Maintenance Manual _ Verical Axis Wind Turbine_English

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Maintenance Manual

for “Kinder Energy” VAWT Wind Turbines


1. Preface & introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Safety & precautions ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Environmental factors ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4. Tool List ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Lowering and raising the turbine ........................................................................................................................... 10
6. Maintaining your wind turbine system ................................................................................................................. 12
7. Service frequency ................................................................................................................................................... 15
8. Check list ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
9. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
10. Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 19
11. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
12. Logbook ................................................................................................................................................................ 30

1. Preface & introduction


This document is a maintenance manual for Wind Turbines VAWT, developed by Kinder Energy, and is for development of locally
manufactured wind turbines for sustainable rural electrification around the world.

The objective is to increase user’s autonomy for producing their own electricity by being able to operate and maintain their wind turbines.


Wind turbines are a good way to produce electricity and increase energy autonomy. On a good site you can produce most of your needs.
Many wind turbines inspired and based on a concept have been manufactured all around the world. Whilst most of the turbines built
according to these specifications performed well, many brake down after some time due to a lack of appropriate maintenance where local
technical capacity to perform repairs is low and travel time to reach installation sites are particularly long.

You must take into account environmental factors influencing maintenance needs, a list of the tools that you need to perform the
maintenance steps, more detailed maintenance procedures, troubleshooting, a check list and a history of any VAWT turbine failures.

Nevertheless, other events not listed can occur. For this reason this document is meant to be updated in the future. A database will be
available online to monitor VAWT maintenance actions but also failures or breakdowns that occurred, so we encourage you to give us your
feedback to help us to improve future editions for off-grid and grid-tied systems.

We hope this work will help you to operate and maintain your turbine so it can reach its full potential.

2. Safety & precautions
Safety should be your primary concern during all maintenance actions performed on your VAWT installation
and particularly when raising and lowering the tower. Be attentive for risks that may arise
from both electrical and mechanical components.

Check the weather forecast before planning a maintenance service.

Before any maintenance action it is absolutely essential to:

Stop the wind turbine switching ON the short-circuit brake (figure


Mechanical hazards

Disassembling the permanent magnet generator: The rotors have very powerful magnets, therefore it is dangerous to have
metal objects or tools close to the rotors. When the two rotors are removed, they must be stored at the appropriate
distance from each other, at least 1.5 m.

Be careful when you dismount the blades to store them in a safe place to avoid any damage.

Electrical hazards

Power Cables

Risk of electric shock from touching the live wires for 48V and grid-tied systems (400V), especially if you disconnect a cable
and as a consequence your turbine is spinning freely.


• A short circuit in the wires connected to the batteries can cause a burning or an explosion.
• Charging a lead-acid battery emits hydrogen, which is highly explosive.
• Make sure that the area where the battery is located is well ventilated.
• Watch out for sparks, flames and other sources of ignition!


If you have a pacemaker or other medical devices, stay away! The permanent magnet generators have a particularly
powerful magnetic field.

Safety gear

We recommend you to wear safety equipment like gloves, safety shoes and a safety helmet. But remember that the best safety is to work
intelligently and making sure the people around you are equally behaving in a responsible manner.

3. Environmental factors
The following table provides an overview about factors that can significantly influence the life span of a VAWT.

The worst enemies of VAWT are:

• Strong winds & turbulent wind conditions
• Water
• Salt
• Sand/erosion
• Lack of maintenance

If a wind turbine is running below one or more of these factors,

it will require more frequent preventative maintenance.

Tab. 1: Environmental factors influencing the life span of a VAWT

Factors Risks Countermeasures Main sensitive parts
Lightning Destruction of the system All the guy wires should be  electronics
(turbine and electronics) In connected together with the tower  anchors
grid-tied system: Risk to to a ground rod (figure 2) or at least
burn the inverter and connected to the ground next to
electronics from a strike on each anchor.
the grid
The electrical system should also be
connected to the same ground rod
via a ground cable to the tower.

Be sure there is a lightning arrester

between the tower and the

On a grid-tied connection, be sure

there is a lightning arrestor
between the grid and the inverter.

Saline air Corrosion of magnets Protect exposed metal materials  neodymium magnets
(comes from the rust inside and rotors of the WT with a  guy wires
the resin), guy wires and all painting against corrosion.  other metallic part (frame,
metallic parts (tower, tail, tower)
frame, etc.) Wear of Change rusted fastenings and guy  plywood parts
components made of wires by stainless ones. If you have
plywood (especially if poor galvanized ones, protect them with
quality plywood) old car oil or other kind of grease.

If the magnets are corroded, build

new rotors and paint or galvanise
the disks, and use expoy resin. Use
also epoxy coating magnets.

Use high quality plywood or change

by metal parts.

Hail Blades affected by erosion Fix holes and eroded parts with  blades
damage. The paint on epoxy resin and protect the blades
metal parts can be with paint or polyurethane varnish.
Protect the plywood/fiberglass with
resin or polyurethane varnish.

Sandy Environment Abrasive effect, strong Paint your blades with layers of  blades
wear on the leading edge different colours. If a layer of colour  base of tower
of the blades, and on the gets exposed by erosion, refurbish  anchors
whole system. the blade surface with a new layer.  metal parts

Put some tape on the leading edge

to protect the blades, or protect
them with epoxy resin.

Remove the sand at the tower base


Protect chains by pouring them into


Protect guy wires and fittings with

oil or grease (can also be old engine

Hot-dry Climates Overheating of electrical Make sure all electrical components  electric and electro- nic
components (High are ventilated and not enclosed. components
temperatures can reduce Make sure batteries are air-cooled:
the battery life by more elevate them on a wooden palette,
than 75%) try air-conditioning, and make a
good insulation of the battery

Cold Climates Ice leads to cracks and Check the water tightness of the  blades
imbalanced blades junction boxes and the wire  electrical connections
Infiltration of snow and ice connections inside, change them if
into the junction boxes and necessary.
resin leads to cracks.
Check and repair holes and cracks
in the blades and resin

Tab. 1: Environmental factors influencing the life span of a VAWT

Factors Risks Countermeasures Main sensitive parts
Storms Strong vibrations on the Secure the turbine if a storm is  turbine
whole system might break predicted or inspect your turbine  tower
the blades. after the storm.

We recommend to keep the turbine

running because when it is stopped,
a high wind speed can be stronger
than the Brake EMF with a risk to
burn the coils and the blades keep
on-wind, which means stronger
mechanical forces on the blade
area, with higher risk of failure.

Turbulence Electrical cable at the Use a higher mast to rise the wind  electrical cable
bottom of the tower twists turbine above the surrounding  turbine
more frequently Vibrations vegetation and obstacles.  tower
on the whole turbine and
tower may increase the risk Untwist the cable at the bottom of
of failure. the tower more frequently.

