Nanosilver coated orthodontic brackets (1)
Nanosilver coated orthodontic brackets (1)
Nanosilver coated orthodontic brackets (1)
Original article
Correspondence to: Gamze Metin Gürsoy, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Gazi University, Bişkek cad.
1. Sok. No: 4 Emek, 06510 Ankara, Turkey. E-mail:
Introduction: Silver nanoparticles are currently utilized in the fields of dentistry. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the antibacterial properties and ion release of nanosilver coated orthodontic
brackets compared to conventional brackets.
Methods: Nanosilver coating process was applied to standard orthodontic brackets placed on the
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved.
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2 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2016
introduced by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University cages with free access to food (soft biscuits) and water ad libitum.
in 1974 and the word ‘nano’ is used to indicate one billionth of a The rats were kept under an artificial 12-hour light/darkness cycle.
meter. Silver nanoparticles with their unique chemical and physical Lights were turned on at 7 AM and off at 7 PM. Room temperature
properties have been proved as an alternative for the development of varied between 22°C and 24°C, and appropriate room ventilation
new antibacterial agents (12, 16). was maintained.
The purpose of this study was to assess the antibacterial proper-
ties and ion release of nanosilver coated orthodontic brackets, to Collection of samples
compare the effects of silver regarding the amount of cariogenic All animals were anesthetized with 10 mg/kg xylazine hydrochlo-
streptococci adhesion, and to provide preliminary information for ride and 90 mg/kg ketamine hydrochloride by intraperitoneal injec-
the prevention of WSL in comparison with conventional orthodontic tion before all mentioned procedure. Saliva, blood, vestibular smear
brackets. The hypothesis tested was that silver nanoparticles coated from the lower lip epithelium, and the plaque sample of the incisor
to orthodontic bracket would decrease the adherence of S.mutans teeth were collected from all rats on Day 0 (before inoculation of
and caries during fixed orthodontic treatment. S.mutans cell suspension), and on Days 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 45, and 75
(after inoculation).
Saliva was collected by placing a filter paper strip (Periopaper,
Materials and methods
Oraflow, Smithtown, New York, USA) under the tongue and the
All animal procedures were conducted with the approval of Gazi volume was measured by means of a precision balance (aeADAM,
University Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee. All animal Kinston, UK). Samples were put into glass capped tubes containing
experiments were performed by one researcher who has a certificate 0.2 ml concentrated nitric acid. Blood samples were collected from
according to the guidelines for proper conduct of animal experi- the tail vein and serum samples were obtained from coagulated and
ments. Microbiological analyses were performed in Gazi University, centrifuged blood, which were then stored at −20°C.
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Medical Microbiology. Silver analysis was performed by direct injection into the induc-
tively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for saliva and
Coating procedure serum samples. The total silver concentration (ppb) was determined
Mandibular incisor orthodontic brackets (Gemini Roth; 3M Unitek, for each sample.
Monrovia, California, USA) were used in this study. All brackets Vestibular smear was collected by swabs on sterile coverslips
Statistical analysis the study group (Table 2). Intra-group examination for the control
The statistical significance was determined using SPSS 20.0 software group showed that there were no differences between the serum con-
for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The Shapiro–Wilk test centrations of nanosilver on the other days.
was used to verify the normality of the data distribution. Differences
between the study and the control groups were tested by the Mann–
Whitney U-test and intra-group differences were tested by the Wilcoxon
test. Values were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05.
In the present study, with a one-sided significance level of 0.05 and a
power of 75%, a minimum of six animals per group were included.
After the placement of the brackets, the animals did not dis-
play any behavioural or weight changes, and no mortality was
observed. During the experiment, brackets were checked every day
and, if dropped, a new bracket was bonded immediately, which
occurred 17 and 15 times for the study and the control groups,
Saliva samples
There were not any significant differences between the study and the
control groups (Figure 2), whereas on Day 7, the salivary concentra-
tion of nanosilver was found significantly higher than the other days
in the study group (Table 1). Intra-group examination for the control
Figure 2. Silver saliva level in the study and the control groups.
group showed that there were no significant differences between sali-
vary concentrations of nanosilver on the other days. Table 1. Statistical comparison of saliva silver level in the study
*P < 0.05.
Figure 1. Rats teeth decay. (a) occlusal, (b) smooth surface, and (c) sulcal. Figure 3. Silver serum level in the study and the control groups.
