6. Ad-TFS_Mass Transfer
6. Ad-TFS_Mass Transfer
6. Ad-TFS_Mass Transfer
6. Mass Transfer
Balewgize A. ZERU
Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, JiT, JU
Fick’s Law of Diffusion
■Consider the system shown in the figure. A thin partition separates
the two gases A and B.
When the partition is removed, the two gases diffuse through each
other until equilibrium is established and the concentration of the
gases is uniform throughout the box.
The diffusion rate is given by Fick’s law of diffusion, which states
that the mass flux of a constituent per unit area is proportional to
the concentration gradient.
… Mass Transfer
The physical mechanism of diffusion:
Consider the imaginary plane shown by the dashed line in
Figure 11-2. The concentration of component A is greater on
the left side of this plane than on the right side.
The fact that the molecules collide with each other
influences the diffusion process strongly.
The collision between like molecules does not appreciably
alter the basic molecular movement, because the two
molecules are identical and it does not make any difference
whether one or the other of the two molecules crosses a
certain plane.
The collision of two unlike molecules, say, molecules A and
B, might result in molecule B crossing some particular plane
instead of molecule A.
The molecules would, in general, have different masses;
thus the mass transfer would be influenced by the collision.
By using the kinetic theory of gases it is possible to predict
analytically the diffusion rates for some systems by taking
into account the collision mechanism and molecular weights
of the constituent gases.
… Mass Transfer
■ Similarity,
the heat-conduction equation describes the transport of energy,
the viscous-shear equation describes the transport of momentum across
fluid layers, and
the diffusion law describes the transport of mass.
… Mass Transfer
Diffusion in Gases
■ In gases the diffusion rates are clearly dependent on the
molecular speed, and consequently we should expect a
dependence of the diffusion coefficient on temperature since the
temperature indicates the average molecular speed.
■ Gilliland has proposed a semi empirical equation for the
diffusion coefficient in gases:
- D is in m2/s,
- T is in degrees Kelvin,
- p is the total system pressure [Pa]
- VA and VB are the molecular
■ Equation (11-2) offers a convenient expression for calculating volumes of constituents A and B as
the diffusion coefficient for various compounds and mixtures, calculated from the atomic
but it should not be used as a substitute for experimental values volumes in Table 11-1;
of the diffusion coefficient when they are available for a - MA and MB are the molecular
particular system. weights of constituents A and B.
The diffusion process is occurring in two ways at the same time; that is, gas A is
diffusing into gas B at the same time that gas B is diffusing into gas A. We thus
could refer to the diffusion coefficient for either of these processes.
For gases at low pressures or at a state where the ideal-gas equation of state
applies, Fick’s law may be expressed in terms of partial pressures:
The density ρ represents the mass concentration to be used in Fick’s law.
The gas constant R for a particular gas may be expressed in terms of the
universal gas constant R0 and the molecular weight of the gas. i.e
For ideal gas, Fick’s law of diffusion for component A into component B could be
written if isothermal diffusion is considered i.e. T = constant
Equi-molal Diffusion
Now consider a physical situation called equi-molal counter-diffusion,
as indicated in the figure.
NA and NB represent the steady-state molal diffusion rates of components
A and B respectively.
The total pressure of the system remains constant at steady state, so that
Since each molecule of A is replacing a molecule of B, we may set the molal
diffusion rates equal:
where Equation (11-7) has been used to express the pressure gradient of component B.
We thus find
Diffusion of water vapor into air:
Consider the isothermal evaporation of water from a surface and the subsequent
diffusion through a stagnant air layer, as shown in the figure.
The free surface of the water is exposed to air in the tank, as shown.
The system is isothermal and that the total pressure remains constant.
The system is in steady state. This requires that there be a slight air movement over
the top of the tank to remove the water vapor that diffuses to that point. Whatever air
movement may be necessary to accomplish this, it is assumed that it does not create
turbulence or otherwise alter the concentration profiles in the air in the tank.
Both the air and water vapor behave as ideal gases.
As the water evaporates, it will diffuse upward through the air, and at steady state this
upward movement must be balanced by a downward diffusion of air so that the
concentration at any x position will remain constant.
But at the surface of the water there can be no net mass movement of air downward.
Consequently, there must be a bulk mass movement upward with a velocity just large
enough to balance the diffusion of air downward. This bulk mass movement then produces
an additional mass flux of water vapor upward.
The diffusion of air downward is given by
The mass diffusion of water vapor upward is:
The total mass transport is the sum of those given in Equations (11-13) and (11-14).
Adding these quantities and making use of Equation (11-12) gives
The partial pressure of the water vapor may be related to the partial pressure of the air by
making use of Dalton’s law,
Diffusion in Liquids and Solids
Fick’s law of diffusion is also used for problems involving liquid and solid
diffusion, and the main difficulty is one of determining the value of the diffusion
coefficient for the particular liquid or solid.