Check the blade balancing more

often. Strengthen the tail vane.

Rain Infiltration of water in Check and repair holes and cracks  electrical components
blades, plywood, rotors in the blades and resin parts.  rotor
and junction boxes.  stator
Be sure the junction boxes are still  blades
Corrosion. waterproof or replace them.

Protect the plywood tail with resin

or polyurethane varnish.

4. Tool List

To lower and raise the tower:

Tab. 2: Tool list to lower and raise the tower
Designation Qty. Characteristics
Pulling wire grip hoist and its cable (and 1 Up to 2m40 & 18m height: From 3m; 18m or 24m height:
pulley for 24m tower) 800kg; 20m cable 1,6t; 25m cable
Spanner 2 Large size (22, 24 or 26...) for tower & A frame
Cords 1 or 2 3 x A frame length in total
Multi-use pliers 1 Large one
Shackle 3 Equal or greater to the grip hoist maximum pulling strength
Lubricant 1 WD40 type
Tripod or sawhorse 1 High enough to avoid blades touching the ground

To disassemble, check and repair the turbine:

Tab. 3: Tool list to dismount, check and repair the turbine
Designation Qty. Characteristics Tower Blades Alternator Frame Elec.
Hammer/mallet 1 X
Spanners 2 of each Current sizes X
for WT: 14-37
Adjustable 1 Large enough X
wrench/stilsons for the
bearing nut
Small spanners 2 of each 8 to 13 X X X
Screwdrivers with 2 X
hexbit set
Cross (or Philipps) 2 2 different X
screwdrivers ph, pz sizes: 1 small
and 1 bigger
Allen keys (metric) 2 Full sets X X X
Socket set (small 2 Full sets
¼” and ½” large)
Cutting clamp 1 X X
Universal pliers 1 X X
Screw jacks 3 X
Hand saws 2
Circular saws 1
Cordless drill/bit 1 X
with cross bit
Wood & metal drill 2 Full sets X X X
Rags 2 X X X X
Files 1 X
10” Water pump 1 X X X
Multimeter 1 X

Consumables and spare parts:

Tab. 4: List of consumables and spare parts

Designation Qty. Characteriestics
Tying wire 4
Cable ties (all sizes) 5
Sand paper 1 Different grits
Silicone 1
Wood glue 1
Linseed oil 1 Optional
Epoxy resin & hardener 1
Polyurethane varnish 1 In 2 components
Epoxy glue 1 In 2 components
Brushes 3
Anti-corrosive paint 2
White spirit 1
Grease 1
Grease remover 1 Like window cleaner
Threadlock 1 Optional
Electrical tape 1
Iron Wire 1 or 2m
Packs of plastic cable ties 2 Small ones and large ones
Nuts 6 of each
M6, M8, M10, M12 and/or M14; stainless steel
Bolts 6 of each
Washers 6 of each D6, D8, D10, D12 and/or D14; normal and large ones; stainless steel
Wooden screws 20 M5; zinc or stainless steel
Cable clamps 20
6 or 8 (according to guy wire diameter); galva steel
Thimbles 10
Shackles 4 of each 8 and 12 diameter
Turnbuckles 2 For 6 or 8mm diameter guy wires
Junction box 1
2 2 2 2
Cables 1m of each Mono strand, 2.5mm , 4mm , 6mm , 10mm
Electrical terminal blocks 6 of each 10 and 16mm
Crimp lugs 10 of each Different sizes
Fuses 2 Check characteristics of the system (maximum current)
Set of rolling bearings

Additional materials:

In case an important reparation (corrective maintenance) needs to be performed on a VAWT-system, find out the state of the damages from
the operator as precise as possible before going on site, especially on far and remote locations. Take more tools, materials and more spare
parts than the ones listed above, and other spare parts, in case of unforeseen damages

Power Tools:

• Grinder machine with sand, cut and flap disks

• Generator and oil
• Drill
• Portable welding machine

Preferred tools if available:

HIAB lifting truck



Spare parts:
Tab. 5: Additional spare parts
Spare parts Qty. Characteriestics
A set of 3-phase cable 15-25m According to tower height, check for initial cable diameter
Brake switch Same characteristics as the origina
Rectifier and heat sink
Metal parts (flat, angle, pipe) For blade balancing and for frame/tower
Removable balancing tower For balancing the blades
Threaded rods 2m M12 or M14, stainless
A set of guy wires D6, 50m Galvanised or stainless
Marine plywood triangle, disk Check for original thickness

5. Lowering and raising the turbine

Usually the tower of a wind turbine is made of pipes assembled and kept in vertical position with guy wires. Turbine lowering and raising
operations are done with a A frame and a grip hoist, and preferably a crane. It can be dangerous don‘t take unnecessary risks. The main risk
is the tower falling down with the turbine. In worst case, a person can be seriously injured. This can happen in case of:

• One or several guy wires break on the same side.

• A grip hoist cable breaks or the cable is released abnormaly (problem with the break lever of the grip hoist)
• Strong wind

To prevent these risks, follow the precaution safety operations.

A team of at least 2 experienced people is required but 4 people make the work a lot easier.

5.1 Secure the area and the whole system:

Safety warnings:

Working area and Safety Zone

A helmet is compulsory for people working in the perimeter of a

seize as follows: Circle radius equal to tower height (people without
helmet should be kept outside the working area that is displayed in

Only 1 person is leading all operations and explains the risks and
precautions to others.

Nobody is allowed to stand in or to pass the lowering tower

direction during all the operation (see the red dangerous area)!

Be sure that the wind speed is below 7m/s.

After checking your system in Operation.

Switch ON the circuit brake.

Check and remove any obstacles that can disturb the operation,
especially at the base, anchors, and in the lowering direction area.
Make sure the electric cable will not be pinched during the process.

Installing the pulling grip hoist:

Install the A frame between the foot of the tower and the lift anchor. Start by attaching the grip hoist to the head of the A frame and the lift
anchor. One by one (or together if they are attached at the same part), detach the guy wires from the lift anchor to the head of the A frame.
The tower should always be attached to prevent it falling over.

Install the grip hoist/winch properly:

Release the grip hoist brake (‘Brake)

Pulling Lever: To raise the tower

Release Lever: To lower the tower
Brake: ON to activate the hoist

Insert the full wire from the extremity without hook into the hole,
going out from the pin side.

Fasten the grip hoist to the lift anchor with a strong shackle and
fasten the grip hoist hook to the gin pole extremity plate with
another shackle.

Engage the grip hoist brake.

