Neural Networks Pt. 4 Spiking Neuron Models

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Neural Networks Pt.

Spiking Neuron Models
Lecture 9 I400/I590
Artificial Life as an approach to Artificial Intelligence
Larry Yaeger
Professor of Informatics, Indiana University
Brain ModelingNeurons
There is a tradeoff between detail and speed
Modeling always entails a balance between level of
abstraction and computational tractability
Ultimately we need to look at large networks of
neurons, yet both single-neuron and whole-network
behaviors may hinge on details of individual components
One way of partitioning models of individual neurons
Level I: Detailed compartmental models
Morphology, spatial structure are realistic
Discretized dendrites require numerical integration
Asymmetric voltage attenuation (Rall cable theory)
Supports dendritic computation and axonal signal filtering
(coincidence detection, motion detection, gain modulation)
Mathematical analysis intractable
Computationally expensive (single cell mostly)
Level II: Reduced compartmental models
Sufficient for some somatodendritic interactions
May retain multiple time scales
May retain dendritic interactions
Can model temporal aspects of learning and spiking
Have been used to model short term memory, cortical
gamma oscillations, slow-wave sleep oscillations
Lose spatial fidelity
Still computationally expensive (max around 3,000 cells)
Level III: Single-compartment models
Focus on ionic currents production of subthreshold and
spiking voltage traces
Is itself a broad class (Hodgkin-Huxley, Leaky-Integrate-
and-Fire, Izhikevich)
Model phasic, chattering, tonic, and adaptive spiking,
relating cell characteristics to observed spike trains
Capture synaptic noise effects on probabilistic spiking,
neuron sensitivity, network stability
Computationally tractable (100,000s to 10
Level IV: Cascade models
Concatenation of linear filters, nonlinear transformations,
and random processes
Includes standard summing and squashing models
Successfully models stimulus-response experimental data
Used to model visual system, simultaneous adaptation to
mean light intensity and light contrast, other features
Even though rate-based, may incorporate timing
information, stochastic firing, and model spike trains
Ignore dynamics that do affect experimental outcomes
Yet in specific cases yield accurate information-theoretic
description of neuronal responses
Level V: Black-box models
Model signal-processing characteristics with no
consideration of physical machinery
May reveal general operating points, how inputs modify
Can take p(R|S) directly from experimental data
Have revealed that sensory neurons operate close to their
information-theoretic limit, and how neurons may shift
their input-output curves to achieve this
Good for quantifying some aspects of neuron and network
behavior, but difficult to relate to underlying physical
Finding a balance
A good theoretical model of a complex system should
be like a good caricature: it should emphasize those
features which are most important and should downplay
the inessential details. Now the only snag with this
advice is that one does not really know which are the
inessential details until one has understood the
phenomena under study.
Shriki et al, Neural Comput. 15, 1809 (2003)
Brain function relies on the interplay of hundreds to
billions of neurons that are arranged in specialized
modules on multiple anatomical hierarchies. Even today,
it remains unclear which level of single-cell modeling is
appropriate to understand the dynamics and
computations carried out by such large systems.
However, only by understanding how single cells operate
as part of a network can we assess their coding and
thus the level of detail required for modeling.
Herz et al, Science 314, 80-85 (2006)
20 Ways to Spike Your Neuron
1. Tonic spiking - periodic spikes in response to a
step in input current
2. Phasic spiking - single spike in response to a
step in input current
3. Tonic bursting - periodic bursts of spikes in
response to a step in input current
4. Phasic bursting - single burst of spikes in
response to a step in input current
20 Ways to Spike Your Neuron
5. Mixed mode - initial burst followed by periodic
6. Spike frequency adaptation - spike frequency
decreases over time
7. Class 1 excitable - fire at low (above
threshold) current and spike frequency is
proportional to current
8. Class 2 excitable - requires higher current to
fire, then fires at constant, moderate
20 Ways to Spike Your Neuron
9. Spike latency - spike delay is inversely
proportional to current; spike timing encodes
strength of input
10. Subthreshold oscillations - membrane
potential oscillates after a spike or with
subthreshold input
11. Resonator - only spikes when inputs resonate
with subthreshold oscillation frequency; can
implement frequency modulation & multiplexing
12. Integrator - without subthreshold oscillation,
can integrate inputs, prefer high frequency
input, perform (near) coincidence detection
20 Ways to Spike Your Neuron
13. Rebound spike - spike upon release from
inhibitory inputs
14. Rebound burst - burst of spikes upon release
from inhibitory inputs
15. Threshold variability - inhibition lowers
threshold; excitation raises threshold; same
input may be subthreshold or superthreshold
16. Bistable - switch between resting and tonic
spiking (or bursting) states; timing of the
off signal can matter
20 Ways to Spike Your Neuron
17. Depolarizing after-potential (DAP) - may
experience a period of superexcitability after
a spike, instead of a refractory period
18. Accommodation - slow increase in current
gives neuron time to accommodate; smaller,
but sharper current increase may cause spike
19. Inhibition-induced spiking - bizarre; current
activates the h-current and deinactivates
calcium T-current, leading to tonic spiking
20.Inhibition-induced bursting - similar to above;
may play role in sleep rhythms
How can we model all of these?
