WT Impq Unit Wise
WT Impq Unit Wise
WT Impq Unit Wise
1. Define Anchor tag with an example.
2. List the types of Style sheets.
3. Define image tag with an example.
4. Define Ordered list with an example.
5. Define Heading Tags with an example.
6. Explain about the purpose of DTD.
7. Why are attributes used in XML.
8. Define naming rules in XML.
9. Define XML Schema.
10. Define SAX Parser.
1. How is Servlet different from an Applet.
2. Explain about Servlet API.
3. How to create a cookie using servlet.
4. What is servlet?
5. What are the Difference between Generic Servlet and HTTPServlet?
6. Discuss about Http Requests.
7. What is Session?
8. Discuss about Http Responses.
9. What are the different types of session tracking mechanism supported
by Servlets?
10. Explain about Common gateway interface.
1. Define JSP expression.
2. What are the directives in JSP write with syntax?
3. What is the syntax of JSP?
4. Explain about Scriptlet Tag.
5. What are implicit objects in jsp?
6. Explain about the methods of getProperty() and setProperty().
7. What is JSP?
8. What are the uses of Java Beans in JSP page.
9. What are the difference between JSP and HTML.
10.How are Cookies used for Session tracking in JSP.
1. What is JavaScript? Write the advantages of JavaScript
2. What is the difference between GET and POST methods in JavaScript.
3. What is the scope of variables in JavaScript.
4. Define Event. How events are handled in JavaScript.
5. What is DATE object in JavaScript.
6. Explain use of “this” keyword in JavaScript.
7. How the keyword “new” is used to create objects in JavaScript?
8. What is Document Object Model?
9. What is the difference between undefined and not defined in
10.How to insert JavaScript code in PHP?
2. (a) What are the implicit objects available in JSP? List the
advantages of JSP over Servlets?
(b) Write a JSP to demonstrate the usage of page and include