Fasten a cord or a strap on the guy wire in the lowering direction

(used to pull the guy wire helping to lower the tower at the
beginning of the operation):

Unscrew the turnblucke that connects the gin pole with the anchor
(it can be a piece of chain or guy wire). Remove the safety wire that
locks the turnbuckles:

Put a support like a saw horse or a shipping crate in the lowering

direction, where the top of the tower is expected to touch the

5.2 Lower the wind turbine:

Manpower (4 people if possible):

 One person operating the grip hoist, checking the
verticality of the tower and the A frame, aware of any
abnormal thing, and being in command of the team
 One person per side anchor maintaining cords and
controlling wire tension
 One person at the back anchor, away from the lowering
direction, pulling the guy wire

Start activating the front lever to release the gin pole while pulling
on the back guy wire with the strap or cord to help lowering the
tower, away from the tower!

Continue to lower the tower and check that the tower and the A
frame are vertical at any time, otherwise warn the lateral anchor
operator to adjust the cord tension. If the tower is oscillating,
reduce the rhythm of lowering.

In case of a problem you can stop activating the
grip hoist and even raise back the tower back at any time if
necessary changing the arm onto the pulling lever). Slacken more
turnbuckles and even cable clamps if wires are too tensed (should
not happen if anchors are well aligned and at the same level)

Once the turbine is closer to the ground, adjust the saw horse
position taking care that the blades neither touch the ground nor
the saw horse. When you can reach the turbine, 2 people can
position wooden pallets to stabilise the turbine on the ground. If
you have to leave the tower down for a long time, don‘t leave the
grip hoist in the rain or snow. Take down the A frame, and remove
the grip hoist temporarily.

5.3 Dismount the wind turbine blades:

Separate maintenance instructions supplied and supervised by manufacturer. See Appendix

5.4 Reinstalling the wind turbine blades:

Separate maintenance instructions supplied and supervised by manufacturer. See Appendix

5.5 Raise the wind turbine:

Everybody goes back to each anchor as described above in 5.2 Lower the wind turbine.
At least 2 people staying close to the turbine.
Make sure the strap is still in position on the top guy wire in lowering direction.

Place the arm on the pulling lever of the grip hoist and start to activate the lever slowly, while holding the tail and the blades because they will
try to open abruptly and they can touch the ground (and be damaged). Don‘t stay below the tower!

Once the tower is almost in vertical position, pull on the lowering direction top guy wire with the fastened strap. That avoids the tower making
an abrupt motion to drop into the vertical position because the weight of the gin pole is pulling the tower backwards. At the end of the
operation, check the vertical position of the tower with a level in all 4 directions, and also by eye for upper parts of the tower. Check the
tension of all guy wires and adjust them. Tighten the turnbuckles and/or adjust the cable clamp positions.

Before removing the grip hoist,

the A frame should be fastened to the anchor point.

Fasten the turnbuckle linked to a chain or a piece of a guy wire to the lift anchor.

Once the A frame is fastened securely, remove the grip hoist (hook, shackles, etc.) and the lateral cords.

Check that all guy wires and all fastenings like cable clamps, turnbuckles and shackles are well tightened and secured.

Secure the turnbuckles with a guy wire or a piece of an iron wire.

Finally unleash the turbine (switch OFF the brake).

6. Maintaining your wind turbine system

6.1 Blades

Separate maintenance instructions supplied and supervised by manufacturer. See Appendix

6.2 Alternator / Electrical

Separate maintenance instructions supplied and supervised by manufacturer. See Appendix

6.3 Tower and foundation


Once the tower is down have a general look at the tower looking for rust, missing bolts, cracks in welding. Take special care at the tower yaw
pipe, it‘s the one that are subject to the highest wear.

Check all the bolts on the tower, mast base and gin pole axes, turnbuckles and shackles. Don‘t forget to add thread-lock while tightening.

Check if the cable thimbles are in their correct position.

Check if all cable clamps are well tightened. If they start to rust you can protect them with grease.

Check if all shackles are secured.

Check if all turnbuckles are secure and if bolts are well tightened.

Check the general condition of the guy wires. If you see some rust even severe rust you can protect the cables by soaking them in used motor
oil. Use some fuel if the oil needs diluting.

If there is broken cable strand, you need to change the cable.

Remember that high quality galvanised, even more stainless, guy wires and fastenings last longer, even in harsh conditions.

Check the general condition of the cables at the bottom of the tower. It is a wearing part that needs to be changed from time to time,
depending on your installation site and on the cable quality. Untwist the electrical cable at the bottom of the tower.

Make sure that the cable is free to twist at the bottom of the tower by removing the obstructing material (earth, sand, etc.).

Check the waterproofing of the junction box, or plug state at the bottom of the tower. Check that the electrical terminals are not too oxidised.
Get rid of the inhabitants of the junction box if there are any.


In case you have concrete foundations:

- check for cracks in the concrete,
- check the state of the rebar/chain that comes out of the concrete as it is exposed to weather and wear,
- clean the base of the tower, especially if it is sandy.

If you used a chain attached to heavy anchors buried under ground, dig a little bit to check the chain state. Even high quality galvanised chain
rust in the ground. Change the chain if it is rusted.

If you have big pile dig into the ground, check that the pile is not moving in direction on the tower and upward. If you have to tight the guy
wires often it can be a proof of a moving pile.

If the pile is moving too much, you can secure it with a second one and check on a regular basis how the situation evolves.

6.4 Electrical system

Inspection when the turbine is running

There is a risk of high voltage and high current during this testing procedure. Be careful.

The following recommendation are for off-grid and grid-tied systems

To identify an electrical problem, check the voltage between the phases at the bottom of the tower, at the brake switch, and on the DC bus
after the bridge rectifier. If the voltage between 2 phases is zero, suspect a short-circuit in the wiring or in the alternator. A pulsating torque
holding back the blades indicates a short between two of the 3 wires.

If case of a short-circuit, an easy test is to disconnect the tower wire. If the turbine still does not start, then the short is above: in the tower
cable or in the alternator. If the turbine does start, then the short is elsewhere (wiring, rectifier or controller).

If no current is found, several possibilities:

There may be a short-circuit failure of the alternator windings due to burned coil or insulation failures in wet conditions:
In this case lower the turbine to check the stator voltage output.

Electrical issues can certainly impact energy production. A blown diode in the rectifier or a bad connection in one wire will also have impact on
the performance. These faults produce a growling vibration in the machine and uneven voltages and currents in the 3 wires.

Explanation of Off-Grid testing

Check the AC-voltage between each phase, it should be the same between each phases (1).

Check that the bridge rectifier is working properly by measuring the DC-voltage in (2). Also check the DC-voltage in different points of the
circuit: Batteries (3), charge controller (4), inverter (5). It should be the same value.

Check the AC-voltage output on the inverter (6).

If you have a clamp meter check if there is current going into the batteries (7) and/or into the dump-load (8).

If your system has a meter, check if the values are in the same range. If you see some significant difference you might need to reset your meter
(see procedure in your meter manual).

Check if the LEDs or the screen are working on the charge controller.