No model should (or can) exhibit all of these response
patterns with a single set of parameters
Some of these patterns are mutually exclusive (a
neuron cannot be an integrator and a resonator at
the same time)
However, it is possible to achieve all of these behaviors
using different parameter settings in a simple neural
model involving just four parameters, due to Izhikevich
Other neuron models can also use adjustment of
parameters to achieve some subset of these behaviors
An optimal model will be able to capture all of these
behaviors and be computationally efficient
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
v membrane potential
v derivative of v w.r.t. time
I input current
All parameters (a, b, c, etc.) are chosen so that
v is in mV and time is in msec
An integration time step is chosen so as to provide
reasonable numerical accuracy in fixed-step
first order Euler method
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
1. (Leaky) Integrate & Fire (I&F)
v = I + a - b v
if v ! v
then fire and reset v = c
Class 1 excitable
Fires tonic spikes at fixed frequency
Four floating-point operations, plus one compare,
per ms
Fast, but extremely limited repertoire of behaviors
- No phasic spiking, bursting, rebound responses, threshold
variability, bistability, autonomous chaotic dynamics, or
- Only 3 of the 20 identified behaviors are modeled
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
2. Integrate & Fire with Adaptation (I&FA)
v = I + a - b v + g (d - v)
if v ! v
then fire and reset v = c
g = (e !(t) - g) / "
Like I & F, but adapts firing rate over time
10 floating-point operations, plus compare, per ms
Reasonably fast, but still a limited repertoire of
behaviors (5 of 20)
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
3. Integrate & Fire or Burst (I&FB)
v = I + a - b v + g H(v - v
) h (v
- v)
if v ! v
then fire and reset v = c
-h / "
, if v > v
(1 - h) / "
, if v < v
h describes the inactivation of the calcium T-current
Remaining parameters describe T-current dynamics
H is the Heaviside step function
Between 9 and 13 operations per ms (depending on v)
Adds bursting, rebound spiking and bursting,
bistability, and DAP
9 to 11 behaviors still unmodeled
h =
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
4. Resonate & Fire (R&F)
z = I + (b + i#) z
if Im(z) ! a
then fire and reset z = z
Real(z) is the membrane potential, v
b, #, and a
are parameters
(z) is an arbitrary function describing the
activity-dependent after-spike reset
10 operations, plus compare, per ms
No bursting, but adds Class 2 excitable,
subthreshold oscillations, resonator, rebound spike,
bistability, DAP, accommodation, and chaotic
9 behaviors unmodeled
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
5. Quadratic Integrate & Fire (QI&F)
v = I + a (v - v
) (v - v
if v ! v
then fire and reset v = v
Canonical any Class 1 excitable system described
by smooth ODEs can be transformed into this form
7 operations, plus compare, per ms
Adds threshold variability, bistability, and latency
to I&F, but lacks bursting and 15 of the 20
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
6. Izhikevich spiking model (ISM)
v = 0.04 v
+ 5 v + 140 - u + I
u = a (bv - u)
if v ! 30 mv then has fired, so reset:
v = c
u = u + d
u is a membrane recovery variable
- Accounts for activation of K
ionic currents
- Accounts for inactivation of Na
ionic currents
- Provides negative feedback to v
Constants chosen so that v is in mv and t is in ms
30 mv is peak, not threshold (threshold varies)
13 floating point operations, plus compare, per ms in
most regimes
Time step in chaotic domains may need to be smaller
Produces all 20 behaviors with different parameters
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
7. FitzHugh-Nagumo
v = a + b v + c v
+ d v
- u
u = $ (ev - u)
18 floating point operations, per step
- But due to necessity of simulating spike shape, four time
steps per ms are required, hence
72 operations per ms
Can model many resonator neurons, but still misses 9
