C&D Policy_Bihar

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Policy and Strategy on Management of Construction &

Demolition Waste (GoB)

Government of Bihar

Table of Contents
1. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Definitions......................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Goal .................................................................................................................................................. 4
4. The policy specifically endorses the following core principles: ........................................................... 4
5. Objectives: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
6. Source of Construction & Demolition Waste...................................................................................... 6
7. Flow of C&D waste from generator to disposal: ................................................................................. 6
8.Duties of Service Provider and Their Contractors ................................................................................ 7
9. Duties of ULBs: .................................................................................................................................. 8
10. Duties of the Waste Generator: ....................................................................................................... 9
11. On Standards, Regulations and Quality Assurance ........................................................................... 9
12. Public Awareness: ........................................................................................................................... 9
13. Monitoring & Evaluation: .............................................................................................................. 10
14. Tax Incentive ................................................................................................................................. 10
15. Capacity Building & Training .......................................................................................................... 10
16. Expected Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 10

1. Background
With rapid urbanization in the state of Bihar, which will involve development of infrastructure in both
private and Govt.Sector and it is expected to continue growing exponetially with the increase in urban
The increase in the number of buildings, expansion of urban infrastructure (such as roads, bridges,
flyovers, dams etc.) and demolition of old buildings has also resulted in immense amount of waste being
generated in the form of debris, building materials etc. Therefore, to deal with the issue of rising C&D
Waste generation in India, the challenge of C&D Waste is recycling and sustainable use of natural
resources. The Government of India issued the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules,
2016 (“C&D Rules”) in March 2016. These Rules apply to every waste resulting from construction,
remodeling, repair and demolition of any civil structure of individual or organization or governmental
authority that generates construction and demolition waste.
Currently in India, C&D Waste management is in a nascent stage, where a portion of C& D waste is used
for filling and leveling low-lying areas and some resources are recovered from C&D Waste. However, a
majority of C&D Waste is dumped in landfills or is illegally disposed of in water bodies, rivers and
mangroves. It is also common to see C&D Waste littered on pavements and in open plots (this practice
is known as fly-tipping) or along the hill slopes along the road sides. Many times, such waste is often
mixed with municipal solid waste making the municipal waste heavy and unsuitable for further
processing such as composting, recycling or energy recovery. Therefore, the dumping practices are not
only unsustainable but also lead to a loss of resources as C&D Waste can be recycled into reusable
products which greatly reduce the stress on the mining of virgin materials. The processing of the C&D
Waste also reduces the total amount of inert wastes that are disposed of in landfills.
The issue of C&D Waste has entered the public discourse relatively recently and therefore, there have
been historically very little efforts to keep records of its generation and composition. In addition, C&D
Waste is often clubbed with solid waste and thus, the magnitude of the problem is underestimated by
all stakeholders involved. This has resulted in no formal system for prevention, reduction,
management, reuse and recycling of C&D Waste. The Technology, Information, Forecasting and
Assessment Council (TIFAC) considers approximately 25% of all solid waste to be C&D Waste and
therefore, using this metric, it can be estimated that a large quantity of C&D waste is generated in the
State of Bihar too.
However, these numbers cannot be considered as comprehensive and reliable data on C&D Waste and
therefore, it is necessary for a complete and credible assessment to be carried out by the ULBs on the
actual C&D Waste that is generated within their jurisdictional limits and such data to be compiled by
the State Pollution Control Board. This is in line with the requirement under C&D Rules where ULBs
are required to keep track of the generation of construction and demolition waste within its jurisdiction
and establish a database and update it once in a year. The ULB and the BSPCB should recognize C&D
Waste as a separate stream of waste and begin the enumeration of its quantities of generation,
collection and disposal in the statutory reports

2. Definitions
In this policy unless the context otherwise requires
1. “Construction” means the process of erecting of building or built facility or other structure or
building of infrastructure including alteration in these entities.
2. “Demolition” means breaking down or tearing down of buildings and other structure either
manually or using mechanical force (by various components) or by implosion using explosives.
3. “Construction and demolition waste” means the waste the waste comprising of building
materials, debris and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of any
4. “Waste Generator” means any person or association of person or institution, residential and
commercial establishments including India Railways, Airport, Defense Establishment etc.who
undertakes construction of or demolition of any civil structure which generates construction and
demolition waste
5. “Bulk waste generator” means any person or association of persons or institution, residential and
commercial establishments who undertakes construction of or demolition of any civil structure
which generates construction and demolition waste 20 Tons or more in 1 Day or 300 Tons or more
per project in a month
6. “Hazardous Waste” means any waste which by reasons of any of its physical, chemical, reactive,
toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or likely to cause danger to
health or environment, whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances and
include the hazardous waste defined in the hazardous waste defined in the Hazardous and Other
Wastes Rules,2016 or any other amendment thereof.
3. Goal
To effectively use the construction and demolition waste in the state by scientifically manage all the
C&D waste of the state to achieve 3 E’s.