Stalling can occur if the battery voltage falls to below half of its nominal value due to heavy battery discharge or because of a failure. The
turbine will be loaded with current at low speed and the blades will stall, preventing the turbine from reaching operating speed.

Explanation of On-Grid testing

Check the 3-phase voltage input from the wind turbine (1).

Check the voltage and the current of the DC bus (2) going to the inverter or the dump-load (3), using the inverter screen or a clamp meter.

Check that the inverter disconnection from the grid is working properly by turning off the grid (4). If the wind is strong enough, the tension will
rise above the overvoltage protection limit and all the current goes to the dump-load (3).

Check the daily, monthly and/or annually yield on the inverter screen. Check if the values are correct (compare annual yield to average wind
speed) (5).

Check error messages on the inverter (5).

Check that LEDs or screen are working on the charge controller.

Inspection when the turbine is short-circuited

The following recommendations are for both off-grid and grid-tied systems:

At this stage you may have to lower the turbine to do further investigations.

Switch ON the wind turbine.

Remove the dust from all electrical components (fan, heatsink, dumpload) as it can disturb a proper cooling.

Check all the connections. Tighten them if necessary. Not well tightened wires can cause a fire and increase the risk of an electrical shock.

Check that all ground and metal parts (charge controller, dumpload, etc.) are connected to the same ground using a multimeter on continuity.
You should have a bip or OL or small ohm value (figure 54).

Check the diodes assumed your multi-meter is equipped with the diode testing position:
• Good diodes: - Forward diode : 0,2 to 0,8V - Reverse bias: OL
• Opened (bad) diode: OL in both way
• Shorted diode: 0 to 0,4V drop in both directions.

If your multimeter is not equipped with the diode testing position you can use a multi-meter set to the Resistance mode (Ω).

The forward-biased resistance of a good diode should range from 1000Ω to 10MΩ.

The reverse-biased resistance of a good diode displays OL on a multi-meter. The diode is bad if values are the same in both directions.


Check the battery bank voltage and the voltage of each single battery.

For flood lead acid batteries: Check the level of distilled water by opening the cap. The lead plate should be flooded entirely. Add distilled
water if necessary.

Check the battery bank connectors. Oxidised ones should be cleaned with sand paper and be protected with some grease.

Check the fuses with your multi-meter on continuity position.

Check the surrounding area of the dumpload and look for signs of overheating or burning. Make also sure the temperature in this area is
neither too high nor too low. Humidity should be avoided as well.

If you need to change a cable or a connector, disconnect the system from the battery bank by switching the fuse or by removing the battery


Check the surrounding area of the dump-load and the inverter, look for signs of overheating or burning.
7. Service frequency

Frequency Operations Time Method (visual/tool….)

During During - Check the electrical installation regularly (batteries and 30 minutes
st st
the 1 the 1 components
year month - Sensitive check (visual and sound) of the wind turbine
- Check the cable at the bottom of the tower (open the junction
box) to define the frequency of untwisting the cable
- Check the brake switch is working: switch-off and check if the
turbine brakes well
- Check the vibration of the tower
- You can detect if there is a problem with the bearings by putting
your ear on the tower and listen for strange noises
- Check the tension of the guy wires
After 6 Lower the turbine and check the tower and the turbine for: 0.5 to 1 day
months - Missing nuts, rusty components, condition of welds, blade wear,
tightness of all nuts, electrical connections, blade balancing
- Remove the blades to check the alternator if necessary
- Check if yaw and tail hinges are able to turn freely and add grease
if needed
After 1 See section 5. Lowering and raising the turbine and check all parts of 1 day
year the turbine for wear and corrosion.

Monthly Check all parts while the turbine is operation: 30 min

- Electrical system (battery voltage or inverter data)
- Tension of the guy wires (tightness and rust of the fastenings)
- Foundation, base and anchors of the tower
- Visual and acoustical check on the turbine (missing nuts, abnormal
spinning and/or vibration, etc)
Yearly (birthday) Lower the turbine and check everything as described in section 6. 1 to 2 days
- Blades
- Alternator (and bearings eventually)
- Frame
- Tower hinge
- Tower and guy wires
Every 3 years - Same as “yearly service” + dismount the alternator and bearings 2 days
- Paint metal parts and add a new blade coating
After 9 years - Same as “Every 3 years” + probability to change the inverter, the 3 days
- Change the blades and the guy wires if necessary

8. Check list

Sensory check-up Animal infestation

Tool check or operation with tool Multimeter check
(optical, acoustical)

Inspection while the turbine is spinning

Inspection should be done with a wind speed below 7m/s.

Check if there is any strange noise and/or vibration while the VAWT is spinning.

Check if the electrical system is working normal.

Brake the turbine with the brake switch.

For grid-tied systems: Disconnect the grid.

Inspect each of the anchor points. Ensure that all equipment is secure and the guy wires are properly
tensioned. Check to ensure that no strands are broken and the turnbuckle safety cables are in place.
Check the state of the anchor point materials (concrete, chain, etc.)

Install the grip hoist and the A frame.

Lower the turbine and continue with the checklist displayed on the following pages.

8.1 Wind turbine

Inspect the blades for:

• Cracks noticeable in the wood or in the fiberglass (for resin blade), especially at the blade roots
• Leading or trailing edge damage
• Condition of the paint (if painted) or coating
• Check if balancing weights are still fixed

Check the rotor and stator for scratches and failures in resin.

Inspect the metal frame for cracks and rust on the welding.

Check the tightness on the blade nuts.

Check the front bearing for seal integrity and grease loss. Check the tightness of the flange.

Check the play in the hub Check the connections in the junction box and the junction box condition.

Release the turbine switching the brake OFF and check that the generator turns freely.

Measure the resistance between each phase.

8.2 Tower and guy wires

Check if the electrical cable is twisted and check the condition of the cable.

Check the tower welds.

Check the tightness of the cable clamps.

Make sure that the tower shackles are secure and/or well tightened.

Check the tightness of the fasteners (tower and base).

Check the connection at all EARTH RODS, at the tower and guy wires.

Check the connections in the junction box and the condition of the junction box.

8.3 Electrical system

Make a visual inspection for evidence of heat.

Check if there are rusted parts (screws, crimp lugs, etc.)

Remove the dust from all electrical components.

Check the tightening of the electrical connections

Check the bridge rectifier.

Check all the ground connections

Only relevant for off-grid systems:

Check the general state of the batteries and the water level, refill distilled water if necessary.

Check the tightening of the electrical connections.

Only relevant for grid-tied systems:

Check the production on the inverter and see if the values are relevant:
• Is electricity generation linked to the estimated wind conditions at the installation site?
• Is the data well recorded?

