Lecture 2_Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 2_Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 2_Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Where; a and C are constants and the variable x is the displacement of the diatomic from equilibrium.
• Notice the wave function can be complex (and complicated)!
• More on the properties of the wave functions later.
• For this idealized system, we can derive any property of the system from the above function. 2
Postulate 1 (extended)
• The state of a quantum mechanical system is completely specified by a function Y(x, y, z, t) that
depends on the coordinates and on the time.
• This function is called the wave function of the system. All possible information about the system
can be derived from Y.
• The wave function Y(x, y, z, t) has an important property that its square is the probability
distribution function for the system:
• Complex conjugate of the wave function is obtained by replacing any imaginary numbers with their
negative: i* = -1.
Minimal Requirements for a Valid Wave Function
• There cannot be points in space where the wave function is “missing”. There must be a
probability associated with every point in space.
Postulate 3
• The 3rd postulate deals with measurements in quantum mechanics.
• Any measurement of the observable associated with the operator A, the only values that will
ever be observed are the eigenvalues ‘a’, which satisfy the following:
Where; f is an eigenfunction of the operator A (It is not necessarily the wave function).
What are Eigen functions and Eigenvalues?
• When a mathematical operation (such as multiplication, differentiation) is performed on a function,
the result is generally some different function.
• For example: differentiation of x2 yields a different function, 2x.
• For some combinations of operations and functions, the same function is regenerated, multiplied by a
• For example: differentiation of e2x yields a different function, 2e2x.
• The original function is simply multiplied by 2. 9
(if so, what is the eigen value?)
• Determine if the function f is an eigenfunction of the operator 𝑨
Postulate 3
, the only values that
• For any measurement of the observable associated with the operator 𝑨
will ever be observed are the eigenvalues an which satisfy:
• An operator generally has more than one valid eigenfunction so we index the eigen functions
with a subscript n.
• The eigen value ‘a’ can be discrete or continuous, depending on the operator.
• If the eigenvalues are discrete then we usually index them from the smallest value to the
largest value: n = (sometimes) 0,1, 2, 3….
Postulate 4
• If a system is in a state described by a normalized wave function Y, then the average or mean value
of the observable that will be measured corresponding to the operator A is given by:
• Brackets are used to emphasize that we apply the operator to Y before we integrate.
• If the wave function Y is not normalized, then the expectation value is
given by:
Postulate 5
• If the potential does not change in time, the wave function can be obtained by solving for Schrödinger’s time-
independent equation.