i. Save Environment: Reduce air, water & noise pollution, health hazard etc.
ii. Save Energy: Energy consumed in the production of the construction material from natural
iii. Enhance Economy: Potential high value of recycled material not tapped and gets buried in
landfills or illegal dumps leading to economic loss. Reduce demand-supply gap in these
sectors and save the natural resources. Reduce the valuable waste going to landfill.

4. The policy specifically endorses the following core principles:

i. To protect the environment and the City valuable land resources
ii. Treatment of C&D waste at the local level so that value addition is done to the waste

iii. Promoting use of the C&D waste at the city level and recycle & reuse of the waste for
construction, land filling and other uses.
iv. To make the recycling of C&D waste at the residential, commercial and the institutional
level, which is economical and environmentally sustainable.
v. Ensuring, protecting and proper use of the C&D waste.
vi. Exploring Public Private Partnership (PPP) at the residential, commercial and the
institutional level for C&D waste management
vii. Establishment of an efficient, effective, affordable and accountable system for managing
the C&D waste, effective recycling and its reuse.
5. Objectives:
To overcome the problem of collection, transportation and disposal of the C&D waste at the landfill site.
The policy is drafted to ensure C&D waste is stored, collected, transported and processed properly so
that it is put to effective use. The processing of the C&D waste is to reduce the burden of disposal as
well as convert the C&D waste into meaningful product.
A. Reduction of C&D Waste: Less waste leads to fewer disposal facilities, which leads to less
environmental issues. Rehabilitate an existing structure in place of planned demolition. Use
deconstruction techniques rather than demolition of a building.
B. Reuse of C&D Waste: It does not require any further processing to convert into a useful
product. The items which are usable directly to be screened out from the debris and put
into the possible use without further processing.
C. Recycling of C&D Waste: Once the waste generated from construction and demolition
activities has been segregated and reusable items are taken out, the leftover is available for
further processing i.e. recycling into next useful stage.
D. Re-buy of processed material: Purchase recycled-content building materials by authorized
contractor. In each new construction 10% material (minimum) should be used recycled C&D
waste materials.
To ensure the above objective following activities should be followed:
i. To ensure 100% collection of the C&D waste.
ii. To ensure 100% processing of the C&D waste in the city.
iii. To improve the environment and reduce the pressure on the landfill sites, water bodies,
roadside or elsewhere in the city.

iv. To ensure the C&D waste recycled is used for meaningful purpose in construction, road,
filling etc.
v. To reduce the dependence upon the fresh construction material at the local level.

vi. To ensure alternative use of C&D waste material in the city.

vii. Recycling of aggregate material from construction and demolition waste .

6. Source of Construction & Demolition Waste
2.1 Construction and Demolition Waste (also referred to as C&D Waste) is defined by the
C&D Rules as the waste comprising of building materials, debris and rubble resulting from construction,
remodeling, repair and demolition of any civil structure. The activities that mainly generate C&D Waste
are (i) construction of new buildings, (ii) renovation of existing buildings (iii) demolition of old buildings
(iv) excavation/laying of asphalt/concrete roads (v) installation and service of public utilities (telephone/
water/ of public infrastructure (bridges/flyovers).

2.2 Components of C&D Waste: The composition of C&D Waste is city specific and differs according
to the rate of urbanization, the pace of developmental activity and the re-development of the city. The
composition also varies according to the project and depends on the age and type of building. Generally,
however as per the study carried out by the Technology, Information, Forecasting and Assessment
Council (TIFAC), the typical composition of C&D Waste in India is shown in figure 1.