9. Troubleshooting
The following table is a non-exhaustive enumeration of damages and problems that might occur:

Tab. 9: Troubleshooting
Observation Diagnosis / Causes Problem Remedies
Blades are not spinning Hub bearing is stuck Lack of grease Add some grease inside the bearing
Water ingress in hub bearing Replace the corroded parts and the bearing seal
Nut too tight Loosen the nut
Roller bearing out of order Change the roller bearing
Ice in generator Wait for warm weather up
Ice on blade Wait for warmer temperatures/make the surface
blade smoother
Batteries below their voltage Charge the batteries, you may have to change them
The brake switch is Switch the brake OFF

Blades are spinning Stator and rotor are Increase spacing between stator/rotor (use Loctite
slowly in strong wind touching (scraping or 243 on threads afterwards)
rubbing sound at low
Magnet swelling due to Change the affected magnet
Damaged roller bearing Change the roller bearing
Unscrewed or missing nuts on Tighten them with thread-lock
the stator studs
Debris between rotor Turn rotor gently by hand and blow, use piece of
and stator plastic or some tape to dislodge debris
Short circuit Power cable is pinched at the Clear the top/bottom of the tower
top or bottom of the tower

Burnt out bridge rectifier Find the problem and change the rectifier
The brake switch is ON Switch the brake OFF
Burnt out inverter (grid Find the problem and change the inverter
Burnt out charge controller Find the problem and change the charge controller
Burnt out charge All the energy goes into the Find the problem and change the charge controller
controller dump-load. That can drain your
Wrong cable connection (e.g. Correct the connection
wrong connection in power

Tab. 9: Troubleshooting
Observation Diagnosis / Causes Problem Remedies
Blades runs too fast, Load disconnected Cable disconnected or wrong Check all the electrical connections and fuses
may whistle connection
Disconnected dump-load Re-connect the dump-load
Burnt out bridge rectifier Find the problem and replace the rectifier
Burnt out voltage regulator Find the problem and replace the voltage regulator
No grid available and voltage Problem will be “solved” once the voltage reaches
under regulation value the regulator voltage
Generator problem Be sure that magnets are facing each other
Reduce the gap between rotor and stator
Dump-load Dump-load wrong scaled Change the dump-load
Battery bank Battery bank too small Increase the capacity of the battery bank

Broken blade Losing a balancing Wrong number, lenght or poor Correct the default
weight quality of the screw/s used to
attach the balancing weight/s
Low quality or Use a better quality/thicker wood
excessively thin wood

Generator and tower Blade out of balance Rebalance the blades

shake at all or some Guy wire too loose Check the guy wire tension Increase the tension, change or add turnbuckles
wind speeds Check for default in the Redo the anchors/ add some weight

Excessive noise Trailing edge too thick Re-shape the trailing edge
(whispering noise) Hole in the blade Fix it with resin or something equivalent
Blades not in the Correct planarity of the blades
same plan

Tab. 9: Troubleshooting
Observation Diagnosis / Causes Problem Remedies
Excessive noise Damaged bearing Replace the roller bearing.
(vibrating noise) Generator roaming Happened on high voltage Make sure your coils are well wound.
generator due to copper wire Change the number of phases in a new stator (6 at
vibration least), use an active rectifier.
Blade(s) out of Rebalance the blade(s)

Batteries not charging Dump load constantly Burnt out voltage regulator Find the problem and change the voltage regulator
activated (possible due to lightning
Batteries are full, not enough Connect a heater to ensure batteries have a full load
Batteries reach end of Replace the batteries
Excessive domestic Reduce your demand or add some more energy
power consumption production to the system

No power feed in to Electrical connection Check the phase, neutral and ground connection
the grid between inverter and grid
Cable disconnected Re-connect the cable
Grid disconnected Wait for the grid to come back
Inverter monitoring Wait for the inverter to connect to the grid/and or
the grid the wind blow stronger
Generator problem See above “Blade runs too fast”

Low energy production Electrical connection Blown diode Change the bridge rectifier
Bad connection in one wire Redo the connection or change the wire
Furling system Furls too early Add some weight on the tail vane or change the
wind vane
Wind resource Poor wind site Increase the tower height

10. Glossary of Terms

Airfoil—The shape of the blade cross-section, which for most modern horizontal-axis wind turbines is designed to enhance the lift and improve
turbine performance.

Alternator—An electric generator for producing alternating current. See alsogenerator.*

Ambient—Of the surrounding area or environment; completely surrounding; encompassing. Used to distinguish environmental conditions, e.g.
temperature or sound, from what is added by mechanical devices.*

Ampere-hour—A unit for the quantity of electricity obtained by integrating current flow in amperes over the time in hours for its flow; used as
a measure of battery capacity.
Anemometer—A device to measure the wind speed.
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)—The building authority for the area, generally a city or county building department, including its
Availability—A measure of the ability of a wind turbine to make power, regardless of environmental conditions. Generally defined as the time
in a period when a turbine is able to make power, expressed as a percentage.*

Average wind speed—The mean wind speed over a specified period of time.

Beaufort scale—A scale of wind forces, described by name and range of velocity, and classified from force 0 to 12, with an extension to 17. The
initial (1805) Francis Beaufort wind force scale of 13 classes (0 to 12) did not reference wind speed numbers but related qualitative wind
conditions to effects on the sails of a frigate, then the main ship of the Royal Navy, from "just sufficient to give steerage" to "that which no
canvas sails could withstand." Although the Beaufort scale has little use in site assessments, a system of tree flagging observations has been
used to estimate prevailing wind directions and levels on the scale over time.

Behind-the-meter / behind-the-fence generation—An electrical generating system connected on the user's side of a utility meter, primarily
for energy usage on site instead of for sale to energy retailers. See also net metering.*

Betz limit—The maximum power coefficient (Cp) of a theoretically perfect wind turbine equal to 16/27 (59.3%) as proven by German physicist
Albert Betz in 1919. This is the maximum amount of power that can be captured from the wind. In reality, this limit is never achived because of
drag, electrical losses, and mechanical inefficiencies. See also Cp.*

Blades—The aerodynamic surface that catches the wind. See also wing, airfoil, rotor.

Brake—Various systems used to stop the rotor from turning.

Certification—A process by which small wind turbines (100 kW and under) can be certified by an independent certification body to meet or
exceed the performance and durability requirements of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Standard.*

Converter—See Inverter.

Corrosivity—A measure of oxidation and/or material degradation.*

Cp—Power coefficient; the ratio of the power extracted from the wind by a wind turbine relative to the power available in the wind. See
alsoBetz limit.*

Cut-in wind speed—The wind speed at which a wind turbine begins to generate electricity.

Cut-out wind speed—The wind speed at which a wind turbine ceases to generate electricity.

Density—Mass per unit of volume.

Direct drive—A blade and generator configuration where the blades are connected directly to the electrical generating device so that one
revolution of the rotor equates to one revolution of the electrical generating device.*

Displacement height—The height above ground level where wind speed is theoretically zero based on the effects of ground cover.

