

relies on a network of social brain regions including the medial prefrontal cortex and the
temporal parietal junction.
3. Giving and sharing is dependent on contextual factors such as in-group/out-group pref-
erences and reciprocal relationships. Between childhood and adulthood, there is a tran-
sition from rule-based sharing to contextual sensitivity.
4. Vicarious gaining relies on similar social-affective brain regions as gaining for self, in-
cluding the ventral striatum. In adolescence, these processes are intertwined for close
family members and in-group peers.
5. The development of self- and other-oriented processes may ultimately predict how
young people contribute to society in terms of education and intergroup relations.
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2020.71. Downloaded from

1. Are there sensitive windows in the development of the medial prefrontal cortex for de-
veloping a coherent self-concept and identity?
2. How do adolescence balance between multiple self-relevant goals, such as completing
school assignments and engaging in social activities?
3. What is the role of social status in adolescence when investing in demands by society?
4. What is the role of the developing brain for complex future-oriented choices related to
education, work, and other contributions to society (e.g., volunteering)?
5. Which new social opportunities are provided by growing up in a digitalized society with
connections to others in different geographical locations?
6. How does elevated reward sensitivity in adolescence, for example, in response to social
media likes, create both challenges and opportunities to become good citizens?

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

This work was supported by an innovative ideas grant of the European Research Council (ERC
CoG PROSOCIAL 681632 to E.A.C.) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Longitudinal MRI study
Development (R01 HD093823 to A.J.F.) and Hope Lab Foundation (to A.J.F.).
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Influential review article
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but could succeed. Perspect. Psychol. Sci. 13:101–22 interventions. • Self and Others in Adolescence 7.23

Review in Advance first posted on
July 23, 2019. (Changes may still
occur before final publication.)

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