Unfortunately, only approximate theories are available for
Predicting diffusion coefficients in these systems.
• [Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot] discuss the calculation of diffusion in liquids, and
• [Jost] gives a discussion of the various theories that have been employed to
predict values of the diffusion coefficient
Diffusion in solids is complex because of the strong influence of the molecular
force fields on the process.
For these systems Fick’s law is often used, along with an experimentally
determined diffusion coefficient, although there is some indication that this
relation may not adequately describe the physical processes.
The numerical value of the diffusion coefficient for liquids and solids is much
smaller than for gases, primarily because of
the larger molecular force fields,
the increased number of collisions, and
the consequent reduction in the freedom of movement of the molecules.
mass-transfer coefficient may be defined in a manner similar to that used for
defining the heat-transfer coefficient. Thus
The phenomenological laws governing energy, mass, and momentum transfer in
convection heat transfer analysis are also similarly to be used in convective mass
It has be seen that for a laminar boundary layer
the ratio ν/α is the Prandtl number, Pr., an important parameter in all
convection heat transfer problems.
where CA is the concentration of the component that is diffusing through the boundary
layer. Note the similarity between Equation (11-22) and Equations (11-20) and (11-21).
The concentration and velocity profiles will have the same shape when ν=D or ν/D=1.
The dimensionless ratio ν/D is called the Schmidt number, Sc,
Schmidt number is important in problems where both convection and mass transfer
are important.
i.e. the Schmidt number plays a role similar to that of the Prandtl number in
convection heat-transfer problems.
The temperature and concentration profiles will be similar when α=D or α/D=1, and the
ratio α/D is called the Lewis number, Le
The similarities between the governing equations for heat, mass, and momentum transfer
suggest that empirical correlations for the mass-transfer coefficient would be similar to
those for the heat-transfer coefficient.
Some of the empirical relations for mass-transfer coefficients by Gilliland [4] are presented
for the vaporization of liquids into air inside circular columns where the liquid wets the
surface and the air is forced through the column.
Equation (11-25) is valid for 2000<Red<35,000 and 0.6<Sc<2.5 and flow in smooth
Is similar with the Dittus-Boelter equation (6-4).
For Rough tubes, the Reynolds analogy for pipe flow may be extended to mass-transfer
problems to express the mass-transfer coefficient in terms of the friction factor,
The analogy is written
This may be compared with the analogy for heat transfer for rough tubes
[Equation (6-12)]:
For flow over smooth flat plates, the Reynolds analogy for mass transfer becomes
(analogous to Equations (5-55) and (5-81))
When both heat and mass transfer are occurring simultaneously, the mass- and heat-transfer
coefficients may be related by dividing Equation (11-28) by Equation (11-27):
In addition to using mass density or mass concentration as the driving potential
for mass flow (diffusion) and definition of the mass-transfer coefficient, it is
also possible to employ molar density and mole fractions as driving forces.
Webb [14] suggests a standardized nomenclature applicable to the different
Fig. Problem
Fig. Problem
Evaporation Processes in the Atmosphere
In the atmosphere, the continuous evaporation and condensation of water from the
soil, oceans, and lakes influences every form of life and provides many of the day-
to-day varieties of climate that govern the environment on earth.
These processes are very complicated because in practice they are governed by
substantial atmospheric convection currents that are difficult to describe
The molecular diffusion of the water vapor may be written in the form of Equation (11-
13) as
where ρ and M are the density and molecular weight of the moist air,
⁃ Because the molar concentration of water vapor is so small in atmospheric
applications, the molecular weight of the moist air is essentially that of dry air, and
Equations (11-32) and (11-33) can be combined to give
Integrating with appropriate boundary conditions
Measuring Evaporating rate:
Consider the following problem, a “standard
pan” is used as shown in Figure 11-6.
The mean wind movement is measured 6 inches
above the pan rim, and
The water-evaporation rates are measured with
the pan placed on the ground (land pan) or in a
body of water (floating pan).
For the land pan and with a convectively stable
atmosphere, the evaporation rate has been
correlated experimentally [Kohler et al] as:
Heat transfer to the pan influences the evaporation rate differently for the
ground or water experiments.
To convert the pan measurements to those for a natural surface, Equation
(11-36) is multiplied by a pan coefficient that is 0.7 for the land pan and
0.8 for the floating pan.
If the atmosphere is not convectively stable, vertical density gradients can
cause substantial deviations from Equation (11-36). These problems are
discussed in References 10 to 13.
Questions for Exercise
■ Review questions
■ 11.1, 11.5, 11.11, 11.17, 11.23