Distributed generation—Energy generation projects where electrical energy is generated primarily for on-site consumption. Term is applied
for wind, solar, and non-renewable energy.*

Diurnal—Having a daily cycle or pattern. It may be useful to average many daily cycles of wind speed or wind energy production to understand
a typical daily pattern, by month, season, or year.

Downwind—On the opposite side from the direction from which the wind blows.

Drag—An aerodynamic force that acts in the direction of the airstream flowing over an airfoil.*

Dual-metering—Buying electricity from the utility and selling it to the utility with two different energy rates, typically retail (buying) and
wholesale (selling).

Electric cost adjustment—An energy charge (dollars per kilowatt-hour) on a utility bill in addition to the standard rate in the tariff, which is
associated with extra costs to purchase fuel, control emissions, construct transmission upgrades, and so on. These various costs may be
itemized or rolled into one electric cost adjustment rate. Sometimes referred to as fuel cost adjustment.

Electric utility company—A company that engages in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity for sale, generally in a
regulated market. Electric utilities may be investor owned, publicly owned, cooperatives, or nationalized entities.*

Energy curve—A diagram showing the annual energy production at different average wind speeds, typically assuming a Rayleigh wind
distribution (with a Weibull shape factor of 2.0).

Energy production—Energy is power exerted over time. Energy production is hence the energy produced in a specific period of time. Electrical
energy is generally measured in kilowatt-hours ( kWh). See also power.*

Environmental conditions—Of or pertaining to ambient state of the environment. See alsotemperature, wind, humidity, corrosivity.*

Flagging—The deformation of local vegetation toward one direction, indicating the prevailing wind direction and relative strength (more
formally called Krummholtz formation). Flagging is sometimes used with the Beaufort scale to generate an initial estimate of local site
conditions. (Note: flagging does not determine the wind resource, but is a confirming indicator of it. For example, sometimes flagging is the
result of sunlight availability, or trimming of tree branches near electrical lines. The assessor needs to understand when flagging is relevant, or
when it is a confirming indicator of another condition at the site.)

Frequency distribution—A statistical function presenting the amount of time at each wind speed level for a given data set and location, usually
in percent of time or hours per year.

Furling—A passive protection for the turbine in which the rotor folds up or around the tail vane.
Gearbox—A compact, enclosed unit of gears or the like for the purpose of transferring force between machines or mechanisms, often with
changes of torque and speed. In wind turbines, gearboxes are used to increase the low rotational speed of the turbine rotor to a higher speed
required by many electrical generators.*

Generator—A machine that converts mechanical energy to electricity. The mechanical power for an electric generator is usually obtained from
a rotating shaft. In a wind turbine, the mechanical power comes from the wind causing the blades on a rotor to rotate. See also blade, rotor,
stator, alternator.*

Geographic information system (GIS) software—GIS software is used for managing map-based information and data. It may also be used to
visualize the relationships between terrain, wind data, land-use boundaries, obstacles, and potential wind turbine locations.

Governor—A device used to limit the RPM of the rotor. Limiting RPM serves to reduce centrifugal forces acting on the wind turbine and rotor
as well as limit the electrical output of the generating device. Governors can be electrical, also know as "dynamic braking," or mechanical.
Mechanical governors can be "passive," using springs to pitch the blades out of their ideal orientation, or an offset rotor that pitches out of the
wind, or "active" by electrically or hydraulically pitching blades out of their ideal orientation.*

Grid—The utility distribution system. The network that connects electricity generators to electricity users.

Grid-connected—Small wind energy systems that are connected to the electricity distribution system. These often require a power-
conditioning unit that makes the turbine output electrically compatible with the utility grid. See also inverter.*

Gross annual energy production—The amount of annual energy (usually in kilowatt-hours) estimated for a given wind turbine at a given
location, before adjusting for losses (see net annual energy production).

Guyline—A guyline (or guy wire) supports guyed towers, which are the least expensive way to support a wind turbine. Guyed towers can
consist of lattice sections, pipe, or tubing. Because the guy radius must be one-half to three-quarters of the tower height, guyed towers
require more space to accommodate them than monopole or self-standing lattice towers.*

Horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT)—A wind turbine with a rotor axis that lies in or close to a horizontal plane. Often called a "propeller-
style" wind turbine.*

Hub—That component of a wind turbine to which the blades are affixed. See alsorotor, blade.*

Hub Height—The distance from the foundation to which the tower is attached to the center of the hub of a HAWT.*

Humidity—A measure of moisture content in the air.*

Induction generator—An asynchronous AC motor designed for use as a generator. Generates electricity by being spun faster than the motor's
standard "synchronous" speed. Must be connected to an already-powered circuit to function (i.e. the grid), but does not require an inverter to
produce grid-ready electricity.*

Interannual variability—The variation from year to year in average wind speed, distribution, and patterns.

Interconnection standards—Specifies the technical and procedural process by which a customer connects an electricity-generating device to
the grid. Such standards include the technical and contractual terms that system owners and utilities must abide by. State public utility
commissions typically establish standards for interconnection to the distribution grid, while the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
establishes standards for interconnection to the transmission grid. While many states have adopted interconnection standards, some states'
standards apply only to investor-owned utilities and not to municipal utilities or electric cooperatives.*

Intermittency—Stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again. Wind and solar resources are described as intermittent
because they change without regard to peoples' needs or wants.*

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)—The international wind-industry standards body.*

Inverter—A device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

kW—Kilowatt, a measure of power for electrical current (1,000 Watts).

kWh—Kilowatt-hour, a measure of energy equal to the use of 1 kilowatt in 1 hour.

Lattice—A structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips. Lattice
towers, either guyed or freestanding, are often used to support small wind turbines.*

Lift—An aerodynamic force that acts at right angles to the airstream flowing over an airfoil.*

Micrositing—A resource assessment tool used to determine the exact position of one or more wind turbines on a parcel of land to optimize
the power production.

Microturbine—A very small wind turbine, usually under a 1,000 Watt rating, which is appropriate for small energy needs (e.g., for cabins,
campers, sailboats, very small communication stations, or other small off-grid loads).

Monopole—A freestanding type of tower that is essentially a tube, often tapered.*

MW—Megawatt, a measure of power (1,000,000 Watts).

Nacelle—The body of a propeller-type wind turbine, containing the gearbox, generator, blade hub, and other parts.

Nameplate capacity—The power capacity of a generating device that is typically affixed to the generating device. Nameplate capacity typically,
but not necessarily, represents the maximum continuous power output of the generating device.*

Net annual energy production—The amount of annual energy (usually in kilowatt hours) produced or estimated for a given wind turbine at a
given location, after subtracting losses from the gross annual energy production. A variety of losses may be estimated for obstacle wind
shadows, turbulence, turbine wake effects, turbine availability, high-wind hysteresis effects, electrical efficiency, blade icing, blade soiling and
surface degradation, idling parasitic losses, control errors, low temperature shutdown, utility system maintenance, and other issues specific to
a given turbine installation.