Typical Composition of C&D waste in India

2% 2%




Soil,Sand & Gravel Brick & Masonary Others Metal Wood Bitumen

Figure 1

7. Flow of C&D waste from generator to disposal:

• C&D waste should be kept in the generator’s compound in a properly segregated way and then
transported to designated disposal sites prescribed by the ULB.ULB will formalize a collection
system with adequate tracking, monitoring
• The C&D waste should be transported to the designated location/s on self arrangements by
generators or through other systems provided by ULB, whichever is mentioned in the by-laws of
the ULB
• Both the generator and the transporting entity should maintain records of the quantum of waste
transported to the designated processing/dumping area
• Vehicles carrying C&D waste should be covered to avoid dust, air pollution and spilling of debris
on roads. These trucks can also be enabled with GPS device for tracking of waste flow from the
collection points or generation site to the waste processing facility

C&D waste should not be allowed to be dumped in landfills before recovering useful materials from the
waste stream. The small fraction of C&D waste that comes out as unusable waste product after
processing to be used in landfilling or pavement making and the rest needs to disposed properly in a
sanitary landfill and should not be mixed with other MSW. The hazardous fraction of C&D waste needs
to be dumped in a hazardous waste landfill. Even for cities which don’t have dedicated recycling
facilities, the C&D waste debris can be used to some extent for approved public works construction
projects where possible and the rest should be disposed at designated dumping sites which provides an
opportunity for recycling them in the future.
The hazardous fraction of C&D waste needs to be dumped in a hazardous waste landfill. More than 90%
of the C&D waste composition in Indian cities can be processed/ recycled and reused as secondary raw
materials. Even for cities which do not have dedicated recycling facilities, the C&D waste debris can be
used to some extent for approved public works construction projects where possible, and the rest
should be disposed at designated dumping sites which provides an opportunity for recycling them in the
Processing and Utilization of C&D Waste:
In India, currently material streams in C&D waste of immediate market value like metals, wood frames,
etc. are recovered for the secondary market (usually by the informal sector), while the rest of debris is
left behind. While a small fraction of this debris is used for backfilling and as daily landfill cover, most of
it is not utilized. There is high time we should successfully set up of C&D waste processing facilities that
are manufacturing a wide range of products. As required under the new Rules, such processing units
need to be established in Bihar.

8. Duties of Service Provider and Their Contractors

i. The service providers shall prepare a comprehensive waste management plan covering
segregation, storage, collection, reuse, recycling, transportation and disposal of
construction and demolition waste generated within their jurisdiction.
ii. The service providers shall remove all construction and demolition waste and clean the
area every day, if possible, or depending upon the duration of the work, the quantity and
type of waste generated, appropriate storage and collection, a reasonable timeframe
shall be worked out in consultation with the concerned local authority.
iii. In case of the service providers have no logistics support to carry out the work specified
in sub- rules (i) and (ii), they shall tie up with the authorised agencies for removal of
construction and demolition waste and pay the relevant charges as notified by the local
authority. All such logistic supports shall be equipped with GPS device and the service
provider will provide daily report on collection and disposal of C&D waste.
iv.Dust control Plan: Suitable measures shall be taken by the Concessionaire to control and
manage the dust generated during processing of C&D Waste and ensure that dust
generation is minimal even during the dry seasons. Failing to do so will attract heavy
penalty as decided by the authority from time to time through notifications,

v. Development of Re-cycle Material: the service provider shall develop the recycled
materials which will be certified by BIS and will be sold for various works at
construction site (Public and Private both). An audit trail shall be maintained by the
service provider to keep track of C&D waste collected and their utilization .

9. Duties of ULBs:
i. Issue detailed directions with regard to proper management of construction and
demolition waste within its jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of these rules
and the local authority shall seek detailed plan or undertaking as applicable, from
generator of construction and demolition waste;
ii. Chalk out stages, methodology and equipment, material involved in the overall activity and
final clean up after completion of the construction and demolition;
iii. Seek assistance from concerned authorities for safe disposal of construction and
demolition waste contaminated with industrial hazardous or toxic material or nuclear
waste if any;
iv. Shall make arrangements and place appropriate containers for collection of waste and shall
remove at regular intervals or when they are filled, either through own resources or by
appointing private operators;
v. Shall get the collected waste transported to appropriate sites for processing and disposal
either through own resources or by appointing private operators;
vi. Shall give appropriate incentives to generator for salvaging, processing and or recycling
preferably in-situ;
vii. Shall examine and sanction the waste management plan of the generators within a period
of one month or from the date of approval of building plan, whichever is earlier from the
date of its submission;
viii. Shall keep track of the generation of construction and demolition waste within its
jurisdiction and establish a data base and update once in a year;
ix. Shall device appropriate measures in consultation with expert institutions for management
of construction and demolition waste generated including processing facility and for using
the recycled products in the best possible manner;
x. Shall create a sustained system of information, education and communication for
construction and demolition waste through collaboration with expert institutions and civil
societies and also disseminate through their own website;
xi. Shall make provision for giving incentives for use of material made out of construction and
demolition waste in the construction activity including in nonstructural concrete, paving
blocks, lower layers of road pavements, colony and rural roads.