4 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2016
Plaque samples of incisor teeth group, the number of S.mutans was found to be greater on Day 3
The nanosilver coated bracket group exhibited significantly lower than on Day 0. In the control group, the number of S.mutans was
S.mutans counts compared to the control group on Day 30 (Table 3). greater on Day 3, 7, and 30 than on Day 0 (Figure 4).
In the study group, the number of S.mutans was found to be smaller
on Days 3, 7, 14, 30, and 45 than on Day 0 (Table 4). There were no Caries assessment
significant differences in the control group between the numbers of The rates of teeth with caries in the mandibular and maxillary
S.mutans counted on different days. molars are shown in Table 5. Significant differences were observed
between groups only on the smooth surface.
Vestibular smear
The number of S.mutans in the vestibular smear did not differ sig-
nificantly between the study and the control groups. In the study Discussion
Table 2. Statistical comparison of serum silver level in the study The sample size in animal studies of nanosilver cytotoxicity per
group. group varies considerably in the literature (17–21). In the present
study, the sample size (n = 6) per group was determined depending
Serum silver level (ppb) Wilcoxon test
on the decision of the ethics committee, and the sample size was
Days n Mean Median Min. Max. SD z P calculated by considering the mean differences of the serum concen-
tration of nanosilver between the study group and the control group.
0 6 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.01 −0.314 0.753 Metallic silver is a rare noble metal in the environment. In general
1 6 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.02 medicine, silver is used as medication in the form of silver sulfadia-
0 6 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.01 −1.753 0.080 zine in treatments due to its antibacterial activity, especially for burn
3 6 0.13 0.08 0.03 0.29 0.11 treatment. In addition, silver comes first among the topics of inter-
0 6 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.01 −2.201 0.028*
est in the field of orthopaedics (silver-coated megaendoprostheses),
7 6 0.16 0.07 0.05 0.39 0.15
for the prevention of catheter-related infection (silver-impregnated
0 6 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.01 −1.572 0.116
14 6 0.20 0.14 0.02 0.49 0.19 external ventricular drainage catheter, silver-impregnated haemodi-
0 6 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.314 0.753 alysis catheter), and for the inhibition of prosthetic valve endocardi-
30 6 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.14 0.05 tis (silver-coated prosthetic valve), and also metallic silver is used in
Table 3. Statistical comparison of groups for Streptococcus mutans counts on the plaque sample of the incisor.
S. mutans counts on the plaque sample of the incisor (CFU/ml) Mann–Whitney U-test
*P < 0.05.
G. Metin-Gürsoy et al. 5
S. mutans counts on the plaque sample of the incisor (CFU/ml) Wilcoxon test
*P < 0.05.
Occlusal Study 6 4.31 4.39 3.41 5.12 0.60 5.17 10.00 0.240
Control 6 6.05 7.06 1.68 8.83 2.66 7.83
Total 12 5.18 4.60 1.68 8.83 2.05
Smooth Study 6 1.46 1.40 0.29 3.37 1.11 4.42 5.50 0.041*
Control 6 3.83 3.25 1.23 9.12 2.82 8.58
Total 12 2.65 1.80 0.29 9.12 2.39
Sulcal Study 6 1.82 1.47 0.05 5.34 1.92 6.83 16.00 0.818
Control 6 1.28 1.42 0.79 1.59 0.35 6.17
Total 12 1.55 1.42 0.05 5.34 1.35
*P < 0.05.
Even if nanosilver ions released from the nanosilver coated Animal studies for nanosilver cytotoxicity were conducted
orthodontic brackets decrease during the prolonged orthodontic via respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts because these are the
treatment, the antibacterial activity will continue via contact-inhibi- main entry portals of nanosilver into the human body. Nanosilver
tion as shown above. The smooth surface caries was reduced at the (5000 mg/kg) was given at once via gavage to mice (46) and, for rats
end of the experiment, in spite of the concentration of nanosilver in (17), daily intake oral doses of up to 9 mg/kg were found to be safe
the saliva, which did not show significant differences between the according to chemical parameters and histopathological evaluations
study and the control group. One of the most important reasons of at the end of 14 days. The lowest adverse effects were observed in
this condition may be S.mutans counts were insignificantly smaller the rats (47) given high doses of nanosilver particles in the long-term
in the study group than the control group from Day 3 to Day 75 (90 days).
and significantly smaller on Day 30. Also we suppose that contact- We assume that even if the patient swallows the bracket during
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