Net metering / net billing—For electric customers who generate their own electricity, net metering allows for the flow of electricity both to
and from the customer. When a customer's generation exceeds the customer's use, electricity from the customer flows back to the grid,
offsetting electricity consumed by the customer at a different time during the same billing cycle. In effect, the customer uses excess generation
to offset electricity that the customer otherwise would have to purchase at the utility's full retail rate. Net metering is required by law in most
U.S. states, but state policies vary widely. See also behind-the-meter.*

Noise—Generally defined as unwanted sound. Sound power is measured in decibels, dB. Building and planning authorities often regulate
sound power levels from facilities. See also sound, electrical noise.*

O & M costs—Operation and maintenance costs.

Obstruction—A general term for any significant object that would disturb wind flow passing through a turbine rotor. Most common examples
are homes, buildings, trees, silos, and fences. Topographical features such as hills or cliffs that might also affect wind flow and are not called

Off-grid—Energy-generating systems that are not interconnected directly into an electrical grid. Energy produced in these systems is often
used for battery charging.*

Orography—A branch of physical geography that deals with mountains.

Overall height—The total height of a wind turbine from its base at grade to its uppermost extent. See alsototal height.*

Peak demand—The maximum electricity consumption level (in kilowatts) reached during the month or billing period, usually for a 15- or 30-
minute duration. The definition of peak demand may vary by electric utility. This is a simplified definition of a complex topic.

Peak power—The maximum instantaneous power than can be produced by a power-generating system or consumed by a load. Peak power
may be significantly higher than average power.*

Permitting—The process of obtaining legal permission to build a project, potentially from a number of government agencies, but primarily
from the local building department (i.e., the city, county, or state). During this process, a set of project plans is submitted for review to assure
that the project meets local requirements for safety, sound, aesthetics, setbacks, engineering, and completeness. The permitting agency
typically inspects the project at various milestones for adherence to the plans and building safety standards.

Power coefficient—The ratio of the power extracted by a wind turbine to the power available in the wind stream.

Power curve—A chart showing a wind turbine's power output across a range of wind speeds.

Prevailing wind—The most common direction or directions that the wind comes from at a site. Prevailing wind usually refers to the amount of
time the wind blows from that particular direction but may also refer to the direction the wind with the greatest power density comes from.*

PUC—Public Utility Commission, a state agency that regulates utilities. In some areas known as Public Service Commission (PSC)

PURPA—Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (1978), 16 U.S.C. § 2601.18 CFR §292 that refers to small generator utility-connection rules.

Rated output capacity—The output power of a wind machine operating at the rated wind speed.

Rated wind speed—The lowest wind speed at which the rated output power of a wind turbine is produced.

Reactive power—When the voltage and current waveforms for AC power are out of phase the resulting instantaneous power flow is modeled
as real power and reactive power. The presence of reactive power increases the instantaneous current flow required to do work. The increase
in current flow results in additional line losses. The utility tariff for larger customers may include a charge for reactive power compensation,
measured in kilo-volt-ampreactive.
Rotor—The rotating part of a wind turbine, including either the blades and blade assembly or the rotating portion of a generator.

Rotor diameter—The diameter of the circle swept by the rotor.

Rotor speed—The revolutions per minute of the wind turbine rotor.

Setback—In zoning parlance, the distance required between a structure and another structure, property line, utility easement or other

Shadow flicker—A moving shadow that occurs when rotating turbine blades come between the viewer and the sun.

Site assessment—The act of evaluating a site to determine a favorable location for a wind turbine, which includes assessing the expected wind
resource and potential turbine performance at that location.

Small wind turbine—A wind turbine that has a rating of up to 100-kilowatts, and is typically installed near the point of electric usage, such as
near homes, businesses, remote villages, and other kinds of buildings.

Sound—Pressure waves occurring at a frequency in the audible range of human hearing that are registered as sensory input by the ear. See

Start-up wind speed—The wind speed at which a wind turbine rotor will begin to spin. See alsoCut-in wind speed.

Stator—The stationary part of a rotary machine or device, especially a generator or motor. Most especially related to the collection of
stationary parts in its magnetic circuits. The stator and rotor interact to generate electricity in a generator and to turn the driveshaft in a

Swept area—The area swept by the turbine rotor, A = π R2, where R is the radius of the rotor. See alsorotor diameter.

Tariff—An official schedule of rates or charges from a utility, usually with different rate schedules by customer classification (e.g., residential,
commercial, industrial, farm, or other designation) and/or a service or meter rating for the customer.

Temperature—A measure of thermal energy.*

Tip-speed ratio—The speed at the tip of the rotor blade as it moves through the air divided by the wind velocity. This is typically a design
requirement for the turbine.

Topography—The surface configuration and relief features of an area, such as hills and bluffs, and the detailed mapping and description

Total height—The height of the wind system from the top of the foundation to which the tower is attached to the tip of a blade extended
upwards. See also overall height.*

Tower—A structure designed to support a wind turbine at a substantial height above grade in a wind flow. Typical types include monopole,
guyed lattice, and self-supporting lattice designs.*

Turbulence—The changes in wind speed and direction, frequently caused by obstacles.

Turbulence intensity—A basic measure of turbulence that is defined by the ratio of the standard deviation of the wind speed to the mean
wind speed. For wind energy applications this is typically defined as a 10-minute average wind speed and standard deviation based on 1-
second samples. Turbulence intensity is important for wind energy applications because it has implications for both power performance and
turbine loading. Experience indicates that it can be a significant issue for small turbines because of their tower height and location around
ground clutter, which puts them in the most turbulent area of the atmospheric boundary layer. The effects of turbulence on distributed wind
turbines can be seen in both power production and loading.

Upwind—On the same side as the direction from which the wind is blowing—windward.

Upwind rotor—A horizontal-axis wind turbine whose propeller is located upwind of the tower; a wind turbine with an architecture such that
the wind flow passes through the propeller prior to flowing past the tower.*

Vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT)—A wind turbine whose rotor spins about a vertical or near-vertical axis.*

Wet stamp—Refers to a specific engineering review of a specific plan or set of drawings by an in-state licensed engineer who subsequently
approves the plan or drawings with his/her stamp. A wet stamp implies an original stamped document, not a copy.*

Wind—The movement of an air mass.*

Wind farm—A group of wind turbines, often owned and maintained by one company. Also known as a wind power plant.

Wind rose—A visual means of representing the frequency with which the wind blows from different directions.*
Wind shadow—A turbulent and/or low-wind-speed region downwind of (behind) an object such as a building, tower, or trees.

Wind shear—The difference in wind speed and direction over a relatively short distance in the atmosphere. Wind shear can be broken down
into vertical and horizontal components, with horizontal wind shear seen across storm fronts and near the coast, and vertical shear seen
typically near the surface (though also at higher levels in the atmosphere near upper-level jets and frontal zones aloft).