or 10 of the defined 20
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
8. Hindmarsh-Rose
v = u - F(v) + I - w
u = G(v) - u
w = (H(v) - w) / "
F, G, and H are arbitrary functions
In principle can model all 20 spiking behaviors,
however finding these functions can be difficult
Assuming the functions can be found and of
polynomial degree 3 (best case)
30 floating point operations, per step
- But due to necessity of simulating spike shape, four time
steps per ms are required
120 operations per ms
Izhikevich was unable to find suitable functions for 3
of the 20 behaviors
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
9. Morris-Lecar
Consists of a membrane potential equation with
instantaneous activation of Ca current and an
additional equation giving slower K current
Requires 12 parameters, but they are biophysically
meaningful and measurable
To produce tonic bursting requires additional
equation, making it equivalent to Hodgkin-Huxley
60 floating-point ops per step, but requires " = 0.1 ms
600 ops per ms
6 to 8 behaviors unmodeled
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
10. Wilson polynomial neurons
(Four differential equations)
45 floating-point ops per step, but requires
" = 0.25 ms
180 ops per ms
Can theoretically produce all 20 behaviors, but
Izhikevich was unable to find parameters for 6 of
11 Ways to Model Your Neuron
11. Hodgkin-Huxley
(Four equations)
10s of parameters, but all biophysically meaningful
and measurable
Describes membrane potential, activation of Na and K
currents, and inactivation of Na current
Original formulation produces limited set of
behaviors, but tweaking parameters allows
considerable flexibility
120 floating-point ops per step, but requires " = 0.1
1200 ops per ms
Adjusting parameters can theoretically produce all
20 behaviors, but Izhikevich was unable to find
parameters for 3 of them
Which model should we choose?
Which model should we choose?
Incorporating temporal delays
Axonal conduction delays in mammalian neocortex range
from 0.1 ms to 44 ms, depending on neuron type and
Yet the propagation delay between two specific neurons
is reproducible with submillisecond precision
Though often ignored, axonal delays confer a substantial
advantage on brain networks
Results in otherwise impossible stable firing patterns
Neurons can participate in multiple, distinct groups
The number of such groups exceeds the number of
neurons in the network, and possibly the number of
Incorporating learning
STDP rule Spike-timing-dependent plasticity, or
Hebbian temporally asymmetric synaptic plasticity
= !" = 20ms, A
= 0.1, and A
= 0.12
How far can we push this model?
1,000 cortical spiking neurons in real time in MATLAB
on a 1 GHz desktop PC
20,000 neurons in real time in C on a 1 GHz desktop PC
Izhikevich has modeled 100,000 neurons with axonal
delays and STDP learning
Exhibited delta oscillations early, and as learning
progressed generated chaotic, Poisson firing
patterns, subsequently settling into gamma rhythms
In September 2005, [Izhikevich] simulated a detailed
thalamo-cortical system with 10
spiking neurons (size
of the human brain), 6-layer cortical micro-circuitry,
specific, non-specific, and reticular thalamic nuclei.
One second of simulation took over a month on a
cluster of 27 3 GHz processors.
Extensive use was made of the three reading assignments:
Izhikevich, Eugene M., Simple Model of Spiking Neurons, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks (2003) 14:1569-1572
Izhikevich, Eugene M., Which Model to Use for Cortical Spiking
Neurons? IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2004)
Izhikevich, Eugene M., Polychronization: Computation With
Spikes, Neural Computation (2006) 18:245-28
Some context derived from the review article (in the reading extras
Herz, Andreas V.M. et al., Modeling Single-Neuron Dynamics and
Computations: A Balance of Detail and Abstraction, Science
(2006) 314:80

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