10. Duties of the Waste Generator:
i. Every waste generator shall prima-facie be responsible for collection, segregation of
concrete, soil and others and storage of construction and demolition waste generated, as
directed or notified by the concerned local authority in consonance with these rules.
ii. The generator shall ensure that other waste (such as solid waste) does not get mixed
with this waste and is stored and disposed separately.
iii. Waste generators who generate more than 10 tons or more in one day or 300 tons per
project in a month shall segregate the waste into four streams such as concrete, soil,
steel, wood and plastics, bricks and mortar and shall submit waste management plan
and get appropriate approvals from the local authority before starting construction or
demolition or remodeling work and keep the concerned authorities informed regarding
the relevant activities from the planning stage to the implementation stage and this
should be on project to project basis.
iv.Every waste generator shall keep the construction and demolition waste within the
premise or get the waste deposited at collection center so made by the local body or
handover it to the authorized processing facilities of construction and demolition waste;
and ensure that there is no littering or deposition of construction and demolition waste
so as to prevent obstruction to the traffic or the public or drains.
v. Every waste generator shall pay relevant charges for collection, transportation,
processing and disposal as notified by the concerned authorities; Waste generators who
generate more than 10 tons or more in one day or 300 tons per project in a month shall
have to pay for the processing and disposal of construction and demolition waste
generated by them, apart from the payment for storage, collection and transportation.
The rate shall be fixed by the concerned local authority or any other authority designated
by the State/City Government.

11. On Standards, Regulations and Quality Assurance

a. Particular attention shall be focused on adopting and enforcing the C&D waste to be done
at appropriate level.
b. Extensive and comprehensive monitoring programs shall be developed so that the C&D is
collected and processed properly.
c. Data collected from the monitoring process shall be entered and stored, processed and
analyzed through computer software, and results are to be published periodically by the
local body.
12. Public Awareness:
d. The public shall be educated through various means about the advantage associated with
the C&D waste handling and processing.
e. Programs on public awareness shall be designed and conducted to promote the C&D
waste at different levels.
f. Public awareness campaigns shall also be waged to educate the public on the importance
of C&D waste and its advantage to the environment.

g. It is observed that the system is dependent on the appreciation of the beneficiaries to the
advantages and importance of the system to them and thereby working together towards
making it successful.
h. A conscious campaign has to precede the planning and implementation of the C&D waste
policy. Local body, Non-Government Organizations and local neighborhood committees
could give the process a thrust.
i. A public participation process will not only aid in identifying potential consumers but also
serve as a public education program.

13. Monitoring & Evaluation:

Local authority will develop an M&E framework to measure cities’ performance, and also devise
data collection and reporting systems using indicator framework developed for C&D waste. A cell
will be created inside ULB to monitor and evaluate the composting being done. The cell will be
created by funds from external agency funding or from the funds of 15th finance commission or
through the state budget.
A Management Information System (MIS) will be developed accordingly to monitor and evaluate
the progress.

14. Tax Incentive

The tax incentive will apply in following conditions:
i. All the builders/contractors who will treat their C&D waste as per the norms laid will be
eligible tax incentive after a year based on the evaluation of their performance.
ii. All the new apartments which will be constructed and if they adhere to all C&D norms may
get a rebate in construction permit fee.
iii. All the new malls, big hotels, industries, clubs, colleges, universities, hospitals, sports
stadiums etc. which will be constructed and if they adhere to all C&D norms may get a
rebate in construction permit fee.
iv. A separate head of the user fee and penalty namely called ‘C&D User Fee and Penalty’ will
be created which may be levied as per the norms laid out.

15. Capacity Building & Training

The ULB, will formulate a strategy on capacity building and training on C&D waste to support the
local body to build their personnel capacities and organizational systems for delivery of C&D waste
services. It will identify agencies that will train the local level personnel on aspects related to C&D

16. Expected Outcomes

As this Policy is implemented in the city, it is expected to yield significant benefits in terms of
improved public health indicators, considerable reduced pollution of water bodies and
groundwater from C&D waste, and resource recovery leading to reuse of treated waste and other
end products. Some key projected outcomes are:
i. Safe containment, collection and conveyance of 100% C&D waste to treatment and
disposal sites
ii. Continuous improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in the entire C&D waste cycle
collection, treatment, recycle & reuse and disposal
iii. Contamination of water bodies and groundwater from human waste (Faecal matter)
reduced to zero levels in all the towns and cities
iv. Nuisance from C&D waste reduced to minimum levels, resulting in nuisance free living
v. Maximum reuse of recycled C&D waste at the city level and making wealth out of waste.

Thank You


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