Wind turbine—A mechanical device that converts kinetic energy in the wind into electrical energy.*

Yaw—The movement of the tower top turbine that allows the turbine to stay into the wind.

Zoning—Most land has been delegated to various zones by a region's local government and building department officials (at the city, county,
or state level [occasionally]). The zones control types of land use, such as agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial, and include
subcategories. Each type of zoning carries its own specific permitting restrictions, such as building height and property line offsets (required
separation distance).

* This definition was contributed by the Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA).

11. Appendix

1. High Mast Light Pole Foundation Design

Soil Allowable Maximum Bearing Capacity

High mast pole foundation design is usually based on the assumption that the underlying soil will not fail if the foundation limits the bearing
pressure to a set value called the allowable maximum bearing capacity. The maximum bearing capacity of the soil is the pressure at which the
soil starts to fail. This is a critical parameter and must be ascertained before detailed high mast lighting foundation design can begin.

The bearing capacity of a soil can only be determined from site tests such as plate bearing tests, CPTs or SPTs. This should be undertaken by a
suitable qualified civil or geotechnical engineer.

For preliminary design there have been a number of very general guidelines for the design of high mast pole foundations which include
standard designs based on one or two assumed values for the allowable maximum bearing pressure. Below is one example taken from the
Abacus High Mast lighting foundation design brochure. These values are only for use in preliminary design and the bearing capacity must be
checked with site measurements before detailed design is done. However this does give a handy guide for preliminary high mast light pole
foundation design.

High Mast Light Pole Foundation Types

As described above for general and good soil conditions where there are no site specific restrictions on foundation size or depth, there are
three main types of standard foundations commonly used for high mast light pole foundations. These are described below.

Unreinforced Concrete High Mast Light Pole Foundation – Passive

This high mast lighting foundation type consists of an unreinforced block of concrete which resists overturning by mobilizing both the vertical
and lateral bearing capacities of the surrounding soils. The mobilized soil pressures are illustrated in the below diagram.

To mobilize these lateral bearing capacities, this type of high mast light pole foundation can only be installed in stif, cohesive soils. A relatively
high minimum soil bearing capacity of 150kN/m is required. To achieve this the underlying soils are likely to be stif clay or compacted sand or
gravelly soils. Care must be taken to ensure that any over dig is backfilled in such a way that the lateral bearing capacities of the surrounding

soils is still able to be mobilized to resist the overturning moment. If the backfill is not suitably compacted and installed correctly it will not be
able to mobilize the lateral bearing capacity of the surrounding soils and this type of high mast light foundation will not be appropriate.

The below table shows the required sizes for unreinforced passive concrete high mast lighting pole foundations to resist defined overturning
moments. This is taken from the Abacus High Mast brochure.

Unreinforced Concrete High Mast Light Pole Foundation – Non-Passive

This high mast lighting foundation type consists of an unreinforced block of concrete which resists overturning by mobilizing only the vertical
bearing pressures of the underlying soils. The mobilized soil pressures are illustrated in the below diagram.

This type of high mast light pole foundation can be designed to accommodate any level of maximum bearing capacity. For this reason this type
of foundation is often used in high mast foundation design when soil conditions are poor or unknown. However, for soft soils, clays and silts
additional geotechnical advice is recommended to ensure that the high mast lighting foundation is suitable. For this reason the standard high
mast light pole foundation designs are given for soils with maximum bearing capacities greater than 75kn/m . Three levels are specified, those
2 2 2
over 75kn/m , over 100kn/m and over 150kn/m .

The below table shows the required sizes for unreinforced non-passive concrete high mast light pole foundations to resist defined overturning
moments. This is taken from the Abacus High Mast brochure.

Reinforced Concrete High Mast Light Pole Foundation
This high mast lighting foundation type consists of a reinforced concrete pad foundation with a plinth which resists overturning by mobilizing
the vertical bearing pressures of the underlying soils. A standard detail drawing is shown below.

Similar to the non-passive high mast light pole foundation design, standard reinforced concrete pad foundations can be designed to
accommodate any level of maximum bearing capacity. However, for soft soils, clays and silts additional geotechnical advice is recommended to
ensure that the high mast foundation design is suitable. For this reason the standard high mast lighting foundation designs are given for soils
2 2 2 2
with maximum bearing capacities greater than 75kn/m . Three levels are specified, those over 75kn/m , over 100kn/m and over 150kn/m .

The below table shows the required sizes for standard reinforced concrete pad foundations to resist defined overturning moments. This is
taken from the Abacus High Mast brochure.

Concrete Specifications for High Mast Light Pole Foundation Design

The concrete used for unreinforced high mast lighting foundations should be a minimum of C20/25.

For reinforced concrete high mast light pole foundations a minimum C28/35 grade should be specified. A minimum cement content of
300kg/m and maximum water to cement ratio of 0.60 should be specified. Coarse aggregate size should be 20mm nominal.

Reinforcement should be high tensile steel with a yield stress of 485N/mm . Cover to all reinforcement should be a minimum of 40mm. Links
to column section to be H10@200 c/c – shape code 51 to BS8666: 2005-plus H10 internal lacers at 450 max centres horizontal and 250 centres
vertical shape code 99.

The concrete should be left for at least 14 days before any loading including the installation of the high mast light pole.

Site specific ground conditions should be considered such as ground water level and any potential ground contamination effects.

Holding Down Bolts

The holding down bolts must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. A typical detail is shown below. The bolts
should be tightened to the specified torque, as shown in the below table.

2. Data Logging
Data logging will be customised to each individual customer’s requirements, but in this case it is suggested that we monitor:-

1. Time and date

2. Voltage
3. Frequency
4. Output power
5. RPM
6. Wind speed m/s
7. Air temperature and humidity
8. Bearing temperatures
9. Blades stress and strain
10. Blade angle
11. Vibration
12. Noise level

All monitored parameters should have danger levels set according to the customer’s requirements.

The data logger should be connected to a PC running “Lab View”.

“Lab View” should be set up to take the data readings in a priority order and send them at intervals as required to Kinder Energy and the
clients server, with an instant update if a danger level is reached. There should be a large capacity memory card recording data as a hard
copy that can be swapped out on a regular basis (once a week) as a backup. Reasonable quality loggers should be used, such as Omega, CAS,
or Pasco to reliably endure the temperature and humilities of the environment.

3. Safety Culture Site inspection questionnaire HAZOP

4. Dismount the wind turbine blades:

5. Reinstalling the wind turbine blades:

6. Blades Maintenance

7. Alternator / Electrical Maintenance

Wind turbine initial operation date:

Date Who Type of Problems / Work done Production

12. Logbook

maintenanc observation (kWh

e s


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